308 research outputs found

    Conceptos en forma: incidental y medio en frases de gerundio

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    En este trabajo se describen las relaciones semánticas entre eventos ‘IncidentalE’ y ‘MedioE’ haciendo culto del precepto según el cual las categorias semánticas denotan representaciones mentales de realidades extralingüísticas a las que son sensibles las formas. Dichas relaciones son definidas en términos de un conjunto de propiedades consistentes con el comportamiento de, respectivamente, los subtipos SGCC-INC y SGCCMEDIO de la construcción de gerundio como complemento en Castellano (SGCC). IncidentalE y MedioE toman dos eventos como argumentos tal que el primero es un todo del cual el segundo forma ‘parte-propia’. La diferencia esencial entre ambas radica en que los eventos de MedioE se posicionan en un mismo ‘curso de eventos’ (categoría definida en este trabajo) mientras que los argumentos de IncidentalE operan en ‘cursos de eventos’ distintos. Difieren también en que la asimetría intrínseca a la relación ‘partepropia’ se expresa en MedioE en términos de una restricción sobre diferentes grados de ‘especificidad’ en relación a las respectivas descripciones de los eventos. En IncidentalE, en cambio, esta asimetría es sensible a un conjunto abierto de propiedades de argumentos que pueden ser tanto semánticas como pragmáticas (conocimiento del mundo)It is assumed in this paper that semantic categories denote mental representations of entities in the world to which linguistic forms are sensitive. I honor this principle in my characterization of the event relations ‘IncidentalE’ and ‘MeansE’ presented in this paper. These categories are defined in terms of a set of properties that are consistent with the grammatical behavior of the subtypes ‘SGCC-INC’ and ‘SGCC-MEANS’ of the Spanish gerund construction. IncidentalE and MeansE are relations that take each two events as arguments such that the second one is a ‘proper part’ of the first one. The main difference between both relations lies on the fact that the arguments of MeansE are in a single ‘course of events’ (notion that is defined in this paper) whereas the arguments of IncidentalE are in different ‘courses of events’. In addition, these semantic categories also differ in that the intrinsic asymmetry of the proper-part relation surfaces in MeansE as a constraint that requires different degrees of specificity to each of the event descriptions associated with the first and the second argument, respectively. In contrast, the asymmetry in IncidentalE is sensitive to an open set of either semantic or pragmatic restrictions (world knowledge) that is partially identified here.Fil: Paris, Luis Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Relaciones gramaticalizadas entre eventos: MedioE

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    Del conjunto de relaciones entre eventos lógicamente posibles, las gramáticas de las lenguas naturales solo codifican un subconjunto de ellas, bien al interior del léxico o bien en construcciones. Una de ellas es MedioE , largamente considerada parte del inventario de relaciones semánticas necesarias para la descripción de las lenguas naturales, pero nunca definida hasta ahora. En este trabajo se define a MedioE y se describe su impacto gramatical en la construcción SGCC-MEDIO del castellano. En particular, MedioE es caracterizada como una categoría semántica consistente en una relación entre dos argumentos eventivos que: I) guardan una relación de parte propia; II) están en el mismo ‘curso de eventos’ (categoría que se introduce y caracteriza aquí) y III) satisfacen las condiciones φ, esto es, (a) comparten participantes y, al menos, una relación entre ellos, y (b) progresan interdependientemente (‘incrementalidad’). Además de estas propiedades referenciales MedioE consta también de una asimetría informacional tal que la descripción eventiva más específica debe denotar el segundo argumento de la relación mientras que aquella queda subespecificada al primer argumento.Natural language grammars encode only a subset of event relations among the ones that are logically possible either in the lexicon or in grammatical constructions. One of these relations is MeansE , which has remained undefined even if it has been considered for long to be a member of the set of semantic categories necessary to describe world languages. In this paper, I define MeansE and describe its grammatical import on the Spanish construction SGCC-MEANS. In particular, MeansE is characterized as a semantic category that consists of a relation between two arguments such that I) they are in a proper-part relation; II) they are in the same ‘course of events’ (category that is introduced and characterized in this paper); and III) they satisfy ‘conditions φ’, which means that (a) they share participants and at least a relation between them, and (b) they unfold correlatively (‘incrementality’). Beside these referential properties, MeansE comprise an informational asymmetry such that the more specific event description is associated with the second argument of the relation whereas the underspecified one is linked to the first argument.Fil: Paris, Luis Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Relativismo lingüístico y pensamiento filosófico

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    El apotegma gnoseológico de Platón (“...conocer es recordar...”) puede ser reinterpretado y pensar, entonces, que conocer implica evocar las estructuras semióticas del lenguaje, aquello dado previo a todo pensar filosófico. La identificación de los esquemas del Evento Motriz en una lengua que presento aquí, así como sus proyecciones a otros dominios cognitivos, pretenden contribuir a explicar cómo a través del lenguaje somos capaces de alcanzar conocimientos con cierta validez universal intersubjetiva a partir de una mente corporeizada y, por ende, limitada a un contexto de experiencia específico. Describo los esquemas semánticos básicos subyacentes al sistema verbal del castellano y que permiten a los hablantes la captación y expresión de sus experiencias motrices. Siguiendo a Talmy (2000) caracterizo, además, la particular estrategia representativa de nuestra lengua y la comparo, por oposición, con la del inglés. Por último, sugiero que estas estrategias determinan una particular forma de describir cualquier evento –no sólo el evento motriz- y constituyen, entonces, distintos patrones de pensamiento en sus respectivos hablantes.Fil: Paris, Luis Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Numerical Study of Support Interferences on the SOAR Separation Wind Tunnel Test

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    A process of support design for wind tunnel models and the evaluation of interferences effect are described in this chapter. The work was performed at the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI; Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium), and it was commissioned by the S3-Swiss Space System company. The work concerns the separation wind tunnel test of the Suborbital Aircraft Reusable (SOAR) vehicle from an Airbus commercial plane carrier. The supports are designed for future separation wind tunnel test of the SOAR version V10 in the VKI-S1 wind tunnel. They are designed in scale 1:180 for the test of the SOAR in the presence of the Airbus and in scale 1:80 for the SOAR alone test. Two different shapes of support (circular and elliptic) are tested in each case. First there are the supports designed, then the results of the finite element method (FEM) static structural analysis and vibrational analysis, and finally the result of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) campaign. The flow and the force interferences caused by the support are investigated by comparing simulations with and without support. The behavior of the two shapes and of the dimensional variations are investigated at an angle of attack between 0° and 15° and at Mach 0.7

    Intéraction système-matériaux en fretting

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    Les nombreuses études menées en fretting montrent que les dégradations se traduisent soit par une perte de matière (fretting-usure), soit par l’amorçage de fissures dans les massifs (fretting-fatigue). Ces deux types de réponse dépendent de nombreux paramètres, tant fonctionnels (charge, déplacement, fréquence... imposés ou non) que matériaux (ductiles, fragiles...) et interfaciaux (troisième corps), qui sont parfois retranscrits sous forme de cartes de sollicitations locales ou de réponses des matériaux. Les frontières entre ces différents domaines sont déterminées à partir de critères issus directement des paramètres caractéristiques des cycles de fretting (ouverture du cycle, énergie dissipée), dont l’objectif est de définir le passage entre glissement partiel et glissement total. L’analyse précise des cycles de fretting est donc un élément central de la compréhension du comportement des matériaux sous ce type de sollicitation

    Lenses in the forest: cross-correlation of the Lyman-alpha flux with CMB lensing

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    We present a theoretical estimate for a new observable: the cross-correlation between the Lyman-alpha flux fluctuations in quasar (QSO) spectra and the convergence of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as measured along the same line-of-sight. As a first step toward the assessment of its detectability, we estimate the signal-to-noise ratio using linear theory. Although the signal-to-noise is small for a single line-of-sight and peaks at somewhat smaller redshifts than those probed by the Lyman-alpha forest, we estimate a total signal-to-noise of 9 for cross-correlating QSO spectra of SDSS-III with Planck and of 20 for cross-correlating with a future polarization based CMB experiment. The detection of this effect would be a direct measure of the neutral hydrogen-matter cross-correlation and could provide important information on the growth of structures at large scales in a redshift range which is still poorly probed by observations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, matches published versio

    Quantum routing of information using chiral quantum walks

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    We address routing of classical and quantum information over quantum network, and show how to exploit chirality to achieve nearly optimal and robust transport. In particular, we prove how continuous time chiral quantum walks over a minimal graph may be used to model directional transfer and routing of information over a network. At first, we show how classical information, encoded onto an excitation localized at one vertex of a simple graph, may be sent to any other chosen location with nearly unit fidelity by tuning a single phase. Then, we prove that high-fidelity transport is also possible for coherent superpositions of states, i.e. for routing of quantum information. Furthermore, we show that by tuning the phase parameter one obtains universal quantum routing, i.e. indipendent on the input state. In our scheme, chirality is governed by a single phase, and the routing probability is robust against fluctuations of this parameter. Finally, we address characterization of quantum routers and show how to exploit the self energies of the graph to achieve high precision in estimating the phase parameter.Comment: This paper has been submitted to the Jonathan P. Dowling Memorial Special Issue of AVS QUANTUM SCIENCE (https://publishing.aip.org/publications/journals/special-topics/aqs/

    Optical interferometry in the presence of large phase diffusion

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    Phase diffusion represents a crucial obstacle towards the implementation of high precision interferometric measurements and phase shift based communication channels. Here we present a nearly optimal interferometric scheme based on homodyne detection and coherent signals for the detection of a phase shift in the presence of large phase diffusion. In our scheme the ultimate bound to interferometric sensitivity is achieved already for a small number of measurements, of the order of hundreds, without using nonclassical light

    Check list of ground-dwelling ant diversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Iguazú National Park with a comparison at regional scale

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    We describe the ant fauna of Iguazú National Park (INP), a region of high biodiversity andendemism in northeastern Argentina that includes the southernmost protected area ofthe Atlantic Forest (AF). Ants were sampled over seven periods from 1998 to 2011 usinga variety of techniques. We also surveyed museum collections and the scientific literatureto obtain additional records of ants from INP. In addition to providing a species list, wecompare ant composition of INP to other sites in the Upper Paraná, Serra do Mar CoastalForest and Araucaria ecoregion of AF. A total of 172 ant species belonging to 56 genera arereported; 56 species are new records for Misiones Province and 39 species are reportedfrom Argentina for the first time. Alto Paraná and Canindeyú departments in Paraguaypresent the most similar ant fauna to INP. Serra da Bodoquena in Brazil and Pilcomayoin Argentina showed higher similarity with the Upper Paraná AF ecoregion, despite thatSerra da Bodoquena is composed of a mix of ecoregions. Ant diversity was lower in UpperParaná than in Serra do Mar Coastal Forest ecoregion. This difference may result fromhigher primary productivity and a greater altitudinal variation in the coastal region.Fil: Hanisch, Priscila Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Calcaterra, Luis Alberto. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Leponce, M.. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology unit; BélgicaFil: Achury, R.. University of Illinois at Urbana; Estados UnidosFil: Suarez, A. V.. University of Illinois at Urbana; Estados UnidosFil: Silva, R. R.. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi; BrasilFil: Paris, Carolina Ivon. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Metabolic and cardiovascular response to exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Physical activity is an effective therapeutic tool for cardiovascular risk prevention. However, exercise aerobic capacity of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) has not been thoroughly investigated. Aim of the present study is to evaluate exercise aerobic capacity in patients with T1DM compared to a normal control population