23 research outputs found

    Framing the Global Pact for the Environment: Why It\u27s Needed, What It Does, and How It Does It

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    We face a critical environmental crisis. Humanity consumes unsustainably; we use resources at a rate fifty percent faster than they are reproduced by the planet. The population is growing exponentially and climate change, the most important challenge of this century, is already wreaking havoc around the world. Despite numerous existing international environmental treaties, the Earth, and, therefore, human safety and prosperity, is in peril. According to a recent study by scientists from Stanford University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the ongoing “sixth mass extinction” threatens to cause an “assault on the foundations of human civilization.” In November 2017, a report signed by more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries warned that without a drastic change, we risk catastrophic disruption to Earth systems that enable life on this planet. According to the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report, states have already begun to take the kinds of actions needed to avoid some of those catastrophic events, but those efforts need to be rapidly accelerated and scaled

    A Legal Approach to the Improvement of Energy Efficency Measures for the Existing Building Stock in the United States Based on the European Experience

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    Energy consumption in buildings is on the rise and represents almost half of the total greenhouse gas emissions in cities, which are the main cause of global warming on the planet. There is a great scien-tific consensus that improving energy efficiency of building systems and operations is a very effective way to tackle this important prob-lem. However, despite the fact that the existing building stock has the greatest potential for greenhouse gas emission reduction, most laws and regulations have focused primarily on new buildings. Hence, im-proving energy efficiency in existing buildings represents a great op-portunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Numer-ous measures to increase efficiency and decrease emissions have been put in place in Europe and in the United States with Europe taking the lead, but there is still much to be done. The measures are diverse and range from conventional approaches to innovative mar-ket-based instruments. Although different proposed methods are sim-ilar to some extent, they are tailored to the specific characteristics of each region. Based on the European experience, this article seizes the opportunity to fill in the existing gap on the energy upturn of the existing building stock, giving some useful elements to legal profes-sionals in order to improve the measures developed throughout the Unites States

    A Legal Approach to the Improvement of Energy Efficiency Measures for the Existing Building Stock in the United States Based on European Experience

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    Energy consumption in buildings is on the rise and represents almost half of the total greenhouse gas emissions in cities, which are the main cause of global warming on the planet. There is a great scientific consensus that improving energy efficiency of building systems and operations is a very effective way to tackle this important problem. However, despite the fact that the existing building stock has the greatest potential for greenhouse gas emission reduction, most laws and regulations have focused primarily on new buildings. Hence, improving energy efficiency in existing buildings represents a great opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Numerous measures to increase efficiency and decrease emissions have been put in place in Europe and in the United States with Europe taking the lead, but there is still much to be done. The measures are diverse and range from conventional approaches to innovative market-based instruments. Although different proposed methods are similar to some extent, they are tailored to the specific characteristics of each region. Based on the European experience, this article seizes the opportunity to fill in the existing gap on the energy upturn of the existing building stock, giving some useful elements to legal professionals in order to improve the measures developed throughout the Unites States

    The Energy Improvement of the Urban Existing Building Stock: A Proposal for Action Arising from Best Practice Examples

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    Improving energy efficiency in existing buildings presents an opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Numerous measures meant to increase efficiency and decrease emissions have been implemented in cities across Europe and the United States. Standing out from the rest is New York City, a remarkable example of commitment to the fight against climate change. The city has urged its authorities to take important measures in order to eliminate (or at least diminish) the adverse effects resulting from its special characteristics, great urban density, and large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions coming from an aged building stock. Yet there is always room for improvement. Thus, this comparative study of some of the most successful measures developed in selected cities aims at providing legal professionals with best practices for greening the existing building stock of New York City and, eventually, of any city in the world

    La estrategia territorial europea : la percepción comunitaria del uso del territorio

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    La importancia del territorio como recurso limitado y estratégico provoca reticencias en los Estados miembros en relación con la extensión de la acción de la Comunidad Europea en materia de ordenación del territorio. Por eso, la "política de ordenación del territorio" a escala comunitaria -al menos en lo que hoy es previsible- sólo podrá desarrollarse en el marco de una coordinación abierta y voluntaria como la que propone la Estrategia Territorial Europea, y sobre la base del nuevo "valor transversal" que representa la organización racional del territorio; valor al que han de responder todas las actuaciones territoriales con impacto sobre el territorio, para lograr superar los efectos negativos de una planificación de carácter sectorial y descoordinada.La Tesis doctoral pretende, así, contribuir a la difusión de la existencia de una "política" de Ordenación del Territorio comunitaria que produce un impacto en la elaboración de las políticas sectoriales de la Comunidad y de los Estados miembros a través de la influencia que sobre los mismos provoca el documento de la Estrategia Territorial Europea, cuya consistencia jurídica se traduce en un acto jurídico complejo, privado de imperatividad, pero dotado de una indiscutible eficacia.Se trata, en todo caso, de un novedoso modus operandi de la Comunidad Europea que da lugar a una paradoja, usual, de otro lado, en la Comunidad, al no prever el Tratado competencia en materia de ordenación del territorio. Y así será inevitable, por la propia lógica del proceso, y de ahí el interés que este trabajo de investigación viene suscitando entre profesores de diferentes áreas científicas, que el avance de la integración suponga la consolidación de esta "política", si no en términos de planificación territorial (lo que no es deseable ni predecible si tenemos el cuenta el proceso "constituyente" europeo actual y su énfasis en los principios de subsidiariedad y proporcionalidad), sí en los de una Ordenación del Territorio europea como marco de coordinación voluntaria y abierta que podrá llegar tan lejos como lo demande, en cada momento, el método comunitari

    La ciudad compartida: Ideas sobre la necesidad del desarrollo de políticas públicas para lograr un desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades en los países en vías de desarrollo (o en las más vulnerables), sobre la base del concepto de los bienes comunes (urbanos) y de la economía colaborativa que subyace en la naturaleza de su gestión

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    Common assets  are those that belong to the community and, therefore, belong to everyone and nobody at the same time. Its constitutional protection - referred, in principle, only to material goods; Thus, for example, in article 132 of the Spanish Constitution (the so-called public goods by nature, especially continental waters and the coast and territorial sea) -, it intends to grant them the greatest legal guarantee so that they are not at the mercy of governments shift. It happens that this guarantee is weighed down in many cases (for example in Spain) by the conception that the “public domain” is not so much a fiduciary property of the State, as a dry property and, therefore, it is possible the disaffection of specific assets , which - thus converted into patrimonial assets - can be disposed of (privatized). The public (dominated by the State) and the private (dominated by large corporations), in apparent contradiction, are actually the same, since both have their interest in the market.Los bienes comunes son aquellos que pertenecen a la colectividad y, por tanto, son de todos y de nadie al mismo tiempo. Su protección constitucional –referida, en principio, solo a bienes materiales; así, por ejemplo, en el artículo 132 de la Constitución española (los llamados bienes públicos por naturaleza, especialmente las aguas continentales y la costa y el mar territorial)-, pretende otorgarles la mayor garantía jurídica para que no estén al albur de los gobiernos de turno. Ocurre que esta garantía está lastrada en muchos casos (por ejemplo en España) por la concepción de que el “dominio público” no es tanto una propiedad fiduciaria del Estado, como una propiedad a secas y, por ello, cabe la desafectación de bienes concretos, que –convertidos así en bienes patrimoniales- pueden ser enajenados (privatizados). Lo público (dominado por el Estado) y lo privado (dominado por las grandes corporaciones ), en aparente contradicción, son en realidad lo mismo, pues tanto uno como otro tienen su interés en el mercado

    Los nuevos instrumentos jurídicos para el desarrollo sostenible del territorio de la Unión Europea

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    Reverse Environmental Assessment Analysis for the Adaptation of Projects, Plans, and Programs to the Effects of Climate Change in the EU. Evaluation of the Proposal for an EIA Directive

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    It is clear that mitigation measures are not enough to tackle climate change effects and, therefore, some adaptation measures will be needed to improve resiliency. The new Reverse Environmental Impact Assessment (REIA) analysis, so named by Professor Michael B. Gerrard, evaluates the impacts that the “transformed environment” -- a result of the adverse effects of climate change -- may cause to a project, plan, or program, in order to allow those undertaking these activities to act proactively. There are many countries that have taken action accordingly. The EU has elaborated “Guidances” on integrating climate and biodiversity into either the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) processes. Regardless of its importance, and despite the inclusion of some references to the adaptation of the projects to climate change, the review of the Directive 2011/92/EU on the EIA does not make a clear commitment for the REIA tool, losing a great opportunity to introduce this new instrument into the legal systems of all EU Member States to really meet its goal of achieving a high level of environmental protection, adapting the EIA to new challenges, among others, climate change

    The Energy Improvement of the Urban Existing Building Stock: A Proposal for Action Arising from Best Practice Examples

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    Improving energy efficiency in existing buildings presents an opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Numerous measures meant to increase efficiency and decrease emissions have been implemented in cities across Europe and the United States. Standing out from the rest is New York City, a remarkable example of commitment to the fight against climate change. The city has urged its authorities to take important measures in order to eliminate (or at least diminish) the adverse effects resulting from its special characteristics, great urban density, and large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions coming from an aged building stock. Yet there is always room for improvement. Thus, this comparative study of some of the most successful measures developed in selected cities aims at providing legal professionals with best practices for greening the existing building stock of New York City and, eventually, of any city in the world

    La Victoria de Urgenda: El Inicio de la Lucha Judicial Frente Al Cambio Climatico

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    La Sentencia del Tribunal del Distrito de La Haya de junio de 2015, por medio de la cual se obliga al gobierno de los Países Bajos a adoptar una política de mitigación más ambiciosa, ha supuesto una noticia inesperada y valiente que, sin perjuicio de su – en algunas ocasiones – débil argumentación, supone un importantísimo avance en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Abstract in English The ruling of The Hague District Court of June 2015 forces the Dutch government to implement a more ambitious mitigation policy in order to comply with its duty of care. This unexpected and brave decision represents, despite some of its flaws, an enormous progress in the fights against climate change