491 research outputs found

    Information Technology and Australia’s Productivity Surge

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    This paper finds that the rapid update of information and communication technologies contributed to Australia’s strong productivity performance in the 1990s and the contribution to labour productivity growth was at least as strong as it was in the US. Australia generated a productivity improvement of 1.1 per cent from information and communication technology use and other factors.information technology - communications - productivity - IT - ICT - capital - computer - growth accounting

    Distribution of the Economic Gains of the 1990s

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    „h Australia¡¦s surge in productivity growth in the 1990s fuelled an acceleration in growth in total income and average income (income per person in Australia). ¡V Annual average income growth accelerated from 1.4 per cent in the 1970s and 1980s to 2.5 per cent in the 1990s. ¡V Faster productivity growth accounted for over 90 per cent of the acceleration. „h The income growth of the 1990s was distributed evenly between labour (wages and salaries) and capital (profits). The labour and capital shares in economywide income were stable throughout the 1990s. Concerns that productivity-enhancing factors have adversely affected the income-earning potential of labour appear to be unfounded at the aggregate level.economic gains - distribution - living standards - income - productivity - employment - wealth - consumption - education - health - housing - environment - working hours

    Energy Auditing Proposal

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    Executive Summary 1.1 Objectives Develop a business case for an energy audit software application that can be used on portable devices such as the iPad and reduce the time needed to complete an audit report by 50%

    Pathobiologic Markers of the Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors: State of the Art and Prediction of Behaviour

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    Over the past three decades, the outcome of Ewing sarcoma family tumor (ESFT) patients who are nonmetastatic at presentation has improved considerably. The prognosis of patients with metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis and recurrence after therapy remains dismal. Drug-resistant disease at diagnosis or at relapse remains a major cause of mortality among patients diagnosed with ESFT. In order to improve the outcome for patients with potential relapse, there is an urgent need to find reliable markers that either predict tumor behaviour at diagnosis or identify therapeutic molecular targets at the time of recurrence. An improved understanding of the cell of origin and the molecular pathways that regulate tumorigenicity in ESFT should aid us in the search for novel therapies for ESFT. The purpose of this paper is thus to outline current concepts of sarcomagenesis in ESFT and to discuss ESFT patterns of differentiation and molecular markers that might affect prognosis or direct future therapeutic development

    Home Automation Proposal

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    1.1 Objectives The objective for Phase 2 of the Motorola project is to propose a comprehensive home automation system that can be launched in the next one to two years. Currently, there are many entertainment, security, and home control devices on the market but no device that ties these systems together for consumers. The goal is to develop a system that can be easily installed, cost efficient, and able to provide genuine home automation to consumers

    Optimization of a hybrid community district heating system integrated with thermal energy storage system

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    Evidence from a various research suggests that buildings hold a vital role in climate change by significantly contributing to the global energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases. Considering the trend of higher energy consumption in the building sector, it is important to influence this sector by decreasing its energy demand. District generation and cogeneration systems integrated with the energy storage system have been suggested as a potential solution to achieve such planned goals. Unlike the older generation of the DHS, where the focus of the design was on minimizing the system heat loss, in 4th generation DHS, achieving higher system efficiency is made possible by picking the optimal equipment size as well as adopting the appropriate control strategy. Designers have adopted different design methods for selecting the equipment size, however, finding the optimal size is a challenging task. This paper reports the development of a simplified methodology (dynamic optimization) for a hybrid communitydistrict heating system (H-CDHS) integrated with a thermal energy storage system by coupling the simulation and optimization tools together. Two, existing and newly built communities, have been considered and the results of the optimization on the equipment size of both communities have been studied. The results for the newly built community is later compared with the one obtained from the conventional equipment size methods whereas static optimization methods and potential size reduction with the conventional method has been obtained

    The impact of climate change on the geographical distribution of two vectors of Chagas disease: Implications for the force of infection

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    Chagas disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is the most important vector-borne disease in Latin America. The vectors are insects belonging to the Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), and are widely distributed in the Americas. Here, we assess the implications of climatic projections for 2050 on the geographical footprint of two of the main Chagas disease vectors: Rhodnius prolixus (tropical species) and Triatoma infestans (temperate species).We estimated the epidemiological implications of current to future transitions in the climatic niche in terms of changes in the force of infection (FOI) on the rural population of two countries: Venezuela (tropical) and Argentina (temperate). The climatic projections for 2050 showed heterogeneous impact on the climatic niches of both vector species, with a decreasing trend of suitability of areas that are currently at high-to-moderate transmission risk. Consequently, climatic projections affected differently the FOI for Chagas disease in Venezuela and Argentina. Despite the heterogeneous results, our main conclusions point out a decreasing trend in the number of new cases of Tr. cruzi human infections per year between current and future conditions using a climatic niche approach.Centro de Estudios ParasitolĂłgicos y de VectoresFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A large-scale stochastic spatiotemporal model for Aedes albopictus-borne chikungunya epidemiology

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    Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans primarily via the bites of infected Aedes mosquitoes. The virus caused a major epidemic in the Indian Ocean in 2004, affecting millions of inhabitants, while cases have also been observed in Europe since 2007. We developed a stochastic spatiotemporal model of Aedes albopictus-borne chikungunya transmission based on our recently developed environmentally-driven vector population dynamics model. We designed an integrated modelling framework incorporating large-scale gridded climate datasets to investigate disease outbreaks on Reunion Island and in Italy. We performed Bayesian parameter inference on the surveillance data, and investigated the validity and applicability of the underlying biological assumptions. The model successfully represents the outbreak and measures of containment in Italy, suggesting wider applicability in Europe. In its current configuration, the model implies two different viral strains, thus two different outbreaks, for the two-stage Reunion Island epidemic. Characterisation of the posterior distributions indicates a possible relationship between the second larger outbreak on Reunion Island and the Italian outbreak. The model suggests that vector control measures, with different modes of operation, are most effective when applied in combination: adult vector intervention has a high impact but is short-lived, larval intervention has a low impact but is long-lasting, and quarantining infected territories, if applied strictly, is effective in preventing large epidemics. We present a novel approach in analysing chikungunya outbreaks globally using a single environmentally-driven mathematical model. Our study represents a significant step towards developing a globally applicable Ae. albopictus-borne chikungunya transmission model, and introduces a guideline for extending such models to other vector-borne diseases
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