1,398 research outputs found

    A use-side trade margins matrix for the Andalusian economy

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    According to the National Accounting Systems proposed by United Nations (1993) and Eurostat (1996), use and make (or supply) matrices should be measured before goods and services are conveyed to the markets (basic values). Actually, the make table is defined in basic values (excluding trade and transport margins and net commodity taxes) whereas the use table is in purchasers' values (including them). This paper shows how these margins and taxes can be removed from the use table with the purpose of entering both of them in the so-called material balance equation. With respect to trade margins, our approach is based on the use-side procedure from the ESA-95 Input-Output Manual (Eurostat, 2002) and is also being applied to the forthcoming 2000 Andalusian Input-Output Framework.Input-output analysis, use and make matrices, trade margins, National Accounts

    The Youth Olympic Games and social networks (2010-2014): Evolution and challenges of new methods of communication for transmission of olympic values

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    El nacimiento de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud coincide en el tiempo con la irrupción de las redes sociales proporcionando nuevos canales para divulgar las ideas pedagógicas de Pierre de Coubertin, el fundador de los Juegos Olímpicos modernos. Nankín 2014 supuso la consolidación del Movimiento Olímpico en las redes explorando nuevos mercados y estrategias que alcanzaron los 500 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo. La concepción de los medios sociales como herramientas enraizadas al ámbito local en un contexto global permitirá a las instituciones deportivas globales el diseño de estrategias de comunicación más directas, específicas e individualizadas de acuerdo a las particularidades de sus públicosThe birth of the Youth Olympic Games coincided with the emergence of social networks, providing new channels for disseminating the pedagogical ideas of Pierre de Coubertin – the founder of the modern Olympic Games. Nanjing 2014 served as the consolidation of the Olympic Movement in social networks, exploring new markets and strategies that reached 500 million users around the world. Understanding social media as a tool rooted at local level in a global context will allow global sporting institutions to design communication strategies that are more direct, specific and individualized, according to the particularities of their audience

    The environment as a common good in the time of globalization: its conceptualization and social perception

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    Landscape, Law & Justice: Proceedings from a workshop on old and new cornmons, Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, 11-13 March 2003.It is usual to consider lhe environment as a common good, but we are far from having a clear definition of either of lhem: lhe environment and lhe common. Bolh vary according the scope of lhe analysis (world, national, regional, provincial, local), the different societies, and the diverse elements included, and so vary the social perception and action on the environment. On the other hand, new and increasing demands from lhe environment as a common good, as it is the case of preserving biodiversity or landscape among others) might clash with traditional commons. Societies face now a challenge to compatibilize traditional cornmons and the new common: the environment. In arder to study lhe idea of the environment as the new common is relevant to pay attention to legal conceptions and issues related with property rights. A conceptual and historical clarification of the sense and meaning of common is required. In this paper the conceptual problematic of lhe term common for the case of the environment is analyzed, and the change in its social perception within the process of industrialization and globalization. A case study of Navarre (Spain) show how peapie conceive Nature in terms of common good

    Purification and characterization of a hygromycin B phosphotransferase from Streptomyces hygroscopicus

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    4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 20 references.A hygromycin B phosphotransferase activity from Streptomyces hygroscopicus has been highly purified by ammonium sulphate fractionation followed by affinity column chromatography through Sepharose-6B- hygromycin-B.The combined active fractions showed a singleprotein band (41 kDa) when subjected to polyacryl- amide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. When gel electrophoresis was performed under non-denaturing conditions, the single protein band promoted in situ phosphorylation of hygromycin B, indicating that this protein corresponded to the purified hygromycin B phosphotransferase. The enzyme has been purified 236-fold and approximate Km values of 0.56 pM and 36.4 pM for hygromycin B and ATP, respectively, were deduced.This research was supported by grants from the Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica (6131165 and 497) and by an institutional grant from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias to the Centro de Biología Molecular. M. Zalacaín holds a fellowship from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.Peer reviewe

    The importance of early parenting for later child outcomes: A study with Spanish families with children with disabilities

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    Children with different disability conditions have varied developmental trajectories, which perhaps influences parent-child interaction. For these and all infants, an optimal home environment that includes good parenting and positive parent-child interactions predicts better developmental outcomes (Spiker et al., 2005). Interventions using a family-centered, parenting-focused approach result in better parenting behavior that contributes to improved early child development (Avellar & Suplee, 2013; Roggman & Cardia, 2016). Information on parent-child interaction patterns is needed to guide intervention in natural contexts of families (Fuligni & Brooks-Gunn, 2013). Parent-child interaction data were collected from 44 mothers and 35 fathers interacting with their children (23 to 47 months) who had a disability and were in one of eight Spanish Early Interventions Centers. Mothers and fathers, separately, auto-recorded 10-minute play sessions at home. Parental interactions were assessed using PICCOLO (Roggman et al., 2013), a standardized measure of parenting. Two independent observers coded the interactions; strong intra-class correlation coefficients were found (.82 to .97 for mothers, .77 to .89 for fathers). The BSID-III scales (Bayley, 2015) assessed children’s development. Mothers scored slightly higher than did fathers. Scores varied by PICCOLO domains but were consistent with other PICCOLO studies of typical developing children (Roggman et al., 2013). Mother and father’s scores correlated indicating that the higher the scores of mothers in any dimension correlated with those of the parents combined. Positive significant Pearson correlations were found between parenting and child’s development with different patterns of father and mother domains predicting better language and cognitive outcomes. Although barriers to optimal parenting need further investigation, PICCOLO can be a useful tool to support optimal parenting.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Regulation of durum wheat Na(+)/H (+) exchanger TdSOS1 by phosphorylation

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    We have identified a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger from durum wheat, designated TdSOS1. Heterologous expression of TdSOS1 in a yeast strain lacking endogenous Na+ efflux proteins showed complementation of the Na+- and Li+-sensitive phenotype by a mechanism involving cation efflux. Salt tolerance conferred by TdSOS1 was maximal when co-expressed with the Arabidopsis protein kinase complex SOS2/SOS3. In vitro phosphorylation of TdSOS1 with a hyperactive form of the Arabidopsis SOS2 kinase (T/DSOS2∆308) showed the importance of two essential serine residues at the C-terminal hydrophilic tail (S1126, S1128). Mutation of these two serine residues to alanine decreased the phosphorylation of TdSOS1 by T/DSOS2∆308 and prevented the activation of TdSOS1. In addition, deletion of the C-terminal domain of TdSOS1 encompassing serine residues at position 1126 and 1128 generated a hyperactive form that had maximal sodium exclusion activity independent from the regulatory SOS2/SOS3 complex. These results are consistent with the presence of an auto-inhibitory domain at the C-terminus of TdSOS1 that mediates the activation of TdSOS1 by the protein kinase SOS2. Expression of TdSOS1 mRNA in young seedlings of the durum wheat variety Om Rabia3, using different abiotic stresses (ionic and oxidative stress) at different times of exposure, was monitored by RT–PCR.Peer Reviewe

    Hemangioendotelioma multicéntrico de muñeca

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    Se presenta el caso de un hemangioendotelioma multicéntrico grado I localizado en el extremo distal del cúbito y en varios huesos del carpo en un varón de 57 años como hallazgo casual en un estudio radiográfico realizado tras un traumatismo de muñeca. El paciente fue tratado mediante resección amplia del extremo distal del cúbito y de los huesos del carpo afectos (ganchoso, piramidal y pisiforme) y artrodesis radiocarpiana con injerto autólogo tricortical de cresta ilíaca. Tras un seguimiento de 24 meses el paciente está asintomático y no presenta recidivas locales ni metástasis a distancia.A case of multicentric hemangioendothelioma located at the distal ulnar and different carpal bones was found in a 57-year-old man after a Rx control because a wrist trauma. The patient was treated by wide resection of distal ulnar and the affected carpal bones. Fusion of the radiocarpal joint was performed using tricortical autologous bone graft taken from the iliac crest. After 24-month follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic without local recurrence or metastasis

    La conservación del patrimonio agroindustrial. Propuestas para la reutilización de los antiguos mataderos municipales y análisis de costes

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    La creciente demanda de alimentos en las áreas urbanas, junto con los avances en los transportes y la aparición de nuevas fuentes de energía propiciaron a finales del siglo XIX la construcción de diversas industrias agroalimentarias en el medio rural español. Un ejemplo de este patrimonio agroindustrial son los antiguos mataderos municipales, edificados en un gran número de localidades de la geografía española con el objetivo de evitar sacrificios clandestinos de ganado y de mejorar las condiciones higiénicas de la carne. Las cada vez mayores exigencias técnicas y sanitarias para este tipo de construcciones a partir de la década de los 70 y la progresiva sustitución de las instalaciones municipales por mataderos privados más modernos y de mayor capacidad provocaron el cierre y posterior abandono de muchos de estos edificios en las décadas siguientes. En el presen te trabajo se muestran cuatro propuestas concretas para la reutilización de este tipo de construcciones. A partir de la información recopilada de varios proyectos fin de carrera desarrollados por alumnos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónom os de Madrid, se describen las actuaciones y trabajos de rehabilitación necesarios en cada caso y se ofrece un estudio comparativo de costes entre proyectos de reutilización y obra nuev

    Control de Sagina procumbens en viveros de arándano

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    Sagina procumbens es una mala hierba problemática en los viveros de arándano de la costa suroeste de España. Además de la falta de herbicidas autorizados, existe carencia de información sobre eficacia y selectividad de posibles candidatos para su inclusión en el registro. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer la eficacia y selectividad de una serie de herbicidas. Se han realizado ensayos de campo en tres ambientes y con tres momentos o formas de aplicación. El diseño experimental ha sido completamente al azar, con 3 ambientes x 3 momentos x 11 tratamientos x 6 repeticiones. Los resultados muestran unos buenos resultados de eficacia y selectividad de aclonifen, diflufenican y linurón. Los tratamientos con metribuzina, clopiralida y flazasulfurón causaron severos daños al cultivo. Oxifluorfen, pendimetalina y prosulfocarb tambien presentan riesgo de fitotoxicidad, y oxadiazon no mostró eficacia en el control de S. procumbens