11 research outputs found

    Construction of Fishermen's Purity with Limitations: Pabagang Study on Balang Caddi Island, Pangkep-South Sulawesi

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    One of the biggest challenges for fisherman workers is to live a religious life within limitations, such as religious knowledge and worship facilities, as experienced by Pabagang on Balang Caddi Island, Pangkep-South Sulawesi. This study discusses Muslim fishermen on Balang Caddi Island by referring to the question of how is the piety construction of Pabagang Muslim fishermen on Balang Caddi Island amid its limitations. This study is field research, which means that the primary source of this study comes from field data such as interviews, observations, and documentation. At the same time, secondary sources come from articles, websites, dissertations, and others that discuss the issues being studied. These various sources are managed using the descriptive-analytical method. From this, this study concludes that the construction of Pabagang's religious life leads to social piety, which contributes to the ritual piety of the people of Balang Caddi Island. This phenomenon cannot be separated from the significance of its social role in religious life on Balang Caddi Island, which is heavily influenced by the religious model of pesantren Darul Da'wah wal Irsyad (DDI) Mangkoso. Pabagang's religious life is common in Indonesian society, where workers (whatever their occupation) are not active in ritual piety but in social piety. Therefore, any worker, who earns a lawful living, needs to be seen as equal to other people, especially to achieve a complementary society


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    This article discusses the teaching of Islam through the integration of pesantren and mosques functions, focusing on South Sulawesi. This study is directed to see the significance of teaching in pesantren and mosques in producing and supporting consistency of religious moderation in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method, by applying the theory of cultural reproduction of Pierre Bourdieu, which includes arena and habitus as the main components, of which there is capital. From this, this study concludes that Islamic teaching in pesantren and mosques carried out by ulema has a strong significance in carrying out consistency of religious moderation in South Sulawesi, even in the Indonesian context. The social capital of the ulema in pesantren and mosques builds a social structure that places the ulema as local leaders (agents) in forming a moderate religious model. The significance of teaching Islam further becomes a great opportunity in maintaining and developing religious moderation in Indonesia which is carried out together with the government. The collaboration between the government and the ulema indicates the need for agreement in understanding the urgency of religious moderation in Indonesia. In the agreement, the government as the provider of facilities and infrastructure supports the Islamic teaching movement by the ulema. This is as happened in the process of teaching Islam at the beginning of Islamization in Indonesia, including in South Sulawesi

    The Application of Narrative Theory by Greimas in Understanding the Story of the Garden Owners in Al Qalam verses 17-32

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    Tulisan ini hendak mendiskusikan pembacaan semiotika dalam mengungkap pemahaman atas kisah dalam al-Qur’an, yang dalam hal ini akan berfokus pada penerapan teori naratif dari A.J. Greimas atas kisah pemilik kebun dalam surah al-Qalam ayat 17-32. Pengambilan kisah pemilik kebun disebabkan masih sangat minimnya penelitian yang membahas kisah tersebut, termasuk pembacaan semiotika yang belum dilakukan. Padahal dalam kisah tersebut mengandung nilai moral yang perlu diungkapkan. Karena itu, berangkat dari asumsi bahwa al-Qur’an melalui kisah pemilik kebun memiliki misi ideal moral untuk umat manusia –khususnya umat Islam, baik pemahaman dalam dirinya sendiri maupun berangkat dari keilmuan dari luar, maka tulisan ini akan membuktikan nilai penting kehadiran kisah dalam al-Qur’an melalui integrasi keilmuan di luar islam, yakni semiotika. Adapun rumusan masalah yang hendak dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman narasi dan ideal moral dalam kisah pemilik kebun pada QS. Al-Qalam: 17-32 berdasarkan teori naratif A.J. Greimas

    Reception of The 'Maulid Nabi' Hadith in the Pangkep Community South Sulawesi (Study of Baku Tradition in Balang Caddi Island)

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    This article discusses the reception of hadith as the basis for the Baku tradition in the celebration of the Prophet's Birthday by the people of Balang Caddi Island. It based on the thesis that in human reception of religious texts there is an informative and performative side. In this context, the hadith of love for the Prophet can be seen from an informative and performative perspective. From an informative point of view, the hadith about the love of the Prophet implies that those who love the Prophet Muhammad will be with the Prophet in Heaven. Meanwhile, from a performative perspective, the community implement the Maulid tradition as was done by the people of Balang Caddi Island. This performative side constantly undergo transmission and transformation from one place and time to another. To understand it, the author makes analytical observations, namely observing and experiencing the celebration of the Baku tradition. The result of this research is that the Birthday of the Prophet among the people of Balang Caddi Island is an effort to maintain the transmission of the values ​​of love to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad in the form of the Baku tradition. As a form of transformation, the Baku tradition in the Prophet's Birthday among the Community includes the Prophet's Birthday night at the Darul Dakwah Wal Irsyad School, and the Prophet's Birthday at the Darus Sa'adah Mosque, as well as the Pabagang context related to the time and form of the Prophet's Birthday celebration.This article discusses the reception of hadith as the basis for the Baku tradition in the celebration of the Prophet's Birthday by the people of Balang Caddi Island. It based on the thesis that in human reception of religious texts there is an informative and performative side. In this context, the hadith of love for the Prophet can be seen from an informative and performative perspective. From an informative point of view, the hadith about the love of the Prophet implies that those who love the Prophet Muhammad will be with the Prophet in Heaven. Meanwhile, from a performative perspective, the community implement the Maulid tradition as was done by the people of Balang Caddi Island. This performative side constantly undergo transmission and transformation from one place and time to another. To understand it, the author makes analytical observations, namely observing and experiencing the celebration of the Baku tradition. The result of this research is that the Birthday of the Prophet among the people of Balang Caddi Island is an effort to maintain the transmission of the values ​​of love to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad in the form of the Baku tradition. As a form of transformation, the Baku tradition in the Prophet's Birthday among the Community includes the Prophet's Birthday night at the Darul Dakwah Wal Irsyad School, and the Prophet's Birthday at the Darus Sa'adah Mosque, as well as the Pabagang context related to the time and form of the Prophet's Birthday celebration.   Artikel ini membahas resepsi hadis yang dijadikan dalil atas tradisi Baku dalam perayaan Maulid Nabi oleh masyarakat Pulau Balang Caddi. Hal ini berangkat dari tesis bahwa dalam resepsi manusia terhadap teks Agama, terjadi sisi informatif dan performatif. Dari sini, hadis tentang kecintaan kepada Nabi dapat dilihat dari sisi informatif dan performatif. Pada sisi informatif, hadis tentang kecintaan kepada Nabi mengandung pemahaman bahwa orang yang mencintai Nabi Muhammad akan bersama Nabi di dalam Surga. Sementara dari sisi performatif, masyarakat melahirkan tradisi-tradisi Maulid, sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Pulau Balang Caddi. Sisi performatif ini senantiasa mengalami transmisi dan transformasi dari satu tempat dan waktu ke tempat dan waktu lainnya. Untuk memahami hal-hal tersebut, penulis melakukan observasi-analitis, yakni mengamati dan mengalami secara analisis dari tradisi Baku tersebut. Adapun hasil dari artikel ini adalah Maulid Nabi di kalangan Masyarakat Pulau Balang Caddi merupakan upaya mempertahankan transmisi nilai atas kecintaan kepada Allah dan Nabi Muhammad dalam bentuk tradisi Baku. Sebagai bentuk transformasinya, tradisi Baku dalam Maulid Nabi di kalangan Masyarakat tersebut meliputi Malam Maulid Nabi di Sekolah Darul Dakwah Wal Irsyad, dan Hari Maulid Nabi di Masjid Darus Sa’adah, serta konteks Pabagang yang saling terikat dengan waktu dan bentuk perayaan Maulid Nabi tersebut

    Semiotics Integration in Understanding Story on Al Qur’an (Applying Narrative Theory of A.J Greimas towards the Story of the People of the Garden on QS. Al Qalam 17-32)

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    Aiming to discuss the reading of semiotics in revealing the understanding story on Al Qur’an, this paper applies the narrative theory by A.J. Greimas on the story of the people of the Garden on QS. Al Qalam 17-32. This paper discusses the story due to the lack of research discussing about it, not limited to semiotics study. In fact, the story contains moral values that need to be elaborated. Therefore, starting from the assumption that the Qur'an through the story of the people of the garden has a moral ideal mission for mankind– especially Muslims, including both understanding within themselves and departing from outside scholar, this paper aims to prove the importance of the presence of stories in Al Qur'an through the integration of science outside Islam, namely semiotics. This research intends to answer the question on how to understand the narrative and moral ideals in the story of the garden owner in QS. Al-Qalam: 17-32 based on the narrative theory of A.J. Greimas

    Reinterpretation of the Term Al-Nas (QS. Al-Hujurat 13) in Relation to the Social Aspects of Human and Homo Sapiens

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    The interpretation of QS. Al-Hujurat 13 revolves as the creation of human which refers to Adam and Eve. In fact, human terminology in contemporary discourse refers to the definition of human as a homo sapien. Homo sapien refers to humans not only as biological but also social. By using the method of Tafsir Maqashidi, this article develops an understanding of Tafseer. Here, the Tafsir Maqashidi will be used as a method of reinterpreting the term al-Nas in QS. Al-Hujurat 13. The results of this article indicate that QS. Al-Hujurat 13 does not refer to Adam and Hawa, but it discusses the creation of humans that previously had other parties. The other party here starts from God, parents, family, society, living and dead beings, and the universe. Apart from that, this article also shows that the social aspect of the verse includes not only fellow Muslims, fellow humans, but also all God's creatures. These two understandings explain the similarities of Al-Nas and homo sapien in the context of humans as one of the species of living things on this earth. From here, humans are required to hifdzh Al-Aql, hifdzh Al-Din, hifdz Al-Nashl, hifdzl Al-Mal, hifdzh Al-Nafs, hifdzh Al-Bi'ah and hifdzh Al-Daulah as maqashidi QS. Al-Hujurat 13 which can be widely felt in human life

    Qur’anic Verbalization on the Issue of Religious Freedom in Indonesia

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    This article aims to understand the verses on religious freedom using method of Verbalization of the Qur’an, which was coined by Muhammad Alwi HS, in the Indonesian context. Based on its initial form and identity, Verbalization of the Qur’an is a method that has a strong foundation in providing an understanding of the Al-Qur’an in a different space and context from the time of revelation, including in Indonesia. As for the verse - The verse studied in this article is QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 256, Q S. Ali Imran [3]: 64, QS. Al-Qashash [28]: 56, QS. Yunus [10]: 99. The result that is found in this article is that all of these verses prohibit the imposition of coercion on other people to follow a certain religion. Faith is the right of everyone who is blessed by God, as Allah does not make all believers or unbelievers, but allows everyone to choose the faith (religion) they want. In the context of Indonesia, the verbalization of the verses of religious freedom can be found in the form of a national and state constitution, namely based on the 1945 Constitution in article 28E paragraph (1), the 1945 Constitution in article 29 paragraph (2), the first principle of Pancasila "God Almighty",  Law no. 39/1999 on Human Rights (HAM), and article 28I of the 1945 Constitution concerning the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    Pemikiran Gender Asghar Ali Engineer tentang Konsep Keluarga Berencana

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    This paper aims to find an interpretation of gender justice in Asghar Ali Engineer's family planning concept. This research is text analysis, the data is obtained through a qualitative study process. The primary data in this paper is Asghar Ali Engineer's writing entitled Pembebasan Perempuan. This study results that family planning is understood as an effort to form a sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah family, Asghar puts forward aspects of the relationship between husband and wife that have been forgotten. In addition, the moral aspect becomes an important emphasis in family planning. This article uses an epistemological study of interpretation to explore forms of gender-just interpretation of Asghar which focuses on three things, namely, sources, methods, and validity of interpretation with three theories of truth, coherence, correspondence, and pragmatism. The sources used by Asghar are the Qur'an, hadith, and ijma' ulama. While the method used is to prioritize normative verses that contain universal understanding. While the validity of Asghar's interpretation in the study of family planning applies the three theories of truth in his family planning discourse. Abstrak:  Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tafsir berkeadilan gender dalam konsep keluarga berencana Asghar Ali Engineer. Penelitian ini bersifat analisis teks yang diperoleh melalui proses studi kualitatif. Data primer dalam tulisan ini adalah tulisan Asghar Ali Engineer berjudul Pembebasan Perempuan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa keluarga berencana dipahami sebagai upaya untuk membentuk keluarga sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah, Asghar mengedepankan aspek kesalingan antara suami dan istri yang selama ini terlupakan. Selain itu, aspek moral menjadi penekanan penting dalam keluarga berencana. Dalam artikel ini menggunakan kajian epistemologi tafsir untuk menggali bentuk penafsiran berkeadilan gender dari Asghar yang memfokuskan pada tiga hal yakni, sumber, metode, dan validitas penafsiran dengan tiga teori kebenaran, koherensi, korespondensi, dan pragmatis. Sumber yang digunakan Asghar adalah al-Qur’an, hadis, dan ijma’ ulama. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah mengutamakan ayat normatif yang berisikan pemahaman universal. Sedangkan validitas penafsirannya Asghar dalam kajian keluarga berencana menerapkan ketiga teori kebenaran dalam diskursus keluarga berencana yang digagasnya. Di samping itu pula peranan pemerintah dan juga pemuka agama sangat diperlukan agar keluarga berencana dapat terealisasikan yang sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuannya.


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    Bint al-Syathi adalah seorang penafsir perempuan pertama yang memiliki kitab tafsir, namanya sangat berpengauh dalam perkembangan sejarah pemikiran Islam. Pemikiran Bint al-Syathi banyak dipengaruhi oleh suami sekaligus gurunya, Amin Al-Khuliy. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan pemikiran salah satu tokoh perempuan, Bint Syathitentang konsistensi metode penafsirannya ketika menafsirkan manusia dalam karyanya “Kitab Maqāl Fi Al-Insān: Dirāsah Qur’āniyyah”Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi-analitis dengan menggunakan teori Pra-pemahaman, yakni segala sesuatu yang mempengaruhi pembaca teks yang menentukan dalam memberikan penafsiran, seperti latar belakang sosial, pendidikan dan sebagainya, sehingga setiap penafsiran senantaisa terikat dengan ruang lingkup penafsir.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan,Bint al-Syathi hendak mengekspor eksistensi manusia dilihat dari sudut pandang Alquran. Manusia mengalami perjalanan panjang dari polemik penciptaannya, kemudian manusia sebagai al-Bashar, tumbuh menjadi manusia dengan penalarannya, sehingga sampai pada kesanggupan atau tidaknya manusia menjadi khalifah di bumi sebagai penerimaamanat dari Allah.Dalam menjelaskan kosa kata yang merujuk pada manusia, Bint al-Syathi nampak tidak konsisten dalam mengaplikaskan metodenya. Khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kosakata manusia. Ia hanya menjelaskan sesuai metode yang ditawarkan pada kata al-Insān, tetapitidak pada kata nās, ins ataupun al-Bashar.

    Moderasi Beragama Pesantren: Jaringan dan Paham Keagamaan As’Adiyah, Darul Da’Wah Wal Irsyad, dan Nahdlatul Ulum Sulawesi Selatan

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    Kajian ini merespon temuan BNPT yang menyebutkan adanya pesantren yang disinyalir terafiliasi paham terorisme dan radikalisme. Kajian ini berfokus pada pesantren As’adiyah, Darul Da’wah wal Irsyad (DDI), dan Nahdlatul Ulum, terutama dari sisi jaringan dan model beragamanya sebagai basis moderasi beragama. Pertanyaan kajian ini adalah bagaimana jaringan dan model beragama pesantren As’adiyah, DDI, dan Nahdlatul Ulum Sulawesi Selatan serta relasi ketiganya dalam moderasi beragama? Kajian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka dan lapangan sekaligus.  Kajian pustaka diarahkan untuk menelusuri sisi historis tiga pesantren tersebut terkait jaringan dan model beragamanya, sementara kajian lapangan diarahkan untuk mengungkap kebertahanan jaringan dan model beragamanya. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dari sisi jaringan, tiga pesantren tersebut saling mempengaruhi hingga berpangkal pada pengaruh tradisi pendidikan Islam dari Mekkah dan Jawa. Dari sisi model beragama, tiga pesantren tersebut menunjukkan upaya penerapan dan penyebaran paham moderasi beragama pada konteksnya masing-masing, yang terlihat sejak awal didirikannya yang didukung oleh pemerintah setempat, visi misinya yang memperbaiki akhlak dan intelektual umat, materi-materi kitab yang diajarkan, hingga pandangan para alumninya. Karena itu, perhatian sekaligus penguatan jaringan pesantren yang memiliki model beragama moderat perlu terus dilakukan, terutama dalam rangka menghindari masuknya paham radikalisme dan terorisme ke lembaga pesantren. Kata Kunci: As’adiyah, DDI, Nahdlatul Ulum, moderasi beragama, jaringan pesantren   This study responds to the findings of the BNPT which states that there are pesantrens that are suspected to be affiliated with terrorism and radicalism. This study focuses on pesantrens of As'adiyah, Darul Da'wah wal Irsyad (DDI) and Nahdlatul Ulum, especially in terms of their religious networks and models as the basis for religious moderation. The question of this study is how are the networks and religious models of As'adiyah, DDI and Nahdlatul Ulum, and the relationship between the three in religious moderation? This study is both library and field research. The literature review is directed to explore the historical side of the three pesantren related to their networks and religious models, while field studies are directed to reveal the persistence of their networks and religious models. From this, this study concludes that the network of the three pesantren was influenced by the intellectual traditions of Mecca and Java. Even though all three have different religious models, all three show religious moderation. This can be seen from the beginning of its establishment which was supported by local government, its vision-mission to improve the morals and intellectuals of the people (umat), kitab materials taught, to the views of each alumni. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to pay attention to as well as strengthen the pesantren network that has a moderate religious model, especially in order to avoid the entry of radicalism and terrorism into Islamic boarding schools. Keywords: As’adiyah, DDI, Nahdlatul Ulum, religious moderation, pesantren networ