8,314 research outputs found

    Long-wavelength limit of gyrokinetics in a turbulent tokamak and its intrinsic ambipolarity

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    Recently, the electrostatic gyrokinetic Hamiltonian and change of coordinates have been computed to order ϵ2\epsilon^2 in general magnetic geometry. Here ϵ\epsilon is the gyrokinetic expansion parameter, the gyroradius over the macroscopic scale length. Starting from these results, the long-wavelength limit of the gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck and quasineutrality equations is taken for tokamak geometry. Employing the set of equations derived in the present article, it is possible to calculate the long-wavelength components of the distribution functions and of the poloidal electric field to order ϵ2\epsilon^2. These higher-order pieces contain both neoclassical and turbulent contributions, and constitute one of the necessary ingredients (the other is given by the short-wavelength components up to second order) that will eventually enter a complete model for the radial transport of toroidal angular momentum in a tokamak in the low flow ordering. Finally, we provide an explicit and detailed proof that the system consisting of second-order gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck and quasineutrality equations leaves the long-wavelength radial electric field undetermined; that is, the turbulent tokamak is intrinsically ambipolar.Comment: 70 pages. Typos in equations (63), (90), (91), (92) and (129) correcte

    Stable dark and bright soliton Kerr combs can coexist in normal dispersion resonators

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    Using the Lugiato-Lefever model, we analyze the effects of third order chromatic dispersion on the existence and stability of dark and bright soliton Kerr frequency combs in the normal dispersion regime. While in the absence of third order dispersion only dark solitons exist over an extended parameter range, we find that third order dispersion allows for stable dark and bright solitons to coexist. Reversibility is broken and the shape of the switching waves connecting the top and bottom homogeneous solutions is modified. Bright solitons come into existence thanks to the generation of oscillations in the switching wave profiles. Finally, oscillatory instabilities of dark solitons are also suppressed in the presence of sufficiently strong third order dispersion

    Stellarator bootstrap current and plasma flow velocity at low collisionality

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    The bootstrap current and flow velocity of a low-collisionality stellarator plasma are calculated. As far as possible, the analysis is carried out in a uniform way across all low-collisionality regimes in general stellarator geometry, assuming only that the confinement is good enough that the plasma is approximately in local thermodynamic equilibrium. It is found that conventional expressions for the ion flow speed and bootstrap current in the low-collisionality limit are accurate only in the 1/ν1/\nu-collisionality regime and need to be modified in the ν\sqrt{\nu}-regime. The correction due to finite collisionality is also discussed and is found to scale as ν2/5\nu^{2/5}

    Applicability of satellite remote sensing for detection and monitoring of coal strip mining activities

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Large areas covered by orbital photography allows the user to estimate the acreage of strip mining activity from a few frames. Infrared photography both in color and in black and white transparencies was found to be the best suited for this purpose

    Interaction of solitons and the formation of bound states in the generalized Lugiato-Lefever equation

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    Bound states, also called soliton molecules, can form as a result of the interaction between individual solitons. This interaction is mediated through the tails of each soliton that overlap with one another. When such soliton tails have spatial oscillations, locking or pinning between two solitons can occur at fixed distances related with the wavelength of these oscillations, thus forming a bound state. In this work, we study the formation and stability of various types of bound states in the Lugiato-Lefever equation by computing their interaction potential and by analyzing the properties of the oscillatory tails. Moreover, we study the effect of higher order dispersion and noise in the pump intensity on the dynamics of bound states. In doing so, we reveal that perturbations to the Lugiato-Lefever equation that maintain reversibility, such as fourth order dispersion, lead to bound states that tend to separate from one another in time when noise is added. This separation force is determined by the shape of the envelope of the interaction potential, as well as an additional Brownian ratchet effect. In systems with broken reversibility, such as third order dispersion, this ratchet effect continues to push solitons within a bound state apart. However, the force generated by the envelope of the potential is now such that it pushes the solitons towards each other, leading to a null net drift of the solitons.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Optimizing stellarators for large flows

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    Plasma flow is damped in stellarators because they are not intrinsically ambipolar, unlike tokamaks, in which the flux-surface averaged radial electric current vanishes for any value of the radial electric field. Only quasisymmetric stellarators are intrinsically ambipolar, but exact quasisymmetry is impossible to achieve in non-axisymmetric toroidal configurations. By calculating the violation of intrinsic ambipolarity due to deviations from quasisymmetry, one can derive criteria to assess when a stellarator can be considered quasisymmetric in practice, i.e. when the flow damping is weak enough. Let us denote by α\alpha a small parameter that controls the size of a perturbation to an exactly quasisymmetric magnetic field. Recently, it has been shown that if the gradient of the perturbation is sufficiently small, the flux-surface averaged radial electric current scales as α2\alpha^2 for any value of the collisionality. It was also argued that when the gradient of the perturbation is large, the quadratic scaling is replaced by a more unfavorable one. In this paper, perturbations with large gradients are rigorously treated. In particular, it is proven that for low collisionality a perturbation with large gradient yields, at best, an O(α)O(|\alpha|) deviation from quasisymmetry. Heuristic estimations in the literature incorrectly predicted an O(α3/2)O(|\alpha|^{3/2}) deviation.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Canonical circuit quantization with linear nonreciprocal devices

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    Nonreciprocal devices effectively mimic the breaking of time-reversal symmetry for the subspace of dynamical variables that they couple, and can be used to create chiral information processing networks. We study the systematic inclusion of ideal gyrators and circulators into Lagrangian and Hamiltonian descriptions of lumped-element electrical networks. The proposed theory is of wide applicability in general nonreciprocal networks on the quantum regime. We apply it to pedagogical and pathological examples of circuits containing Josephson junctions and ideal nonreciprocal elements described by admittance matrices, and compare it with the more involved treatment of circuits based on nonreciprocal devices characterized by impedance or scattering matrices. Finally, we discuss the dual quantization of circuits containing phase-slip junctions and nonreciprocal devices.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; changes made to match the accepted version in PR

    Flow damping in stellarators close to quasisymmetry

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    Quasisymmetric stellarators are a type of optimized stellarators for which flows are undamped to lowest order in an expansion in the normalized Larmor radius. However, perfect quasisymmetry is impossible. Since large flows may be desirable as a means to reduce turbulent transport, it is important to know when a stellarator can be considered to be sufficiently close to quasisymmetry. The answer to this question depends strongly on the size of the spatial gradients of the deviation from quasisymmetry and on the collisionality regime. Recently, formal criteria for closeness to quasisymmetry have been derived in a variety of situations. In particular, the case of deviations with large gradients was solved in the 1/ν1/\nu regime. Denoting by α\alpha a parameter that gives the size of the deviation from quasisymmetry, it was proven that particle fluxes do not scale with α3/2\alpha^{3/2}, as typically claimed, but with α\alpha. It was also shown that ripple wells are not necessarily the main cause of transport. This paper reviews those works and presents a new result in another collisionality regime, in which particles trapped in ripple wells are collisional and the rest are collisionless.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio