223 research outputs found

    Análisis de los cambios estratégicos con impacto positivo en los modelos de negocio de grupos corporativos familiares de la ciudad de Cuenca que se realizaron durante la crisis del Coronavirus

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    Analizar el impacto de la COVID-19 en los modelos de negocio de las empresas de la ciudad de Cuenca permite reflexionar sobre el entendimiento de la vulnerabilidad o resiliencia de sus modelos de gestión. Aplicando una réplica del estudio Analyzing the impact of the coronavirus crisis on business models, de Ritter y Pedersen (2020a), con el enfoque del modelo de alineación de cuadrados en 14 casos de grupos corporativos familiares de la ciudad de Cuenca que participan en el estudio, se logró un análisis de los impactos de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en sus modelos de negocio. Al comparar los resultados con los del estudio en Dinamarca, se concluye con la importancia de reconocer los niveles de vulnerabilidad y resiliencia de los modelos de negocio ante una crisis, con lo que se ofrece una herramienta importante para tomar decisiones estratégicas de gestión para la nueva normalidad.                                                                  Palabras clave: Impacto, estrategia, análisis, resiliencia, empresas, crisis, COVID-19. Abstractnalyzing the impact of the COVID-19 on business models of companies in the city of Cuenca provides reflections on the understanding of the vulnerability or resilience of their management models. Applying, a replica of the study “Analyzing the impact of the coronavirus crisis on business models” (Ritter & Pedersen, 2020a) using the square alignment model approach in 14 cases of family corporate groups in the city of Cuenca that participate in the study, an analysis of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business models was achieved and when comparing the results with those of the study in Denmark, it is concluded with noting the importance of recognizing the levels of vulnerability and resilience of the business models in the face or a crisis thereby offering an important tool for making strategic management decisions for the new normal.  Keywords: Impact, strategy, analysis, resilience, enterprise, crisis, COVID-1

    3D indoor positioning of UAVs with spread spectrum ultrasound and time-of-flight cameras

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    Este trabajo propone el uso de un sistema híbrido de posicionamiento acústico y óptico en interiores para el posicionamiento 3D preciso de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV). El módulo acústico de este sistema se basa en un esquema de Acceso Múltiple por División de Código de Tiempo (T-CDMA), en el que la emisión secuencial de cinco códigos ultrasónicos de espectro amplio se realiza para calcular la posición horizontal del vehículo siguiendo un procedimiento de multilateración 2D. El módulo óptico se basa en una cámara de Tiempo de Vuelo (TOF) que proporciona una estimación inicial de la altura del vehículo. A continuación se propone un algoritmo recursivo programado en un ordenador externo para refinar la posición estimada. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el sistema propuesto puede aumentar la precisión de un sistema exclusivamente acústico en un 70-80% en términos de error cuadrático medio de posicionamiento.This work proposes the use of a hybrid acoustic and optical indoor positioning system for the accurate 3D positioning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The acoustic module of this system is based on a Time-Code Division Multiple Access (T-CDMA) scheme, where the sequential emission of five spread spectrum ultrasonic codes is performed to compute the horizontal vehicle position following a 2D multilateration procedure. The optical module is based on a Time-Of-Flight (TOF) camera that provides an initial estimation for the vehicle height. A recursive algorithm programmed on an external computer is then proposed to refine the estimated position. Experimental results show that the proposed system can increase the accuracy of a solely acoustic system by 70–80% in terms of positioning mean square error.• Gobierno de España y Fondos para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo. Proyectos TARSIUS (TIN2015-71564-C4-4-R) (I+D+i), REPNIN (TEC2015-71426-REDT) y SOC-PLC (TEC2015-64835-C3-2-R) (I+D+i) • Junta de Extremadura, Fondos FEDER y Fondo Social Europeo. Proyecto GR15167 y beca predoctoral 45/2016 Exp. PD16030peerReviewe

    Analysis of Doppler Effect on the Pulse Compression of Different Codes Emitted by an Ultrasonic LPS

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    This work analyses the effect of the receiver movement on the detection by pulse compression of different families of codes characterizing the emissions of an Ultrasonic Local Positioning System. Three families of codes have been compared: Kasami, Complementary Sets of Sequences and Loosely Synchronous, considering in all cases three different lengths close to 64, 256 and 1,024 bits. This comparison is first carried out by using a system model in order to obtain a set of results that are then experimentally validated with the help of an electric slider that provides radial speeds up to 2 m/s. The performance of the codes under analysis has been characterized by means of the auto-correlation and cross-correlation bounds. The results derived from this study should be of interest to anyone performing matched filtering of ultrasonic signals with a moving emitter/receiver

    Nivel de satisfacción y compromiso en trabajadores remunerados versus voluntariado y motivación en el mismo

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    La satisfacción y el compromiso en el campo de la Psicología del Trabajo nos ha permitido conocer y mejorar las relaciones que se establecen entre los individuos y su lugar de trabajo oficio u organización de la que sean partícipes. El objetivo general de esta investigación es determinar si el grado de satisfacción y compromiso varía dependiendo del tipo de actividad laboral que se desempeñe y de si estos parámetros son mayores en los voluntarios que en los trabajadores remunerados. Para ello se usaron los cuestionarios Q12 y S21/26. También nos interesa conocer qué tipo de motivación predomina en los trabajadores voluntarios por lo que se utilizó el Cuestionario de Motivación para el Voluntariado. Parece que la motivación intrínseca del grupo de los voluntarios está estrechamente relacionada con una mayor satisfacción y compromiso laboral que cuando se trata de reforzadores motivacionales de carácter extrínseco, que son los que suelen experimentar los voluntarios. Las diferencias significativas encontradas en las dos variables analizadas entre los dos grupos concuerdan con nuestra hipótesis inicial. Los voluntarios mostraban mayor compromiso y satisfacción con la labor que ostentaban que los trabajadores remunerados, observándose además entre los voluntarios una alta motivación intrínseca por la actividad que ejercían

    Level of Satisfaction and Commitment in Paid Workers Versus Volunteer Workers and Motivation in Volunteers

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    Recepción: 26.02.2018 | Aceptado en prensa: 5.03.2018Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Eduvigis Carmona | Orcid: 0000-0002-0924-4736Revisión por Pares Abierta / Open Peer ReviewRevisores:Inmaculada Valor Segura | Scopus Author ID: 8930537100Karen McMullin | Orcid: 0000-0002-1449-3550José Miguel García Ramírez | Orcid: 0000-0002-9142-6503La satisfacción y el compromiso en el campo de la Psicología del Trabajo nos ha permitido conocer y mejorar las relaciones que se establecen entre los individuos y su lugar de trabajo oficio u organización de la que sean partícipes. El objetivo general de esta investigación es determinar si el grado de satisfacción y compromiso varía dependiendo del tipo de actividad laboral que se desempeñe y de si estos parámetros son mayores en los voluntarios que en los trabajadores remunerados. Para ello se usaron los cuestionarios Q12 y S21/26. También nos interesa conocer qué tipo de motivación predomina en los trabajadores voluntarios por lo que se utilizó el Cuestionario de Motivación para el Voluntariado. Parece que la motivación intrínseca del grupo de los voluntarios está estrechamente relacionada con una mayor satisfacción y compromiso laboral que cuando se trata de reforzadores motivacionales de carácter extrínseco, que son los que suelen experimentar los voluntarios. Las diferencias significativas encontradas en las dos variables analizadas entre los dos grupos concuerdan con nuestra hipótesis inicial. Los voluntarios mostraban mayor compromiso y satisfacción con la labor que ostentaban que los trabajadores remunerados, observándose además entre los voluntarios una alta motivación intrínseca por la actividad que ejercían.Satisfaction and commitment in the field of work psychology have allowed us to determine and improve the relationships established between individuals and their workplace, or the profession or organization they participate in. The general objective of this research study is to determine if the degree of satisfaction and commitment varies depending on the types of work performed and if these parameters are higher in volunteers than in paid workers. To do this, questionnaires Q12 and S21 / 26 were used. We are also interested in knowing what type of motivation predominates in volunteer workers, for which the Motivation Questionnaire for Volunteering was used. It seems that the intrinsic motivation of the group of volunteers is closely related to greater satisfaction and work commitment than when it comes to motivational reinforcers of an extrinsic nature, which are what volunteers usually experience. The significant differences found in the two variables analyzed between the two groups are consistent with our initial hypothesis. Volunteers showed greater commitment and satisfaction with the work than paid workers, also observing among volunteers a high intrinsic motivation for the activity they carried out.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Dual Anticancer and Antibacterial Properties of Silica-Based Theranostic Nanomaterials Functionalized with Coumarin343, Folic Acid and a Cytotoxic Organotin(IV) Metallodrug

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    Five different silica nanoparticles functionalized with vitamin B12, a derivative of coumarin found in green plants and a minimum content of an organotin(IV) fragment (1-MSN-Sn, 2-MSN-Sn, 2-SBA-Sn, 2-FSPm-Sn and 2-FSPs-Sn), were identified as excellent anticancer agents against triple negative breast cancer, one of the most diagnosed and aggressive cancerous tumors, with very poor prognosis. Notably, compound 2-MSN-Sn shows selectivity for cancer cells and excellent luminescent properties detectable by imaging techniques once internalized. The same compound is also able to interact with and nearly eradicate biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus, the most common bacteria isolated from chronic wounds and burns, whose treatment is a clinical challenge. 2-MSN-Sn is efficiently internalized by bacteria in a biofilm state and destroys the latter through reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Its internalization by bacteria was also efficiently monitored by fluorescence imaging. Since silica nanoparticles are particularly suitable for oral or topical administration, and considering both its anticancer and antibacterial activity, 2-MSN-Sn represents a new dual-condition theranostic agent, based primarily on natural products or their derivatives and with only a minimum amount of a novel metallodrug.We would like to thank funding from RTI2018-094322-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, by the “European Union” and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIC18/143). M.F. is grateful to Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) for project No DTS20/00109 (AES20-ISCIII) and PI22/00789 (AES22-ISCIII). M.F. and K.O.P. acknowledge the support of Microscopy & Dynamic Imaging Unit of CNIC, Madrid, Spain. The Unit is part of the ReDiB-ICTS and has the support of FEDER, “Una manera de hacer Europa.” The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Risky behaviors and eating disorders symptomatology among undergraduate students from South of Jalisco, Mexico / Conductas de riesgo y sintomatología de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario en estudiantes universitarios del Sur de Jalisco, México

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    Abstract The purpose of this research was to estimate the occurrence of risky behaviors and eating disorders symptomatology among undergraduate students from South of Jalisco, Mexico. The sample comprised 143 women with a mean age of 19.90 (SD = 2.14) and 109 men with a mean age of 21.21 (SD= 3.53) who answered the Eating Attitudes Test, the Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh and the Body Shape Questionnaire. The results showed that a higher percentage of women have been on a diet and consumed weight loss products compared with men, who reported to do exercise in order to burn calories. Also, higher percentage of women showed body dissatisfaction (14%) and eating disorders symptomatology (11.9%) in comparison with men (10% and 4.6%, respectively). Women with body dissatisfaction showed a higher number of risky behaviors compared with people without body dissatisfaction. The findings of this research revealed that an important number of undergraduate students from south of Jalisco showed risky behaviors and eating disorders symptomatology. Key words: Risky behavior, body dissatisfaction, eating disorders symptomatology, women, men.   Resumen El propósito de la presente investigación fue estimar la ocurrencia de conductas de riesgo y sintomatología de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario en estudiantes universitarios del Sur del Estado de Jalisco, México. La muestra incluyó 143 mujeres con una edad promedio de 19.90 años (DE = 2.14) y 109 varones con una edad promedio de 21.21 años (DE = 3.53), quienes contestaron el Cuestionario de Actitudes Alimentarias, el Cuestionario de Bulimia de Edimburgo y el Cuestionario de Imagen Corporal. Los resultados mostraron que mayores porcentajes de mujeres habían realizado dietas restrictivas y consumieron productos para adelgazar en comparación con los varones, quienes indicaron que realizaban ejercicio con la finalidad de quemar calorías en mayor medida que las mujeres. Asimismo, mayores porcentajes de mujeres presentaron insatisfacción corporal (14%) y sintomatología de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (11.9%) en comparación con los varones (10% y 4.6%, respectivamente). Las mujeres con insatisfacción corporal presentaron mayor número de conductas de riesgo que quienes estaban satisfechas con su cuerpo. Los hallazgos de esta investigación muestran que una cantidad importante de jóvenes universitarios del Sur de Jalisco presentaron conductas alimentarias de riesgo o sintomatología de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario. Palabras clave: Conducta de riesgo, insatisfacción corporal, sintomatología de trastorno del comportamiento alimentario, mujeres, varones.

    Local wind speed forecasting based on WRF-HDWind coupling

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    [EN] Wind speed forecasts obtained by Numerical Weather Prediction models are limited for fine interpretation in heterogeneous terrain, in which different roughnesses and orographies occur. This limitation is derived from the use of low-resolution and grid-box averaged data. In this paper a dynamical downscaling method is presented to increase the local accuracy of wind speed forecasts. The proposed method divides the wind speed forecasting into two steps. In the first one, the mesoscale model WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) is used for getting wind speed forecasts at specific points of the study domain. On a second stage, these values are used for feeding the HDWind microscale model. HDWind is a local model that provides both a high-resolution wind field that covers the entire study domain and values of wind speed and direction at very located points. As an example of use of the proposed method, we calculate a high-resolution wind field in an urban-interface area from Badajoz, a South-West Spanish city located near the Portugal border. The results obtained are compared with the values read by a weathervane tower of the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) in order to prove that the microscale model improves the forecasts obtained by the mesoscale model

    Childhood acute leukemias are frequent in Mexico City: descriptive epidemiology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Worldwide, acute leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer. It is particularly common in the Hispanic populations residing in the United States, Costa Rica, and Mexico City. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of acute leukemia in children who were diagnosed and treated in public hospitals in Mexico City.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Included in this study were those children, under 15 years of age and residents of Mexico City, who were diagnosed in 2006 and 2007 with leukemia, as determined by using the International Classification of Childhood Cancer. The average annual incidence rates (AAIR), and the standardized average annual incidence rates (SAAIR) per million children were calculated. We calculated crude, age- and sex-specific incidence rates and adjusted for age by the direct method with the world population as standard. We determined if there were a correlation between the incidence of acute leukemias in the various boroughs of Mexico City and either the number of agricultural hectares, the average number of persons per household, or the municipal human development index for Mexico (used as a reference of socio-economic level).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although a total of 610 new cases of leukemia were registered during 2006-2007, only 228 fit the criteria for inclusion in this study. The overall SAAIR was 57.6 per million children (95% CI, 46.9-68.3); acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was the most frequent type of leukemia, constituting 85.1% of the cases (SAAIR: 49.5 per million), followed by acute myeloblastic leukemia at 12.3% (SAAIR: 6.9 per million), and chronic myeloid leukemia at 1.7% (SAAIR: 0.9 per million). The 1-4 years age group had the highest SAAIR for ALL (77.7 per million). For cases of ALL, 73.2% had precursor B-cell immunophenotype (SAAIR: 35.8 per million) and 12.4% had T-cell immunophenotype (SAAIR 6.3 per million). The peak ages for ALL were 2-6 years and 8-10 years. More than half the children (58.8%) were classified as high risk. There was a positive correlation between the average number of persons per household and the incidence of the pre-B immunophenotype (Pearson's r, 0.789; P = 0.02).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The frequency of ALL in Mexico City is among the highest in the world, similar to those found for Hispanics in the United States and in Costa Rica.</p