12 research outputs found


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    The aim in this paper is to examine the school achievement of Roma children drawing from the outcomes of a small case study conducted in a lower secondary school in the Western Suburbs of Athens. Reducing educational inequalities is a key issue in education policy, aiming at promoting equality of opportunity for all children. Roma children are one of the most disadvantaged and marginalized groups in Western societies. In Greece, Roma people experienced an extreme social and educational exclusion of Roma people until the late 90s. During the last two decades, large intervention programs took place, aiming at including Roma children in education. The outcomes of these intervention progammes can be assessed as positive, as they bring and to a large extent retained Roma children in school for the first time, despite the huge difficulties and the resistance of the education communities and the local societies. However, it is argued that these achievements must be seen as only a first step towards enhancing equality of opportunity. The outcomes of this case study show that even in an area in which the most privileged Roma community is located, Roma children still underachieve compared to the non-Roma children.   Article visualizations

    Principals’ views on policies and practices for the educational inclusion of Roma people

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    The role of school principals is recognized as crucial for the daily operation of schools in general and specifically for the management of the challenges posed by the increasing diversity of the current era. In this article, kindergarten principals’ views regarding policies and practices for the management of diversity with reference to one of the most marginalized group, the Roma people, are examined. For this purpose, ten semi-structured interviews with kindergarten principals in areas in which Roma people live either in settlements or inside the residential areas were conducted. Data analysis indicates that principals are aware of the inadequacies of the policies regarding the Roma people and they propose a series of measures at local and central level for the improvement of the school inclusion of Roma children. However, principals are also trapped to a deficit discourse that transfers to the Roma people the major responsibility for their social and educational exclusion

    Aberrant right subclavian artery leading to prenatal diagnosis of Koolen de Vries syndrome

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    Koolen de Vries syndrome is a rare genetic disorder with an estimated prevalence 1:16000 in the general population but it is considered to be an underdiagnosed syndrome. We report a 17q21.31 microdeletion which was diagnosed prenatally in a fetus with aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA). Koolen de Vries syndrome is a rare chromosomal abnormality and according to the literature this is the first case in which the detection of ARSA led to this syndrome

    Μοριακή επιδημιολογία και μικροβιολογία σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενων νοσημάτων

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    ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Αντικείμενο Σκοπός: Η διερεύνηση και η διάγνωση των σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενων νοσημάτων (ΣΜΝ) συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του HPV και η παρουσία κυτταρολογικών αλλαγών στον τράχηλο σε μια cohort μελέτη με σεξουαλικώς ενεργές γυναίκες στον ελλαδικό χώρο. Υλικό και μέθοδοι: Πραγματοποιήθηκε κυτταρολογία τραχήλου μήτρας και μοριακή τυποποίηση HPV και άλλων ΣΜΝ για 345 ενεργά σεξουαλικά γυναίκες ηλικίας μεταξύ 18 και 45 ετών (mean 33.2±7.2years) που προσήλθαν σε γυναικολογική κλινική για έλεγχο διαλογής ρουτίνας. Μελετήθηκε η συσχέτιση του HPV και άλλων ΣΜΝ με την κυτταρολογική εικόνα. Αποτελέσματα: HPVεντοπίστηκε σε 61 γυναίκες (17.7%) και άλλα ΣΜΝ σε 82 (23.8%). Το Ureaplasma spp ήταν το πιο συχνά εντοπιζόμενο παθογόνο, το οποίο βρέθηκε σε 63 (18.2%) γυναίκες και ακολούθησαν το Mycoplasma spp (21 γυναίκες, 25.6%) και το Chlamydia trachomatis (πέντε γυναίκες, 6.1%). Η HPV θετικότητα μόνο (with no co-presence of STI) συσχετίσθηκε με μη φυσιολογική κυτταρολογία (odds ratio 6.9, p<0.001), ενώ γυναίκες που ήταν αρνητικές τόσο για HPVόσο και για τα άλλα ΣΜΝ είχαν μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα να εμφανίσουν φυσιολογική κυτταρολογία τραχήλου μήτρας (odds ratio 0.36, p<0.01). Δεκαέξι από τις 63 (25.4%) γυναίκες οι οποίες ελέγχθηκαν θετικές για Ureaplasma spp, είχαν high-risk HPVτύπο (odds ratio 2.3, p=0.02). Συμπεράσματα: Σε έναν πληθυσμό με αυξημένη εμφάνιση του Ureaplasma spp, υπήρχε συσχέτιση αυτού του συγκεκριμένου παθογόνου με υψηλού κινδύνου (HighRisk) HPV λοίμωξη, εύρημα που χρειάζεται περαιτέρω διερεύνηση και μελέτη.SUMMARY Objective: To investigate the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the presence of cytological changes in the cervix in a cohort of sexually active women in Greece. Methods: Cervical cytology testing and the molecular typing of HPV and other STIs were performed for 345 sexually active women aged between 18 and 45 years (mean 33.2±7.2years) visiting a gynaecology clinic for routine cervical screening. The association of HPV and STI detection with cytological findings was investigated. Results: HPV was detected in 61 women (17.7%) and STIs in 82 (23.8%). Ureaplasmaspp was the most frequently detected pathogen, which was found in 63 (18.2%) women, followed by Mycoplasma spp (21 women, 25.6%) and Chlamydia trachomatis (five women, 6.1%). HPV positivity only (with no co-presence of STI) was associated with an abnormal cytology (odds ratio 6.9, p<0.001), while women who were negative for both HPV and STIs had a higher probability of a normal cytology (odds ratio 0.36, p<0.01). Sixteen out of the 63 (25.4%) women who tested positive for Ureaplasmaspp, harboured a high-risk HPV type (odds ratio 2.3, p=0.02). Conclusions: In a population with a high prevalence of Ureaplasmaspp, there was an association of this pathogen with high-risk HPV infection, a finding that needs further elucidation

    Principals’ Views on Policies and Practices for the Educational Inclusion of Roma People

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    El papel de los directores de escuela es tenido por crucial para el funcionamiento diario de los centros de enseñanza y, en especial, para la gestión de los retos que plantea la creciente diversidad de nuestra época. En este artículo se exponen y analizan opiniones de directores de guardería con respecto a políticas y prácticas para la gestión de la diversidad con relación a uno de los grupos más marginados: el pueblo romaní. Para dicho propósito, fueron realizadas diez entrevistas semi-estructuradas a directores de guarderías ubicadas en enclaves donde reside población romaní, ya sea en asentamientos apartados o en zonas urbanas. El análisis de los datos pone de manifiesto que los directores son conscientes de las deficiencias de las políticas con respecto a los romaníes, por lo que proponen una serie de medidas a nivel local y central para mejorar la inclusión escolar de dichos niños. Asimismo, los directores se sienten atrapados en un discurso deficiente que transmite a los romaníes la mayor parte de responsabilidad en su exclusión social y educativa.The role of school principals is recognized as crucial for the daily operation of schools in general and specifically for the management of the challenges posed by the increasing diversity of the current era. In this article, kindergarten principals’ views regarding policies and practices for the management of diversity with reference to one of the most marginalized group, the Roma people, are examined. For this purpose, ten semi-structured interviews with kindergarten principals in areas in which Roma people live either in settlements or inside the residential areas were conducted. Data analysis indicates that principals are aware of the inadequacies of the policies regarding the Roma people and they propose a series of measures at local and central level for the improvement of the school inclusion of Roma children. However, principals are also trapped to a deficit discourse that transfers to the Roma people the major responsibility for their social and educational exclusion

    International journal of sociology of education

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen, palabras clave en español e inglesSe explica y analiza las opiniones de directores de guardería con respecto a políticas y prácticas para la gestión de la diversidad con relación a uno de los grupos más marginados : el pueblo romaní. Para dicho propósito, fueron realizadas diez entrevistas semi-estructuradas a directores de guarderías ubicadas en enclaves donde reside población romaní, ya sea en asentamientos apartados o en zonas urbanas. El estudio de los datos pone de manifiesto que los directores son conscientes de las deficiencias de las políticas con respecto a los romaníes, por lo que proponen una serie de medidas a nivel local y central para mejorar la inclusión escolar de dichos niños. Asimismo, los directores se sienten atrapados en un discurso deficiente que transmite a los romaníes la mayor parte de responsabilidad en su exclusión social y educativa.ES

    Molecular epidemiology and microbiology of sexually transmitted diseases

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    Objective: To investigate the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the presence of cytological changes in the cervix in a cohort of sexually active women in Greece.Methods: Cervical cytology testing and the molecular typing of HPV and other STIs were performed for 345 sexually active women aged between 18 and 45 years (mean 33.2±7.2years) visiting a gynaecology clinic for routine cervical screening. The association of HPV and STI detection with cytological findings was investigated.Results: HPV was detected in 61 women (17.7%) and STIs in 82 (23.8%). Ureaplasmaspp was the most frequently detected pathogen, which was found in 63 (18.2%) women, followed by Mycoplasma spp (21 women, 25.6%) and Chlamydia trachomatis (five women, 6.1%). HPV positivity only (with no co-presence of STI) was associated with an abnormal cytology (odds ratio 6.9, p<0.001), while women who were negative for both HPV and STIs had a higher probability of a normal cytology (odds ratio 0.36, p<0.01). Sixteen out of the 63 (25.4%) women who tested positive for Ureaplasma spp, harboured a high-risk HPV type (odds ratio 2.3, p=0.02).Conclusions: In a population with a high prevalence of Ureaplasmaspp, there was an association of this pathogen with high-risk HPV infection, a finding that needs further elucidation.Αντικείμενο Σκοπός: Η διερεύνηση και η διάγνωση των σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενων νοσημάτων (ΣΜΝ) συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του HPV και η παρουσία κυτταρολογικών αλλαγών στον τράχηλο σε μια κοόρτη μελέτη με σεξουαλικώς ενεργές γυναίκες στον ελλαδικό χώρο.Υλικό και μέθοδοι: Πραγματοποιήθηκε κυτταρολογία τραχήλου μήτρας και μοριακή τυποποίηση HPV και άλλων ΣΜΝ για 345 ενεργά σεξουαλικά γυναίκες ηλικίας μεταξύ 18 και 45 ετών (μέσος όρος 33.2±7.2 έτη) που προσήλθαν σε γυναικολογική κλινική για έλεγχο διαλογής ρουτίνας. Μελετήθηκε η συσχέτιση του HPV και άλλων ΣΜΝ με την κυτταρολογική εικόνα.Αποτελέσματα: HPV εντοπίστηκε σε 61 γυναίκες (17.7%) και άλλα ΣΜΝ σε 82 (23.8%). Το Ureaplasma spp ήταν το πιο συχνά εντοπιζόμενο παθογόνο, το οποίο βρέθηκε σε 63 (18.2%) γυναίκες και ακολούθησαν το Mycoplasma spp (21 γυναίκες, 25.6%) και το Chlamydia trachomatis (πέντε γυναίκες, 6.1%). Η HPV θετικότητα μόνο (χωρίς τη συνύπαρξη άλλων ΣΜΝ) συσχετίσθηκε με μη φυσιολογική κυτταρολογία (odds ratio 6.9, p<0.001), ενώ γυναίκες που ήταν αρνητικές τόσο για HPV όσο και για τα άλλα ΣΜΝ είχαν μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα να εμφανίσουν φυσιολογική κυτταρολογία τραχήλου μήτρας (odds ratio 0.36, p<0.01). Δεκαέξι από τις 63 (25.4%) γυναίκες οι οποίες ελέγχθηκαν θετικές για Ureaplasma spp, είχαν υψηλού ρίσκου HPV τύπο (odds ratio 2.3, p=0.02).Συμπεράσματα: Σε έναν πληθυσμό με αυξημένη εμφάνιση του Ureaplasma spp, υπήρχε συσχέτιση αυτού του συγκεκριμένου παθογόνου με υψηλού κινδύνου (υψηλού ρίσκου) HPV λοίμωξη, εύρημα που χρειάζεται περαιτέρω διερεύνηση και μελέτη

    “Otherness” as Threat: Social and Educational Exclusion of Roma People in Greece

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    This paper focuses on aspects of the social and educational exclusion that Roma people face in the Greek context. It argues that diversity has been constructed as a threat for the security, the social cohesion, and the well-being of western societies. Drawing from two case studies of primary schools conducted in a highly deprived suburb of Athens, where most Roma live in harsh conditions, we argue that socially constructed dispositions regarding diversity and inadequate state policies are major obstacles for the improvement of educational opportunities and life chances of Roma people in Greece

    Prenatal diagnosis of fetal hemivertebra in the first trimester

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    Hemivertebra is a congenital spinal abnormality. The condition may affect one or multiple vertebrae. Hemivertebra occurs because of malformations or absence of the ossification centers. Most cases reported in the literature are diagnosed in the second trimester, usually after 22 weeks. It is very unusual and difficult for the hemivertebra to be detected at the first trimester

    Total occlusion of the common carotid artery: A modified classification and its relation to clinical status

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    To investigate the hemodynamics and clinical presentation of common carotid artery occlusion (CCAO), we reviewed 6,415 patients with suspected carotid artery disease in whom a color Duplex imaging (CDI) examination was performed. According to distal vessel patency, the following CDI classification of CCAO was adopted: type I (patent both distal vessels); type II (isolated patency of external carotid artery); type III (isolated patency of internal carotid artery); and type IV (both distal vessels occluded). Thirty-five (0.5%) cases met the CDI criteria for CCAO. Twenty-nine of those (83%) had at least one patent distal vessel. Ten patients (29%) presented with stroke, 20 (57%) with transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) and five (14%) were asymptomatic. The incidence of stroke was higher in type IV (50%) vs. type II (30%) and in type II vs. type I (10%) lesions. Similarly, TIAs presented more often in type II (67%) and IV (50%) vs. in type I (40%) lesions (p = 0.002). Retrograde flow in the ophthalmic artery and concomitant severe contralateral carotid artery stenosis were more often related with type II and IV lesions (p = 0.02 and 0.04, respectively). CCAO is usually accompanied by patent distal vessel(s). The proposed CCAO classification correlates well with the patients’ clinical status and may help to better clarify the outcome of this rare entity. Among the main arteries of the developed collateral circulation, only the flow direction in the ophthalmic artery may be of clinical value. (E-mail: [email protected]) (c) 2008 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine &amp; Biology