2,759 research outputs found

    Penentuan Nilai Jejak Karbon (CO2,CH4, dan N2O) dari Aktivitas Kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro

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    ABSTRAK . Penentuan Nilai Jejak Karbon (CO2,CH4, dan N2O) dari Aktivitas Kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro Aktivitas kampus merupakan salah satu dari penghasil jejak karbon. Jejak karbon adalah ukuran jumlah total dari hasil emisi karbon dioksika secara langsung maupun tidak langsung yang disebabkan aktivitas atau akumulasi dari penggunaan prosuk sehari-hari. Belum diketahuinya besar nilai jejak karbon dari aktivitas kampus dan cara reduksi jejak karbon di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro mendorong untu melakukan penelitian ini. Emisi jejak karbon yang dihitung adalah CO2, CH4, dan N2O yang dinyatakan dalam tonCO2eq. Penentuan nilai jejak karbon di FSM Undip dilakukan dalam 3 lingkup. Perhitungan jejak karbon lingkup satu dari aktivitas pemakaian LPG dan aktivitas transportasi kendaraan operasional, lingkup dua dari aktivitas pembelian dan pemakaian listrik, dan lingkup tiga dari aktivitas transportasi mahasiswa, dosen dan staf kependidikan, pemakaian kertas, dan timbulan sampah. Nilai jejak karbon dihitung berdasarkan metode dari International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Nilai jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dari akitivitas kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro adalah sebesar 468,059 tonCO2eq. Alternatif reduksi dari aktivitas kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro dilakukan dengan mererapkan tiga skenario. Skenario yang diperkirakan dapat mereduksi jejak karbon adalah beralih menggunakan angkutan umum dan melakukan penghematan listrik dengan besar reduksi yang dihasailkan sebesar 53,5% dan 7,7% dari total jejak karbon yang dihasilkan. Kata Kunci : jejak karbon, aktivitas kampus, IPCC, lingkup aktivitas, reduksi jejak karbon ABSTRACT The Determination of Value of Carbon Footprint (CO2, CH4, and N2O) from Campus Activity in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro Campus activity is one of the carbon footprint producers. The carbon footprint is a measure from the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions result directly or indirectly, that is caused by the activity or the accumulation of daily products. The amount of value of carbon footprint from campus activity and the way to reduce carbon footprint in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro have not known yet. Thus, the writer is encouraged to conduct this study. The emissions of carbon footprint, that are calculated, are CO2, CH4, and N2O. It is then stated in tonCO2eq. The determination value of the carbon footprint in the FSM Undip is done by 3 scopes. In the first scope, the calculation of the carbon footprint comes from the activity of LPG usage and the activity of operational transportation. In the second scope, it comes from the activity of purchasing and consuming electricity. In the third scope, it comes from the activity of students, teachers and educational staff transportation, paper consumption, and waste. The value of carbon footprint is calculated based on International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method. The value of carbon footprint that is produced by campus activity in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro is 468.059 tonCO2eq. The alternative reduction from campus activity in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro is done by implementing three scenarios. These scenarios are expected to reduce the carbon footprint is to switch to using public transportation and to save electricity produced by a large reduction by 53.5% and 7.7% of the total carbon footprint Keyword : carbon footprint, campus activity, IPCC, scope activity, carbon footprint reductio

    Are Revealed Intentions Possible?

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    This paper asks whether it is possible to design an Intentions Revealing Experiment – that is, an experiment in which the early moves of the decision maker in a dynamic decision problem reveal the intentions of that decision maker regarding later moves in the decision problem. If such a type of experiment is possible, then it will enable economists to test whether individuals have plans and implement them – a basic assumption of all economic theories of dynamic decision making. Unfortunately the main finding of the paper is in the form of two Impossibility Theorems which show that, unless one is prepared to make certain assumptions, such an Intentions Revealing Experiment is impossible. However, the paper does have a positive side – it describes the type of assumptions that one needs to make in order to make an Intentions Revealing Experiment possible.crisis, Romania, strategy, inversion

    Inferring Social Preferences over Income Distributions through Axioms

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    Numerous prior experimental studies have attempted to elicit people’s preferences over income distributions through appropriately incentivated questions asking subjects to choose between distributions. Instead, we follow the theoretical literature and start with the principles underlying these preferences. Such principles include, for example, the Rawlsian principle and the Lorenz principle. We implement possibly the first incentivated experiment concentrating solely and directly on these underlying principles. In essence, the experiment asks subjects to state their preferred principles, with the appropriate incentive being provided by the experimenter using the stated axioms to choose a preferred distribution from a randomly generated set, and this preferred distribution then being implemented on the participants in the experiment. Thus one of the subjects becomes the Social Planner. (We have two treatments, one in which the Social Planner is part of society and the second in which the Social Planner is outside society.) We solve problems implied when the chosen set of principle is either mutually contradictory or incomplete (by allowing sequential choice). We observe that the implied social preferences are different from those inferred indirectly through choice over distributions as in the earlier experimental studies, and that elicited preferences are different between the two treatments, suggesting that the disinterested Social Planner is more Equality-preferring than the Social Planner with self-interest.principles, social preferences, axioms, experimental methods, social planner, direct versus indirect inferences.


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    Pasca Juwita, 2015: The Influence of Ownership Structure, Type of Industry, and Company Size on The level of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSR) in Indonesia. State University Of Jakarta. This study aimed to analyze the influence of foreign ownership, government ownership, public ownership, type of industry and company size on the level of corporate social responsibility disclosure. This study uses foreign ownership, government ownership, public ownership, type of industry and company size as the independent variable and the level of disclosure of corporate social responsibility as the dependent variable. The dependent variable in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure index is measured using a technique based on the GRI G4 Guidelines. Meanwhile, for the independent variable in the form of foreign ownership, the government and the public is measured by the percentage of the total number of foreign stock / government / public owned by the respective companies, while independent variable types of industrial uses dummy techniques and variable firm size is measured by the amount of total assets of the company. The data used is secondary data from the annual report and sustainability report companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013, except for the type of financial and banking industry. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis test, the test hypothesis testing adjusted R-square, F statistical tests, and statistical test t. Results of the analysis is based on the use of all control variables indicate that the type of industry and company size affects the level of CSR disclosure, while foreign ownership, government ownership, public ownership has no effect on the level of CSR disclosure. Keywords: Foreign Ownership, Ownership Government, Public Ownership, industry type, company size and Corporate Social Responsibility

    The Effects of INSPIRE in Urban Planning of Small Towns

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    Urban planning is strictly related to environmental protection and planning and the knowledge of the areas involved is fundamental. Furthermore, an urban plan is subjected to Strategic Environmental Assessments, thus implying a deep integration of environmental concerns with planning ones. INPIRE could be the right instrument to share both the information that is needed and the results of the planning exercise. But, notwithstanding the big progresses, the real application is quite far from the ideal theory. The present paper will show the results of a practical application of the INSPIRE principles in the case of an urban plan (“Piano Urbanistico Comunale Generale”) for a small town in Italy, in the province of Rome. The area is quite limited (around 1300 hectares) and the population involved is really small (less than 1000 inhabitants) but the documents, graphs, maps that are requested by the competent authorities are the same that are requested for bigger towns and cities. Most of the data that are needed for this type of procedure should be available from public authorities at different level of government, in particular at national, Regional and sub-regional level. The experience has confirmed that, notwithstanding INSPIRE directive, a lot of work has still to be done, not only on existing data but also on the sharing capacity of public authorities and on metadata applications. After a brief analysis of the required data for this procedure according to EU and Italian laws, the possible sources will be analysed trying to put into evidence good practises and deficiencies. The purpose of the study is not to give marks to authorities but to try to give some suggestions that, in addition to INSPIRE rules, can improve the sharing system for practical applications. Several situations have been identified: - presence of data with relevant metadata and correct reference system (few) - presence of digital data without or without relevant metadata but different reference system, that can be: o available through web services o available through direct contact either for free or with charge (even for a public authorities ) o not available in digital format - other cases The efforts to put together these data are quite different, depending on the status of the data themselves, and the suggested improvements will be different. It is fundamental that the INSPIRE principles are spread not only at high governmental levels, but also at the local one

    Les poursuites-bâillons : frontière entre liberté d’expression et droit à la réputation

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    "Alexandra Pasca est étudiante en 3eme année au baccalauréat en droit. Cet article a été rédigé antérieurement à l'adoption du Projet de Loi no9 Loi modifiant le Code de procédure civile pour prévenir l’utilisation abusive des tribunaux et favoriser le respect de la liberté d’expression et la participation des citoyens aux débats publics (mai 2009). Au cours de la dernière année, la couverture médiatique a mis en évidence l’émergence d'un nouveau phénomène connu sous le nom de « SLAPP », aussi appelé, au Québec, poursuites-bâillons. Les poursuites-bâillons englobent une multitude de situations diverses, mais qui ont toutes la même caractéristique : ce sont essentiellement des procédures judiciaires longues et coûteuses intentées en vue de décourager, de neutraliser, voire d’intimider ou de censurer les individus et les groupes engagés dans la dénonciation publique. Les cas généralement rencontrés mettent en scène une compagnie engageant des poursuites aux montants faramineux pour atteinte à la réputation, soit pour diffamation, contre des militants engagés dans une cause socio-économique, environnementale ou culturelle, soit contre des individus prenant partie dans le cadre d’un enjeu public. Tel fut le cas notamment dans l’affaire intentée par le ferrailleur American Iron & Metal (AIM) contre les militants de l’Association de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA) ou de la poursuite contre les auteurs et la maison d’édition du livre Noir Canada. Les suites de ces dossiers témoignent du fait que le recours aux tribunaux peut être utilisé comme un moyen de retirer de l’espace public la discussion de certains enjeux importants en limitant le débat dans une arène moins médiatisée : les tribunaux. Cependant, la conséquence qui découle de cette tactique n’est pas toujours celle recherchée. Ces situations soulèvent différents problèmes dont, entres autres, l’instrumentalisation politique du pouvoir judiciaire, l’inégalité des ressources matérielles et financières devant les tribunaux et l’équilibre entre le droit à la protection de la réputation et le droit à la liberté d’expression. En effet, opposant deux valeurs fondamentales de notre société démocratique, la question de la balance de ces droits se pose inévitablement. Laquelle soulève à son tour différentes questions, à savoir le droit à la réputation pour les personnes morales; la diffamation, ses conditions d’existence et les facteurs dont il faut tenir compte dans l’évaluation d’une atteinte à la réputation; l’importance et l’étendue du droit à la réputation et du droit à la liberté d’expression, ainsi que les limites de ces deux droits et la défense du « commentaire loyal ».

    Secular Religion as a Tool for the Realization of Democratic Citizenship. The Thesis of John Dewey (1859-1952)

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    This contribution aims to propose a critical reflection on a particularly complex theme for international pedagogical literature: religion. This will be done through a constant dialogue with John Dewey, a philosopher and pedagogist of American origin who, in addition to having dedicated himself to philosophical, political and pedagogical issues, has had interesting reflections on the religious phenomenon. Therefore, attention will be turned to such of his writings as Moral Theory and Practice of 1891, in which Dewey treated the religious question implicitly, wondering about human conduct and the need for it to be oriented by a morality that directed the individual towards the exercise of the collective good. Subsequently, interest will shift to writings such as Democracy and Education of 1916 and Common Faith of 1934, two works in which Dewey presented his concept of secular religion, giving it a civil connotation, since it is to be understood as a set of values capable of orienting human behavior towards a democratic life consisting of peace, solidarity and mutual respect. Finally, through a comparison with the societies of our time, the present contribution will reflect on the topicality of Dewey's thought and on the urgency, which has now become universal, to educate towards an \u2018open religion\u2019 in order to avoid any social inequalities and any form of cultural tension, whilst promoting the creation of democratic and multi-ethnic citizenship

    Disiplin Berlalu Lintas Pada Pengguna Sepeda Selama Pandemi COVID-19

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    Abstract. This study is a quantitative study that aims to determine the relationship between social support and traffic discipline during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The population used in this study were bicycle users in Surabaya. The sample in this study found 63 people with criteria for early adulthood between the ages of 18 to 45 years. This data retrieval is carried out online through a google form which includes 2 scales, namely the social support scale and the traffic scale. In the data analysis section, the product moment method is used with the help of the IBM SPSS statistical application. The results of the correlation test between social support and traffic discipline behavior obtained a correlation score of 0.666 at significant (p) = 0.000 (p <0.05) so it can be interpreted that there is a very significant positive correlation between social support and traffic discipline behavior on bicycle users in Surabaya.Abstrak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan sosial dengan perilaku disiplin berlalu lintas selama Pandemi Covid - 19. Populasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pengguna sepeda di Surabaya. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 63 orang dengan kriteria dewasa awal yang berusia antara 18 hingga 45 tahun. Pengambilan data ini dilakukan secara online melalui google form yang meliputi 2 skala, yaitu Skala dukungan sosial dan skala disiplin berlalu lintas. Pada bagian analisis data menggunakan metode product moment dengan bantuan aplikasi IBM SPSS statistics. Hasil uji korelasi antara dukungan sosial dengan perilaku displin berlalu lintas diperoleh skor korelasi 0,666 pada signifikan (p) = 0,000 (p<0,05) sehingga dapat diartikan ada korelasi positif yang sangat signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan perilaku disiplin berlalu lintas pada pengguna sepeda di Surabaya
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