309 research outputs found

    SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory with Logarithmic Action: Scaling and Universality

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    We investigate a version of SU(2) lattice gauge theory with a logarithmic action. The model is found to exhibit confinement, contrary to previous claims in the literature. Comparing ratios of physical quantities, like σ/Tc\sqrt{\sigma}/T_c, we find that the model belongs to the same universality class as the standard SU(2) lattice gauge theory with Wilson action. Like the positive plaquette model, the model with logarithmic action has a monotonic β\beta-function, without the famous dip exhibited by the Wilson action. Short distance dislocations affecting the definition of topology are slightly more suppressed than for the positive plaquette model.Comment: 19 pages. Self-unwrapping compressed postscript fil

    Four-quark flux distribution and binding in lattice SU(2)

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    The full spatial distribution of the color fields of two and four static quarks is measured in lattice SU(2) field theory at separations up to 1 fm at beta=2.4. The four-quark case is equivalent to a qbar q qbar q system in SU(2) and is relevant to meson-meson interactions. By subtracting two-body flux tubes from the four-quark distribution we isolate the flux contribution connected with the four-body binding energy. This contribution is further studied using a model for the binding energies. Lattice sum rules for two and four quarks are used to verify the results.Comment: 46 pages including 71 eps figures. 3D color figures are available at www.physics.helsinki.fi/~ppennane/pics

    Low Energy Excitations in Spin Glasses from Exact Ground States

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    We investigate the nature of the low-energy, large-scale excitations in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass with Gaussian couplings and free boundary conditions, by studying the response of the ground state to a coupling-dependent perturbation introduced previously. The ground states are determined exactly for system sizes up to 12^3 spins using a branch and cut algorithm. The data are consistent with a picture where the surface of the excitations is not space-filling, such as the droplet or the ``TNT'' picture, with only minimal corrections to scaling. When allowing for very large corrections to scaling, the data are also consistent with a picture with space-filling surfaces, such as replica symmetry breaking. The energy of the excitations scales with their size with a small exponent \theta', which is compatible with zero if we allow moderate corrections to scaling. We compare the results with data for periodic boundary conditions obtained with a genetic algorithm, and discuss the effects of different boundary conditions on corrections to scaling. Finally, we analyze the performance of our branch and cut algorithm, finding that it is correlated with the existence of large-scale,low-energy excitations.Comment: 18 Revtex pages, 16 eps figures. Text significantly expanded with more discussion of the numerical data. Fig.11 adde

    Critical Exponents of the Superconducting Phase Transition

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    We study the critical exponents of the superconducting phase transition in the context of renormalization group theory starting from a dual formulation of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. The dual formulation describes a loop gas of Abrikosov flux tubes which proliferate when the critical temperature is approached from below. In contrast to the Ginzburg-Landau theory, it has a spontaneously broken global symmetry and possesses an infrared stable fixed point. The exponents coincide with those of a superfluid with reversed temperature axis.Comment: Postscript file. For related work see www adress http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleiner_re.html in our homepage http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleinert.htm

    Renormalons in Effective Field Theories

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    We investigate the high-order behavior of perturbative matching conditions in effective field theories. These series are typically badly divergent, and are not Borel summable due to infrared and ultraviolet renormalons which introduce ambiguities in defining the sum of the series. We argue that, when treated consistently, there is no physical significance to these ambiguities. Although nonperturbative matrix elements and matching conditions are in general ambiguous, the ambiguity in any physical observable is always higher order in 1/M1/M than the theory has been defined. We discuss the implications for the recently noticed infrared renormalon in the pole mass of a heavy quark. We show that a ratio of form factors in exclusive Λb\Lambda_b decays (which is related to the pole mass) is free from renormalon ambiguities regardless of the mass used as the expansion parameter of HQET. The renormalon ambiguities also cancel in inclusive heavy hadron decays. Finally, we demonstrate the cancellation of renormalons in a four-Fermi effective theory obtained by integrating out a heavy colored scalar.Comment: Minor changes mad

    Maximal variance reduction for stochastic propagators with applications to the static quark spectrum

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    We study a new method -- maximal variance reduction -- for reducing the variance of stochastic estimators for quark propagators. We find that while this method is comparable to usual iterative inversion for light-light mesons, a considerable improvement is achieved for systems containing at least one infinitely heavy quark. Such systems are needed for heavy quark effective theory. As an illustration of the effectiveness of the method we present results for the masses of the ground state and excited states of Qˉq\bar{Q}q mesons and Qˉqq\bar{Q}qq baryons. We compare these results with the experimental spectra involving bb quarks.Comment: 31 pages with 7 postscript file

    An Extended Variational Principle for the SK Spin-Glass Model

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    The recent proof by F. Guerra that the Parisi ansatz provides a lower bound on the free energy of the SK spin-glass model could have been taken as offering some support to the validity of the purported solution. In this work we present a broader variational principle, in which the lower bound, as well as the actual value, are obtained through an optimization procedure for which ultrametic/hierarchal structures form only a subset of the variational class. The validity of Parisi's ansatz for the SK model is still in question. The new variational principle may be of help in critical review of the issue.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex

    Uniformity transition for ray intensities in random media

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    This paper analyses a model for the intensity of distribution for rays propagating without absorption in a random medium. The random medium is modelled as a dynamical map. After N iterations, the intensity is modelled as a sum S of N contributions from different trajectories, each of which is a product of N independent identically distributed random variables xk, representing successive focussing or de-focussing events. The number of ray trajectories reaching a given point is assumed to proliferate exponentially: N=ΛN, for some Λ>1. We investigate the probability distribution of S. We find a phase transition as parameters of the model are varied. There is a phase where the fluctuations of S are suppressed as N → ∞, and a phase where the S has large fluctuations, for which we provide a large deviation analysis

    Short-range spin glasses and Random Overlap Structures

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    Properties of Random Overlap Structures (ROSt)'s constructed from the Edwards-Anderson (EA) Spin Glass model on Zd\Z^d with periodic boundary conditions are studied. ROSt's are N×N\N\times\N random matrices whose entries are the overlaps of spin configurations sampled from the Gibbs measure. Since the ROSt construction is the same for mean-field models (like the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model) as for short-range ones (like the EA model), the setup is a good common ground to study the effect of dimensionality on the properties of the Gibbs measure. In this spirit, it is shown, using translation invariance, that the ROSt of the EA model possesses a local stability that is stronger than stochastic stability, a property known to hold at almost all temperatures in many spin glass models with Gaussian couplings. This fact is used to prove stochastic stability for the EA spin glass at all temperatures and for a wide range of coupling distributions. On the way, a theorem of Newman and Stein about the pure state decomposition of the EA model is recovered and extended.Comment: 27 page