35 research outputs found

    Modulation of the transient magnetization of an EuO/Co bilayer tuned by optical excitation

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    The magnetic proximity effect provides a promising way to increase the low Curie temperature (TC) of europium monoxide (EuO) toward or even above room temperature, while keeping its stoichiometry and insulating properties. This work studies EuO/Co bilayers using static and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements, and explores the influence of magnetic proximity on TC and on the spin dynamics in EuO. Excitation above the EuO bandgap results in an ultrafast enhancement of the EuO magnetization followed by a demagnetization within nanoseconds. This behaviour is also visible upon selectively photoexciting Co in the EuO/Co bilayer placed in an out-of-plane magnetic field, which is attributed to propagation of a superdiffusive spin current from Co into EuO. As the spin dynamics of Co shows a transient thermal demagnetization, the bilayer provides a system where the transient magneto-optical signal can be tuned in amplitude and sign by varying external parameters such as the sample temperature or pump fluence. Moreover, in a strong excitation regime it is possible to measure the magnetic hysteresis of the underlying EuO, which is present up to room temperature – giving experimental evidence for the presence of a tuneable magnetic proximity coupling between Co and EuO

    The epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, radiology, microbiology, treatment, and prognosis of echinococcosis: Results of NENEHATUN study

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    Aim: Echinococcosis, caused by Echinococcus species, is an important zoonotic disease causing major health problems in humans and animals. Herein, we aimed to evaluate the epidemiology, clinical and laboratory parameters, radiological, serological, pathological, and treatment protocols of followed-up cases of hydatidosis. Methods: A total of 550 patients diagnosed with hydatid cyst disease were included in this study. Patients who were positive for one or more of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or indirect hemagglutination test, pathological results, or radiological findings were examined. The data analyzed were collected from nine centers between 2008 and 2020. Records were examined retrospectively. Results: Among the patients, 292 (53.1%) were women and 258 (46.9%) were men. The patients' mean age was 44.4 +/- 17.4 years. A history of living in rural areas was recorded in 57.4% of the patients. A total of 435 (79.1%) patients were symptomatic. The most common symptoms were abdominal pain in 277 (50.4%), listlessness in 244 (44.4%), and cough in 140 (25.5%) patients. Hepatomegaly was found in 147 (26.7%), and decreased breath sounds were observed in 124 (22.5%) patients. Radiological examination was performed in all cases and serological methods were also applied to 428 (77.8%) patients. The most frequently applied serological test was IHA (37.8%). A single cyst has been found in 66% patients. Hepatic involvement occurred in 327 (59.4%), pulmonary involvement was found in 128 (23.3%), whereas both of them were recorded in 43 (7.8%) patients. Splenic involvement was only detected in nine (1.6%) patients. Echinococcus granulosus (72.5%) was most frequently detected. Cyst diameters of 56.9% of the patients were in the range of 5-10 cm. A total of 414 (75.2%) patients received albendazole as an antiparasitic. Mortality was noted in nine (1.6%) patients. Conclusion: Echinococcosis is an important public health problem in Turkey. It can affect the social, economic, and political structures of the community. Public education and awareness are extremely important

    Ultrafast coherent THz lattice dynamics coupled to spins in the van der Waals antiferromagnet FePS3

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    Coherent THz optical lattice and hybridized phonon–magnon modes are triggered by femtosecond laser pulses in the antiferromagnetic van der Waals semiconductor FePS3. The laser-driven lattice and spin dynamics are investigated in a bulk crystal as well as in a 380 nm-thick exfoliated flake as a function of the excitation photon energy, sample temperature and applied magnetic field. The pump-probe magneto-optical measurements reveal that the amplitude of a coherent phonon mode oscillating at 3.2 THz decreases as the sample is heated up to the Néel temperature. This signal eventually vanishes as the phase transition to the paramagnetic phase occurs, thus revealing its connection to the long-range magnetic order. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the optically triggered 3.2 THz phonon hybridizes with a magnon mode, which is utilized to excite the hybridized phonon–magnon mode optically. These findings open a pathway toward the optical control of coherent THz photo–magnonic dynamics in a van der Waals antiferromagnet, which can be scaled down to the 2D limit

    Ultrafast coherent THz lattice dynamics coupled to spins in the van der Waals antiferromagnet FePS3

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    Coherent THz optical lattice and hybridized phonon-magnon modes are triggered by femtosecond laser pulses in the antiferromagnetic van der Waals semiconductor FePS3. The laser-driven lattice and spin dynamics are investigated in a bulk crystal as well as in a 380 nm-thick exfoliated flake as a function of the excitation photon energy, sample temperature and applied magnetic field. The pump-probe magneto-optical measurements reveal that the amplitude of a coherent phonon mode oscillating at 3.2 THz decreases as the sample is heated up to the Néel temperature. This signal eventually vanishes as the phase transition to the paramagnetic phase occurs, thus revealing its connection to the long-range magnetic order. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the optically triggered 3.2 THz phonon hybridizes with a magnon mode, which is utilized to excite the hybridized phonon- magnon mode optically. These findings open a pathway toward the optical control of coherent THz photo-magnonic dynamics in a van der Waals antiferromagnet, which can be scaled down to the 2D limit

    Níveis de lisina digestível em rações, em que se manteve ou não a relação aminoacídica, para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade, mantidos em estresse por calor

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    Dois ensaios foram conduzidos para avaliar os efeitos de níveis de lisina digestível em rações em que se manteve ou não a relação aminoacídica sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte machos de 1 a 21 dias de idade, criados em alta temperatura. O delineamento experimental utilizado em ambos os ensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado. As aves, no ensaio 1, foram distribuídas em cinco tratamentos (0,92; 0,98; 1,04; 1,10 e 1,16% de lisina digestível em ração convencional), oito repetições e dez aves por repetição. No ensaio 2, os frangos foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos (1,04; 1,10; 1,16 e 1,22% de lisina digestível em rações mantendo a relação aminoacídica), oito repetições e dez aves por repetição. No ensaio 1, os tratamentos influenciaram quadraticamente o ganho de peso e o consumo de ração, que aumentaram até os níveis de 1,14 e 1,09% de lisina, respectivamente. Embora a conversão alimentar tenha melhorado de forma linear, o modelo LRP foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados, estimando em 1,097% o nível de lisina a partir do qual ocorreu um platô. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre os pesos absolutos do coração, fígado e intestinos, enquanto o peso absoluto da moela aumentou linearmente. O peso absoluto da carcaça aumentou, enquanto os pesos relativos do coração e do fígado reduziram quadraticamente com os tratamentos. No ensaio 2, os tratamentos influenciaram de forma linear crescente o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar, enquanto o consumo de ração não variou. Os tratamentos influenciaram linearmente o peso absoluto da carcaça, enquanto os pesos absoluto e relativo das vísceras não variaram. Concluiu-se que frangos de corte machos, de 1 a 21 dias de idade, mantidos em estresse por calor, exigem, no mínimo, 1,14 e 1,22% de lisina digestível em ração convencional e em ração em que se manteve a relação aminoacídica, respectivamente.Two trials were conducted to evaluate the effects of digestible lysine levels in diets maintaining or not the relationship of amino acids, on performance of broilers from 1 to 21 days, kept under heat stress. A completely randomized experimental design was used in both trials. In the trial 1, the broilers were allotted in five treatments (0.92; 0.98; 1.04; 1.10 and 1.16% of lysine in conventional diets), eight replicates and ten broilers per replicate. In the trial 2, the broilers were allotted in four treatments (1.04; 1.10; 1.16 and 1.22% of lysine in diet maintaining the relationship of amino acids), eight replicates and ten broilers per replicate. In the trial 1, the digestible lysine levels influenced quadraticly the weight gain and the feed intake that increased up to 1.14 and 1.09%, respectively. Although feed:gain ratio had changed by linear way, the LRP model adjusted better to the data, estimating in 1.097% the lysine level where occurred a "plateau". There was no effect of treatments on absolute weights of heart, liver and intestines, while the absolute weight of gizzard increased linearly. The absolute weight of carcass increased while the relative weights of heart and liver reduced quadraticly. In the trial 2, the treatments influenced in a crescent linear way the weight gain and the feed:gain ratio while the feed intake was not influenced. The treatments influenced linearly the absolute weight of carcass while the absolute and relative weights of the organs were not influenced. It was concluded that male broilers, in the period from 1 to 21 days of age, kept under heat stress, require at least 1.14 and 1.22% of digestible lysine in conventional diet and in diet maintaining the relationship of amino acid, respectively

    Optically induced magnetization reversal in Co/Pt multilayers: Role of domain wall dynamics

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    All-optical switching (AOS) of magnetization has been attracting an increasing attention due to the promising application prospects in magnetic data recording technology. Since the first demonstration in 2007, AOS has been observed in a limited range of materials. Among them, the ferromagnetic Co/Pt multilayer system comes to the forefront owing to its unique magnetic and magneto-optical properties. In the present project, we investigated optically induced magnetization reversal mechanisms in [Co/Pt]N_{N} multilayers depending on the number of bilayers N and the laser beam properties. The multilayers were grown using magnetron sputtering technique at precisely controlled conditions to maintain sub-nanometer thickness precision and reduced interface roughness. Imaging of optically induced magnetic domains was performed, using optical microscopy based on magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE), during laser illumination. We also employed photoemission electron microscope for imaging with enhanced lateral resolution and element selectivity. Our detailed investigation of optically induced domains revealed that AOS in [Co/Pt]N_{N} is only possible in a well defined laser influence interval associated with the Curie temperature of the sample. Moreover, we confirmed that helicity-dependent AOS requires multiple laser pulses as well as a fine tuning of the laser beam parameters. In order to further investigate the effect of laser-induced heating on AOS, we illuminated the samples using different laser repetition rates at different temperatures. These experiments allowed us to develop a model based on domain wall dynamics induced by thermal gradient due to the Gaussian intensity profile of the laser beam. We discuss the AOS mechanisms within the framework of this model. In order to gain a detailed insight in AOS, we studied ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of [Co/Pt]3_{3} multilayers using a time-resolved MOKE system. We measured characteristic demagnetization and recovery times as a function of the laser influence. Experiments showed that the magnetization quenches within \sim300 fs and relaxation occurs in two different timescales pointing towards multiple processes governing the relaxation. Our extensive study of ferromagnetic [Co/Pt]N_{N} multilayers and their magnetic response to the femtosecond laser pulses contribute to a clearer physical picture of laser-induced AOS in ferromagnetic multilayers

    Pre- and post-treatment evaluation of routine blood analysis in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and comparison with the healthy control group

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    Abstract This study aimed to examine potential disparities in hematologic inflammation parameters between children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their healthy counterparts and to determine whether atomoxetine treatment induced any alterations in inflammation indicators. This case–control study involved 43 children aged 6–13 years, 22 diagnosed with ADHD for the first time, and 21 healthy children. In all children, complete blood count and albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (free T4), folate, vitamin B12, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), creatinine and urea values were performed. Children with ADHD were started on atomoxetine treatment, and one month later, the blood test was repeated for those who commenced treatment. Neutrophil (p = 0.005), platelet (PLT) (p = 0.002), neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) (p = 0.001), platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) (p < 0.001), systemic immune /inflammation index (SII) (p < 0.001) and pan-immune-inflammation value (PIV) (p = 0.025) parameters were found to be significantly higher than the control group, while the lymphocyte value (p = 0.001) was found to be significantly lower. In those in the ADHD group, lymphocyte (p = 0.041) and albumin (p = 0.027) values increased significantly after treatment. The results of this study show the increase in inflammation in drug-naive ADHD patients and the partial improvement after treatment. However, there is a need to evaluate inflammation in larger samples after longer-term treatments and follow-ups

    Malignant phyllode tumor metastatic to the duodenum

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    Phyllode tumor (PT) is extremely rare tumor of the breast. Distant metastasis occurs in 10-20% of patients with malignant phyllode tumor. The most common sites of metastases are the lungs and bones. Although theoretically any organ may have metastasis, an isolated duodenum metastasis has not been documented as yet in the English-language literature. We report herein a case with a isolated duodenal metastasis from PT of breast in a 31 year-old-woman who underwent right mastectomy 4 years before because of the recurrent malignant PT She presented to our hospital with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Clinical evaluation revealed a huge mass originated from duodenum. Urgent laparotomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy were carried out in order to remove the bleeding duodenal mass. The pathologic examination of the resected specimen showed a malignant spindle cell tumor consistent with metastatic malignant PT. Our case of gastrointestinal bleeding due to an isolated duodenal metastasis as a result of hematogenous spread from malignant phyllode tumor of breast is unique in the English literature and pancreaticoduodenectomy is a curative treatment for patients with isolated duodenal involvement. (C) 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved

    Kanser Hastalarının Hastalıkları ile İlgili Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Onkologlarından Beklentileri

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    AIM: Cancer is the second most common cause of death in our country like it is in the rest of the world. the purpose of this study is to determine the expectations of cancer patients from the oncologists who undertake their treatment process and the behavior manners that oncologists should use in the relationships they will establish with their patients. METHODS: Patients from 5 different cancer treatment centers in different regions of our country were included in this study. A survey, prepared by researchers, consisting of questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of patients, their behaviors when they were faced with the disease and their expectations from doctors, was made. RESULTS: A total of 220 patients, 103 (47.2%) of whom were female, 117 of whom (52.8%) were male, was included in the study. Fifty-one point eight percent of the patients had a little bit of knowledge about their disease, whereas the ratio of the ones with satisfactory information was 39%. Seventy-two point five percent of the patients indicated they wanted to know their diseases completely, 25.7% of them noted that the physician should have decide on how much information they should know and 1.8% of them told that the disease should not be explained at all. CONCLUSIONS: A good patient-physician relation improves the patient satisfaction and accordingly the adaptation to the treatment. As a result, improving patient orientation will contribute to better treatment results and lower treatment costs.AMAÇ: Kanser tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de ölüm nedenleri arasında kardiyovasküler nedenlerden sonra ikinci sıklıkta görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; kanser hastalarının hastalıkları ile ilgili bilgi düzeyleri ve ne kadar bilmek istediklerini, tedavilerini üstlenen onkologlardan beklentilerinin neler olduğunu belirlemektir. YÖNTEM: Bu çalışmaya ülkemizin farklı bölgelerinde kanser tedavisi uygulanan 5 farklı merkezden hastalar alındı. Araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan, hastaların sosyodemografik özelliklerini, hastalık ile karşılaştıklarındaki davranışlarını ve doktorlar ile ilgili beklentilerine yönelik soruları içeren soru formu uygulandı. BULGULAR: Çalışmaya 103’ü (%47,2) kadın, 117’i (%52,8) erkek toplam 220 hasta alındı. Hastaların %51,8’i hastalığı hakkında biraz bilgiye sahipken, tatmin edici derecede bilgiye sahip olanların oranı %39 idi. Hastaların %72,5’i hastalığı tamamen bilmek istediğini, %25,7’si ise ne kadar bilgi verilmesi gerektiğine doktorun karar vermesi gerektiğini, %1,8'i hastalığın hiç anlatılmaması gerektiğini belirtti. SONUÇ: İyi bir hasta-doktor iletişimi; hasta memnuniyetinin ve dolayısıyla tedaviye uyumunun artmasını sağlar. Sonuç olarak hastanın hastalarının hastalıkları ile ilgili bilgi düzeyleri ve onkologlarından beklentilerinin bilinmesi, daha iyi tedavi sonuçlarının elde edilmesine ve tedavi maliyetlerinin azalmasına da katkıda bulunabilir