87 research outputs found

    Automated Heart Syndrome Forecast Model Exploiting Machine Learning Approaches

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    Heart disease is a frequent condition that appears as a result of a poor diet and an irregular lifestyle. It is one of the most frequent diseases worldwide, with numerous reasons that damage the heart and have claimed countless lives in recent years. Due to the enormous number of risk factors for heart disease, it is critical to adopt a precise and dependable approach to provide an early diagnosis and correct prognosis. As a result, there is a broad potential for implementing various types of machine learning approaches for retrieving such critical data from the database. This study evaluates numerous machine learning algorithms for correctly predicting cardiac sickness and offers analytical findings, with an emphasis on various methodologies

    Nano Carbon Black And Activated Carbon From Agricultural Waste Filled Epoxy Composites

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    Carbon blacks and activated carbons derived from agricultural wastes such as bamboo stem (BS), coconut shells (CNS) and oil palm empty fiber bunch (EFB), were obtained by pyrolysis of these natural fibers at 700 0C and subsequently activated with KOH and H3PO4. The various carbon blacks and activated carbons prepared were characterized and used as filler in epoxy composites. The physical and chemical properties of the carbon blacks and activated carbons were studied using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) of activated carbons and carbon black were also carried out. The effect of pyrolysis on carbon black and two different chemical activations by H3PO4 and KOH on activated carbons were also studied. It was observed that KOH activation proved more effective than H3PO4 and physical activation on agricultural wastes resulted in higher percentage of mesopores and higher surface area


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    Kata kunci : film, yakuza, hubungan oyabun dan kobun.Yakuza merupakan organisasi kriminal yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat Jepang sejak zaman Edo. Yakuza menjalankan berbagai bisnis ilegaluntuk mendapatkan uang. Anggotanya dapat dikenali melalui ciri fisik, seperti tatodan ruas jari kelingking yang terpotong akibat ritual yubitsume.Dalam berorganisasi, yakuza cenderung merendahkan hukum negara dan menerapkan aturan tersendiri. Yakuza menjunjung tinggi nilai bushido, giri dan ninjou dan hubungan oyabun dan kobun. Hubungan oyabun dan kobun merupakan hubungan antara orang tua dan anak yang berakar dari konsep ie. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini penulis merumuskan masalah, yaitu bagaimana hubungan oyabun dan kobun yang tercermin dalam film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond karya sutradara Kitano Takeshi.Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan konsep hubungan oyabun dan kobun untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan oyabun dan kobun yang tercermin dalam film. Penelitian ini berfokus pada hubungan oyabun dan kobun dalam keluarga yakuza. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan teori pendukung mise en scene dan teknik pengambilan gambar yang membantu penulis menganalisis cuplikan film.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond terdapat cuplikan serta dialog yang mencerminkan hubungan oyabun dan kobundalam keluarga yakuza. Hubungan tersebut menciptakan ikatan yang kuat diantaraanggota. Seorang ketua yakuza akan berlaku sebagai oyabun yang memiliki kewajiban melindungi kobun, demikian pula seorang anak buah akan berlaku sebagai kobun yang berkewajiban memberikan pelayanan dan kesetiaan kepada oyabun

    Mental Health Concerns and Challenges in India: The Way Forward

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    The prevalence of mental illness in India is rapidly increasing and of grave concern is the decreasing age of onset among the youth. This article below outlines the significant concerns and challenges of the mental health care system in India and proposes key measures to deal with these complex challenges. This paper is divided into four sections: the first section focuses on the complex nature of mental illness with respect to overlapping symptoms of various disorders, co-morbidities and the mediating role of physiological factors. The role of the stigma surrounding mental illness in reducing help-seeking behaviour and adherence to treatment is highlighted. The second part of the article outlines the various challenges in the treatment of mental illness with respect to the lack of trained manpower, lack of formulation-based treatment, the over-emphasis on diagnosis, and various such critical factors. The third section outlines the challenges at the policy level including the lacunae of funding into mental health, lack of insurance for mental illness, and lack of awareness about the rights of people with mental illness. The article concludes with the enumeration of the various indirect contributory factors in the rise of mental illness such as increasing demands and stress, the mediating role of technology, rapid social change, unemployment, and the fragmentation of family and consequent isolation. The various measures to bridge the gap in India's mental health care system are simultaneously discussed. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.387413

    Multinational corporations and human rights

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    Business enterprises that operate across national boundaries have an enormous impact on the modern world. Multinational Corporation (or transnational Corporation) MNC/TNC is a corporation or enterprise that manages production establishments or delivery services in at least two countries. Very large multinationals have budgets that exceed those of many countries. If we compare the revenues of the twenty-five largest multinational corporations (MNCs) with revenues of states, we see that only six states have revenues larger than the nine largest MNCs. If we were to include multinational banks in this figure, the power of private for-profit enterprises would be even more evident


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    Di era modernsasi saat ini, pendidikan merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Pendidikan merupakan suatu langkah untuk menuju suatu kesuksesan, meningkatkan taraf hidup, penambahan wawasan. Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAk) ini, harus dijalani selama 2 semester atau 12 bulan, sementara Pendidikan Strata dua (S-2) bidang akuntansi, dapat dijalani selama 16 sampai dengan 20 bulan saja. Hal ini menjadi salah satu pertimbangan bagi calon mahasiswa PPAk, apakah akan melanjutkan pendidikan ke PPAk atau ke S-2. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pilihan studi lanjut PPAk atau S-2 pada staff bagian accounting dan finance, di antaranya adalah motivasi karir, motivasi kualitas, motivasi ekonomi, lingkungan keluarga, dan lingkungan masyarakat. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampel para staff accounting dan finance yang bekerja pada perusahaan manufaktur di Semarang. Hasil pengujian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pengujian regresi logistik untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel X terhadap Y, dimana Y adalah variabel dummy. Regresi logistik ini dilakukan karena menggunakan variabel independen parametrik dan variabel dependen non parametrik. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa Motivasi karir berpengaruh terhadap melanjutkan pilihan studi lanjut S-2 pada staff bagian accounting dan finance. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena perusahaan manufaktur menyediakan peluang karir yang baik sehingga staff memilki motivasi karir yang tinggi dan akan melanjutkan studi lanjut S-2

    Hubungan Oyabun dan Kobun yang Tercermin dalam Film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond Karya Kitano Takeshi

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    Kata kunci : film, yakuza, hubungan oyabun dan kobun.Yakuza merupakan organisasi kriminal yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat Jepang sejak zaman Edo. Yakuza menjalankan berbagai bisnis ilegaluntuk mendapatkan uang. Anggotanya dapat dikenali melalui ciri fisik, seperti tatodan ruas jari kelingking yang terpotong akibat ritual yubitsume.Dalam berorganisasi, yakuza cenderung merendahkan hukum negara dan menerapkan aturan tersendiri. Yakuza menjunjung tinggi nilai bushido, giri dan ninjou dan hubungan oyabun dan kobun. Hubungan oyabun dan kobun merupakan hubungan antara orang tua dan anak yang berakar dari konsep ie. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini penulis merumuskan masalah, yaitu bagaimana hubungan oyabun dan kobun yang tercermin dalam film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond karya sutradara Kitano Takeshi.Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan konsep hubungan oyabun dan kobun untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan oyabun dan kobun yang tercermin dalam film. Penelitian ini berfokus pada hubungan oyabun dan kobun dalam keluarga yakuza. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan teori pendukung mise en scene dan teknik pengambilan gambar yang membantu penulis menganalisis cuplikan film.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond terdapat cuplikan serta dialog yang mencerminkan hubungan oyabun dan kobundalam keluarga yakuza. Hubungan tersebut menciptakan ikatan yang kuat diantaraanggota. Seorang ketua yakuza akan berlaku sebagai oyabun yang memiliki kewajiban melindungi kobun, demikian pula seorang anak buah akan berlaku sebagai kobun yang berkewajiban memberikan pelayanan dan kesetiaan kepada oyabun

    The leadership development model influencing drug prevention management and performance of schools under the local administrative organization

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    This study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to investigate the dynamics of leadership, management, and performance in the context of drug prevention within schools under local administrative organizations. The research pursues three main objectives: (1) to examine the key elements of leadership, management, and performance related to drug prevention in these educational institutions, (2) to analyze the direct, indirect, and combined influences of leadership on the management and performance of drug prevention efforts, and (3) to formulate policy recommendations for influential leadership development models tailored to enhance the management and performance of drug prevention initiatives. Quantitative data were collected from 400 personnel within educational institutes under the Sisaket Local Administrative Organization, utilizing stratified random sampling and a questionnaire with a high-reliability score of 0.978. Concurrently, qualitative insights were from 12 purposively selected educational institutes in the same administrative context through the focused group. The analytical toolkit included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, structural equation analysis, and content analysis. Key findings indicate the appropriateness of utilizing trait-based, behavior-based, and situational leadership alongside Principles of management to construct a comprehensive structural equation model. The performance emerges as primarily influenced by Principles of management, all statistically significant at 0.01 level. In terms of policy suggestions, the focus centers on fostering a knowledgeable and collaborative team, developing leadership skills through cooperation, and creating an organizational culture that supports learning and development. This integrated leadership development approach is the picture to significantly impact the effective management and prevention of drug abuse in schools under local administrative organizations

    Local Government Education Strategy on the Public Service Delivery For Learning City Development

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    The purpose of this study was to Local Governments' Education Strategy on the Public Service Delivery for Learning City. This study uses case studies to collect and analyze data, generate inductions, empirical observations, and SWOT analysis. Driving Thailand's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) policy showed that the area conditions were in place. Situations, environments, limitations, and highlights affect the targeting of public services. Local government education development strategies are constantly pushing local education policies. Building knowledge by developing 20 local courses in generating income for the community has a policy of " Creative City," including livable city, tourist town, investment city, and city to study. Under the critical base of thinking of executives who believe that education is the most potent weapon. In addition, to driving local education policy, A strong community committee is needed. Public participation plays an essential role in the development of cities. Some operations are conducive to driving the city of learning—continuous development of knowledge plans. There are programs to support learning at all ages that go through education work and professional policy network management. This is an important strategy to develop local education aligned with the Sustainable Education Development Goals