14 research outputs found

    MotionDeltaCNN: Sparse CNN Inference of Frame Differences in Moving Camera Videos

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    Convolutional neural network inference on video input is computationally expensive and requires high memory bandwidth. Recently, DeltaCNN managed to reduce the cost by only processing pixels with significant updates over the previous frame. However, DeltaCNN relies on static camera input. Moving cameras add new challenges in how to fuse newly unveiled image regions with already processed regions efficiently to minimize the update rate - without increasing memory overhead and without knowing the camera extrinsics of future frames. In this work, we propose MotionDeltaCNN, a sparse CNN inference framework that supports moving cameras. We introduce spherical buffers and padded convolutions to enable seamless fusion of newly unveiled regions and previously processed regions -- without increasing memory footprint. Our evaluation shows that we outperform DeltaCNN by up to 90% for moving camera videos

    Divergent recovery trajectories of intertidal and subtidal coral communities highlight habitat-specific recovery dynamics following bleaching in an extreme macrotidal reef environment

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    Coral reefs face an uncertain future punctuated by recurring climate-induced disturbances. Understanding how reefs can recover from and reassemble after mass bleaching events is therefore important to predict their responses and persistence in a rapidly changing ocean. On naturally extreme reefs characterized by strong daily temperature variability, coral heat tolerance can vary significantly over small spatial gradients but it remains poorly understood how this impacts bleaching resilience and recovery dynamics, despite their importance as resilience hotspots and potential refugia. In the macrotidal Kimberley region in NW Australia, the 2016 global mass bleaching event had a strong habitat-specific impact on intertidal and subtidal coral communities at our study site: corals in the thermally variable intertidal bleached less severely and recovered within six months, while 68% of corals in the moderately variable subtidal died. We therefore conducted benthic surveys 3.5 years after the bleaching event to determine potential changes in benthic cover and coral community composition. In the subtidal, we documented substantial increases in algal cover and live coral cover had not fully recovered to pre-bleaching levels. Furthermore, the subtidal coral community shifted from being dominated by branching Acropora corals with a competitive life history strategy to opportunistic, weedy Pocillopora corals which likely has implications for the functioning and stress resilience of this novel coral community. In contrast, no shifts in algal and live coral cover or coral community composition occurred in the intertidal. These findings demonstrate that differences in coral heat tolerance across small spatial scales can have large consequences for bleaching resilience and that spatial patchiness in recovery trajectories and community reassembly after bleaching might be a common feature on thermally variable reefs. Our findings further confirm that reefs adapted to high daily temperature variability play a key role as resilience hotspots under current climate conditions, but their ability to do so may be limited under intensifying ocean warming

    On the Spot - a Fashion Hub in the City Center of Vienna

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersMode hat immer schon soziale Verän- M derungenundtechnischeErfindungen verkörpert. Die Art und Weise wie Mode in den kommenden Jahren und Jahrzehnten produziert, vorgestellt und verkauft wird, wird sich ändern und an den gesellschaftlichen Wandel anpassen müssen. Ein radikaler Paradigmenwechsel steht an, und die Konsequenzen auf die gesamte Lieferkette der Industrie wird an vielen Stellen sichtbar. Diesem Umbruch einen Raum zu geben, um für Design und Technologie Brücken schlagen zu können, ist Kern meiner Diplomarbeit. Mein Ansatz war ein Programm zu schaffen, welches Menschen, Trends und Technologien zusammenführt. Eine Plattform zu bieten, sich auszutauschen und zu vernetzen. Nach einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit Nachhaltigkeit und bewussten Konsum, habe ich entschlossen auch im architektonischen Bereich auf ein bereits existierendes Gebäude aufzubauen. Das ehemalige Post und Telegraphenamt im siebten Wiener Gemeindebezirk wurde an mein Konzept der „Erlebniswelt“ angepasst und der Innenhof neu gestaltet. Der daraus resultierende Zwischenraum wurde durch eine Rampenskultpur vertikal und horizontal erlebbar. Eine inspierende Durchwegung, welcheverschiedeneunerwarteteMuster von Sozialisation, Interaktion und kollektivem Engagement fördert. Die Kernaussage dieser Erschließungsskulptur ist es dem Nutzer zu ermöglichen langsam die neue Kollektion analog und digital zu entdecken, während sich immer wieder unterschiedliche Blicke in die Produktion offenbaren: Ein Feld der Freiheit und Komplexität zu schaffen. Transparenz zieht sich wie in roter Faden durch das Konzept und spiegelt sich auch in der gebauten Architektur wider. Es ist war mir wichtig, Designprinzipien zu entwickeln, die Dramatik, Aktivität und Interaktion stimulieren, indem ich mich auf das Verhalten und die Bewegung der Menschen konzentriert habe. Das Fashion Hub „SPOT“ ist ein Versuch den aktuellen und künftigen Trends einen Raum zu geben, um sich zu entfalten und die jeweiligen Branchen zu komprimieren.Fashion has always embodied social change and technical innovation. The way fashion is produced, presented and sold will have to change and adapt to social change and technical evolution. A radical value shift is imminent, and the consequences for the entire supply chain of the industry can not be denied. The core of my diploma thesis is to give this upheaval room to build bridges for design and technology. My approach was to create a program that brings people, trends and technologies together. To offer a platform for exchange and collaboration. After a thorough research about sustainability and conscious consumption, I have decided to also rely on existing architecture. The former post and telegraph office in the seventh district of Vienna was adapted to my concept of the „space of experience“ and the inner courtyard was redesigned. The resulting space in between was made vertically and horizontally perceptible by a ramp-sculpture. An inspiring path, which promotes various unexpected patterns of socialisation, interaction and collective engagement. The core message of this room sculpture is to allow the user to slowly discover the new collection virtually and analogue while revealing different views of the production: To create a field of freedom and complexity. Transparency runs like a red thread through the concept and is also reflected in the built architecture. It was important to me to develop design principles that stimulate drama, activity and interaction by concentrating on people‘s behaviour and movement. The fashion hub „SPOT“ is an attempt to give the current and future trends a space to unfold and to compress the industries.Fashion has always embodied social change and technical innovation. The way fashion is produced, presented and sold will have to change and adapt to social change and technical evolution. A radical value shift is imminent, and the consequences for the entire supply chain of the industry can not be denied. The core of my diploma thesis is to give this upheaval room to build bridges for design and technology. My approach was to create a program that brings people, trends and technologies together. To offer a platform for exchange and collaboration. After a thorough research about sustainability and conscious consumption, I have decided to also rely on existing architecture. The former post and telegraph office in the seventh district of Vienna was adapted to my concept of the „space of experience“ and the inner courtyard was redesigned. The resulting space in between was made vertically and horizontally perceptible by a ramp-sculpture. An inspiring path, which promotes various unexpected patterns of socialisation, interaction and collective engagement. The core message of this room sculpture is to allow the user to slowly discover the new collection virtually and analogue while revealing different views of the production: To create a field of freedom and complexity. Transparency runs like a red thread through the concept and is also reflected in the built architecture. It was important to me to develop design principles that stimulate drama, activity and interaction by concentrating on people‘s behaviour and movement. The fashion hub „SPOT“ is an attempt to give the current and future trends a space to unfold and to compress the industries.11


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    In der medialen Erlebnisgesellschaft restrukturiert sich das Verhältnis der Wissenschaft zur Öffentlichkeit. Dieser Wandel wird in vorliegender Arbeit anhand der Spezifika von Sciencetainment-Formaten im deutschsprachigen Fernsehen untersucht. Dabei werden Entwicklungen von Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und deren interaktionistische Vernetzungen innerhalb der medialen Unterhaltungskultur analysiert. Zudem wird die Entwicklung des Popularisierungsbegriffes im Kontext dessen Ursprungs analysiert. In der modernen Öffentlichkeit wandelt sich der Bezug des Individuums zur Gesellschaft, indem die Strukturierung nach Klassen einer medialen Erlebnisgesellschaft weicht, im Zuge derer sich auch die Interaktionen sozialpolitischer Systematiken wandeln. Seit der Etablierung der Medienöffentlichkeit, innerhalb derer Daten global vernetzt sind, kommt es zu einer vermehrten Hinwendung der Öffentlichkeitsstrukturen zu Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien, welche der effektiven Positionierung am Markt dienen. Auch im Hinblick dessen erörtert die Arbeit, inwiefern die strukturelle Umformung wissenschaftlicher Inhalte im medialsierten Kontext Formen des Sciencetainment hervorbringt und diese als neues Prinzip der Wissenskommunikation zu mediengesellschaftlichen Formationen in Bezug stehen

    DeltaCNN: End-to-End CNN Inference of Sparse Frame Differences in Videos

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    Convolutional neural network inference on video data requires powerful hardware for real-time processing. Given the inherent coherence across consecutive frames, large parts of a video typically change little. By skipping identical image regions and truncating insignificant pixel updates, computational redundancy can in theory be reduced significantly. However, these theoretical savings have been difficult to translate into practice, as sparse updates hamper computational consistency and memory access coherence; which are key for efficiency on real hardware. With DeltaCNN, we present a sparse convolutional neural network framework that enables sparse frame-by-frame updates to accelerate video inference in practice. We provide sparse implementations for all typical CNN layers and propagate sparse feature updates end-to-end - without accumulating errors over time. DeltaCNN is applicable to all convolutional neural networks without retraining. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to significantly outperform the dense reference, cuDNN, in practical settings, achieving speedups of up to 7x with only marginal differences in accuracy.Comment: CVPR 202