44 research outputs found

    Customers as decision-makers: strategic environmental assessment in the private sector

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    Despite its diversification and global spread, strategic environmental assessment (SEA) remains limited mainly to activities characterised by well-defined planning processes, typically within the public sector. This article explores the possible application of SEA within certain private-sector contexts where higher-level strategy-making itself is inherently weaker and development is often piecemeal and reactive. The possible adaptation of SEA to the preparation of a strategic document by a particular industrial concern in the UK is examined: this draws attention to the multi-actor nature of development processes within the industry. This leads to the suggestion that SEA in this setting should be thought of as a form of environmental advocacy oriented towards industrial customers, who are understood as sharing a decision-making role in infrastructure development.</p

    The hydrogen roadmap in the Portuguese energy system : developing the P2G case

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    ABSTRACT: The planning and implementation of the Portuguese energy transition towards a decarbonized, energy secure and more sustainable economy is providing driving forces for significant challenges and opportunities on a country basis. The emergence of hydrogen (H2) within low-carbon pathways in the energy system requires to deal with the complexity of H2 carrier in its relationship with energy sources and end use sectors. In the frame of mainland Portugal energy system, different value chain configurations were analysed and assessed using energy analysis, lifecycle thinking and impacts assessment, as well as the technology and costs analysis, within an approach to the Hydrogen Economy. The Portuguese Roadmap for H2 was developed taking such an approach and therein the evolution of the selected value chains along time. Among these, ‘power-to-gas’ (P2G) combined with the gas grid is given an in-depth focus, as it was prioritized as the top value chain to answer the research question: how sustainable would be the hydrogen production and end use in Portugal within the P2G value chain? This P2G value chain with a particular focus on heating applications is discussed on the basis of the technology options and technology maturity identified in each main stage of the value chain, using analytical dimensions such as the energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions, among other impact categories, followed by a sensitivity analysis. The obtained results enable to show how case-sensitive that approach is and that a multi-decisional process is required to assist the planning stage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The place of strategic environmental assessment in the privatised electricity industry

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    The private sector has given relatively little attention to the emergence of strategic environmental assessment (SEA); even recently privatised utilities, where SEA might be deemed particularly appropriate, and whose activities are likely to fall within the scope of the European Union SEA Directive, have shown less interest than might be expected. However, the global trend towards the privatisation of state-owned enterprises makes the adaptation of SEA towards these industries all the more pressing. This paper addresses the place that SEA might take within the electricity sector, taking the privatised UK electricity industry as an example. Particular challenges are posed by the radical restructuring of the industry, designed to introduce competitive behaviour, making the development of comprehensive SEA processes problematic, and requiring SEA to be placed in the context of corporate environmental policy and objectives.</p

    The composition of the lipid, protein and mineral fractions of quail breast meat obtained from wild and farmed specimens of Common quail (Coturnix coturnix) and farmed Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica domestica)

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Dairy & Animal ScienceThe present study was intended to answer 2 scientific hypotheses: 1) the quail species has a significant influence in quail breast meat composition; 2) the wild quail's meat presents healthier composition than their farmed counterparts. An analysis of the pectoral muscles of wild and captive common quails (Coturnix coturnix) and domestic quails (Coturnix japonica domestica) was performed. The content of fatty acids (FA), amino acids, total cholesterol, and vitamin E, some basic macro- and microminerals in the pectoral muscles of the 2 species of the genus Coturnix were analyzed. Regarding the quail species influence on meat composition, Japanese Quail (JQ) revealed better lipid composition, characterized by lower saturated FA (SFA; less 3.17 g/100 g of total fatty acids), higher polyunsaturated FA contents (PUFA; more 5.5 g/100 g of total fatty acids) and healthier polyunsaturated FA/saturated FA (P/S) and n-6/n-3 ratios and TI value (1.08, 9.54 and 0.60 vs. 0.76, 12.58, and 0.75, correspondingly). The absence of differences observed on amino acids partial sums and ratios reveals equality between species on protein nutritional quality. On the other hand, Common Quail (CQ) proved to be a better source of copper (0.181 mg/100 g of meat), iron (2.757 mg/100 g of meat), manganese (0.020 mg/100 g of meat), and zinc (0.093 mg/100 g of meat) than JQ. The comparison of farmed and wild specimens within CQ, showed that wild birds presented lower total cholesterol (less 8.32 mg/g of fresh meat) and total PUFA (less 4.26 g/100 g of total fatty acids), and higher n-3 PUFA contents (more 1.53 g/100 g of total fatty acids), which contributed to healthier P/S and n-6/n-3 ratios, but worst PI (1.60, 8.08, and 113.1 vs. 0.76, 12.58, and 100.8, respectively). The wild species revealed higher alpha-tocopherol content (2.40 vs. 1.49 mu g/g of fresh meat. Differences observed on their mineral composition counterbalance each other. Under intensive production system and similar feeding and management conditions, the CQ develops better nutritional qualities than JQ. The comparison of wild and farmed species within CQ reveals more similarities than differences. Quails meat presents good nutritional quality and introduces variability to human's diet, which is much valued by consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using participatory mapping to Foster Community-Based disaster risk reduction in Forest Fire-Prone Areas: the case of Monchique in Portugal

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    Local knowledge and communities’ active role in disaster risk areas are recognized in the literature as key conditions to better understand risks, enhance adaptive capacities and foster local resilience. A participatory action research project in forest fire-prone areas in Monchique, Portugal, is aligned with the literature and adopts participatory mapping as a method that can bring evidence to the importance of local knowledge and communities’ agency. In the BRIDGE Project, different types of knowledge are integrated, triggering local/collective agency and fostering a forest fire community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) approach. An innovation laboratory (InnoLab) provides the space for dialogue and knowledge sharing for different actors that manage forest territories. In the InnoLab, participatory mapping is used as a method to engage landowners where risk factors and local vulnerabilities were identified. Their active engagement enabled a collective perception in the assessment of vulnerability and led to the identification of strategic measures for risk reduction. This paper shares the process and outcomes of this participatory mapping, highlighting the benefits of a community approach and the importance of local knowledge and practices as recognized in the literature. It also reveals how the active role of local stakeholders can help drive a CBDRR process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adenosine A2A receptors contribute to the radial migration of cortical projection neurons through the regulation of neuronal polarization and axon formation

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    Cortical interneurons born in the subpallium reach the cortex through tangential migration, whereas pyramidal cells reach their final position by radial migration. Purinergic signaling via P2Y1 receptors controls the migration of intermediate precursor cells from the ventricular zone to the subventricular zone. It was also reported that the blockade of A2A receptors (A2AR) controls the tangential migration of somatostatin+ interneurons. Here we found that A2AR control radial migration of cortical projection neurons. In A2AR-knockout (KO) mouse embryos or naïve mouse embryos exposed to an A2AR antagonist, we observed an accumulation of early-born migrating neurons in the lower intermediate zone at late embryogenesis. In utero knockdown of A2AR also caused an accumulation of neurons at the lower intermediate zone before birth. This entails the presently identified ability of A2AR to promote multipolar–bipolar transition and axon formation, critical for the transition of migrating neurons from the intermediate zone to the cortical plate. This effect seems to require extracellular ATP-derived adenosine since a similar accumulation of neurons at the lower intermediate zone was observed in mice lacking ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73-KO). These findings frame adenosine as a fine-tune regulator of the wiring of cortical inhibitory and excitatory networks.European Regional Development Fund, through the Centro 2020 Regional Operational Programme (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000008; BrainHealth2020); COMPETE 2020-Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization and Portuguese national funds via FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/NEU-NMC/3567/2014 to R.J.R.; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028160 to J.M.M.); Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007440; UIDB/04539/2020); Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PGC2018/096631-B-100 to G.L-B.).Peer reviewe

    Debating the urban dimension of territorial cohesion

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    The Territorial Cohesion goal was only included in the EU Treaty by 2009, with a view to promote a more balanced and harmonious European territory. One year earlier (2008), the European Commission (EC) published the ‘Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion—Turning territorial diversity into strength’. Neither one, nor the other, clearly defines the meaning of the Territorial Cohesion concept. The later, however, proposes three main policy responses towards more balanced and harmonious development: (i) Concentration: overcoming differences in density; (ii) Connecting territories: overcoming distance; and (iii) Cooperation: overcoming division. Although not explicitly, this document identifies several ‘urban questions’ to be dealt when promoting territorial cohesive policies: avoiding diseconomies of very large agglomerations and urban sprawl processes, combating urban decay and social exclusion, avoiding excessive concentrations of growth, promoting access to integrated transport systems and creating metropolitan bodies. In this light, this chapter proposes to debate the importance of the urban dimension to achieve the goal of territorial cohesion at several territorial levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio