196 research outputs found

    Opioid receptor dimerisation studied using a functional complementation technique

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    In this study, mutated versions of hDOR, hMOR and rKOR fused to G11alphaC351 I protein were constructed. Mutations were introduced either in the receptor or in the G protein part of the fusion proteins. A highly conserved glycine was mutated into alanine (G202A) in the G11alphaC351 I protein abolishing GDP/GTP exchange. For the opioid receptors a pair of valines belonging to the 2nd intracellular loop were mutated in glutamic acid and aspartic acid. This double mutation eliminated agonist-induced receptor activation of the G11alphaC351 I protein. However, when the pair of non-functional fusion proteins were co-expressed agonist induced [35S]-GTPgammaS binding was recovered for all homo and heterodimers tested including the MOR/KOR combination, which was previously indicated as being unable to dimerise. A cross-talk between hDOR and beta2-adrenoceptor fusion proteins was also observed but the reconstituted signal was two times weaker compared to the hDOR homodimer. This result suggested that the affinity of hDOR to homodimerise is higher than to heterodimerise with beta2-adrenoceptor. Ligand binding affinity for the different fusion proteins was assessed and a loss of ligand binding affinity was observed for all the fusion proteins incorporating the pair of mutated valines. However, upon co-expression with the corresponding fusion protein containing the G202 A mutation, the wild-type pharmacology seemed to be recovered. In this study the hDOR N-terminal and/or TM1 were also demonstrated as interacting with the full length hDOR as well as self-associating. Consequently, TM1 is a possible interface for hDOR homodimer formation. Co-expression of membrane tethered hDOR TM1 with full length hDOR did not produce agonist-induced [35S]-GTPgammaS binding, suggesting that two full length receptors are necessary to generate a functional signal

    Congenital lung malformations: correlation between prenatal and postnatal imaging and pathological findings

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    Aim: Congenital lung malformations are a common finding during prenatal ultrasonography (US). Investigations were completed by means of prenatal MRI and postnatal computed tomographic (CT) scan. The purpose of this study was to compare these prenatal findings with postnatal findings and pathological findings after surgical resection.Materials and methods: Prenatal examinations and postnatal CTscan results of congenital malformations were compared with pathological findings.Results: From 2007 to 2013, 39 prenatally diagnosed congenital lung malformations were resected: 18 congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, eight pulmonary sequestration, five bronchogenic cyst, one bronchial atresia and six complex lesions. Correlation between imaging and diagnosis was as follows: congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation was seen in 17/17 patients using postnatal CT, in 10/15 patients using prenatal MRI and in 17/18 patients using prenatal US. Correlation between imaging and diagnosis was as follows: bronchogenic cyst was seen in 3/5, 3/5 and 3/5 patients, pulmonary sequestration was seen in 7/9, 5/9 and 4/9 patients, and complex lesion was seen in 4/5, 3/6, and 2/6 patients using postnatal CT, prenatal MRI, and prenatal US,  respectively. Overall, 32/37 cases were diagnosed by means of postnatal CT, 21/36 cases were diagnosed by means of prenatal MRI and 26/39 cases were diagnosed by means of prenatal US.Conclusion: Discordance between imaging data and definitive diagnosis is not rare. Our results suggest that postnatal CT scan is the most sensible and specific examination. Before birth, US seems better compared with MRI for description of the lesion. MRI seems to be useful in case of complex lesions and pulmonary sequestration.Keywords: congenital lung malformation, imaging, prenata

    Longitudinal study of the immune response and memory following natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections in cattle of different age

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    Human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV and BRSV) are closely genetically related and cause respiratory disease in their respective host. Whereas HRSV vaccines are still under development, a multitude of BRSV vaccines are used to reduce clinical signs. To enable the design of vaccination protocols to entirely stop virus circulation, we aimed to investigate the duration, character and efficacy of the immune responses induced by natural infections. The systemic humoral immunity was monitored every two months during two years in 33 dairy cattle in different age cohorts following a natural BRSV outbreak, and again in selected individuals before and after a second outbreak, four years later. Local humoral and systemic cellular responses were also monitored, although less extensively. Based on clinical observations and economic losses linked to decreased milk production, the outbreaks were classified as moderate. Following the first outbreak, most but not all animals developed neutralising antibody responses, BRSV-specific IgG1, IgG2 and HRSV F- and HRSV N-reactive responses that lasted at least two years, and in some cases at least four years. In contrast, no systemic T cell responses were detected and only weak IgA responses were detected in some animals. Seronegative sentinels remained negative, inferring that no new infections occurred between the outbreaks. During the second outbreak, reinfections with clinical signs and virus shedding occurred, but the signs were milder, and the virus shedding was significantly lower than in naïve animals. Whereas the primary infection induced similar antibody titres against the prefusion and the post fusion form of the BRSV F protein, memory responses were significantly stronger against prefusion F. In conclusion, even if natural infections induce a long-lasting immunity, it would probably be necessary to boost memory responses between outbreaks, to stop the circulation of the virus and limit the potential role of previously infected adult cattle in the chain of BRSV transmission

    Lab-on-chip for in situ analysis of nutrients in the deep sea

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    Microfluidic reagent-based nutrient sensors offer a promising technology to address the global undersampling of ocean chemistry but have so far not been shown to operate in the deep sea (>200 m). We report a new family of miniaturized lab-on-chip (LOC) colorimetric analyzers making in situ nitrate and phosphate measurements from the surface ocean to the deep sea (>4800 m). This new technology gives users a new low-cost, high-performance tool for measuring chemistry in hyperbaric environments. Using a combination of laboratory verification and field-based tests, we demonstrate that the analyzers are capable of in situ measurements during profiling that are comparable to laboratory-based analyses. The sensors feature a novel and efficient inertial-flow mixer that increases the mixing efficiency and reduces the back pressure and flushing time compared to a previously used serpentine mixing channel. Four separate replicate units of the nitrate and phosphate sensor were calibrated in the laboratory and showed an average limit of detection of 0.03 μM for nitrate and 0.016 μM for phosphate. Three on-chip optical absorption cell lengths provide a large linear range (to >750 μM (10.5 mg/L-N) for nitrate and >15 μM (0.47 mg/L-P) for phosphate), making the instruments suitable for typical concentrations in both ocean and freshwater aquatic environments. The LOC systems automatically collected a series of deep-sea nitrate and phosphate profiles in the northeast Atlantic while attached to a conductivity temperature depth (CTD) rosette, and the LOC nitrate sensor was attached to a PROVOR profiling float to conduct automated nitrate profiles in the Mediterranean Sea

    Fat metabolism is associated with telomere length in six population-based studies

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    Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences located at the end of chromosomes, which are associated to biological aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality. Lipid and fatty acid metabolism have been associated with telomere shortening. We have conducted an in-depth study investigating the association of metabolic biomarkers with telomere length (LTL). We performed an association analysis of 226 metabolic biomarkers with LTL using data from 11 775 individuals from six independent population-based cohorts (BBMRI-NL consortium). Metabolic biomarkers include lipoprotein lipids and subclasses, fatty acids, amino acids, glycolysis measures and ketone bodies. LTL was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction or FlowFISH. Linear regression analysis was performed adjusting for age, sex, lipid-lowering medication and cohort-specific covariates (model 1) and additionally for body mass index (BMI) and smoking (model 2), followed by inverse variance-weighted meta-analyses (significance threshold Pmeta = 6.5 × 10-4). We identified four metabolic biomarkers positively associated with LTL, including two cholesterol to lipid ratios in small VLDL (S-VLDL-C % and S-VLDL-CE %) and two omega-6 fatty acid ratios (FAw6/FA and LA/FA). After additionally adjusting for BMI and smoking, these metabolic biomarkers remained associated with LTL with similar effect estimates. In addition, cholesterol esters in very small VLDL (XS-VLDL-CE) became significantly associated with LTL (P = 3.6 × 10-4). We replicated the association of FAw6/FA with LTL in an independent dataset of 7845 individuals (P = 1.9 × 10-4). To conclude, we identified multiple metabolic biomarkers involved in lipid and fatty acid metabolism that may be involved in LTL biology. Longitudinal studies are needed to exclude reversed causation

    Measuring children’s involvement as an indicator of curriculum effectiveness : a curriculum evaluation of a selected child study centre in Singapore

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    This paper presents one aspect of a research project evaluating a curriculum model of a selected child study centre in Singapore. An issue of worldwide interest and concern is the ‘quality of learning’ debate as it relates to early childhood centres. In Singapore, the government is focusing on expansion in child care settings and increases in the amount of funded training. One of the issues surrounding prior-to-school education raises the question of how one measures the quality of teaching and learning, to describe the value of using, funding and promoting early education. The research reported in this study used a quasi experimental research paradigm to assess one aspect of the quality of a curriculum programme in a child study centre in Singapore. Children aged between 18 months and 6 years (N = 81) participated in the research. Using the observation scale of Laevers’ Child Involvement Scale, the active involvement of children in learning experiences was measured. The findings are presented and discussed

    CXCR2 chemokine receptor antagonism enhances DOP opioid receptor function via allosteric regulation of the CXCR2–DOP receptor heterodimer

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    Opioid agonists have a broad range of effects on cells of the immune system, including modulation of the inflammatory response, and opioid and chemokine receptors are co-expressed by many white cells. Hetero-oligomerization of the human DOP opioid and chemokine CXCR2 receptors could be detected following their co-expression by each of co-immunoprecipitation, three different resonance energy transfer techniques and the construction of pairs of individually inactive but potentially complementary receptor G-protein α subunit fusion proteins. Although DOP receptor agonists and a CXCR2 antagonist had no inherent affinity for the alternative receptor when either receptor was expressed individually, use of cells that expressed a DOP opioid receptor construct constitutively, and in which expression of a CXCR2 receptor construct could be regulated, demonstrated that the CXCR2 antagonist enhanced the function of DOP receptor agonists only in the presence of CXCR2. This effect was observed for both enkephalin- and alkaloid-based opioid agonists, and the effective concentrations of the CXCR2 antagonist reflected CXCR2 receptor occupancy. Entirely equivalent results were obtained in cells in which the native DOP opioid receptor was expressed constitutively and in which expression of the isolated CXCR2 receptor could be induced. These results indicate that a CXCR2 receptor antagonist can enhance the function of agonists at a receptor for which it has no inherent direct affinity by acting as an allosteric regulator of a receptor that is a heterodimer partner for the CXCR2 receptor. These results have novel and important implications for the development and use of small-molecule therapeutics

    Structural and functional annotation of the porcine immunome

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    Background: The domestic pig is known as an excellent model for human immunology and the two species share many pathogens. Susceptibility to infectious disease is one of the major constraints on swine performance, yet the structure and function of genes comprising the pig immunome are not well-characterized. The completion of the pig genome provides the opportunity to annotate the pig immunome, and compare and contrast pig and human immune systems.[br/] Results: The Immune Response Annotation Group (IRAG) used computational curation and manual annotation of the swine genome assembly 10.2 (Sscrofa10.2) to refine the currently available automated annotation of 1,369 immunity-related genes through sequence-based comparison to genes in other species. Within these genes, we annotated 3,472 transcripts. Annotation provided evidence for gene expansions in several immune response families, and identified artiodactyl-specific expansions in the cathelicidin and type 1 Interferon families. We found gene duplications for 18 genes, including 13 immune response genes and five non-immune response genes discovered in the annotation process. Manual annotation provided evidence for many new alternative splice variants and 8 gene duplications. Over 1,100 transcripts without porcine sequence evidence were detected using cross-species annotation. We used a functional approach to discover and accurately annotate porcine immune response genes. A co-expression clustering analysis of transcriptomic data from selected experimental infections or immune stimulations of blood, macrophages or lymph nodes identified a large cluster of genes that exhibited a correlated positive response upon infection across multiple pathogens or immune stimuli. Interestingly, this gene cluster (cluster 4) is enriched for known general human immune response genes, yet contains many un-annotated porcine genes. A phylogenetic analysis of the encoded proteins of cluster 4 genes showed that 15% exhibited an accelerated evolution as compared to 4.1% across the entire genome.[br/] Conclusions: This extensive annotation dramatically extends the genome-based knowledge of the molecular genetics and structure of a major portion of the porcine immunome. Our complementary functional approach using co-expression during immune response has provided new putative immune response annotation for over 500 porcine genes. Our phylogenetic analysis of this core immunome cluster confirms rapid evolutionary change in this set of genes, and that, as in other species, such genes are important components of the pig’s adaptation to pathogen challenge over evolutionary time. These comprehensive and integrated analyses increase the value of the porcine genome sequence and provide important tools for global analyses and data-mining of the porcine immune response

    Perceived discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19, mental health, and emotional responses–the international online COVISTRESS survey

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    Background Despite the potential detrimental consequences for individuals’ health and discrimination from covid-19 symptoms, the outcomes have received little attention. This study examines the relationships between having personally experienced discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19 (during the first wave of the pandemic), mental health, and emotional responses (anger and sadness). It was predicted that covid-19 discrimination would be positively related to poor mental health and that this relationship would be mediated by the emotions of anger and sadness. Methods The study was conducted using an online questionnaire from January to June 2020 (the Covistress network; including 44 countries). Participants were extracted from the COVISTRESS database (Ntotal = 280) with about a half declaring having been discriminated due to covid-19 symptoms (N = 135). Discriminated participants were compared to non-discriminated participants using ANOVA. A mediation analysis was conducted to examine the indirect effect of emotional responses and the relationships between perceived discrimination and self-reported mental health. Results The results indicated that individuals who experienced discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19 had poorer mental health and experienced more anger and sadness. The relationship between covid-19 personal discrimination and mental health disappeared when the emotions of anger and sadness were statistically controlled for. The indirect effects for both anger and sadness were statistically significant. Discussion This study suggests that the covid-19 pandemic may have generated discriminatory behaviors toward those suspected of having symptoms and that this is related to poorer mental health via anger and sadness.publishedVersio