1,383 research outputs found

    Exploring British and Finnish preregistration nursing students’ experiences of learning emergency and acute care nursing through a collaborative online international (COIL) classroom

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    Background: This case study describes the development and evaluation of a collaborative online international learning (COIL) nursing collaboration between Finland and UK in ‘Care of the Acutely Ill Patient’. Aim: The aim was to plan and deliver an online programme of learning experiences on a shared rofessional subject with mixedinternational students, then evaluate this learning experience with a view to expanding or extending it in future as a core element of our nursing programmes. Method: A steering group led the design format of this short course, aligning it to each university’s curriculum and professional goals. Then, a teaching team devised the learning materials and learning sessions. Finally, the steering group evaluated the course. In total there were 38 student participants (Finland n=21, UK n=17). Results: 80 per cent (n= 20) of students felt that their understanding of the subject had increased as a result of taking the course. In total 64 per cent (n=16) felt that the course had enabled them to gain skills to help their future career development. Perceptions of working in mixed international groups was diverse, with challenges of communication, time and perceptions of what constituted ‘group work’ between UK and Finnish students. Learning new nursing aspects from teachers and peers as well as sharing ideas from another country in a novel way was perceived as beneficial and overall ‘uplifting’. Conclusion: This COIL has significant strengths but also some challenges. The outcomes of this case study point to its potential and value within nursing and other professional programmes

    Numerals and what counts

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    This study discusses the way different numerals and related expressions are currently annotated in the Universal Dependencies project, with a specific focus on the Uralic language family and only occasional references to the other language groups. We analyse different annotation conventions between individual treebanks, and aim to highlight some areas where further development work and systematization could prove beneficial. At the same time, the Universal Dependencies project already offers a wide range of conventions to mark nuanced variation in numerals and counting expressions, and the harmonization of conventions between different languages could be the next step to take. The discussion here makes specific reference to Universal Dependencies version 2.8, and some differences found may already have been harmonized in version 2.9. Regardless of whether this takes place or not, we believe that the study still forms an important documentation of this period in the project.Peer reviewe

    Vaihtoehtoisten pohjanvahvistusratkaisujen vertailu rataverkolla

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    Tiivistelmä. Tavoitteena oli löytää vaihtoehtoinen pohjanvahvistusratkaisu HERI 2 projektin 2. vaiheen suunnitelmille, josta voitaisiin tehdä mahdollisesti koerakenne. Alustavasti vaihtoehtoina paksulle savipehmeikölle olivat pilaristabilointi ja paalulaatta. Suunnittelun alussa päätettiin tarkastelu aloittaa maanvaraisesta penkereestä. Tässä työssä tutustuttiin erilaisiin pehmeikölle soveltuviin pohjanvahvistusmenetelmiin, tarvittaviin pohjatutkimuksiin ja yleisimpiin suunnitteluun vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Runsaiden pohjatutkimusten ja yhteistyöllä kairaajien ja labratyöntekijöiden kanssa saatiin tutkimustuloksista laadukkaita. Parametrien herkkyystarkastelun avulla voitiin todeta, että esikuormitettu penger on mahdollinen vaihtoehtoinen. Ainoana ongelmana on olemassa olevien raiteiden sivuttainen painuman muutos kahden ensimmäisen vuoden aikana. Tulokset kuitenkin viittaavat vahvasti, että esikuormitus olisi toteutettava vaihtoehto, kunhan sivuttainen painuman pienentäminen otetaan huomioon.Alternative subgrade reinforcement comparison at railways. Abstract. The goal of this thesis was to find an alternative subgrade reinforcement solution for the plans of the 2nd phase of the HERI 2 project, which could possibly be tested by a test structure. Tentatively, alternatives to the thick clay soil were pillar stabilization and pile slab. At the beginning of the design, it was decided to start the examination from the preloaded embankment. In this work, we got acquainted with different foundation strengthening methods suitable for soft rock, the necessary ground surveys and the most common factors influencing the design. Through extensive ground survey and cooperation with drillers and laboratory workers, the research results were of high quality. With the help of the sensitivity analysis of the parameters, it could be concluded that the preloaded embankment is a possible alternative. The only problem is the lateral shift of the existing tracks during the first two years. However, the results strongly suggest that preloading would be a feasible option if lateral settlement reduction is taken into account

    Valence electronic structure and photofragmentation of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CF3-CH2F)

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    The electronic structure and fragmentation of the hydrofluorocarbon compound 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CF3-CH2F) were studied using spectroscopical methods and quantum chemical calculations. Valence photoelectron spectra and the ionic fragmentation products were recorded with synchrotron radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region. The geometric and electronic structures of the CF3-CH2F molecule were calculated using the complete active space perturbation theory of second order. The calculated vertical ionization energies were used to interpret the experimental photoelectron spectrum. VUV photodissociation of the sample molecule was studied with photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy. Coincident ion yields are shown for several cations as a function of electron binding energy. The experimental data are discussed in comparison with theory and previous work

    The need for a more dynamic and ecological assessment of children experiencing barriers to learning to move towards inclusive education: a summary of results of the Daffodil project.

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    Although governments have recognized the need to make education more accessible to children with developmental disabilities and/or learning difficulties, many children remain excluded from participation in regular school settings, let alone receive adequate education. Though every country which ratified the United Nations (UN) 2006 Convention on the Rights of People with Disability has committed itself to inclusive education, there are many obstacles. One of them is the currently preferred way of assessing children with standardized, psychometric diagnostic tests, with a comparative and classifying purpose. This type of assessment, based on a medical impairment model and a static model of intelligence, results in reports which are sometimes not very useful for educational advice. This paper reports an overview of the results of the DAFFODIL project (Dynamic Assessment of Functioning and Oriented at Development and Inclusive Learning), created by a consortium of eight European partners in order to research more inclusive alternatives and suggest reforms to assessment and coaching procedures. It starts with a critical review of current assessment practices; then it presents criteria for good practices for assessing children with additional educational needs in a more dynamic, inclusion-oriented and contextual way. A Delphi procedure was used by 150 professionals and parents to develop a consensus for guidelines for assessment procedures oriented at mapping functional difficulties, context, interaction and possibilities for learning, with the objective to understanding learning processes, to develop more inclusive, challenging and suitable educational programmes and more useful recommendations for teachers, parents and rehabilitation staff

    HLA RNA Sequencing With Unique Molecular Identifiers Reveals High Allele-Specific Variability in mRNA Expression

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    The HLA gene complex is the most important single genetic factor in susceptibility to most diseases with autoimmune or autoinflammatory origin and in transplantation matching. Most studies have focused on the vast allelic variation in these genes; only a few studies have explored differences in the expression levels of HLA alleles. In this study, we quantified mRNA expression levels of HLA class I and II genes from peripheral blood samples of 50 healthy individuals. The gene- and allele-specific mRNA expression was assessed using unique molecular identifiers, which enabled PCR bias removal and calculation of the number of original mRNA transcripts. We identified differences in mRNA expression between different HLA genes and alleles. Our results suggest that HLA alleles are differentially expressed and these differences in expression levels are quantifiable using RNA sequencing technology. Our method provides novel insights into HLA research, and it can be applied to quantify expression differences of HLA alleles in various tissues and to evaluate the role of this type of variation in transplantation matching and susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.Peer reviewe

    EKP:n rahapolitiikan strategia ja euroalueen taloudellinen kehitys strategian näkökulmasta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmasssa perehdytään Euroopan keskuspankin rahapolitiikan strategiaan, ja analysoidaan euroalueen talouskehitystä strategian näkökulmasta. Osassa 1 eritellään strategian, rahapolitiikan strategian ja rahapolitiikan strategian historiallista kehitystä EKP:n osalta. Strategian historia esitellään kronologisesti vuodesta 1999, vuoden 2021 loppuun, jolloin strategiaa on viimeksi tarkistettu. Seuraavan tarkistuksen oletetaan tapahtuvan näillä näkymin vuonna 2025. Osassa 2 esitellään rahapoliittisiin muuttujiin ja indikaattoreihin liittyvää grafiikkaa, kuten raha-aggregaatit, inflaatio sekä ’korkokäytävä’. Graafinen tarkastelu keskittyy rahapolitiikan virityksen ja makromuuttujien tarkasteluun. Graafisen analyysin ja sen sanallisen tulkinnan on tarkoitus vastata alustavasti kysymykseen, onko EKP onnistunut rahapolitiikkansa strategian jalkauttamisessa, ja onko se toteuttanut strategiaansa käytännössä