961 research outputs found

    Synchronous or collision solid neoplasms and lymphomas: A systematic review of 308 case reports.

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    The presence of a lymphoma associated with a solid synchronous neoplasm or collision neoplasm has been rarely in the literature, and a detailed characterization of these cases is lacking to date. To describe the main clinicopathological features of synchronous/collision tumors. A systematic search in PubMed, Scielo, and Virtual Health Library literature databases for cases or case series of synchronous or collision lymphoma and other solid neoplasms reported up to March 2021 was performed. Three reviewers independently screened the literature, extracted data, and assessed the quality of the included studies. The systematic review was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Meta-Analyses guidelines. Mean age of patients was 62.9 years (52.9% men). A total of 308 cases were included (62% synchronous and 38% collision). The most frequent location of both synchronous and collision tumors was the gastrointestinal tract with the most common solid neoplasm being adenocarcinoma, and the most frequent lymphoma diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (21.7%) and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (20.4%). Of the total number of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas and gastric adenocarcinomas, the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection was documented in 47.3% of them. Only 2% of all cases had a previous history of lymphoma. Thus, in most cases (98%), lymphoma was discovery incidentally. In addition, nodal lymphoma was associated with metastasis in 29 (9.4%) cases as collision tumor, most commonly (90%) in locoregional lymph nodes of the solid neoplasm. The frequent association of some type of B-cell lymphoma and adenocarcinoma in synchronous/collision tumors of the gastrointestinal tract points to common pathogenic mechanisms in both neoplasia, particularly related to chronic inflammation in this location. In most cases, lymphoma identified in locoregional lymph nodes or distant of a carcinoma seems to represent an incidental finding during the carcinoma diagnostic/therapeutic approach. A synergy between carcinoma and lymphoma (involving inflammation and immunosuppression mechanisms) may favor tumor progression and dissemination. A better understating of the interactions lymphoma/carcinoma in the setting of synchronous/collision tumors may help to improve patient management and prognosis

    El cuerpo humano como sistema de aprovechamiento de la energía solar

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    Este artículo presenta una caracterización del comportamiento del cuerpo humano como un sistema complejo de aprovechamiento de la energía solar.La mayor parte de los seres vivos tiene como su principal fuente de energía el Sol, sea esta fuente directa o indirecta, tal como sucede con los organismos autótrofos y heterótrofos dentro de los que podemos nombrar otras clasificaciones como fotótrofos, fotoautótrofos, quimioautótrofos y otros. Se resalta que los organismos heterótrofos en parte toman su energía de los autótrofos, y para estos últimos la mayor parte de energía proviene del Sol. En el presente trabajo se analiza el ser humano como un organismo dependiente en gran parte de la energía solar aunque un tanto por ciento de esa energía proviene indirectamente.  Se hace una clasificación de los subsistemas de aprovechamiento en el hombre y se demuestra que si tenemos en cuenta hasta una tercera etapa de la cadena alimenticia el hombre como muchos organismos, es dependiente en un gran porcentaje de la energía suministrada por el Sol

    Homens, saúde sexual e saúde reprodutiva: avanços nas pesquisas recentes na América Latina

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    From a gender perspective, a critical reading was conducted on recent research about men, sexual health and reproductive health in Latin America, based on a literature review. Were analyzed 55 studies. Despite some changes seen in the transit to new masculinities, mainly linked to paternity, it was found that hegemonic masculinity is still present in the sexual and reproductive experiences of Latin American men. Since adolescence, there are practices, ideas and construction of values interrelated with a male sexuality distant from caring for oneself and others. Studies on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV and AIDS reflect manhood stereotypes as a cause of not perceiving the risk of being infected and prevent men from consulting if they have problems that affect they sex life. Sexual and reproductive health services are shown in some studies as men excluding and with a lack of preparation with a broad set of health requirements in the different stages of their lives. In addition there is little comprehension and sensitivity in their approach to the diversity. As knowledge about sexuality is not enough to develop attitudes of self-care and awareness of the care of others, authors insist in the relevance of revaluating the masculinity definitions. Programs including a masculine perspective achieve positive changes when they are designed to respond to the necessities of men.Se realizó una lectura crítica con perspectiva de género de la investigación reciente sobre hombres, salud sexual y salud reproductiva en América Latina, basada en una revisión de la literatura. Fueron sistematizados y analizados 55 estudios. Se halló que la masculinidad hegemónica sigue presente en las vivencias sexuales y reproductivas de los varones en la región, a pesar de observase el tránsito hacia nuevas masculinidades especialmente enlazado con la vivencia de la paternidad. Desde la adolescencia se observa la construcción de valores, ideas y prácticas anudadas a la naturalización de una sexualidad masculina ajena al cuidado de sí y de otros.  Los estudios sobre infecciones de transmisión sexual y VIH-sida muestran que los estereotipos viriles llevan a no percibir el riesgo de infectarse. De igual modo, impiden a los hombres consultar ante la presencia de problemas que afectan la sexualidad. Los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva aparecen en los estudios como excluyentes de los hombres y poco preparados para atender a la población masculina en los diferentes momentos del curso de vida y en la amplitud de sus necesidades de salud, además de mostrar ser poco integrales en su abordaje y poco sensibles a la diversidad. Como los conocimientos sobre sexualidad no son suficientes para desarrollar actitudes de autocuidado y conciencia del cuidado de otros, los autores insisten en la importancia de impactar las construcciones sobre la masculinidad. Cuando están diseñados para responder a las necesidades de los hombres, con perspectiva de masculinidades, los programas logran ejercer cambios positivos.A partir da perspectiva de gênero, uma leitura crítica foi conduzida utilizando uma recente pesquisa relacionada aos homens, à saúde sexual e à saude reprodutiva na América Latina, tudo isto baseado em revisão da literatura. Dessa forma, um total de 55 estudos foi analisado. Foi observado que a masculinidade hegemônica está ainda presente nas experiências sexuais e reprodutivas do homem da América Latina, apesar de algumas mudanças serem vistas na transição para novas masculinidades, principalmente ligadas à paternidade. Desde a adolescência, observa-se a construção de valores, ideias e práticas vinculadas à naturalização da sexualidade masculina alheia ao cuidado de si e dos outros. Estudos relacionados à doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DSTs) e SIDA (Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida - AIDS-HIV) mostram que os estereótipos masculinos são a causa da não percepção dos riscos de ser infectado e impedem que os homens consultem caso eles tenham problemas que afetem sua vida sexual. Serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva são apontados em alguns estudos como sendo excludentes masculinos e mal preparados para atendê-los na amplitude de suas necessidades de saúde e nos diferentes estágios de suas vidas. E além disso, apresentam pouca compreensão e sensibilidade ao abordar a diversidade. Como o conhecimento sobre a sexualidade não é suficiente para desenvolver atitudes de autocuidado e consciência do cuidado com os outros, os autores insistem na importância de reavaliar as definições de masculinidade. Quando projetados para responder às necessidades dos homens, sob uma perspectiva masculina, os programas conseguem exercer mudanças positivas

    TeleHealth Improves Diabetes Self-Management in an Underserved Community: Diabetes TeleCare

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    OBJECTIVE To conduct a 1-year randomized clinical trial to evaluate a remote comprehensive diabetes self-management education (DSME) intervention, Diabetes TeleCare, administered by a dietitian and nurse/certified diabetes educator (CDE) in the setting of a federally qualified health center (FQHC) in rural South Carolina

    Mediators Affecting Girls’ Levels of Physical Activity Outside of School: Findings from the Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls

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    Providing after school activities is a community level approach for reducing the decline in physical activity of girls as they reach early adolescence

    Association between School- and Nonschool-Based Activity Programs and Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls

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    Some researchers have questioned if activity programs would be more effective if based outside school (eg, community leagues) rather than within schools. This study compared participation in activity programs based within and outside of school, and estimated the associations between participation and moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among adolescent girls

    Meat tenderness genetic polymorphisms occurrence and distribution in five Zebu breeds in Mexico

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    Background: The Zebu cattle are represented by a diverse group of breeds in M\ue9xico. Traditionally these breeds have been associated with the tough beef characteristic. Validated genetic markers have the potential to be included in marker-assisted selection and management programs in order to improve traits such as beef tenderness. The incidence and distribution of Calpain and Calpastatin polymorphisms strongly associated with beef tenderness were estimated in registered cattle of five Zebu breeds in Mexico. Results: A low and in some cases null frequency of favorable C allele of CAPN316 was determined in all breeds. Conversely, a more equilibrated frequency in CAPN4751 and CAST loci was observed. Conclusions: Although the relatively low occurrence of favorable alleles in assessed loci may limit their use in selection programs, genotyping availability might be a practical and comprehensive tool for introgression programs by marker assisted selection and management as to improve meat tenderness of Zebu breeds

    Pathogenesis of Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Update and Systematic Review.

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    Penile squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) is a rare but aggressive neoplasm with dual pathogenesis (human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated and HPV-independent). The development of targeted treatment is hindered by poor knowledge of the molecular landscape of PSCC. We performed a thorough review of genetic alterations of PSCC focused on somatic mutations and/or copy number alterations. A total of seven articles have been identified which, overall, include 268 PSCC. However, the series are heterogeneous regarding methodologies employed for DNA sequencing and HPV detection together with HPV prevalence, and include, in general, a limited number of cases, which results in markedly different findings. Reported top-ranked mutations involve TP53, CDKN2A, FAT1, NOTCH-1 and PIK3CA. Numerical alterations involve gains in MYC and EGFR, as well as amplifications in HPV integration loci. A few genes including TP53, CDKN2A, PIK3CA and CCND1 harbor both somatic mutations and copy number alterations. Notch, RTK-RAS and Hippo pathways are frequently deregulated. Nevertheless, the relevance of the identified alterations, their role in signaling pathways or their association with HPV status remain elusive. Combined targeting of different pathways might represent a valid therapeutic approach in PSCC. This work calls for large-scale sequencing studies with robust HPV testing to improve the genomic understanding of PSCC

    Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco, 2015

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    El octavo informe Q ITESO: Análisis Crítico de Medios revisa el funcionamiento del sistema de comunicación política durante el proceso electoral de 2015, así como diversos aspectos relevantes de unas elecciones que culminaron con un cambio radical en el panorama político en Jalisco. En el universo de los medios de comunicación, se analizan los cambios experimentados por estos en el marco de la coyuntura electoral local, la equidad y profundidad en la cobertura por parte de los periódicos y la difusión que hicieron de las encuestas, así como el discurso e impacto de la propaganda difundida a través de la televisión y la Internet, a lo que se suma los debates registrados en redes sociales como Twitter, y la percepción sobre las campañas por parte de la audiencia tapatía. El examen político se enfoca en la campaña realizada por los candidatos independientes, el planteamiento socioeconómico de los contendientes por la capital del estado y el impacto electoral de un personaje incómodo como el papá del gobernador, para culminar este informe con una reflexión general y un balance de quiénes perdieron y quiénes ganaron al término de las elecciones de 2015.ITESO, A.C

    HPV-negative Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PeIN) With Basaloid Features.

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    Most human papillomavirus (HPV)-independent penile squamous cell carcinomas (PSCCs) originate from an intraepithelial precursor called differentiated penile intraepithelial neoplasia, characterized by atypia limited to the basal layer with marked superficial maturation. Previous studies in vulvar cancer, which has a similar dual etiopathogenesis, have shown that about one fifth of HPV-independent precursors are morphologically indistinguishable from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs), the precursor of HPV-asssociated carcinomas. However, such lesions have not been described in PSCC. From 2000 to 2021, 55 surgical specimens of PSCC were identified. In all cases, thorough morphologic evaluation, HPV DNA detection, and p16, p53, and Ki-67 immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was performed. HPV-independent status was assigned based on both negative results for p16 IHC and HPV DNA. Thirty-six of the 55 PSCC (65%) were HPV-independent. An intraepithelial precursor was identified in 26/36 cases (72%). Five of them (19%) had basaloid features, morphologically indistinguishable from HPV-associated HSIL. The median age of the 5 patients was 74 years (range: 67 to 83 y). All 5 cases were p16 and DNA HPV-negative. Immunohistochemically, 3 cases showed an abnormal p53 pattern, and 2 showed wild-type p53 staining. The associated invasive carcinoma was basaloid in 4 cases and the usual (keratinizing) type in 1. In conclusion, a small proportion of HPV-independent PSCC may arise on adjacent intraepithelial lesions morphologically identical to HPV-associated HSIL. This unusual histologic pattern has not been previously characterized in detail in PSCC. p16 IHC is a valuable tool to identify these lesions and differentiate them from HPV-associated HSIL