84 research outputs found

    The Shifting Map of Cherokee Land Use Practices in Indian Territory

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    De tout temps, les Cherokees ont détenu leurs terres en commun ; chaque membre de la tribu avait le droit d’utiliser autant de terres qu’il en avait besoin pour l’agriculture ou l’élevage, mais la propriété demeurait celle de la Nation. Après la déportation vers le Territoire Indien, des modifications dans l’usage de la terre commencèrent à apparaître alors que de plus en plus de Cherokees s’intéressaient aux pratiques de leurs voisins blancs. Les Blancs, bien entendu, possédaient la terre individuellement, surtout après le passage du Homestead Act de 1862. De nombreux fermiers et éleveurs blancs devinrent des entrepreneurs, investissant dans la terre, l’équipement, le bétail, et employant du personnel. Nombre d’entre eux devinrent prospères, ce qui n’échappa guère aux Cherokees. Ainsi, certains Cherokees commencèrent à utiliser les « lois de licences » pour embaucher des travailleurs. Ces Cherokees, la plupart métissés, profitèrent de ces lois, passées en priorité pour faire face au manque de main-d’œuvre après la Guerre de Sécession pour agrandir leur propriété foncière, afin de prospérer autant que leurs voisins blancs. Cette pratique s’arrêta lorsque la parcellisation des territoires fut imposée aux Cherokees et aux autres nations indiennes à la fin du xixe siècle.Since time immemorial, the Cherokees held their land in common; each tribal member was entitled to control as much land as he needed to farm or to raise animals, but title to the land remained with the Nation. With Removal to Indian Territory, however, changes in land use patterns began to emerge as many were drawn to the practices of their white neighbors. The whites, of course, took individual title to the land, especially after the Homestead Act of 1862. Many white farmers and ranchers became entrepreneurs, investing in land, equipment, livestock, and hiring workers. Many became prosperous, and this was not lost on the Cherokees. Accordingly, individual Cherokees began to use the “permit laws” to hire workers. Enacted primarily to offset labor shortages after the Civil War, these Cherokees, mostly mixed bloods, exploited the law to expand their land holdings, and thus sought to profit like their white neighbors. The practice ended when allotment was forced upon the Cherokees and other indigenous nations in the final years of the century

    Bayesian placement of fossils on phylogenies using quantitative morphometric data

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    Jointly developing a comprehensive tree of life from living and fossil taxa has long been a fundamental goal in evolutionary biology. One major challenge has stemmed from difficulties in merging evidence from extant and extinct organisms. While these efforts have resulted in varying stages of synthesis, they have been hindered by their dependence on qualitative descriptions of morphology. Though rarely applied to phylogenetic inference, traditional and geometric morphometric data can improve these issues by generating more rigorous ways to quantify variation in morphological structures. They may also facilitate the rapid and objective aggregation of large morphological datasets. I describe a new Bayesian method that leverages quantitative trait data to reconstruct the positions of fossil taxa on fixed reference trees composed of extant taxa. Unlike most formulations of phylogenetic Brownian motion models, this method expresses branch lengths in units of morphological disparity, suggesting a new framework through which to construct Bayesian node calibration priors for molecular dating and explore comparative patterns in morphological disparity. I am hopeful that the approach described here will help to facilitate a deeper integration of neoâ and paleontological data to move morphological phylogenetics further into the genomic era.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146387/1/evo13516.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146387/2/evo13516-sup-0001-FigureS1.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146387/3/evo13516_am.pd

    Developments for the Next Generation of Evolutionary Paleobiology

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    During the modern synthesis, researchers merged insights from natural history, evolutionary genetics, and paleontology to develop a cohesive theoretical foundation for evolutionary theory. Since then, the rapid emergence of genomic resources has revolutionized our understanding of evolutionary processes. Despite neontological successes, paleobiology has lagged behind, due in part to perceived challenges in collecting and analyzing morphological data. As a result, the earlier synthetic evolutionary view developed between neo- and paleontology has not kept pace with the current data-centric landscape. To address these issues, I aim to integrate morphological data representing fossil and living taxa into the modern evolutionary framework through the development of novel statistical approaches that leverage sources of data previously thought to be unconventional. These developments follow two main threads: 1) development of a statistical framework through which to infer phylogeny among fossil taxa by merging increasingly large and high-throughput quantitative morphological datasets with stratigraphic information, and 2) developing empirical applications of new approaches to comprehensively examine long-hypothesized but under-studied patterns in evolutionary rate throughout time, and mosaic change by integrating morphological, stratigraphic, and developmental data.PHDEcology and Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149804/1/cfukuchi_1.pd

    Dodatki do żywności a ogólnie pojęte bezpieczeństwo.

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    Referat został zamieszczony w publikacji : "VII Seminarium Studenckie. Bezpieczeństwo w inżynierii procesowej.", 2017 r.W artykule zostały opisane dodatki do żywności oraz ich podział ze względu na zastosowanie technologiczne. Ponadto, zostaną omówione aspekty związane z niebezpieczeństwem stosowania wybranych dodatków do żywności. Do niebezpieczeństw tych zaliczono niebezpieczeństwo wynikające z samego procesu produkcji, takie jak przedawkowanie, niekontrolowany wyciek, zapylenie itp. Zostały omówione także wybrane zagadnienia z wpływu dodatków do żywności na zdrowie człowieka, w przypadku przedawkowania lub ich niedoboru. Na koniec tego artykułu omówiono metody zapobiegania nieumiejętnemu korzystaniu z dodatków do żywności oraz wyciągnięto wnioski

    Fungos associados a Platanus x acerifolia no Uruguai e indicadores de probabilidade de falha

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    In the last few years, the interest in keeping the city trees healthy has increased in order to improve their survival and minimize claims due to potential accidents. The pest and diseases, the pollution, and the climate change together with the little genetic diversity of trees in urban areas are some of the factors that contribute to increase the likelihood of death and/or failure of trees in the cities. This work is part of a sanitary and risk of failure assessment of plane street trees (Platanus x acerifolia) carried out between 2019 and 2020. A random sample of 10 city blocks and their 193 plane trees was selected. In these, the presence of cankers, abnormal bark colorations, deformations, and a series of structural attributes that determine likelihood of failure variables were registered. The proportion of individuals with each symptom and the severity main index (SMI) were calculated as a weighted average of the different severity (SEV) levels in the total of evaluated plants. The severity indices were determined according to trunk or branches circumference and the portion of the tree affected (1st, 2nd or 3rd portion from the base). Deformations presented the main incidence (0.6), SMI (1.68) and a correlation with the presence of damages and human injuries. The presence of cankers and reddish bark were the symptoms that most affected the density of the crowns.En los últimos años el interés por el mantenimiento de la salud de los árboles de la ciudad ha ido incrementando para mejorar su sobrevivencia, así como para minimizar reclamaciones por posibles accidentes. Las enfermedades y las plagas, la polución y la aceleración del cambio climático junto con la poca diversidad genética de los árboles en zonas urbanas son algunos de los factores que contribuyen a aumentar la probabilidad de muerte y/o falla de árboles en las ciudades. Este trabajo es parte de una evaluación sanitaria y de riesgo de plátanos (Platanus x acerifolia) ubicados en veredas, realizada entre 2019 y 2020. Se seleccionó una muestra al azar de 10 manzanas con 193 plátanos. En estos, se registró la presencia de cancros, coloraciones anormales de corteza, deformaciones y una serie de variables estructurales indicadoras de probabilidad de falla. Se calculó la proporción de individuos con cada síntoma y el índice medio de severidad (IMS) como un promedio ponderado de los diferentes niveles de severidad (SEV) en el total de las plantas evaluadas. Los índices de severidad se determinaron en función de la circunferencia del tronco o las ramas y de los tercios afectados del árbol (1.er, 2.do y 3.er tercio desde la base). Las deformaciones presentaron los valores máximos de incidencia (0,6), de IMS (1,68) y correlación con la presencia de heridas y daños antrópicos. La presencia de cancros y corteza rojiza fueron los síntomas que más afectaron la densidad de las copas.Nos últimos anos tem aumentado o interesse na manutenção da arborização urbana a fim de melhorar sua sobrevivência e minimizar reclamações devido a potenciais acidentes. Pragas e doenças, poluição, y mudanças climáticas junto com a pouca diversidade genética das árvores em áreas urbanas são alguns dos fatores que contribuem para aumentar a probabilidade de morte e ou falha de árvores nas cidades. Este trabalho faz parte de uma avaliação sanitária e de risco de falha de plátanos localizados em calçadas (Platanus x acerifolia), realizada entre 2019 e 2020. Foi selecionada uma amostra aleatória de 10 quarteirões e seus 193 plátanos. Para cada indivíduo, foi registrada a presença de cancros, colorações anormais da casca, deformações e também uma série de atributos estruturais indicadores ​​de probabilidade de falha. Calculou-se a proporção de indivíduos com cada sintoma e o índice principal de severidade (SMI) como média ponderada dos diferentes níveis de severidade (SEV), no total de plantas avaliadas. Os índices de severidade foram determinados de acordo com a circunferência do tronco ou galhos e a porção da árvore afetada (1ª, 2ª ou 3ª porção da base). As deformações apresentaram os valores máximos de incidência (0,6), SMI (1,68) e correlação com presença de danos e lesões humanas. A presença de cancro e casca avermelhada foram os sintomas que mais afetaram a densidade das copas

    Native American Press in Wisconsin and the Nation, 1982 to the Present

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    In late April 1982, James P. Danky organized a conference titled ???Native American Press in Wisconsin and the Nation,??? an extension of the work Danky had been engaged in as newspapers and periodicals librarian at the Wisconsin Historical Society, which brought native editors and publishers together with academic historians. We were engaged in writing a historical reference guide to American Indian and Alaska native newspapers and periodicals, and we learned that Danky and colleague Maureen Hady were involved with a similar project. At the conference we all agreed to cooperate in our research and share information. Attendees reached consensus on a number of issues at that time: the Native press was under significant financial difficulty; press freedoms were often abused; a need existed for an association of native publishers and editors. Other issues came to light, including the need for a systematic, ongoing project to collect the products of the native press and report research on the subject as a means of documenting contemporary native life. Danky and Hady???s work helped to lay the foundation for this project that continues to this day at the Sequoyah Research Center.published or submitted for publicatio

    Review of \u3ci\u3eThe Cherokee Trail of Tears\u3c/i\u3e Essay by Duane King

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    Although the Cherokees were among a great number of Indian nations from all over the eastern half of the United States to be forced from their homeland by the 1830 Removal Act, in the popular imagination the term Trail of Tears refers to the exodus from their homes in present-day North Carolina, Tennessee, northern Alabama, and Georgia. In the decade before passage of the Removal Act, the Cherokees took defensive action, organizing their government along the lines of the American republic, and embracing some of the trappings of white civilization. However, this strategy failed; the Cherokees were left to follow the Muscogee (Creeks), Choctaws, and Chickasaws on their journeys to Indian Territory. The authors limit their topic by focusing on what they call forced removal, centering their story on the seventeen detachments that began their travels from June to October of 1838, especially those controlled by Chief John Ross. The main sections of the book are organized as itinerary narratives, tracing the movements of the separate detachments on the various water, land, and combined routes. This methodology is effective, allowing the authors to attend to the special circumstances of each group and to include portions of what commentaries survive. Three appendices provide helpful data on details of the detachments

    Book Review: The Cherokee Nation: A History

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    This is an important book if only for the reason that it will make many reconsider what they think they know about the Cherokees. Their early history, like that of any people, is obscured in the dimness of the past. While some of the early story may be reconstructed through surviving myth and modern theory, much uncertainty clouds origins and early migration patterns. After white contact and the chronicles and accounts of traders, missionaries, and adventurers are written, the veil isn\u27t entirely lifted. Many written records pose more questions than they answer. For example, when the British first came upon Cherokee towns, their inhabitants reportedly were already using firearms, although when and from whom they acquired the guns is not documented. Between first European contact and the early nineteenth century, accounts of persons and events come down to us through some unreliable narrators; the roles of Nancy Ward and Dragging Canoe in conflicts with American settlers are a case in point. Only after the introduction of Sequoyah\u27s syllabary and the establishment of the Cherokee press in the 1820s does the Nation\u27s story become clearer and more detailed as the people themselves, rather than outsiders with axes to grind, become the transmitters of information and help to temper official accounts

    A Survey Of Malory Criticism And Related Arthurian Scholarship In The 19th Century.

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    Ten complete editions of Malory's Morte d'Arthur, numerous abridgements, and most of Malory's sources in French and English romance were published in the nineteenth century. A detailed survey of the introductions to these texts, and of literary histories, anthologies, Celtic studies, and lectures shows the way in which Malory criticism and scholarship in related areas of Arthurian romance developed through the century. Early in the century the two surviving Caxton MSS. became accessible. In 1817 Southey brought out a Caxton edition with an introduction more wide-ranging than profound, although touching on many of the questions that would occupy Malory and Arthurian scholarship throughout the century. Like Scott, Southey viewed Malory as an unoriginal compiler while acknowledging his appeal. Book clubs and literary societies such as the Roxburghe and Bannatyne published English Arthurian texts with accompanying commentary, the most impressive being Madden's Syr Gawayne and Layamons Brut. Historians and Celticists developed or disputed the earlier theories of Turner, Davies, Ritson, and Owen-Pughe; Thomas Wright's introduction to his 1858 edition of Malory showed that confusions continued in the chronology of French romance. From the 1860's, commentaries on Malory and Arthurian matters proliferated; especially important was the work of Furnivall and the Early English Text Society. Malory's work, generally viewed as a compilation, now was seen to have thematic unity. The schools' new emphasis on English studies also produced anthologies and literary histories wherein Malory and others were evaluated. Strachey's 1868 edition of the Morte d'Arthur provided one of the first considerations of Malory as a maker and a defense of his epic unity and purposeful use of his sources. An astonishing range of authors dealt with Malory and other Arthurian subjects during the 1870's and 80's, while publication of the Huth Merlin revealed new facts about the composition of French romance and Malory's sources. Sommer's landmark edition of Malory (1889-1891) simultaneously presented and seemed to exhaust the possibilities of textual and source studies. Responses to Sommer's work and biographical studies identifying Malory as the now familiar Warwickshire knight concluded the decade. The publication of the relevant texts helped develop an understanding of Malory's purpose and method and of the complexities of French romance and its relation to Celtic sources. Many twentieth-century critical theories were proposed in the nineteenth by now obscure writers whose contributions to Malory studies and to Arthurian romance were considerable.Ph.D.English literatureLanguage, Literature and LinguisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/127629/2/8304567.pd