124 research outputs found

    Žygiai į Prūsiją: apie periferinio reiškinio pažintinę vertę

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    This article not only introduces new sources that underline the importance of the march to Prussia (Preußenreisen) for the nobility of Western Europe at the time, but also highlights the challenges they faced along the way, including encounters with marauders, adverse natural conditions and captivity. These campaigns provide a detailed insight into the life of European nobility: how nobles inspired by literary ideals embarked on long journeys, visited various courts and feasted with other knights, and finally how European chivalry conceived itself on these campaigns. The story tells how from the westernmost corner of Europe they travelled to the East and, on their return, tried to make sense of their journeys (despite the enormous expense) through places of memory. In addition, this study explores how the Teutonic Order faced the new challenge of seeking new legitimacy after the baptism of Lithuania and Samogitia.Šiame straipsnyje ne tik pristatomi nauji šaltiniai, kurie pabrėžia žygių į Prūsiją (Preußenreisen) reikšmę to meto Vakarų Europos diduomenei, bet ir atkreipiamas dėmesys į sunkumus, su kuriais jie susidūrė kelyje, įskaitant susidūrimus su plėšikais, nepalankias gamtos sąlygas ir patekimą į nelaisvę. Šie žygiai išsamiai atskleidžia Europos kilmingųjų gyvenimą: kaip literatūrinių idealų įkvėpti kilmingieji leidosi į ilgas keliones, lankė įvairius dvarus ir dalyvavo puotose drauge su kitais riteriais, o galiausiai, kaip Europos riterija atrado save šiuose žygiuose. Pasakojama, kaip jie, kilę iš labiausiai į vakarus nutolusio Europos kampelio, vykdavo į Rytus, o grįžę stengėsi įprasminti savo keliones (nors ir kokios milžiniškos buvo išlaidos) per atminties vietas. Be to, šiame tyrime gilinamasi į tai, kaip Vokiečių ordinas susidūrė su nauju iššūkiu – siekė naujo legitimumo po Lietuvos ir Žemaitijos krikšto

    Beziehungspflege im Wettbewerb Der Deutsche Orden im 14. Jahrhundert

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    Caring for good relations. The Teutonic Order in competition during the 14th centuryThis paper does not concentrate on the period of open competition with Poland-Lithuania from 1386/1387 onward, but on the time before, quite less well known, though one example will be posterior. Anterior to about 1390 the documention is scarce. But a single document can shed light on a general practice, thus the report on the 1375 expedition sent to the General Proctor of the Order present in Rome. He was the only permanent informant about the activity of the Order at a princely court. But there were other persons which, from time to time, had similar functions: The economic representative at Bruges and his superiors, the Great Proctors of Marienburg and Königsberg, and the herald of the Order. We see all of them go to Western Europe, where they brought and received gifts from and to the Great Master, who participated fully in the gift-exchange between courts. Naturally there were also occasional diplomatic missions. One of them is particularily well documented, on both sides, since the reports of Dietrich von Logendorf in 1409 are still extant. Since gifts had to be precious or at least rare, the Great Master was in a good position: He could offer  amber and prussian-lituanian-polish specialities, and falcons, the gift of which he developped into a permanent system of European renown, exceptionally well documented. Relatively rare was the gift of the familiarity of the Order, but there is a lack of archival tradition. Finally, the Table of Honour, celebrated in the context of the Lithuanian expeditions was quite an attraction. Its history, not yet completely elucidated, takes us back to 1375 and poses the question of the origins, of the Table itself and of the practice of its announcements. In general, the care itself is not a warrantee for good relations. It was obliged, without assuring positive results.  What it was good for gets visible only when one refused to participate in this valse of politeness, attention and good will: He declares himself an ennemy.Caring for good relations. The Teutonic Order in competition during the 14th century This paper does not concentrate on the period of open competition with Poland-Lithuania from 1386/1387 onward, but on the time before, quite less well known, though one example will be posterior. Anterior to about 1390 the documention is scarce. But a single document can shed light on a general practice, thus the report on the 1375 expedition sent to the General Proctor of the Order present in Rome. He was the only permanent informant about the activity of the Order at a princely court. But there were other persons which, from time to time, had similar functions: The economic representative at Bruges and his superiors, the Great Proctors of Marienburg and Königsberg, and the herald of the Order. We see all of them go to Western Europe, where they brought and received gifts from and to the Great Master, who participated fully in the gift-exchange between courts. Naturally there were also occasional diplomatic missions. One of them is particularily well documented, on both sides, since the reports of Dietrich von Logendorf in 1409 are still extant. Since gifts had to be precious or at least rare, the Great Master was in a good position: He could offer  amber and prussian-lituanian-polish specialities, and falcons, the gift of which he developped into a permanent system of European renown, exceptionally well documented. Relatively rare was the gift of the familiarity of the Order, but there is a lack of archival tradition. Finally, the Table of Honour, celebrated in the context of the Lithuanian expeditions was quite an attraction. Its history, not yet completely elucidated, takes us back to 1375 and poses the question of the origins, of the Table itself and of the practice of its announcements. In general, the care itself is not a warrantee for good relations. It was obliged, without assuring positive results.  What it was good for gets visible only when one refused to participate in this valse of politeness, attention and good will: He declares himself an ennemy.Caring for good relations. The Teutonic Order in competition during the 14th century This paper does not concentrate on the period of open competition with Poland-Lithuania from 1386/1387 onward, but on the time before, quite less well known, though one example will be posterior. Anterior to about 1390 the documention is scarce. But a single document can shed light on a general practice, thus the report on the 1375 expedition sent to the General Proctor of the Order present in Rome. He was the only permanent informant about the activity of the Order at a princely court. But there were other persons which, from time to time, had similar functions: The economic representative at Bruges and his superiors, the Great Proctors of Marienburg and Königsberg, and the herald of the Order. We see all of them go to Western Europe, where they brought and received gifts from and to the Great Master, who participated fully in the gift-exchange between courts. Naturally there were also occasional diplomatic missions. One of them is particularily well documented, on both sides, since the reports of Dietrich von Logendorf in 1409 are still extant. Since gifts had to be precious or at least rare, the Great Master was in a good position: He could offer  amber and prussian-lituanian-polish specialities, and falcons, the gift of which he developped into a permanent system of European renown, exceptionally well documented. Relatively rare was the gift of the familiarity of the Order, but there is a lack of archival tradition. Finally, the Table of Honour, celebrated in the context of the Lithuanian expeditions was quite an attraction. Its history, not yet completely elucidated, takes us back to 1375 and poses the question of the origins, of the Table itself and of the practice of its announcements. In general, the care itself is not a warrantee for good relations. It was obliged, without assuring positive results.  What it was good for gets visible only when one refused to participate in this valse of politeness, attention and good will: He declares himself an ennemy

    Hof und Residenz

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    Höfe und Residenzen wurden erst in den Mittelpunkt der Kieler Forschung gestellt, als Werner Paravicini 1990 die Arbeitsstelle der ›Residenzen-Kommission‹ der Göttinger Akademie an die Förde holte. Aus bescheidenen Anfängen entstand ein neues Grundlagenwerk (Höfe und Residenzen im spätmittelalterlichen Deutschen Reich (1200–1600)) und eine eigene Buchreihe (Residenzenforschung). Nicht nur wurden fürstliche und hochadlige Dynastien und Höfe vorgestellt, sondern auch eine illustrierte Quellenkunde erarbeitet (Bilder und Begriffe). Die Mitteilungen der Residenzen-Kommission waren die erste Zeitschrift zum Gegenstand überhaupt. Anfang 2012 begann ein Nachfolgeprojekt, mit einer zweiten, kunsthistorischen Arbeitsstelle in Mainz (Matthias Müller) und verdoppeltem Mitarbeiterstab ausgestattet, geleitet von Gerhard Fouquet, wiederum von der Akademienunion und dem Lande Schleswig-Holstein finanziert. Der Blick wurde umgekehrt, sodass die Stadt nunmehr im Zentrum steht, und der chronologische Rahmen wurde bis an das 19. Jahrhundert ausgedehnt: Residenzstädte im Alten Reich (1300–1800). Es zeigt sich, dass die Konflikte weniger häufig waren als die Kooperationen, besonders in kleineren Residenzen. Ein großesResidenzstadtrepertorium in vier Bänden ist zum Teil schon erschienen, ebenso wie der Vorgänger weit über die Grenzen des heutigen Deutschland hinausreichend. Die ersten systematischen Bände liegen vor. Lange Jahre war die Kieler Residenzenforschung Vorreiter. Nun reiht sie sich zunehmend, als Vorbild empfunden, in eine aufblühende internationale Forschung ein.Courts and residences were highlighted within the research at Kiel University only since 1990, when Werner Paravicini brought the working group of the ›Commission of Residences‹ of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities to Kiel. Out of modest beginnings a new foundational work (Courts and residences in the late medieval empire (1200–1600)) as well as a distinct series of books (Residence-research) originated. Not only was a repertoire of princely and noble dynasties and courts presented for the first time, but also an illustrated typology of sources (Images and Notions) was developed. The Communications of the Commission of Residences was the first journal in this field ever. In 2012 a new succeeding project began, equipped with a second art-historical working group at Mainz (Matthias Müller) and twice as many scientific staff, managed by Gerhard Fouquet, once again financed by the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities and the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The perspective was inverted, the town being the main focus now, and the chronology was extended up to the beginning of the 19th century: Residential towns in the Old Empire (1300-1800). It becomes apparent that conflicts were less frequent than cooperation, especially in smaller residential towns. A huge repertoire of residential towns has already been partially published in four volumes, reaching, as its predecessor, considerably beyond todays national boundaries of Germany. The first systematic volumes have already been realized. For many years the residence-research at Kiel had been a pioneer. Now, still being perceived as an example, it joins the ranks of a flourishing international research community

    Les ducs Valois de Bourgogne : leur cour, leurs hommes, leur espace

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    Programme de l’année 2006-2007 : La face noire de la splendeur : crimes, violences, malheurs et trahisons à la cour de Bourgogne (suite)

    La Prusse et l’Europe occidentale

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    Les Croisades des chevaliers Teutoniques en Lituanie et la participation de la noblesse occidentale à ces expéditions ont récemment donné lieu à la découverte de nouveaux documents ; de nouvelles perspectives se sont ouvertes, dont on peut aujourd’hui faire le point. 1. Les sources Diverses sources parlent du voyage en Prusse aussi bien avant le départ que pendant le voyage ou après l’arrivée dans les territoires de l’Ordre. Les plus belles informations nous sont transmises par des comptes de..

    Les ducs Valois de Bourgogne : leur cour, leurs hommes, leur espace

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    Programme de l’année 2006-2007 : La face noire de la splendeur : crimes, violences, malheurs et trahisons à la cour de Bourgogne (suite)


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    Ferdinand II. (1619-37) und Ferdinand III. (1637-57)

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