129 research outputs found

    Avantprojecte d’una formatgeria dedicada a l’elaboració de productes làctics i derivats amb una producció setmanal de 3500 litres situada a Samalús (Cànoves i Samalús)

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    Aquest projecte va sorgir inicialment de la possibilitat de poder millorar i optimitzar el rendiment d’una granja de vaques de producció lletera. L’estudi s’ha realitzat en una granja de Samalús (propietat de la família d’un dels autors del projecte, Josep Maria Egea Vila). En aquesta granja es produeixen diàriament 500 litres de llet, els quals es venen a l’empresa Pascual. Degut a què la situació actual del problema de preus entre els ramaders, productors de llet i la indústria làctica transformadora és insostenible, es planteja avaluar la viabilitat d’una formatgeria artesanal per poder transformar tota la producció de llet en derivats làctics o llet pasteuritzada per tal de comercialitzar-ho sota una marca pròpia i d’aquesta manera aconseguir més beneficis. Abans de fer el cop de cap, s’ha d’avaluar si els nostres productes tindran sortida al mercat, si seran apreciats per als consumidors, si la inversió en habilitar una part de la finca en un obrador de la formatgeria sortirà rendible, entre d’altres. Es per això, que s’ha fet un estudi de mercat, per veure on i com es podria comercialitzar els nostres productes. S’han fet també unes proves pilot amb la nostra llet per veure quin procés d’elaboració s’ha de fer per cada tipus de producte i amb quina qualitat sortien els productes. Anàlogament, s’han fet uns tasts d’anàlisi sensorial dels diferents productes, on diferents consumidors donaven la seva opinió. La finalitat d’aquest estudi no és cap altra que saber de cara al futur si aquests productes agraden i si tindrien èxit tot comparant-les amb les marques del mercat. Un cop avaluat el mercat i vist que els nostres productes són apreciats per als consumidors i podrien tenir èxit en el mercat, s’ha fet una avaluació econòmica financera per veure si l’avantprojecte ens sortir

    Comparación in vitro entre dos localizadores apicales: Raypex y Justy II con diferentes irrigantes

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    El propósito de este estudio in vitro es la comparación de dos modernos localizadores apicales: Raypex 4 VDW y Justy II. Un total de 33 dientes extraídos uniradiculares fueron montados en un modelo experimental de alginato. Los resultados obtenidos fueron contrastados con la medición real con magnificación X5. Las longitudes de trabajo electrónicas fueron medidas con diferentes irrigantes de conductos: suero fisiológico, hipoclorito sódico al 5,25%, EDTA al 17% y ácido cítrico al 20%. No hubo diferencias significativas con ninguna de las medidas tomadas con el método Raypex. Justy II solo mostró resultados similares con hipoclorito sódico, con el resto de inigantes mostró resultados estadísticamente inferiores. Al comparar ambos métodos con todos los irrigantes, los valores fueron superiores con Raypex, excepto cuando el irrigante era el hipoclorito sódico donde los valores fueron semejantes

    Interferometric microscopy study of the surface roughness of Portland cement under the action of different irrigants

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    Objectives: Some investigations suggested common Portland cement (PC) as a substitute material for MTA for endodontic use; both MTA and PC have a similar composition. The aim of this study was to determine the surface roughness of common PC before and after the exposition to different endodontic irrigating solutions: 10% and 20% citric acid, 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA) and 5% sodium hypochlorite. Study Design: Fifty PC samples in the form of cubes were prepared. PC was mixed with distilled water (powder/ liquid ratio 3:1 by weight). The samples were immersed for one minute in 10% and 20% citric acid, 17% EDTA and 5% sodium hypochlorite. After gold coating, PC samples were examined using the New View 100 Zygo interferometric microscope. It was used to examine and register the surface roughness and the profile of two different areas of each sample. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out, and as the requirements were not met, use was made of the Kruskal-Wallis test for analysis of the results obtained, followed by contrasts using Tukey's contrast tests. Results: Sodium hypochlorite at a concentration of 5% significantly reduced the surface roughness of PC, while 20% citric acid significantly increased surface roughness. The other evaluated citric acid concentration (10%) slightly increased the surface roughness of PC, though statistical significance was not reached. EDTA at a concentration of 17% failed to modify PC surface roughness. Irrigation with 5% sodium hypochlorite and 20% citric acid lowered and raised the roughness values, respectively. Conclusions: The surface texture of PC is modified as the result of treatment with different irrigating solutions commonly used in endodontics, depending on their chemical composition and concentration

    Avantprojecte d’una formatgeria dedicada a l’elaboració de productes làctics i derivats amb una producció setmanal de 3500 litres situada a Samalús (Cànoves i Samalús)

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    Aquest projecte va sorgir inicialment de la possibilitat de poder millorar i optimitzar el rendiment d’una granja de vaques de producció lletera. L’estudi s’ha realitzat en una granja de Samalús (propietat de la família d’un dels autors del projecte, Josep Maria Egea Vila). En aquesta granja es produeixen diàriament 500 litres de llet, els quals es venen a l’empresa Pascual. Degut a què la situació actual del problema de preus entre els ramaders, productors de llet i la indústria làctica transformadora és insostenible, es planteja avaluar la viabilitat d’una formatgeria artesanal per poder transformar tota la producció de llet en derivats làctics o llet pasteuritzada per tal de comercialitzar-ho sota una marca pròpia i d’aquesta manera aconseguir més beneficis. Abans de fer el cop de cap, s’ha d’avaluar si els nostres productes tindran sortida al mercat, si seran apreciats per als consumidors, si la inversió en habilitar una part de la finca en un obrador de la formatgeria sortirà rendible, entre d’altres. Es per això, que s’ha fet un estudi de mercat, per veure on i com es podria comercialitzar els nostres productes. S’han fet també unes proves pilot amb la nostra llet per veure quin procés d’elaboració s’ha de fer per cada tipus de producte i amb quina qualitat sortien els productes. Anàlogament, s’han fet uns tasts d’anàlisi sensorial dels diferents productes, on diferents consumidors donaven la seva opinió. La finalitat d’aquest estudi no és cap altra que saber de cara al futur si aquests productes agraden i si tindrien èxit tot comparant-les amb les marques del mercat. Un cop avaluat el mercat i vist que els nostres productes són apreciats per als consumidors i podrien tenir èxit en el mercat, s’ha fet una avaluació econòmica financera per veure si l’avantprojecte ens sortir

    Interferometric microscopy study of the surface roughness of Portland cement under the action of different irrigants

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    Objectives: Some investigations suggested common Portland cement (PC) as a substitute material for MTA for endodontic use; both MTA and PC have a similar composition. The aim of this study was to determine the surface roughness of common PC before and after the exposition to different endodontic irrigating solutions: 10% and 20% citric acid, 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA) and 5% sodium hypochlorite. Study Design: Fifty PC samples in the form of cubes were prepared. PC was mixed with distilled water (powder/ liquid ratio 3:1 by weight). The samples were immersed for one minute in 10% and 20% citric acid, 17% EDTA and 5% sodium hypochlorite. After gold coating, PC samples were examined using the New View 100 Zygo interferometric microscope. It was used to examine and register the surface roughness and the profile of two different areas of each sample. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out, and as the requirements were not met, use was made of the Kruskal-Wallis test for analysis of the results obtained, followed by contrasts using Tukey's contrast tests. Results: Sodium hypochlorite at a concentration of 5% significantly reduced the surface roughness of PC, while 20% citric acid significantly increased surface roughness. The other evaluated citric acid concentration (10%) slightly increased the surface roughness of PC, though statistical significance was not reached. EDTA at a concentration of 17% failed to modify PC surface roughness. Irrigation with 5% sodium hypochlorite and 20% citric acid lowered and raised the roughness values, respectively. Conclusions: The surface texture of PC is modified as the result of treatment with different irrigating solutions commonly used in endodontics, depending on their chemical composition and concentratio

    The role of schizotypal traits and the OXTR gene in theory of mind in schizophrenia : A family-based study

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    There is consistent evidence that theory of mind (ToM) is impaired in schizophrenia (SZ); however, it remains unclear whether such deficits are trait- or state-dependent. We evaluated ToM in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs), their healthy first-degree relatives, and controls to test its suitability as an endophenotypic marker. We also studied the modifying effect of markers of clinical and genetic liability to SZ (schizotypy and genetic variability in the oxytocin receptor gene: OXTR) on ToM in healthy individuals. The sample included 38 stable SSD patients, 80 unaffected first-degree relatives, and 81 controls. ToM was assessed using the Hinting Task (HT) and schizotypy via the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B), which generates interpersonal (SPQ-IP), cognitive-perceptual (SPQ-CP), and disorganization (SPQ-D) scores. The polymorphism rs53576 of OXTR was genotyped. Patients presented poorer HT performance than relatives and controls (p = 0.003 and p < 0.001). High SPQ-IP and SPQ-CP scores correlated with poorer ToM performance in relatives (p = 0.010 and p = 0.030), but not in controls. OXTR was not associated with HT scores, but it showed a modifying effect within controls; high SPQ-CP was related to HT poorer performance conditional to GG genotype (p = 0.007). ToM deficits were present in patients but not in unaffected relatives or controls. However, our data indicate the usefulness of clinical and genetic liability markers to characterize differences in ToM abilities within healthy individuals. Then, the observed link between ToM and SZ liability suggests the putative role of ToM as an endophenotypic marker. Nevertheless, new analyses in larger samples are needed

    Estudio alimentario sobre la comensalidad en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y su periurbano

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    El presente trabajo es el resultado de parte de un estudio más abarcativo que fue financiado por Nutricia- Bagó Early Life Nutrition y Danone Argentina SA , en el que el Centro Argentino de Desarrollo Sustentable (CADDES) estudió las prácticasy significados del consumo de alimentos de familias que residen en la CiudadAutónoma de Buenos Aires y en el periurbano que la rodea, haciendo foco en lasprácticas vinculadas al cuidado de la salud y en los alimentos lácteos. Se estudió particularmente la relación entre los contextos socioeconómicos de sustentabilidaddel sistema alimentario de la metrópolis y la representación que la gente tienesobre la comida y la bebida, respecto de su propia salud, y más específicamenteen torno a los menores (bebes, niños y adolescentes).Fil: Jäger, Mariano Daniel. Universidad Nacional de la Matanza. Instituto de Medio Ambiente; Argentina. Centro Argentino de Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Feito, Maria Carolina. Centro Argentino de Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; ArgentinaFil: Le Gall, Julie. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développerment; FranciaFil: Vera, Noelia. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina. Centro Argentino de Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Romina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina. Centro Argentino de Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Castellano, Verónica. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Centro Argentino de Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Parellada, Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentin

    Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics from the Paranaense Museum Collection by EDXRF Technique

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    The EDXRF technique was used to analyse a selection of archaeological objects from the Paranaense Museum collection (Curitiba, Paraná State, South of Brazil). The samples were measured   in situ at the respective museum, using a portable PXRF-LFNA-02 EDXRF system belonging to the Laboratory of Applied Nuclear Physics (LFNA), Department of Physics, Londrina State University, Paraná. A total of 37 objects were measured and analysed, of which 19 were ceramic pieces. The elements Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Co, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, and Zr were measured. The data analysis provided indications of the key elements of the pigments present in the paint and the slip applied to decorate the ceramic vessels

    Telemedicine approach for patient follow-up after total knee and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a pilot study

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    Arthroplasty; Internet-based intervention; TelehealthArtroplàstia; Intervenció basada en Internet; TelesalutArtroplastia; Intervención basada en Internet; TelesaludPurpose: The study aimed to demonstrate the reduction in postoperative follow-up visit time for patients receiving total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) by implementing a novel asynchronous telemedicine system compared to face-to-face visits. The range of motion interobserver agreement and patient satisfaction were evaluated in the telemedicine group. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with a total of 28 patients with a mean age of 71 years (range 13.3). Patients were distributed into two study groups, TKA (n = 14) and RTSA (n = 14), and each group was randomly allocated into a face-to-face or virtual follow-up visit group. For the virtual group, software was designed including patient-specific model items (X-ray, range of motion and functional scores) for each arthroplasty. Functional assessment was conducted using the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score for TKA and American Shoulder and Elbow score (ASES) and Simple Shoulder Test (SST) for RTSA. The range of motion interobserver concordance was conducted in the virtual follow-up groups via an intraclass correlation coefficient. Finally, a satisfaction survey was performed in the virtual follow-up groups. Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. Results: Mean time differences between face-to-face and virtual follow-ups were 502.5 s (95% CI 387.8-617.1; p < 0.002) in the RTSA group and 710 s (95% CI 597.91-822; p < 0. 002) in the TKA group. The range of motion interobserver concordance in the virtual group was 0.974 for TKA and 0.804 for RTSA. Finally, virtual follow-up satisfaction using the telematic method was 8.9 out of 10. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that a virtual follow-up using asynchronous telemedicine systems could reduce visit times, allow a correct articular range of motion evaluation and maintain satisfaction perception for patients. Asynchronous telemedicine could be an efficient method to conduct postoperative follow-up after knee and shoulder arthroplasty