651 research outputs found

    Electron-electron interaction effects on optical excitations in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We report correlated-electron calculations of optically excited states in ten semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes with a wide range of diameters. Optical excitation occurs to excitons whose binding energies decrease with the increasing nanotube diameter, and are smaller than the binding energy of an isolated strand of poly-(paraphenylene vinylene). The ratio of the energy of the second optical exciton polarized along the nanotube axis to that of the lowest exciton is smaller than the value predicted within single-particle theory. The experimentally observed weak photoluminescence is an intrinsic feature of semiconducting nanotubes, and is consequence of dipole-forbidden excitons occurring below the optical exciton.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, To appear in PR

    Research in the effective implementation of guidance computers with large scale arrays Interim report

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    Functional logic character implementation in breadboard design of NASA modular compute

    Data Portraits and Intermediary Topics: Encouraging Exploration of Politically Diverse Profiles

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    In micro-blogging platforms, people connect and interact with others. However, due to cognitive biases, they tend to interact with like-minded people and read agreeable information only. Many efforts to make people connect with those who think differently have not worked well. In this paper, we hypothesize, first, that previous approaches have not worked because they have been direct -- they have tried to explicitly connect people with those having opposing views on sensitive issues. Second, that neither recommendation or presentation of information by themselves are enough to encourage behavioral change. We propose a platform that mixes a recommender algorithm and a visualization-based user interface to explore recommendations. It recommends politically diverse profiles in terms of distance of latent topics, and displays those recommendations in a visual representation of each user's personal content. We performed an "in the wild" evaluation of this platform, and found that people explored more recommendations when using a biased algorithm instead of ours. In line with our hypothesis, we also found that the mixture of our recommender algorithm and our user interface, allowed politically interested users to exhibit an unbiased exploration of the recommended profiles. Finally, our results contribute insights in two aspects: first, which individual differences are important when designing platforms aimed at behavioral change; and second, which algorithms and user interfaces should be mixed to help users avoid cognitive mechanisms that lead to biased behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. To be presented at ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 201

    Evidence for Excimer Photoexcitations in an Ordered {\pi}-Conjugated Polymer Film

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    We report pressure-dependent transient picosecond and continuous-wave photomodulation studies of disordered and ordered films of 2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy) poly(para-phenylenevinylene). Photoinduced absorption (PA) bands in the disordered film exhibit very weak pressure dependence and are assigned to intrachain excitons and polarons. In contrast, the ordered film exhibits two additional transient PA bands in the midinfrared that blueshift dramatically with pressure. Based on high-order configuration interaction calculations we ascribe the PA bands in the ordered film to excimers. Our work brings insight to the exciton binding energy in ordered films versus disordered films and solutions. The reduced exciton binding energy in ordered films is due to new energy states appearing below the continuum band threshold of the single strand.Comment: 5.5 pages, 5 figure

    Density-matrix functional theory of the Hubbard model: An exact numerical study

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    A density functional theory for many-body lattice models is considered in which the single-particle density matrix is the basic variable. Eigenvalue equations are derived for solving Levy's constrained search of the interaction energy functional W, which is expressed as the sum of Hartree-Fock energy and the correlation energy E_C. Exact results are obtained for E_C of the Hubbard model on various periodic lattices. The functional dependence of E_C is analyzed by varying the number of sites, band filling and lattice structure. The infinite one-dimensional chain and one-, two-, or three-dimensional finite clusters with periodic boundary conditions are considered. The properties of E_C are discussed in the limits of weak and strong electronic correlations, as well as in the crossover region. Using an appropriate scaling we observe a pseudo-universal behavior which suggests that the correlation energy of extended systems could be obtained quite accurately from finite cluster calculations. Finally, the behavior of E_C for repulsive (U>0) and attractive (U<0) interactions are contrasted.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (1999), in pres

    Network segregation in a model of misinformation and fact checking

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    Misinformation under the form of rumor, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories spreads on social media at alarming rates. One hypothesis is that, since social media are shaped by homophily, belief in misinformation may be more likely to thrive on those social circles that are segregated from the rest of the network. One possible antidote is fact checking which, in some cases, is known to stop rumors from spreading further. However, fact checking may also backfire and reinforce the belief in a hoax. Here we take into account the combination of network segregation, finite memory and attention, and fact-checking efforts. We consider a compartmental model of two interacting epidemic processes over a network that is segregated between gullible and skeptic users. Extensive simulation and mean-field analysis show that a more segregated network facilitates the spread of a hoax only at low forgetting rates, but has no effect when agents forget at faster rates. This finding may inform the development of mitigation techniques and overall inform on the risks of uncontrolled misinformation online

    Interaction energy functional for lattice density functional theory: Applications to one-, two- and three-dimensional Hubbard models

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    The Hubbard model is investigated in the framework of lattice density functional theory (LDFT). The single-particle density matrix Îłij\gamma_{ij} with respect the lattice sites is considered as the basic variable of the many-body problem. A new approximation to the interaction-energy functional W[Îł]W[\gamma] is proposed which is based on its scaling properties and which recovers exactly the limit of strong electron correlations at half-band filling. In this way, a more accurate description of WW is obtained throughout the domain of representability of Îłij\gamma_{ij}, including the crossover from weak to strong correlations. As examples of applications results are given for the ground-state energy, charge-excitation gap, and charge susceptibility of the Hubbard model in one-, two-, and three-dimensional lattices. The performance of the method is demonstrated by comparison with available exact solutions, with numerical calculations, and with LDFT using a simpler dimer ansatz for WW. Goals and limitations of the different approximations are discussed.Comment: 25 pages and 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Political conversations on Twitter in a disruptive scenario: The role of "party evangelists" during the 2015 Spanish general elections

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    "This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Communication Review on 2019, available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10714421.2019.1599642"[EN] During election campaigns, candidates, parties, and media share their relevance on Twitter with a group of especially active users, aligned with a particular party. This paper introduces the profile of Âżparty evangelists,Âż and explores the activity and effects these users had on the general political conversation during the 2015 Spanish general election. On that occasion, the electoral expectations were uncertain for the two major parties (PP and PSOE) because of the rise of two emerging parties that were disrupting the political status quo (Podemos and Ciudadanos). This was an ideal situation to assess the differences between the evangelists of established and emerging parties. The paper evaluates two aspects of the political conversation based on a corpus of 8.9 million tweets: the retweet- ing effectiveness, and the sentiment analysis of the overall conver- sation. We found that one of the emerging partyÂżs evangelists dominated message dissemination to a much greater extent.The present research was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad [CSO2013-43960-R] [CSO2016-77331-C2-1-R]. The present research was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, under Grants CSO2013-43960-R ("2015-2016 Spanish political parties' online campaign strategies") and CSO2016-77331-C2-1-R ("Strategies, agendas and discourse in electoral cybercampaigns: media and citizens"). This work was possible thanks to help received from Emilio Giner in his task of extracting the corpus of tweets and from assistance provided by Mike Thelwall and David Vilares in the use of the SentiStrength application. We have benefited from valuable comments on drafts of this article from professors JoaquĂ­n AldĂĄs, Amparo Baviera-Puig, Guillermo LĂłpez-GarcĂ­a, and especially Lidia Valera-Ordaz.Baviera, T.; Sampietro, A.; GarcĂ­a-Ull, FJ. (2019). Political conversations on Twitter in a disruptive scenario: The role of "party evangelists" during the 2015 Spanish general elections. The Communication Review. 22(2):117-138. https://doi.org/10.1080/10714421.2019.1599642S117138222Alvarez, R., Garcia, D., Moreno, Y., & Schweitzer, F. (2015). Sentiment cascades in the 15M movement. EPJ Data Science, 4(1). doi:10.1140/epjds/s13688-015-0042-4Anduiza, E., Cristancho, C., & Sabucedo, J. M. (2013). Mobilization through online social networks: the political protest of theindignadosin Spain. Information, Communication & Society, 17(6), 750-764. doi:10.1080/1369118x.2013.808360Anstead, N., & O’Loughlin, B. (2011). The Emerging Viewertariat and BBC Question Time. 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The Multiple Facets of Influence. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(10), 1260-1277. doi:10.1177/0002764214527088Enli, G. (2017). Twitter as arena for the authentic outsider: exploring the social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. European Journal of Communication, 32(1), 50-61. doi:10.1177/0267323116682802Felt, M. (2016). Social media and the social sciences: How researchers employ Big Data analytics. Big Data & Society, 3(1), 205395171664582. doi:10.1177/2053951716645828Ferrara, E., & Yang, Z. (2015). Measuring Emotional Contagion in Social Media. PLOS ONE, 10(11), e0142390. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142390(2015). Journal of Communication, 65(5). doi:10.1111/jcom.2015.65.issue-5Guerrero-SolĂ©, F. (2018). Interactive Behavior in Political Discussions on Twitter: Politicians, Media, and Citizens’ Patterns of Interaction in the 2015 and 2016 Electoral Campaigns in Spain. 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    The Social Power of Algorithms

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    This article explores the questions associated with what might be thought of as the social power of algorithms. The article, which introduces a special issue on the same topic, begins by reflecting on how we might approach algorithms from a social scientific perspective. The article is then split into two sections. The first deals with the issues that might be associated with an analysis of the power of the algorithms themselves. This section outlines a series of issues associated with the functionality of the algorithms and how these functions are powerfully deployed within social world. The second section then focuses upon the notion of the algorithm. In this section, the article argues that we need to look beyond the algorithms themselves, as a technical and material presence, to explore how the notion or concept of the algorithm is also an important feature of their potential power. In this section, it is suggested that we look at the way that notions of the algorithm are evoked as a part of broader rationalities and ways of seeing the world. Exploring the notion of the algorithm may enable us to see how algorithms also play a part in social ordering processes, both in terms of how the algorithm is used to promote certain visions of calculative objectivity and also in relation to the wider governmentalities that this concept might be used to open up
