41,656 research outputs found

    Multipurpose binocular scanning apparatus

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    Optical gimballing apparatus directs narrow fields of view throughout solid angle approaching 4 pi steradians. Image rotation produced by scanning can be eliminated or altered by gear trains directly linked to the scanning drive assembly. It provides the basis for a binocular scanning capability

    Coupling bioturbation activity to metal (Fe and Mn) profiles in situ

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    This work was supported by a University of Aberdeen 6th century scholarship (awarded to L. T.), CEFAS Lowestoft (DP204), NERC NFSD support (08/02) and a SAMS research bursary (awarded to L. T)Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Separation of core and crustal magnetic field sources

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    Fluid motions in the electrically conducting core and magnetized crustal rocks are the two major sources of the magnetic field observed on or slightly above the Earth's surface. The exact separation of these two contributions is not possible without imposing a priori assumptions about the internal source distribution. Nonetheless models like these were developed for hundreds of years Gauss' method, least squares analysis with a truncated spherical harmonic expansion was the method of choice for more than 100 years although he did not address separation of core and crustal sources, but rather internal versus external ones. Using some arbitrary criterion for appropriate truncation level, we now extrapolate downward core field models through the (approximately) insulating mantle. Unfortunately our view can change dramatically depending on the degree of truncation for describing core sources

    Statistics of the geomagnetic secular variation for the past 5Ma

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    A new statistical model is proposed for the geomagnetic secular variation over the past 5Ma. Unlike previous models, the model makes use of statistical characteristics of the present day geomagnetic field. The spatial power spectrum of the non-dipole field is consistent with a white source near the core-mantle boundary with Gaussian distribution. After a suitable scaling, the spherical harmonic coefficients may be regarded as statistical samples from a single giant Gaussian process; this is the model of the non-dipole field. The model can be combined with an arbitrary statistical description of the dipole and probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions can be computed for declination and inclination that would be observed at any site on Earth's surface. Global paleomagnetic data spanning the past 5Ma are used to constrain the statistics of the dipole part of the field. A simple model is found to be consistent with the available data. An advantage of specifying the model in terms of the spherical harmonic coefficients is that it is a complete statistical description of the geomagnetic field, enabling us to test specific properties for a general description. Both intensity and directional data distributions may be tested to see if they satisfy the expected model distributions

    Quantum incompressibility of a falling Rydberg atom, and a gravitationally-induced charge separation effect in superconducting systems

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    Freely falling point-like objects converge towards the center of the Earth. Hence the gravitational field of the Earth is inhomogeneous, and possesses a tidal component. The free fall of an extended quantum object such as a hydrogen atom prepared in a high principal-quantum-number stretch state, i.e., a circular Rydberg atom, is predicted to fall more slowly that a classical point-like object, when both objects are dropped from the same height from above the Earth. This indicates that, apart from "quantum jumps," the atom exhibits a kind of "quantum incompressibility" during free fall in inhomogeneous, tidal gravitational fields like those of the Earth. A superconducting ring-like system with a persistent current circulating around it behaves like the circular Rydberg atom during free fall. Like the electronic wavefunction of the freely falling atom, the Cooper-pair wavefunction is "quantum incompressible." The ions of the ionic lattice of the superconductor, however, are not "quantum incompressible," since they do not possess a globally coherent quantum phase. The resulting difference during free fall in the response of the nonlocalizable Cooper pairs of electrons and the localizable ions to inhomogeneous gravitational fields is predicted to lead to a charge separation effect, which in turn leads to a large repulsive Coulomb force that opposes the convergence caused by the tidal, attractive gravitational force on the superconducting system. A "Cavendish-like" experiment is proposed for observing the charge separation effect induced by inhomogeneous gravitational fields in a superconducting circuit. This experiment would demonstrate the existence of a novel coupling between gravity and electricity via macroscopically coherent quantum matter.Comment: `2nd Vienna Symposium for the Foundations of Modern Physics' Festschrift MS for Foundations of Physic

    Direct versus Delayed pathways in Strong-Field Non-Sequential Double Ionization

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    We report full-dimensionality quantum and classical calculations for double ionization of laser-driven helium at 390 nm. Good qualitative agreement is observed. We show that the classical double ionization trajectories can be divided into two distinct pathways: direct and delayed. The direct pathway, with an almost simultaneous ejection of both electrons, emerges from small laser intensities. With increasing intensity its relative importance, compared to the delayed ionization pathway, increases until it becomes the predominant pathway for total electron escape energy below around 5.25 UpU_{p}. However the delayed pathway is the predominant one for double ionization above a certain cut-off energy at all laser intensities

    Jupiters radiation belts and their effects on spacecraft

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    The effects of electron and proton radiation on spacecraft which will operate in the trapped radiation belts of the planet Jupiter are described, and the techniques and results of the testing and simulation used in the radiation effects program are discussed. Available data from the Pioneer 10 encounter of Jupiter are compared with pre-encounter models of the Jupiter radiation belts. The implications that the measured Jovian radiation belts have for future missions are considered

    Plasma Relaxation and Topological Aspects in Hall Magnetohydrodynamics

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    Parker's formulation of isotopological plasma relaxation process in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is extended to Hall MHD. The torsion coefficient alpha in the Hall MHD Beltrami condition turns out now to be proportional to the "potential vorticity." The Hall MHD Beltrami condition becomes equivalent to the "potential vorticity" conservation equation in two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamics if the Hall MHD Lagrange multiplier beta is taken to be proportional to the "potential vorticity" as well. The winding pattern of the magnetic field lines in Hall MHD then appears to evolve in the same way as "potential vorticity" lines in 2D hydrodynamics