12 research outputs found

    Practicing “The Ideal Islamic Doctrines” Among Muhammadiyah Members In Karangtengah Imogiri

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    Muhammadiyah was established as the masterpiece of "The Enlightenment". This organization is emerged a Negari Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat where becomes the center of Javanese\u27s culture and civilization. Yogyakarta is a land of civilization untouched by the Dutch colonial and even recognized sovereignty as a sovereign state. However, the people still believed supersititous (takhayul and khurafat) and still performed bid\u27ah at that time and these attitude became their identity. Therefore, the biggest deram of the Kyai Dahlan, the founder of Muhamamdiyah is to create the ideal Islamic society with the purest Islamic teaching. The ideal society is where the Islamic values is implemented and colloring the entire aspects of life. Thus, the people is characterizes as a religious and obedient, loyal, civilized, welfare, deliberate, courteous, progressive, leading, and discipline. This society represents a moderate society that can create a balanced culture and civilization. In this research, I present branch of Muhammadiyah of Karangtengah as a sample. The results showed that religious adherence of Karangtengah people was relatively good. In political engagement, they are not actively involved, because the members of Muhammadiyah are expected to not involved in political practice. Additionally, mosque as the place for praying is well provided and it is affecting the existence of Muhammadiyah among Muslims and the village government

    A Model of Character Education of Peace Love in Muhammadiyah Vocational School Post of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study is to delve into the depths associated with: (1) Muhammadiyah's values-based peace-loving character education model in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bangunjiwo Kasihan Bantul after the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) Factors supporting Muhammadiyah values-based peace-loving character education in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bangunjiwo Kasihan, Bantul after the COVID-19 pandemic. (3) the benefits of peace-loving character education in changing the students' character values, and behavior of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bagunjiwo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta students. The research methodology of this study is a qualitative research methodology with a descriptive approach.The result of this research shows that a peace-loving character education model was found based on Muhammadiyah values at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bangunjiwo Kasihan Bantul during the post-COVID-19 pandemic, including: (1) Duha prayers are held show every morning; (2) Before the joint learning of reading al-Qur'an; (3) da'wah; (4) performing midday and afternoon prayers in the congregation; (5) Every Friday it is obligatory to carry out Friday prayers in school; (6) There are Hizbul Waton activities; (8) Morning Apple Ceremony; (9) There is moral education in schools. The impact of peace-loving character education on the transformation of character values and behavior of students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bagunjiwo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta are transformations of changes in daily behavior for the better, such as students care more about their fellow friends, teachers, school leaders and towards the people in the surrounding community.


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    The spread of Covid-19 has had a significant impact on education, especially in the field of religion. The purpose of this study was to see how the pandemic affected the efforts of Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta to increase student religiosity. The participants in this study were eight students and university officials from Ahmad Dahlan University in Yogyakarta’s PAI Study Program. Purposive sampling was used as a technique for selecting study subjects. This study used an in-depth interview approach through an interview guide that had been made to collect data. Data analysis included stages such as grouping relevant themes or meanings from participant responses, describing textually and structurally, and fundamentally describing all important meanings into a complete picture of the phenomenological study findings experienced by participants. According to the findings, the Covid-19 pandemic had an effect on student religiosity. First, students’ religious spirit and motivation were diminished. Second, limited activities contribute to ennui among students. Third, the institution was working to develop policies and technological guidelines for the entire academic community’s activities. In addition, there was also optimization of social media for learning and strengthening religious activities through the campus’ official media channels


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    Keragaman SARA sekan-akan hanya men ciptakan konflik sosial yang berkepanjangan. SARA hanya menjadi kepentingan politik rezim kekuasaan. Bahkan, SARA juga menjadi semacam kepa njangan tangan politisi yang akan bertarung dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah, Pemilihan Legislatif serta Pemilihan Presiden. SARA dipahami sangat sempit hanya dalam ranah politik, yang meningkatkan identitas etnis, agama dan budaya masyarakat. SARA tidak dikelola sebagai kekuatan sosial yang memungkinkan terjadinya mutual understanding di antara warga negara yang beragam. Praktek Pendidikan multicultural diharapkan mampu menciptakan kondisi yang lebih baik dalam membangun mutual understanding atas adanya keragaman SARA yang terjadi di perguruan tinggi (termasuk PTM). Teori dalam penelitian ini adalah teori multikulturalisme yang mengkaitkan antara pemahaman, sikap dan perilaku atas keragaman etnis, agama dan budaya. Penelitian ini mempergunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan cara mengambil data dari kajian literatur, observasi lapangan, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Kata kunci: Multiculturalism, SARA, Pendidikan, Muhammadiya

    Practicing “The Ideal Islamic Doctrines†Among Muhammadiyah Members in Karangtengah Imogiri

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    Muhammadiyah was established as the masterpiece of "The Enlightenment". This organization is emerged a Negari Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat where becomes the center of Javanese’s culture and civilization. Yogyakarta is a land of civilization untouched by the Dutch colonial and even recognized sovereignty as a sovereign state. However, the people still believed supersititous (takhayul and khurafat) and still performed bid’ah at that time and these attitude became their identity. Therefore, the biggest deram of the Kyai Dahlan, the founder of Muhamamdiyah is to create the ideal Islamic society with the purest Islamic teaching. The ideal society is where the Islamic values is implemented and colloring the entire aspects of life. Thus, the people is characterizes as a religious and obedient, loyal, civilized, welfare, deliberate, courteous, progressive, leading, and discipline. This society represents a moderate society that can create a balanced culture and civilization. In this research, I present branch of Muhammadiyah of Karangtengah as a sample. The results showed that religious adherence of Karangtengah people was relatively good. In political engagement, they are not actively involved, because the members of Muhammadiyah are expected to not involved in political practice. Additionally, mosque as the place for praying is well provided and it is affecting the existence of Muhammadiyah among Muslims and the village government

    The Students’ Character Values Education Based on Ismuba Values and It’s Impact toward Students in Muhammadiyah School Yogyakarta of Pandemic Covid 19 Era

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    The purpose of this study was to examine in depth the problems of this research, namely: (1) the pattern of character values education of students based on ISMUBA values at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambannglipuro Bantul during the covid 19 pandemic; (2) the impact of education on student character values based on ISMUBA values of the transformation of student character values in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambannglipuro Bantul during the covid 19 pandemic era.This research is a qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive approach, and the informants needed in this study include: (1) the Principal of the School I person; (2) Deputy Principal for student affairs 1 person; (3) ISMUBA teachers 3 people; (4) 5 students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambang Lipura Bantul Yogyakarta; and (4) 1 Educational Personnel.Researchers of this study used qualitative data analysis with simultaneous data collection, interpretation of data and conclusions that had been obtained were continuously strengthened and verified until the end of the study in order to answer the problems in this study.The result of this study shows that after students received the pattern of character values education based on ISMUBA values of the Covid 19 pandemic era is useful for increasing the students' character values, namely: having faith, integrity, having resilience and being beneficial to oneself, family and others. Tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk mengkaji secara mendalam terhadap permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yakni: (1) pola pendidikan nilai-nilai karakter siswa berbasis nilai-nilai  ISMUBA di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambannglipuro Bantul pada masa pandemi covid 19;  (2)  tantangan dan manfaat pendidikan nilai-nilai karakter siswa berbasis nilai-nilai ISMUBA terhadap transformasi nilai-nilai karakter Peserta Didik di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambannglipuro Bantul pada masa pandemi covid 19.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan diskriptif kualitatif, dan informan yang diperlukan, dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) Kepala Sekolah Sekolah I orang; (2) Wakil Kepala Sekolah bidang kesiswaan 1 orang; (3) Guru ISMUBA 3 orang; (4) Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah  1 Bambang Lipura Bantul Yogyakarta sebanyak 5 orang; dan (4) Karyawan/Tenaga Kependidikan 1 orang.Peneliti dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa data bersifat kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data secara serempak, interpretasi data dan simpulan-simpulan yang telah diperoleh diperkuat secara terus-menerus dan diverifikasi sampai dengan akhir penelitian guna menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini.Hasil dari peneltian ini, menunjukkan bahwa setelah siswa menerima pola Pendidikan Nilai-nilai karakter berbasis nilai-nilai ISMUBA pada era pandemi Covid 19 bermanfaat terhadap peningkatan nilai-nilai karakter siswa, yakni: beriman, berintegritas, memiliki daya lenting (resiliensi) dan bermanfaat terhadap diri sendiri, keluarga dan orang lain


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    Potensi sumber daya maritim terbesar sebagai sumber energi terbarukan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik adalah gelombang laut. Indonesia dengan garis pantai terbesar kedua memiliki potensi yang sangat besar dengan kerapatan mencapai 20 kW/m2 gelombang laut. Namun demikian belum ada yang mampu menghasilkan sistem pembangkit listrik yang optimal dalam mengubah energi gelombang laut menjadi energi listrik. Hal ini terjadi karena sebagian besar peneliti membangun sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut secara langsung. Dalam makalah ini akan dibangun model simulasi gelombang laut yang menjadi komponen utama dalam pengembangan sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut. Dengan adanya model simulasi gelombang laut secara visual dan tervalidasi, pengembangan sistem pembangkit tenaga gelombang laut menjadi lebih mudah dan optimal.Kata Kunci— Energi Terbarukan, Gelombang Laut, Pembangkit Listrik, PLTGL

    Khaled Aboe el-Fadl: Against Authoritarianism Teachers Talk to God

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    A similar Qur’anic text with Allah Almighty as its creator is often interpreted differently among Muslims. In the process of interpretation of religious texts, the three elements, i.e., reader, text, and author are interrelated. Separating the three of them can give rise to otriarianism in interpreting the meaning of the text, which is considered an act of arbitrariness so that it is not uncommon for someone to assume the most correct interpretation. To avoid this attitude, according to Khaled Abou El Fadl, a negotiating process should be built between the three so that each does not dominate in the process of determining the meaning of the text. This paper is intended to describe the best relationship between the reader, the text and the word of Allah in the theory of the negotiation of Khaled Abou El Fadl


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    Truk adalah jenis transportasi yang banyak digunakan untuk mengangkut muatan baik hasilpertanian, perkebunan, pertambangan dan lain sebagainya. Ada beberapa varian kapasitas truk yang selamaini dibuat oleh pabrik. Salah satunya truk dengan kapasitas 7,5 ton. Masalah yang timbul adalah trukmengalami patah di bagian rear axlenya. Dengan metode elemen hingga untuk menganalisa desain kekuatanrear axle housing yang menggunakan material Hot Rolled Steel Plate dengan ketebalan 8mm danmenggunakan software pro-engineer didapat tegangan von mises 158,5 Mpa, Displacement 0,307mm danstrain max 0,000835mm dengan angka keamanan sebesar 5,2

    Melalui Pergelaran Wayang Kampanyekan Lawan Pinjol Ilegal

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    Pentas wayang mengangkat judul Semar Mbangun Kayangan. Sedangkan sosialisasi mengenai lawan pinjol, dilakukan disela pementasan. Selain lawan pinjol juga dikampanyekan melawan investasi bodong