210 research outputs found

    Orang Tua Sebagai Pendidik Dalam Perspertif Abdullah Nasih Ulwan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine Abdullah Nasih Ulwan's view or perspective on parents as educators. The research method used is a qualitative research method with the type of literature review. The data or materials needed to complete this research come from the library in the form of books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines and so on. What is meant by literature review research is that researchers study the thoughts of Abdullah Nasih Ulwan from a book he wrote Tarbiyatul Aulad on Child Education in Islam. According to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, the parents in charge and the main educators for their children, so that educators are not only teachers at school. Allah has prepared parents as primary educators by instilling feelings or main capital as educators, such as affection, love and so on. The negligence of parents in educating their children will have fatal consequences for their children so that they cannot carry out their duties in future life as servants of Allah and khalifatulloh. Therefore, as primary educators, parents must understand the responsibilities, methods and principles of children's education.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pandangan atau perpsektif Abdullah Nasih Ulwan tentang orang tua sebagai pendidik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis kajian pustaka. Data – data atau bahan-bahan yang diperlukan dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini berasal dari perpustakaan baik berupa buku, ensklopedi, kamus, jurnal, dokumen, majalah dan lain sebagainya.  Yang dimaksud dengan penelitian kajian pustaka yaitu peneliti mempelajari buku Tarbiyatul Aulad Pendidikan Anak dalam Islam yang ditulis oleh Abdullah Nasih Ulwan. Menurut Abdullah Nasih Ulwan orang tua penangungjawab dan pendidik utama bagi anak – anaknya, sehingga pendidik bukan hanya guru yang ada disekolah. Alloh sudah menyiapkan orang tua sebagai pendidik utama dengan menanamkan perasaan atau modal utama sebagai pendidik, seperti kasih sayang, cinta dan sebagainya. Kelalaian orang tua dalam mendidik anaknya akan berakibat fatal kepada anaknya sehingga tidak bisa melaksanakan tugas kehidupannya kelak sebagai hamba Alloh dan khalifatulloh. Oleh karena itu sebagai pendidik utama orang tua harus memahami tanggungjawab, metode dan kaidah-kaidah dalam pendidikan anak

    Coherence Markers: Conjunctive Personal Pronouns in Middle Welsh

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    Kulit Achi Craft Galery Dalam Fotografi Produk

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    Penciptaan karya tugas akhir ini berjudul “Kulit Achi Craft Galery Dalam Fotografi Produk”. Skripsi karya bertujuan menciptakan karya fotografi produk dengan menggunakan Produk Achi Craft Galery sebagai objek utama yang akan digunakan sebagai media promosi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu: observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara. Dari proses pengamatan yang dilakukan di Achi Craft Galery, Achi Craft Galery ini merupakan salah satu tempat produksi produk kulit secara costum. Beberapa produk Achi Craft Galery yang telah di pasarkan diantaranya Kamaro, Ecobait dan Lokak. Salah satu produk dari Achi Craft Galery pengkarya mengangkat brand Kamaro sebagai objek penciptaan karya fotografi produk. Produk Kamaro ini juga memiliki salah satu ciri khasn yaitu menggunakan teknik cetak kulit ecoprint. Teknik yang digunakan saat memotret produk adalah low key, side light dan windows light agar foto yang dihasilkan terlihat elegan. Fotografi produk diperuntukan iklan dari sebuah produk, poster, atau yang lainnya dengan sudut pandang yang menarik calon konsumen

    Cracking the Code: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Bankruptcy Outcomes

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    Chapter 13 is a cornerstone of the bankruptcy system. Its legal requirements strike a balance between the rehabilitation of debtors through keeping assets and reducing debt, and the repayment of creditors over a period of years. Despite the accolades from policymakers, the hard truth is that the majority of the half-million families each year that seek refuge in chapter 13 bankruptcy will not achieve the debt relief of a discharge. Prior research found that those who drop out of bankruptcy quickly endure the serious financial struggles that they had before bankruptcy—now even worse off for having spent thousands of dollars to seek help. Despite the profound inefficiency of chapter 13 bankruptcy, we previously did not know what differentiates those who succeed in chapter 13 from those who fail. This article is the first study to use a national random sample to predict which debtors obtain a discharge of debt. Using sophisticated statistical techniques that allow us to control for unobservable or unmeasurable effects at the local level, we identify the factors that make completing chapter 13 bankruptcy more likely. We find, among other robust effects, that blacks are more than twice as unlikely to receive debt relief than non-blacks, that those without an attorney have extremely low odds compared to those who hire an attorney, and that families with children fare worse. We also find that the local variations in bankruptcy practice that have been deemed “best practices” do not correlate with higher rates of bankruptcy completion. We discuss the implications of our findings for the millions of families who struggle to repay their debts in bankruptcy, and suggest concrete fixes to increase the efficacy of the consumer bankruptcy system. This article upsets the debate about bankruptcy reform and will help shape policy and practice in upcoming decades

    Investigation of the Fire Behaviour of PEEK-based Polymers and Compounds

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    Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a polymer with outstanding performance, particularly concerning temperature resistance, chemical resistance and mechanical characteristics. Literature shows a gap in the knowledge with regards to PEEK flammability and decomposition products. The aim of this thesis is to describe the decomposition and flammability behaviour of PEEK, in order to develop new fire safe PEEK-based materials. By relating the measured thermal decomposition behaviour and changes in physical properties of PEEK materials to their performance in standard flammability tests, the dependence of these tests has been investigated with regards to orientation, thickness, presence of fillers, moisture absorption and absorption of infrared radiation. This understanding can inform the development of modified PEEK materials with enhanced fire safety. Various industry standard tests have been utilised to examine PEEK such as the Cone Calorimeter (ISO 5660), UL-94 (EN 60695-10-11), Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) in both air and inert atmospheres and the Small Flame Ignitability Test (ISO 11925). PEEK decomposition has been investigated using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Simultaneous Thermal Analysis coupled with Fourier Transform Infrared (STA-FTIR) and Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (pyGC/MS). Residue analysis has been carried out using Diamond Attenuated Total Reflectance coupled with Fourier Transform Infrared (dATR-FTIR), Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS-NMR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Electron Dispersive X-ray Analysis (SEM-EDX). Thermal analysis shows a rapid mass loss around 580°C followed by a slower mass loss of the resultant char. The stages of decomposition have been investigated by using FTIR and NMR on the condensed phase residues. Samples subjected to various temperature regimes have been observed in the dATR-FTIR and MAS-NMR and the results shows differences in the structures of the residue during decomposition. Generally, filled PEEK materials (with glass fibre, carbon fibre and talc) tend to have lower flammability in the Cone Calorimeter with a longer time to ignition and a lower peak heat release rate compared to the unfilled materials. The same is true in the LOI, where filled materials give a higher oxygen index, and in the UL-94 test where shorter burn times are recorded. PEEK shows inconsistent behaviour in some flammability tests, possibly due to the critical heat flux for ignition of PEEK being so close to the heat fluxes employed in many industry standard tests. The presence of moisture within the samples also reduces the time to ignition of PEEK in the Cone Calorimeter and increases the burning time in the UL-94, possibly due to the formation of a foamed sample close to the melting temperature of the polymer

    Abilities of Village Health Volunteers in Determining Drug Related Problems for Diabetes and Hypertension Patients

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    The objective of this study was to assess the Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) on their knowledge and skills for determining drug-related problems (DRPs) for hypertension (HTN) and diabetes (DM) patients. This study was conducted among 36 VHVs between March and October, 2014 in ten districts of Trang Province. The semi-structured questionnaire interviews and tests have been developed according to knowledge and skills based health determinants for DRPs. The DRPs training program was assigned including, 1) a short course training (2-day) and hands-on training (1-week) followed up, 2) field work for determining DRPs (16-week) and 3) an assessment for determining DRPs in knowledge and competent skills. All completed data of 25 female VHVs were analyzed with age of 42.93 years old on average. About 68% were age higher than 40 years old and most of them were Para rubber farmers (76%). Most of them had a primary education level (60%) and almost a half had more than ten years in VHVs’ service (n =12; 48%). Their knowledge scores for determining DRPs were 12.88 on average, in total of 15 points. Their overall scores for skills presented were 35.48 out of 50 points in total. In conclusion, this program can enhance VHVs’ abilities for determining DRPs for HTN and DM patients. Our findings may contribute to future development of VHVs program for improving VHVs competent skills for DRPs chronic diseases

    Mechanism of thermal decomposition of poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) from a review of decomposition studies

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    A review of the literature on the flammability and decomposition of poly(oxy-1,4-phenyleneoxy-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl-1,4-phenylene) (PEEK) is presented. This paper provides an overview of the flammability of PEEK and its decomposition mechanisms. Based on this literature, mechanisms have been suggested which attempt to explain the products formed at each stage of PEEK decomposition and indicate the intermediates which should be formed at each of these stages

    Aplikasi Chatbot Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Interaktif SD N 17 Kota Bengkulu Berbasis Android

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    Kriteria kualitas media pembelajaran interaktif dapat dinilai berdasarkan kualitas materi dan kualitas pembelajaran, dan kualitas teknik. Seperti halnya yang terjadi di SD Negeri 17 Kota Bengkulu, masih banyak guru yang masih menggunakan metode konvensial. Permasalahan dalam pembelajaran menurut siswa yaitu kurangnya materi serta soal yang interaktif dan menarik sehingga mengakibatkan siswa kurang termotivasi dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. Dengan memperhatikan hal tersebut, perlu adanya media pembelajaran alternatif untuk memudahkan siswa dalam mendapatkan materi pembelajaran. Chatbot merupakan agen cerdas yang dapat meniru kemampuan manusia untuk melakukan percakapan dengan pengguna yaitu manusia. Chatbot pada bidang pendidikan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengembangan media pembelajaran sebagai penyaji bahan materi dan soal yang interaktif dan menarik. &nbsp
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