202 research outputs found

    Assessment of nutrient returns in a tropical dry forest after clear-cut without burning.

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    Tropical dry forests (TDFs) are being deforested at unprecedented rates. The slash/burn/ agriculture/fallow-extensive livestock sequence causes significant nutrient losses and soil degradation. Our aim is to assess nutrient inputs and outputs in a TDF area under an alternative management system, for exclusive wood production. The study involved clear-cutting a preserved caatinga TDF site without burning, quantifying nutrients exported in firewood/ timber and nutrients returned to the soil from the litter layer plus the slash debris, left to decompose unburned on the soil surface. Before clear-cut, the litter layer on the forest floor contained 6.1 t ha of dry matter (DM). After clear-cut, the aboveground biomass was 61.9 t DM ha-1 (consisting of 21.5 t DM ha-1 of commercial wood and 40.4 t DM ha-1 of clear-cut debris that did not include the underlying litter layer). The litter layer was composed of fine and coarse litter, with turnovers of 0.86 and 0.31 year-1, respectively, separately measured in uncut control plots during two rainy seasons (Dec-2007/June-2008 and Dec-2008/ June-2009). In a single season, its decomposition returned to the soil 48.4, 1.16 and 12.3 kg ha-1 of N, P and K. The clear-cut debris was mainly composed of branches, 33.4 t ha-1, bromeliads, 5.63 t ha-1 and green leaves, 1.32 t ha-1. In-situ decomposition rates for branches and bromeliads were 0.24 and 1.47 year-1, respectively. After two rainy seasons the clear-cut debris released 206, 6.5 and 106 kg ha-1 of N, P and K respectively. This input plus that of the underlying litter layer exceeded exports in the commercial wood, and replenished a soil nutrient stock (0?30 cm) of approximately the same magnitude

    Feeding behavior and activity of Phlebotomus pedifer and potential reservoir hosts of Leishmania aethiopica in southwestern Ethiopia

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    Background Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a major public health concern in Ethiopia. However, knowledge about the complex zoonotic transmission cycle is limited, hampering implementation of control strategies. We explored the feeding behavior and activity of the vector (Phlebotomus pedifer) and studied the role of livestock in CL transmission in southwestern Ethiopia. Methods Blood meal origins of engorged sand flies were determined by sequencing host DNA. A host choice experiment was performed to assess the feeding preference of P. pedifer when humans and hyraxes are equally accessible. Ear and nose biopsies from livestock were screened for the presence of Leishmania parasites. Sand flies were captured indoor and outdoor with human landing catches and CDC light traps to determine at which time and where P. pedifer is mostly active. Principal findings A total of 180 P. pedifer sand flies were found to bite hosts of 12 genera. Humans were the predominant blood meal source indoors (65.9%, p < 0.001), while no significant differences were determined outdoors and in caves. In caves, hyraxes were represented in blood meals equally as humans (45.5% and 42.4%, respectively), but the host choice experiment revealed that sand flies have a significant preference for feeding on hyraxes (p = 0.009). Only a single goat nose biopsy from 412 animal samples was found with Leishmania RNA. We found that P. pedifer is predominantly endophagic (p = 0.003), but occurs both indoors and outdoors. A substantial number of sand flies was active in the early evening, which increased over time reaching its maximum around midnight. Conclusion In contrast to earlier suggestions of exclusive zoonotic Leishmania transmission, we propose that there is also human-to-human transmission of CL in southwestern Ethiopia. Livestock does not play a role in CL transmission and combined indoor and outdoor vector control measures at night are required for efficient vector control.publishedVersio


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    A situação madeireira no Nordeste; Diferenças na exploração madeireira entre formações vegetacionais do Nordeste; A situação do reflorestamento na região Nordeste; Espécies de elevado potencial madeireiro no Nordeste; Características das espécies madeireiras ocorrentes na caatinga; Indicativo das espécies de valor madeireiro ocorrente na mata atlântica

    Antibodies that conformationally activate ADAMTS13 allosterically enhance metalloprotease domain function

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    Plasma ADAMTS13 circulates in a folded conformation that is stabilized by an interaction between the central Spacer domain and the C-terminal CUB (complement components C1r and C1s, sea urchin protein Uegf, and bone morphogenetic protein-1) domains. Binding of ADAMTS13 to the VWF D4(-CK) domains or to certain activating murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) induces a structural change that extends ADAMTS13 into an open conformation that enhances its function. The objective was to characterize the mechanism by which conformational activation enhances ADAMTS13-mediated proteolysis of VWF. The activating effects of a novel anti-Spacer (3E4) and the anti-CUB1 (17G2) mAbs on the kinetics of proteolysis of VWF A2 domain fragments by ADAMTS13 were analyzed. mAb-induced conformational changes in ADAMTS13 were investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Both mAbs enhanced ADAMTS13 catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) by ∼twofold (3E4: 2.0-fold; 17G2: 1.8-fold). Contrary to previous hypotheses, ADAMTS13 activation was not mediated through exposure of the Spacer or cysteine-rich domain exosites. Kinetic analyses revealed that mAb-induced conformational extension of ADAMTS13 enhances the proteolytic function of the metalloprotease domain (kcat), rather than augmenting substrate binding (Km). A conformational effect on the metalloprotease domain was further corroborated by the finding that incubation of ADAMTS13 with either mAb exposed a cryptic epitope in the metalloprotease domain that is normally concealed when ADAMTS13 is in a closed conformation. We show for the first time that the primary mechanism of mAb-induced conformational activation of ADAMTS13 is not a consequence of functional exosite exposure. Rather, our data are consistent with an allosteric activation mechanism on the metalloprotease domain that augments active site function

    The influence of clear-cut area size on forest regrowth: a case study in the dry tropical forests of Pernambuco, Brazil.

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    Managed Caatinga forests in Northeast Brazil are an important source of wood products, however, successful regeneration and regrowth is important to guarantee sustainability in these forests. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the natural regeneration and forest regrowth ability of a Caatinga forest under varying clear-cut treatments, as well as to estimate the recovery time of stand parameters

    The novel S527F mutation in the integrin beta3 chain induces a high affinity alphaIIbbeta3 receptor by hindering adoption of the bent conformation.

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    peer reviewedThree heterozygous mutations were identified in the genes encoding platelet integrin receptor alphaIIbbeta3 in a patient with an ill defined platelet disorder: one in the beta3 gene (S527F) and two in the alphaIIb gene (R512W and L841M). Five stable Chinese hamster ovary cell lines were constructed expressing recombinant alphaIIbbeta3 receptors bearing the individual R512W, L841M, or S527F mutation; both the R512W and L841M mutations; or all three mutations. All receptors were expressed on the cell surface, and mutations R512W and L841M had no effect on integrin function. Interestingly, the beta3 S527F mutation produced a constitutively active receptor. Indeed, both fibrinogen and the ligand-mimetic antibody PAC-1 bound to non-activated alphaIIbbeta3 receptors carrying the S527F mutation, indicating that the conformation of this receptor was altered and corresponded to the high affinity ligand binding state. In addition, the conformational change induced by S527F was evident from basal anti-ligand-induced binding site antibody binding to the receptor. A molecular model bearing this mutation was constructed based on the crystal structure of alphaIIbbeta3 and revealed that the S527F mutation, situated in the third integrin epidermal growth factor-like (I-EGF3) domain, hindered the alphaIIbbeta3 receptor from adopting a wild type-like bent conformation. Movement of I-EGF3 into a cleft in the bent conformation may be hampered both by steric hindrance between Phe(527) in beta3 and the calf-1 domain in alphaIIb and by decreased flexibility between I-EGF2 and I-EGF3

    Generation of anti-idiotypic antibodies to detect anti-spacer antibody idiotopes in acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients

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    In autoantibody-mediated autoimmune diseases, autoantibody profiling allows to stratify patients and link autoantibodies with disease severity and outcome. However, in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients, stratification according to antibody profiles and their clinical relevance has not been fully explored. We aimed at developing a new type of autoantibody profiling assay for immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura based on the use of anti-idiotypic antibodies. Anti-idiotypic antibodies against 3 anti-spacer autoantibodies were generated in mice and were used to capture the respective anti-spacer idiotopes from 151 acute immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura plasma samples. We next deciphered these anti-spacer idiotope profiles in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients and investigated if these limited idiotope profiles could be linked with disease severity. We developed 3 anti-idiotypic antibodies that recognized particular idiotopes in the anti-spacer autoantibodies II-1, TTP73 or I-9, that are involved in ADAMTS13 binding. Thirty-five, 24 and 42% of patients were positive for antibodies with the II-1, TTP73 and I-9 idiotopes, respectively. Stratifying patients according to the corresponding 8 anti-spacer idiotope profiles revealed an until now unknown insight into the anti-spacer II-1, TTP73 and I-9 idiotope profiles in these patients. Finally, these limited idiotope profiles showed no association with disease severity. We successfully developed 3 anti-idiotypic antibodies that allowed us to determine the profiles of the anti-spacer II-1, TTP73 and I-9 idiotopes in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients. Increasing the number of patients and/or future development of additional anti-idiotypic antibodies against other anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies might allow to identify idiotope profiles of clinical, prognostic value