1,314 research outputs found

    House generation using procedural modeling with rules

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    This is a work dedicated to the development of a software for creating 3D models of houses with modern design. The main goal is to generate a tool that makes use of procedural modeling techniques to generate a wide variety of models. The result is an application capable of generating realistic model renderings with an input consisting of a set of rules. The most important part of this project will be the development of grammar and of all each operation will start to be simple and basic in the form of 3D. Combinations of operations such as extrusions, subdivisions or prefabrications will then be done to increase the complexity of the whole model that makes it look like a modern house. Thispart was carried out with some tests based on a correct performance of the same algorithm, as this is the core of the whole application.Aquest és un treball dedicat al desenvolupament d'un software de creació de models 3D de cases amb disseny modern. L'objectiu principal és generar una eina que faci ús de tècniques de modelat procedural per generar una gran varietat de models. El resultat és una aplicació capaç de generar renders de models realistes amb una entrada que consisteix en un conjunt de regles. La part més important d’aquest projecte consistirà en el desenvolupament de la gramàtica i cada operació començarà a ser senzilla i bàsica en forma de 3D. A continuació, es faran combinacions d’operacions com extrusions, subdivisions o prefabricacions augmenta la complexitat de tot el model que fa que sembli una casa actual. Aquesta part es va dur a terme amb algunes proves basades en un correcte rendiment del mateix algorisme, ja que aquest és el nucli de tota l'aplicació.Este es un trabajo dedicado al desarrollo de un software de creación de modelos 3D de casas con diseño moderno. El objetivo principal es generar una herramienta que haga uso de técnicas de modelado procedural para generar una gran variedad de modelos. El resultado es una aplicación capaz de generar renders de modelos realistas con una entrada que consiste en un conjunto de reglas. La parte más importante de este proyecto consistirá en el desarrollo de la gramática y cada operación empezará a ser sencilla y básica en forma de 3D. A continuación, se harán combinaciones de operaciones como extrusiones, subdivisiones o prefabricaciones aumenta la complejidad de todo el modelo que hace que parezca una casa actual. Esta parte se llevó a cabo con algunas pruebas basadas en un correcto rendimiento del mismo algoritmo, puesto que este es el núcleo de toda la aplicación


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    Mixed-species flocks of bird represent an ecological phenomena resulting from a diversity of complex interactions and evolutionary pressures. Paleotropical, Neotropical and temperate forests include many examples of passerine bird who interact by forming mixed-species flocks and by eavesdropping on the alarm calls produced by heterospecifics. In the mixed-flock systems of Amazonia, species of antshrike (Thamnomanes sp.) have been shown to provide other flock members valuable information regarding threats from predation through their frequent alarm calls. Several species of flock attendees respond to the alarms of antshrikes with predator-avoidance behaviors, but no study has yet shown a reciprocal relationship between flock members and flock-leading antshrikes. Apparently distinct from mixed-flock systems of other forests, there has been little evidence to support that flock-leading species of antshrike benefit from the alarm signals of other flock members. Using alarm signals recorded during in situ exposures of mixed-flock species to trained raptors, we conducted a playback experiment to 16 different mixed flocks to see to what degree antshrikes may be eavesdropping on the alarms of Myrmotherula antwrens. 8 Dusky-throated Antshrike Thamnomanes ardesiacus and 8 Cinereous Antshrike T. schistogynus were presented with i) conspecific alarms ii) White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris alarms iii) Grey Antwren M. menetriesii alarms and iv) a control. The results of our experiment support that the alarms of the two species of antwren illicit a significant response from both species of antshrike. Our model also shows the responses of antshrikes to antwren alarms are indistinguishable from their response to conspecific alarms, yet different from a control (Marginal R2=.36, Conditional R2=.37). This suggests that highly social flock-leading species such as Thamnomanes antshrikes may benefit from the information provided by flock mates regarding predators. Further, these patterns are consistent with eavesdropping interactions observed within mixed-flocks in ecologically similar but geographically distant forests

    Plan de negocio para el desarrollo de un servicio de monitoreo de operaciones de importación y servicios logísticos

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    88 Páginas.Este plan de negocio se pensó para desarrollar un servicio de monitoreo de operaciones de comercio exterior y servicios logísticos, teniendo en mente la tendencia del sector hacia la tercerización de procesos de negocio y la especialización de las empresas en su "core business". Este proceso es una herramienta estratégica para el empresario dado que está le provee información vital que permite generar oportunidades de mejora, tener visibilidad sobre toda la cadena de abastecimiento de la empresa, entre otros, para así anticipar eventos y tomar la mejor decisión en caso de alguna eventualidad. Durante el desarrollo del plan de negocio se determinó que adicional al servicio de monitoreo también se gestionaría una actividad comercial para los operadores logísticos de manera tal que se lograra un beneficio económico

    Completion of S-55 Using GIS: A Practical Planning Tool

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    IHO Publication S-55 ‘Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting Worldwide’, is a most important publication of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and is designed to provide a diagnosis of hydrographic requirements, due to the complete database on international hydrographic knowledge that it contains. This paper presents a methodology proposed by Colombia to calculate the status of the hydrographic surveys and nautical chart availability utilising a Geographic Information System (GIS), a methodology that may be used as a guide for any country determining the information needed for S-55. It was found that following this methodology the way, in which calculations of hydrographic capabilities are determined, may be standardised, and the result can provide an important planning tool to optimise the investment of hydrographic resources at a national and regional level

    Envelopes of commutative rings

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    Given a significative class FF of commutative rings, we study the precise conditions under which a commutative ring RR has an FF-envelope. A full answer is obtained when FF is the class of fields, semisimple commutative rings or integral domains. When FF is the class of Noetherian rings, we give a full answer when the Krull dimension of RR is zero and when the envelope is required to be epimorphic. The general problem is reduced to identifying the class of non-Noetherian rings having a monomorphic Noetherian envelope, which we conjecture is the empty class.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Finiteness properties and homological dimensions of Skew Group rings

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    Let GG be a finite group acting on a ring RR and HH a subgroup of GG. In this paper we compare some homological dimensions over the skew group rings RGRG and RHRH. Moreover, under the assumption that RGRG is a separable extension over RHRH, we show that the skew group rings RGRG and RHRH share some properties such as being nn-Gorenstein, nn-perfect, nn-coherent, (n,d)(n,d), Ding-Chen or IF-rings

    On the K-theory of Z\mathbb{Z}-categories

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    We relate the notions of Noetherian, regular coherent and regular nn-coherent category for Z\mathbb{Z}-linear categories with finite objects with the corresponding notions for unital rings. We use this relation to obtain a vanishing negative KK-theory of Z\mathbb{Z}-linear categories.Comment: 18 page

    La re-habilitación como estrategia de “decrecimiento”; la actuación sobre el “patrimonio”: re-pensamiento, re-utilización y re-generación… ¿sostenibles? La disolución de la Arquitectura

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    Dado el momento socio-histórico, nos planteamos si no sería conveniente hacer desaparecer la Arquitectura, tal como hasta ahora la hemos concebido; al menos, disolverla -o diluirla- junto con el resto de elementos que conforman el torbellino de cambio (=crisis) en cuyo ojo andamos sumidos. Si la única actitud defendible es aquella que propugna un decrecimiento sostenido (y por tanto sostenible), se deduce que como consecuencia de ese proceso jibarizador, debiera llegar el momento en el que el decrecimiento fuera tal que directamente desembocara en la desaparición, tanto del sujeto (arquitecto) como de la disciplina. Si hasta hace poco, “lo más sostenible” era no aumentar la entropía del mundo sino, a lo sumo, intervenir sobre lo ya edificado (el patrimonio existente), re-pensándolo, reutilizándolo, re-habilitándolo…, ahora quizá haya que complementar dicha postura, con una actitud conducente al entendimiento de la práctica arquitectónica como disciplina más social y humanística, extrayendo de ella lo esencial, lo portátil: aquello que cupiera en una simple caja de herramientas o maletín transportable (que contendría lo imprescindible para que permitiera cargar con él y sirviera tanto para para atajar situaciones límite como cotidianas). Si los arquitectos hemos de sobrevivir en este campo acotado por límites indefinidos y escasez evidente, habremos de re-inventarnos. Si, definitivamente, tras este vórtice brutal, no fuera posible la re-aparición en estas condiciones extremas, estaríamos abocados a la des-aparición. Si lo antedicho conlleva que haya de existir la Arquitectura sin arquitectos… que así sea

    Cutaneous Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor of Gynecologic Origin Metastatic to Skin, Lung, Stomach, and Brain

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    Regarding the first case report recently published by Navale et al1 about a skin perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) with focal melanin pigmentation, we wish to present another exceptional case of a malignant uterine PEComa metastatic to skin and lung, gastric lymph-vascular invasion, and brain dissemination, which was also initially misdiagnosed as skin melanoma because of the presence of epithelioid features and the expression of some melanocytic markers. Our patient was a 62-year-old woman, who presented with abnormal uterine bleeding that prompted hysterectomy 3 years ago. An extrainstitutional pathology report on the surgical specimen revealed a lesion compatible with a uterine leiomyosarcoma that was managed with adjuvant radiotherapy. At the 2-year clinical follow-up, the patient presented with a mass on the posterior region of the neck, which required undergoing surgical excision. The pathology study features were compatible with a malignant melanoma. Other reassessment and follow-up studies evidenced a compromise of the lung, with histopathological diagnosis of metastatic melanoma. A year ago, the patient presented with a new pigmented lesion on the right cheek. Once again, the biopsy study revealed a melanoma