701 research outputs found

    Briefing e debriefing nell’ambito della formazione specifica in Medicina Generale: descrizione di un’esperienza

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    The most qualifying aspect of the vocational training course in general practice is the training at the practice of primary care team. During this training, a debriefing was structured over eight sessions and proposed in the School of General Practice of Trento (Italy). It was evaluated by participants, the facilitator and a panel of experts, through the analysis of transcripts of the registered sessions and of the final session of assessment.The experience was positive because participants were aware of the importance of integrated knowledge, successfully reflected on their own learning process and were able to work in a group.Therefore, besides the vocational training course in general practice planning a structured and guided reflection is an opportunity to build a community practice, and make to emerge the “tacit knowledge”, in order to enhance the personalization of care. This is possible if facilitators have not only clinical competences, but also relational and managerial ones, and if they are skilled to elicit reflections about experiences without any judgement and in a friendly manner

    Affordances of distractors and compatibility effects: a study with the computational model TRoPICALS

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    Seeing an object activates in the brain both visual and action codes. Crucial evidence supporting this view is offered by compatibility effect experiments (Ellis et al. (2007). J Exp Psychol: Hum Percept Perform): perception of an object can facilitate or interfere with the execution of an action (e.g. grasping) even when the viewer has no intention of interacting with the object. TRoPICALS (Caligiore et al. (2010). Psychol Rev) is a computational model developed to study compatibility effects. It provides a general hypothesis about the brain mechanisms underlying compatibility effects, suggesting that the top-down bias from prefrontal cortex (PFC), and its agreement or disagreement with the affordances of objects, plays a key role in such phenomena. Compatibility effects have been investigated in the presence of a distractor object in (Ellis et al. (2007). J Exp Psychol: Hum Percept Perform). The reaction times (RTs) results confirmed compatibility effects found in previous experiments without the distractor. Interestingly, results also showed an unexpected effect of the distractor: responding to a target with a grip compatible with the size of the distractor produced slower RTs in comparison to the incompatible case. Here we present an enhanced version of TRoPICALS that reproduces and explains these new results. This explanation is based on the idea according to which PFC might play a double role in its top-down guidance of action selection producing: (a) a positive bias in favor of the action requested by the experimental task; (b) a negative bias directed to inhibiting the action evoked by the distractor. The model also provides two testable predictions on the possible consequences on compatibilities effects of the target and distractor objects in Parkinsonian disease patients with damages of inhibitory circuits


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    Women have rapidly emerged as one of the fastest-growing criminal justice populations, with unique life experiences and challenges that have been found to impact the initiation and escalation of their criminal behavior. Although research has identified evidence-based principles that effectively reduce criminal justice involvement among the general correctional population, more needs to be learned about how these principles can be integrated with research on the needs of justice-involved women specifically. The three papers comprising this dissertation investigate gaps in research in order to advance our understanding of how to address the needs of justice-involved women. The first paper is a systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors for women’s recidivism. The second paper builds off of this review to investigate sources of variation in the relationships between women’s risk factors and recidivism. The third paper explores whether the relationships between women’s risk factors and recidivism are mediated by their engagement in substance use treatment. Findings suggest that women experience a wider breadth of risk factors than what is currently acknowledged by many of the correctional assessments and interventions delivered to this population. They also suggest that there are important sources of variation in the strengths of the relationships between women’s risk factors and their subsequent recidivism, which are most often a result of the methodological characteristics of the primary studies examining these associations. Finally, results from this dissertation suggest that the relationships between women’s risk factors and recidivism are not mediated by treatment engagement, although self-efficacy may be an important factor influencing women’s ability to engage in substance use services. Implications are discussed related to how these findings can be used to inform future practices and services for women in the criminal justice system.Doctor of Philosoph

    Objects, spatial compatibility, and affordances: A connectionist study

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    In two Artificial Life simulations we evolved artificial organisms possessing a visual and a motor system, and whose nervous system was simulated with a neural network. Each organism could see four objects, either upright or reversed, with a left or a right handle. In Task 1 they learned to reach the object handle independently of the handle\u27s position. In Task 2 they learned to reach one of two buttons located below the handle either to decide either where the handle was (Simulation 1) or whether the object was upright or reversed (Simulation 2). Task 1 simulated real life experience, Task 2 replicated either a classic spatial compatibility task (Simulation 1) or an experiment by Tucker & Ellis (1998) (Simulation 2). In both simulations learning occurred earlier in the Compatible condition, when the button to reach and the handle were on the same side, than in the Incompatible condition

    Epidemiology and costs of hospital care for COPD in Puglia

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently the 5(th )cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world and represents a substantial economic and social burden. The aim of this study is to report on hospital admissions and related costs of hospital treatment for COPD in the Puglia Region of Italy in the years 2005-2007. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were selected who were hospitalized between 01/01/2005 and 31/12/2007 with ICD-9-CM code: 490.xx: bronchitis not specified as acute or chronic; 491.xx: chronic bronchitis; 492.xx: emphysema; 493.xx: asthma; 494.xx: bronchiectasis; 496.xx: chronic airway obstruction not elsewhere classified; 518.81: acute respiratory failure as principal or secondary diagnosis. RESULTS: In the period 2005-2007, there were 73,721 hospital admissions for COPD registered in Puglia (25,690 in 2005; 24,153 in 2006 and 23,878 in 2007) of which 34.3% were women, with no significant variation in the three years. There appears to be a negative trend in hospitalisations in Puglia for chronic bronchitis with ratios decreasing from 359.4 per 100,000 population in 2005 to 307.9 per 100,000 in 2007. The overall cost of COPD for Apulian hospital trusts was €272,293,182.85 over the 3-year period. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the data for hospital care, its costs and performance may be an important indicator of the efficacy of community care. In particular, the lack of reduction in admissions for COPD should lead decision makers to question both the appropriateness and quality of the care given

    Postharvest Quality Evolution in Long Shelf-Life "Vesuviano" Tomato Landrace

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    "Vesuviano" or "piennolo" tomato is among the most famous Italian small tomato landraces and is cultivated on the slopes of Vesuvio volcano (Southern Italy). The "piennolo" tomato is an interesting case with regard to its potential sustainability, as it is traditionally grown in water-deficit conditions with a low fertilizer input. Fruits with a high firmness and a thick skin can be stored for 3–4 months at room temperature ("long shelf-life" or LSL tomato) without postharvest fungicide applications. The aim of this research was to study the retention, changes in quality, and nutritional traits of "Vesuviano" tomatoes over 120 days of "natural" storage. The dry matter, soluble sugar, organic acids, volatile compounds, and carotenoid contents were evaluated at harvesting and in fruits stored for 40, 80, and 120 days. Slight decreases in dry matter content, soluble sugars, and sweetness index were found, while the organic acids levels remained relatively stable. Moreover, interesting increases in the concentrations of certain flavor volatiles, alcohols, aldehydes, and terpenes were detected. Regarding carotenoids, the total lycopene levels exhibited a 1.5-fold increase from harvest to 120 days. The unchanged lycopene cis-isomer levels and the β-carotene/total lycopene ratio is characteristic of relatively stable isomerization activity and indicated an optimal ripening pattern up until the end of the "natural" storage period. These results, which demonstrate good overall quality retention of this LSL tomato, represent a well-grounded reason to enhance the cultivation and marketing of this genetic resource, the fruits of which can be appreciated by consumers during the winter–early spring, when high-quality fresh tomatoes are not available on the markets

    Sudakov Logarithm Resummation in Transverse Momentum Space for Electroweak Boson Production at Hadron Colliders

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    A complete description of W and Z boson production at high-energy hadron colliders requires the resummation of large Sudakov double logarithms which dominate the transverse momentum (q_T) distribution at small q_T. We compare different prescriptions for performing this resummation, in particular implicit impact parameter space resummation versus explicit transverse momentum space resummation. We argue that the latter method can be formulated so as to retain the advantages of the former, while at the same time allowing a smooth transition to finite order dominance at high q_T.Comment: 32 pages, Latex, epsfig, 17 figure

    A reinforcement learning model of reaching integrating kinematic and dynamic control in a simulated arm robot

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    Models proposed within the literature of motor control have polarised around two classes of controllers which differ in terms of controlled variables: the Force-Control Models(FCMs), based on dynamic control, and the Equilibrium-Point Models (EPMs), based on kinematic control. This paper proposes a bioinspired model which aims to exploit the strengths of the two classes of models. The model is tested with a 3D physical simulator of a 2DOF-controlled arm robot engaged in a reaching task which requires the production of curved trajectories to be solved. The model is based on an actor-critic reinforcementlearning algorithm which uses neural maps to represent both percepts and actions encoded as joint-angle desired equilibrium points (EPs), and a noise generator suitable for fine tuning the exploration/exploitation ratio. The tests of the model show how it is capable of exploiting the simplicity and speed of learning of EPMs as well as the flexibility of FCMs in generating curved trajectories. Overall, the model represents a first step towards the generation of models which exploit the strengths of both EPMs and FCMs and has the potential of being used as a new tool for investigating phenomena related to the organisation and learning of motor behaviour in organisms
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