27 research outputs found

    Subak Landscape Management as a Justice and Welfare Oriented World Cultural Heritage

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    This study aims to examine and analyze the juridical problems in the subak landscape management as a world cultural heritage. The juridical problems are related to the selection of subak landscape as a World Cultural Heritage. The conflicts are related to the regulations found in the Regional Government Regulation, Act on Cultural Heritage and Bali Governor’s Regulations Number 32 Year 2010. There are philosophical problems which are related to the stipulation of subak landscape as a world cultural heritage. There are also juridical problems which are related to the juridical foundation, specifically the one set forth in the Regional Government Law. It regulates that this world heritage is managed by the central government. This will lead to negligence particularly over the aspects of philosophical values ​​of Tri Hita Karana. UNESCO has confirmed that the foundation of subak is the philosophical values ​​of Tri Hita Karana. However, philosophical and juridical problems surely have impacts on sociological problems and in the end they will have impacts on the aspects of justice and welfare of subak community. Even though Tri Hita Karana has been clearly stated as the foundation of subak, it seems that there is a sociological imbalance because the people feel that they no longer freely manage their lands that they have inherited from their ancestors. The appointment of subak landscape as a world cultural heritage gives benefits, but surely with challenges and threats, to the farmers. They have two choices all of which do not accommodate their interests, they have to either defend their fields or give up their rights to their rice fields. This study investigates legal norms aspect of this matter and therefore, it is classified into normative legal study. The norms that are the objects of the study include the constitution, laws, government regulations, regional regulations, and others. The approaches used in this study are statute approach and conceptual approach so as to know the consistency and accordance of one law with another law or one law with the Constitution. Keywords: Harmonization of law, Regulation, Customary community rights, Natural resource

    Action Plan for Neighborhood Arrangement of Ubud Area Traditional/Historic Settlements in Gianyar Regency

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    Purpose: The shift in the value of tradition/history impacts the structure of the built neighbourhood, such as changes in the residential area. It is both in terms of the environment and the building.  Design/methodology/approach: This research is based on qualitative research. Findings: The historical value of a place/region is closely related to the traditional aspects that already exist and developed in that areaa. Every effort to preserve historical values and formal existence in a fostered neighbourhood does not impede economic develompent. Instead, they must be able to synergize, support each other, and be in line without sacrifing one or the other. It must also create a strong bond in development. So the conservation aspects is very relevant to be preserved in developing a fostered neighbourhood. Research limitations/imlications: The negative impact of ignorring more essential values on development can reduce the number or historic buildings and areas in most cities in Indonesia from year to year. As a results, development activities oriented towards economic growth can gradually eliminate historical traces, including a built neighbourhood.  Practical implications:  A historic building area can be interpreted as an area with a close relationship with something past life for moore than 50 years. It can be used collectively in buildings, settlements, and other public facilities.  Paper type: Research paper&nbsp

    Action Plan for Neighborhood Arrangement of Ubud Area Traditional/Historic Settlements in Gianyar Regency

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    Purpose: The shift in the value of tradition/history impacts the structure of the built neighbourhood, such as changes in the residential area. It is both in terms of the environment and the building.  Design/methodology/approach: This research is based on qualitative research. Findings: The historical value of a place/region is closely related to the traditional aspects that already exist and developed in that areaa. Every effort to preserve historical values and formal existence in a fostered neighbourhood does not impede economic develompent. Instead, they must be able to synergize, support each other, and be in line without sacrifing one or the other. It must also create a strong bond in development. So the conservation aspects is very relevant to be preserved in developing a fostered neighbourhood. Research limitations/imlications: The negative impact of ignorring more essential values on development can reduce the number or historic buildings and areas in most cities in Indonesia from year to year. As a results, development activities oriented towards economic growth can gradually eliminate historical traces, including a built neighbourhood.  Practical implications:  A historic building area can be interpreted as an area with a close relationship with something past life for moore than 50 years. It can be used collectively in buildings, settlements, and other public facilities.  Paper type: Research paper&nbsp

    Penerapan Web Speech API pada Game Catur Berbasis Suara

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    Catur adalah sebuah permainan strategi papan yang dimainkan pada petak 8x8. Catur awalnya dimainkan langsung secara manual oleh dua orang pemain (manusia), namun sekarang permainan sudah bisa dilakukan secara digital antara manusia melawan komputer (AI). Komputer catur saat ini bahkan sudah bisa mengungguli juara dunia catur, namun pengembangan teknologi catur masih terus terfokus untuk menciptakan AI yang semakin cerdas. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini berfokus pada teknologi input dari aplikasi catur yang sudah ada, yang mana memungkinkan pengguna untuk memindahkan bidak pada permainan digital hanya dengan menggunakan perintah suara baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris dengan memanfaatkan Web Speech API. Pengguna dapat menggunakan perintah suara pada permainan melawan AI atau secara online antar pengguna. Perintah yang digunakan bisa berupa notasi catur baku atau kalimat biasa, misalnya “Gxe5” atau “Gajah makan pion” sesuai dengan kemungkinan langkah yang tersedia. Kata kunci: speech to text, web speech API, chess, AI, web worke

    Implementation of User Anthropometry Bale “Sakenem” Buildings based on Height Bataran and Height Bale-bale in Singapadu Tengah Village, Gianyar

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    —Bale Sakenem Building is one of the buildings that were in the order of Traditional Bali House. This study identified Bale Sakenem building located in the Central Singapadu Village and that is observational research by using cross sectional design. This research was done by means of retrospective observational that is considered the factor that can affect Bale Sakenem Building Anthropometry. From the data analyze of research identification, 30% height bataran not in accordance with the average size of an ideal height bataran and 20% height bale-bale also not in accordance with the average of the ideal height bale-bale in Bale Sakenem building in the Central Singapadu Gianyar have not yet undertaken anthropometry users and more dominant to follow measurements that based on the size of Undagi, as a consequence there was uncomfortableness. Height bataran and height bale-bale is based on the tolerance of anthropometry using the 95 percentile and 5 percentile for tolerance limi

    Anthropometry and Ergonomic of Bale Sakenem (Case Study: Central Singapadu Village, Gianyar)

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    The Bale Sakenem is one of the buildings located within the Balinese traditional house setting. The development and transformation of the Sakenem bale house are influenced by many factors including high demand, lack of qualified labor, time and work management system resulting in high intervention of Balinese builders (Undagi) on the implementation of the Bale Sakenem development. This research is an observational research using cross-sectional design. The study measures a sample of "Sakenem" house bale that measures in accordance with anthropometry from homeowners. The sample of the people in this study were Owners/home users who owned the Bale "Sakenem" House that met the inclusion criteria. Samples were randomly selected using cluster random sampling method. The results of this second-year study showed that 55% of the sample of people were comfortable with the high suitability of their own "sakenem" bale house structure while 81% of the sample people felt better comfort against the bale-bale of bale "sakenem" intervention house. The convenience of high listplank also known that as many as 66% comfort felt from the high listplank house bale "sakenem" intervention. And as many as 52% chose comfort and suitability of high sakenem "sakenem" saka house height which only slightly comparison with high saka bale "sakenem" control i.e. 48%. The height of the bale "sakenem" intervention is 76 cm and the average height from waist to toe of the user of bale "sakenem" house in the village of Singapadu Tengah Gianyar is 75.75 cm which means that the height of the rod indicates the height which is not ideal and cause inconvenience. The height of bale-bale from bale house "sakenem" is 67 cm and the average height from waist to tip of user heel bale "sakenem" in the village of Singapadu Tengah Gianyar is 75.75 cm which can be analyzed that the user can easily rise to the top of bale- bale and create comfort and security. High saka in bale house "sakenem" that is 195 cm and the average height of bale house owner "sakenem" measured from the tip of the head to the tip of the heel is 165.45 cm which means that the height of saka is still included in the criteria of comfort

    Bali dalam Perspektif Budaya dan Pariwisata

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    Bali merupakan salah satu pulau kecil dari ribuan pulau besar dan kecil di nusantara. Berbagai sebutan diberikan oleh orang asing yang mengunjungi Bali. Menurut catatan orang Belanda yang pertama kali datang ke Bali tahun 1597, mengatakan bahwa mereka jatuh cinta dengan pulau ini. Ketika beberapa di antara mereka kembali ke negerinya untuk melaporkan penemuan “sorga” baru, sedangkan yang lain menolak meninggalkan Bali (Covarrubias, 2013: 30). Dari catatan awal tersebut dapat disimak bahwa pujian kepada Bali dengan sebutan “pulau surga” (Bali is paradise island) diungkapkan pertama kali oleh orang Belanda yang menginjakkan kakinya di pulau kecil ini. Selanjutnya memasuki era pariwisata, bahwa yang datang ke Bali tidak terbatas kepada orang Belanda, tetapi juga bangsa-bangsa lain yang berasal dari mancanegara. Sebutan lain pun banyak muncul sebagai pujian kepada Bali, seperti: Bali pulau dewata, Bali pulau seribu pura, Bali pulau yadnya, Bali pulau kecil tetapi indah, Bali yang ramah, Bali yang damai, Bali yang aman, dan sebutan lainnya


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    Secara sosiologis kita menghadapi kenyataan bahwa telah muncul masyarakat global yang sangat berpengaruh dan telah menyusup keseluruh pelosok Bali. Bali sebagai daerah tujuan wisata tidak bisa terlepas dari fenomena bahwa Bali sudah menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dunia. Oleh karena itu Bali harus dapat meyediakan fasilitas kepariwisataan  untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan. Situasi tersebut mengakibatkan Bali berkomunikasi dengan budaya luar, bahkan proses itu terjadi dengan begitu cepat tanpa melalui suatu perencanaan. Desa Pakraman sebagai salah satu komponen dalam struktur kemasyarakatan Bali juga mengalami berbagai perubahan, disamping karena dinamika internalnya, juga karena pengaruh lingkungan luar. Problematik aturan hukum (awig-awig/perarem) yang dihadapi Desa Pakraman sekarang ini dan diwaktu yang akan datang akan semakin kompleks. Persoalan-persoalan hukum di era sekarang ini serta perubahan sosial yang begitu cepat perlu direspon dan diantisipasi.Situasi Global dengan muatan pariwisatanya, secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menuntut perlunya pengkajian atau revisi terhadap  awig-awig/perarem supaya tidak ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat yang bergerak begtu cepat. Dengan demikian awig-awig/perarem akan dapat menjalankan fungsinya baik sebagai kontrol sosial, maupun sebagai rekayasa sosial. Adanya awig-awig/perarem yang sudah sesuai dengan perkembangan masyarakat dan jaman, akan dapat meminimalisir terjadinya konflik dalam masyarakat. Desa Pakraman adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum adat di Provinsi Bali, yang mempunyai hak otonomi. Salah satu isi dari otonomi desa pakraman adalah hak untuk membuat aturan (awig-awig/pererm), yang berlaku bagi masyarakat itu sendiri, baik dalam bentuk yang tertulis maupun tidak tertulis, yang lahir, hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, sesuai dengan rasa keadilan dan kepatutan dalam masyarakat (mempunyai sifat luwes dan dinamis). Dengan adanya sifat yang luwes dan dinamis tersebut dapat dimengerti bahwa awig-awig/perarem dimasa lalu tidak selalu sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat masa kini, dan di masa yang akan datang, karena rasa keadilan dan ukuran kepatutan juga mengalami perubahan


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    Limbah pertanian cenderung dipandang sebagai bahan buangan oleh petani, sehingga sering terbuang percuma dan dibakar. Limbah pertanian yang terbuang pada dasarnya merupakan bahan organik yang mengandung unsur hara yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Dampaknya petani membutuhkan jumlah pupuk yang lebih banyak untuk meningkatkan produksi, disisi lain petani membuang bahan baku pupuk yang bermanfaat bagi kesuburan dan kesehatan tanah. Keterbatasan pengetahuan petani mengenai kandungan hara makro dan mikro limbah pertanian menyebabkan limbah dibuang dan dibakar. Umumnya petani juga tidak mengetahui metode pengomposan limbah pertanian, khususnya limbah jerami padi. Kondisi ini juga terjadi di kawasan Subak Telun Ayah, Tegalalang, Gianyar. Guna mengatasi permasalahan petani, maka dilakukan penyuluhan atau sosialisasi terkait kandungan limbah dan upaya pengolahan melalui pengomposan. Petani diberikan pengetahuan terkait pengomposan limbah pertanian dengan cepat, mudah dan menghasilkan kompos berkualitas dengan memanfaatkan dekomposer alami (seperti kotoran hewan dan tanah subur). Petani juga diberikan pengetahuan terkait manfaat dari kompos dari limbah pertanian bagi kesuburan tanah. Harapannya petani memiliki pengetahuan terkait pengelolaan limbah pertanian dan mampu memanfaatkannya, sehingga kedepannya mampun mewujudkan pertanian yang ramah lingkungan.  Kata kunci: sosialisasi, limbah pertanian, pengelolaan limbah, kesuburan tanah, Subak ABSTRACT Agricultural waste tends to be seen as a waste material by farmers, so it is often wasted and burned. Agricultural waste that is wasted is basically organic material that contains nutrients needed by plants. As a result, farmers need more fertilizer to increase production, on the other hand, farmers throw away fertilizer raw materials that are beneficial for soil fertility and health. The limited knowledge of farmers regarding the macro and micro nutrient content of agricultural waste causes the waste to be disposed of and burned. Generally, farmers also do not know the method of composting agricultural waste, especially rice straw waste. This condition also occurs in the Subak Telun Ayah area, Tegalalang, Gianyar. In order to overcome farmers' problems, counseling or socialization related to waste content and processing efforts through composting is carried out. Farmers are given knowledge related to composting agricultural waste quickly, easily and to produce quality compost by utilizing natural decomposers (such as animal manure and fertile soil). Farmers are also given knowledge regarding the benefits of compost from agricultural waste for soil fertility. The hope is that farmers have knowledge related to agricultural waste management and are able to use it, so that in the future they are able to realize environmentally friendly agriculture Keywords: socialization, agricultural waste, waste management, soil fertility, Suba

    EKSISTENSI DESA PAKRAMAN DALAM PENGELOLAAN KEPARIWISATAAN BUDAYA BALI (Kajian Terhadap Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali No 2 Tahun 2012, tentang Kepariwisataan Budaya Bali)

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    ABSTRAK Kegiatan pembangunan kepariwisataan dalam kehidupan Negara modern tidak akan dapat berjalan dengan baik tanpa adanya sebuah kebijakan yang baik pula. Kepariwisataan dalam program suatu negara dihandalkan dan diarahkan untuk memberi manfaat bagi kesejahteraan bersama elemen berbangsa. Nilai dasar atas upaya mewujudkan kemakmuran ditetapkan melalui Undang-Undang No.10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan untuk menciptakan iklim yang kondusif dan memberikan kepastian hukum. Dalam penyelenggaraan kepariwisataan utamanya di Bali menjadi penting pada pengembangan pariwisata budaya sebagai penyangga agar terhindar dari komersialisasi dan komodifikasi yang hanya menempatkan Bali sebagai obyek eksploitasi. Desa pakraman berkait dengan kepariwisataan ini memerlukan porsi yang pasti berdasarkan hukum sehingga hak dan kewajiban serta kewenangannya guna mendapat jaminan atas kepastian hukum, keadilan dan kemanfaatan seluruh kompenen terkait dalam pengelolaan kepariwisataan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif yaitu yang mengkaji semua permasalahan melalui tinjauan hukum, acuannya dilakukan baik secara normatif maupun berdasarkan doktrin ilmu hukum. Pembahasan atas kewenangan desa pakraman tidak bisa lepas dari ketentuan Pasal 18B (2) UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, sebagai pengakuan hak konstitusionalnya. Pengaturan pengelolaan kepariwisataan budaya Bali belum secara implisit mengatur bagaimana hak, kewajiban serta kewenangan yang dimiliki desa pakraman. Sepantasnya dalam Pengelolaan Kepariwisataan budaya memberikan tempat yang rasional kepada desa pakraman sebagai subyek pemilik kebudayaan. Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali tentang Kepariwisataan Budaya tidak secara tegas memberikan kedudukan hukum (hak, kewajiban dan wewenang) desa pakraman dalam pengelolaan Kepariwisataan Budaya Bali. Posisi kedudukannya selaku subyek internal, seharusnya diwujudkan dalam bentuk fungsi penguatan, pemberdayaan. Jika dibentuk dalam relasi koordinasi dengan unsur pemerintah daerah pun koordinasi dalam dengan sifat mendukung dan menguatkan kedudukan hukum desa pakraman. Kata Kunci : Kedudukan Hukum, Desa Pakraman, Kepariwisataan Budaya ABSTRACT Tourism development activities in a modern country cannot work well without a good policy. Tourism as one of development programs of a country is a reliable way to bring prosperity to all of the people. The basic value of efforts to achieve prosperity is stated in Act no.10 Year 2009, which is about tourism for creating a conducive environment and to provide legal certainty. Cultural tourism development activities, particularly in Bali, play an important role as a buffer to avoid Bali from being commercialised and commodified, in other words, being an exploited object. The customary village (desa pakraman) must be given a clear portion in the law regarding tourism industry so that its rights, obligations and authorities to give legal certainty, justice and benefits are clear. This is a normative juridical study, which is a study that analyses all problems through legal perspective whose reference is obtained normatively or based on the doctrines in law discipline. Discussing the authority of Desa Pakraman cannot disregard Article 18B (2) Constituion 1945, which is a recognition of the rights of customary village. The regulations about cultural tourism of Bali have not yet implicitly defined the rights, obligations and authorities of desa pakraman. Cultural tourism management should provide desa pakraman with a rational portion as the subject and owner of Bali culture. Bali provincial regulation on cultural tourism does not explicitly give the legal status (rights, obligations and responsibilities) of desa pakraman in the management of Bali cultural tourism. As the internal subject, the legal status of desa pakraman should be manifested in the form of both reinforcement and empowerment functions. If the legal status of desa pakraman is in the form of a coordinative relation local government, such coordination should be supporting and strengthening the legal status of desa pakraman. Keywords: Legal Status, Customary Village (Pakraman), Cultural Touris