9 research outputs found

    Reforestation in Slovakia: History, current practice and perspectives

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    The history of reforestation in Slovakia is long and rich; from reforestation by seeding, through the small forest nurseries, reforestation of extreme degraded and high-mountain sites to the current The Act on forest reproductive material, nursery centers and reforestation of large windthrow areas. After brief introduction of the history, rather large part of this review is dedicated to the current nursery and especially reforestation practices – planning, pre-planting site preparation, seeding and planting techniques, post-planting care, monitoring of planting performance. Recent nursery and planting research activities are given very shortly. Perspective nursery (e.g. improvement of seedlings’ quality by inoculation with beneficial microorganisms, vegetative propagation) and reforestation treatments and practices (e.g. the use of larger amount of container-grown seedlings, application of hydrogels and ectomycorrhizal fungi, progressive seeding technique, underplanting) are relatively in detail but of course not comprehensively discussed finally. Despite of the lack of a complex reforestation strategy and current and possibly future financial sources and personnel limitations, the introduced perspective practices should contribute to successful solution of reforestation challenges following from endangering the forests by climate change

    Utjecaj ekoloških uvjeta na proizvodni potencijal sive johe

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    The aim of the study is to analyse the productive potential of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) along an altitudinal gradient to verify coincidence of productive and ecological optimum and to identify climatic factors that control the growth. Along the altitudinal gradient of the river basin, dendrometric data has been analysed on the eight permanent research plots at the altitude of 525–705 m. Correlations between standard chronology and average monthly climate characteristics were calculated for the period 1969–2015. Significant differences in the average basal area increments have been recognized among the investigated altitudinal zones. The highest basal area increment (1661±975 mm2y-1) was detected in the zone of altitude 605 m. and the average annual volume increment of the model grey alder stand was 4.59 m3. The radial growth of grey alder has been positively affected only by the temperature of the current April and negatively by precipitation of the previous growing season. Based on the pointer year analysis can be claimed that condition of the root system is the most influential factor in relation to the radial growth and is dependent on water stress in the previous year. Investigated relationships may significantly influence decision making process in the forest management focused on grey alder re- or afforestation.U radu se analizira produktivnost i osjetljivost rasta sive johe (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) u sastojini smještenoj na područja oko vodotoka u dolini Belianska, u orografskoj jedinici Velika Fatra Mts. (Slovačka). Cilj ove studije je na temelju dendrokronoloških metoda analizirati proizvodni potencijal sive johe uzduž visinskog uspona, kako bi se utvrdila uzročna veza proizvodnje i ekološkog optimuma, a u srvhu detektiranja klimatskih čimbenika koji utječu na rast sive johe. Uzduž visinskog raspona od 525–705 m n.v. na području istraživanja postavljeno je osam trajnih istraživačkih ploha (slika 1). Na svakoj plohi mjereni su prsni promjer (dbh) i visina stojećih stabala, čiji je dbh ≥ 8 cm te su odvojene jezgre pojedinih odabranih krošnji. Za mjerenje širine godova korišten je WinDENDROTM software. Pojedine serije godova sinkronizirane su tehnikom Skeleton crtanja i godišnji trend rasta određen je pomoću ARSTAN-a. Korelacija između standardne kronologije i srednjih mjesečnih klimatskih obilježja izračunata je za period 1969–2015 (slika 3). Značajna razlika prosječnom rastu temeljnice (BAIav) može se uočiti među različitim visinskim zonama (slika 2). Najveći BAIav (1661 ± 975 mm2y-1) uočen je u zoni na visini od 605 m asl (tablica 1). Konstantni pad srednje vrijednosti BAIav uočen je od te zone naviše, odnosno naniže s obzirom na nadmorsku visinu promatranih zona. Istraživanje osjetljivosti rasta na vanjske čimbenike pokazalo je generalno nisku osjetljivost promatrane populacije sive johe (tablica 3). Uopće, radijalni rast sive johe bio je značajno pozitivno uvjetovan jedino temperaturom tijekom travnja, a negativno uvjetovan količinom padalina prethodne vegetacijske sezone (tablica 3, slika 4). Na osnovi analize referentne godine može se ustvrditi da je promatrana populacija dva puta značajno pozitivno reagirala na klimatske uvjete (1970.g. i 1993.g.), a negativno samo jednom (2015.g.) (slika 5). Negativni rast u odnosu na referentnu godinu dogodio se za vrijeme vrućih i suhih vremenskih uvjeta, koji inače pogoduju rastu sive johe, ali je prethodna, ekstremno vlažna vegetacijska sezona izazvala oštećenja na korijenju. Iz toga slijedi da je stanje sustava korijena najznačajniji čimbenik glede radijalnog rasta te značajno ovisi o količini vode prethodne godine

    The role of the university forest enterprise of the Technical University in Zvolen

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    The University Forest Enterprise (UFE) is a special-purpose facility at the Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO). The UFE is aimed at the practical education of students, scientific research associated with all forestry activities, demonstration objects, and management of the forest fund. lt is thus possible to demonstrate several aspects of forestry such as forest management, management of forest reproductive material, silviculture, logging operations, forestry constructions and ameliorations, landscape management, game management, fishery, and beekeeping. To follow these goals, 67 permanent research plots, 18 temporary plots, and 103 demonstration objects are currently maintained at the territory of the enterprise, all connected to the network of excursion and demonstration paths. The UFE manages the forest land fund (9,729 ha) according to the needs of the Technical University, and with respect to the purpose of the enterprise, 80% of the forest area managed by the enterprise is classified into the category of specialpurpose forests. The forest land fund is composed of state-owned forest land as well as forest properties of other owners. Forest plant communities ofthe UFE belang to five altitudinal vegetation zones (298-1035 m above sea level). Broadleaved tree species evidently predominate. Due to the special focus of management, the UFE uses as much as possible the concepts of the close-to-nature silviculture. Due to varied natural conditions, it is possible to apply several silvicultural systems. The application of shelterwood and selection systems with maximum utilisation of the natural potential of indigenous tree species is strongly preferred

    The role of the university forest enterprise of the Technical University in Zvolen

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    The University Forest Enterprise (UFE) is a special-purpose facility at the Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO). The UFE is aimed at the practical education of students, scientific research associated with all forestry activities, demonstration objects, and management of the forest fund. lt is thus possible to demonstrate several aspects of forestry such as forest management, management of forest reproductive material, silviculture, logging operations, forestry constructions and ameliorations, landscape management, game management, fishery, and beekeeping. To follow these goals, 67 permanent research plots, 18 temporary plots, and 103 demonstration objects are currently maintained at the territory of the enterprise, all connected to the network of excursion and demonstration paths. The UFE manages the forest land fund (9,729 ha) according to the needs of the Technical University, and with respect to the purpose of the enterprise, 80% of the forest area managed by the enterprise is classified into the category of specialpurpose forests. The forest land fund is composed of state-owned forest land as well as forest properties of other owners. Forest plant communities ofthe UFE belang to five altitudinal vegetation zones (298-1035 m above sea level). Broadleaved tree species evidently predominate. Due to the special focus of management, the UFE uses as much as possible the concepts of the close-to-nature silviculture. Due to varied natural conditions, it is possible to apply several silvicultural systems. The application of shelterwood and selection systems with maximum utilisation of the natural potential of indigenous tree species is strongly preferred

    Long-Term Changes in Dwarf Pine (Pinus mugo Turra) Cover and Growth in the Orava Beskid Mountains, Slovakia

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    Dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra) thickets are a substantial land cover in high-elevation mountain ecosystems in Europe, where they fulfill important functions in soil conservation and as wildlife habitat. In many areas across Europe these thickets have rapidly expanded over the past decades because of changing climate and land use, highlighting the need to better understand how species spread relates to growth traits and changing environmental conditions. We quantified changes in dwarf pine cover by elevation on 2 mountains in the Western Carpathians (Central Europe) over 64 years (Babia hora) and 40 years (Pilsko), and we linked them to species growth responses to climate using archival photogrammetry and stem length measurements. We correlated mean growth chronologies with mean monthly temperature and precipitation to assess the main climatic factors driving growth. The total expansion of dwarf pine cover was substantial (28.6% in Babia hora and 57.1% in Pilsko), but the rate of expansion varied with elevation, site, and intra- and interspecific competition. The largest expansion occurred in the open stands of the high elevations (1550–1650 m). Statistically significant positive correlations between growth and temperature were recorded for the most recent growing season and for the preceding growing season. However, despite rising temperatures over time, mean species growth during the last 20 years decreased slightly. The correlation of growth with precipitation was mostly positive but not statistically significant. Thus, the impact of changing climate appeared too weak to overcome other influential factors (eg decline in grazing and intra- and interspecific competition)

    Reakcia dubov voči klimatickým extrémom v prechodnej zóne dubových a bukových lesov

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    Forest management might be threatened by declining health status of oaks in the transition zone between oak and beech forests, where drought is the most limiting factor. The aim of the presented paper is to assess the influence of selected climatic characteristics on the radial growth of oak trees with different stem diameter status in the beech-oak and oak-beech forest altitudinal zones within the forest growth area of Poľana Mt. and Zvolen Basin (Slovakia). Our results show that oaks with less favourable stem diameter position (Weisse’s middle stems) show slower radial growth, have less pronounced climatic precipitation signal and milder response to extreme climatic events. The findings potentially suggest that not only favourable tree species composition of stands, but also the stand structure can mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on forest growth.peerReviewe