10 research outputs found

    Malocclusion and dental appearance in underprivileged brazilian adolescents

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    Satisfaction with dental aesthetics is a subjective indicator used in epidemiological studies and is related to health behaviours. Little is known about the factors that influence this indicator, particularly among adolescents who live in a situation of social vulnerability. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between malocclusion and dental appearance in underprivileged Brazilian adolescents. This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in Piracicaba, Brazil, and evaluated 884 adolescents from 13 to 19 years of age. The dependent variable was satisfaction with dental appearance, and the independent variables were classified as individual (components of the Dental Aesthetic Index - DAI, sex and age) and contextual (social exclusion index). For statistical analysis, multilevel regression models were estimated. The individual variables were considered Level 1, and the contextual variable was considered Level 2, with a level of significance of 5%. The mean age of the adolescents was 15.3 years. Female adolescents more frequently affirmed that they were satisfied with their dental appearance than did male individuals. There was an increase in dissatisfaction with oral health with the increase in anterior maxillary overjet, midline diastema, larger anterior irregularity in the maxilla, larger anterior irregularity in the mandible, anterior open bite and antero-posterior molar relation. Satisfaction with dental appearance was associated with individual factors such as sex and DAI components33CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ141654/2013-

    Analysis Of The Legal Attributes And Implications Of Professional Dental Assistants: View Of The Assistant Him [atribuições E Implicações Legais Dos Profissionais Auxiliares Da Odontologia: Visão Do Próprio Auxiliar]

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    Objective: To analyze the attributes and legal implications of the Dentists? Assistants, both from the aspect of the use of their services and their education/training. Methods: Five hundred questionnaires were distributed to Dentists? assistants in private clinics in the region of Piracicaba, São Paulo, of which 127 (25.4%) returns were received, answered by the assistants themselves. Results: All the professionals researched were women, and 55.9% of them had completed high school. The majority of the assistants were trained by the dentist him/herself, sometimes exceeding, and at other times falling short of the demands of their functions. The majority (18.1%) were registered with the Regional Council of Dentistry and 74.8% were registered in the Employment Books. No assistants were sued by or received warning from the Regional Council of Dentistry. Conclusion: Wider publication of the Dental Code of Ethics and consolidation of norms for procedures in the Dentistry councils as regards professionals and assistants is important in order to avoid misuse of their services. Stricter monitoring is required to prevent assistants from performing inadequate activities, as well as those outside of their professional education

    Use Of Orthodontic Records In Human Identification [utilização De Documentação Ortodôntica Na Identificação Humana]

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    OBJECTIVE: This study describes a forensic case of incinerated remains of a man that were identified using information found in his orthodontic records. METHODS: Incinerated remains of a man were found inside a car. After forensic crime scene investigation and postmortem and radiographic exams in the Forensic Department, forensic experts found that the victim had a fixed orthodontic appliance, supernumerary teeth in all quadrants, partially erupted third molars and amalgam restorations in some surfaces of several teeth. As the individual's soft tissues were substantially destroyed, identification using fingerprints was not the ideal choice. After orthodontic records were handed in by the family, his clinical chart, radiographs, intra- and extraoral photographs and impressions were analyzed, and these data were compared with previously collected information. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Forensic dentistry examination revealed 20 concordant points in specimen examination and orthodontic records, which enabled the establishment of a positive correlation between the cadaver under examination and the missing person and eliminated the need for further analyses (DNA tests) to identify the victim.162Acharya, A.B., Taylor, J.A., Are a minimum number of concordant matches needed to establish identity in forensic odontology? (2003) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 21 (1), pp. 6-13. , JunBilge, Y., Kedici, P.S., Alakoç, Y.D., Ulküer, K.U., Ilkyaz, Y.Y., The identification of a dismembered human body: A multidisciplinary approach (2003) Forensic Sci Int, 26-137 (2-3), pp. 141-146. , Nov(2003) Conselho Federal de Odontologia, , http://www.cfo.org.br, Brasil, Código de ética odontológica: aprovado pela resolução CFO n o 42. Rio de Janeiro. [Acesso em: 2006 nov 6]. Disponível em(2005) Conselho Federal de Odontologia, , http://www.cfo.org.br, Brasil, Consolidação das normas para procedimentos nos conselhos de Odontologia: aprovada pela resolução CFO n o 63. Rio de Janeiro, [Acesso em: 2006 nov 6]. Disponível emGoodman, N.R., Himmelberger, L.K., Identifying skeletal remains found in a sewer (2002) J Am Dent Assoc, 133 (11), pp. 1508-1513. , NovMarks, M.K., Bennett, J.L., Wilson, O.L., Digital video image capture in establishing positive identification (1997) J Forensic Sci, 42 (3), pp. 492-495. , MayMuller, M., Berytrand, M.F., Quatrehomme, G., Bolla, M., Rocca, J.P., Macroscopic and microscopic aspects of incinerated teeth (1998) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 16 (1), pp. 1-7. , JunRamos, D.I.A., Daruge Jr., E., Daruge, E., Antunes, F.C.M., Meléndez, B.V.C., Francesquín, J.L., Transposición dental y sus implicaciones eticas y legais (2005) Rev ADM, 62 (5), pp. 185-190. , sept-octRothwell, B.R., Principles of dental identification (2001) Dent Clin North Am, 45 (2), pp. 253-270. , AprSilva, R.F., Pereira, S.D.R., Daruge, E., Daruge Jr., E., Francesquini, J.L., A confiabilidade do exame odontolegal na identificação humana (2004) Robrac, 13 (35), pp. 46-50Silva, R.F., Cruz, B.V.M., Daruge Jr., E., Daruge, E., Francesquini, J.L., La importancia de la documentación odontológica en la identificación humana (2005) Acta Odontol Venez, 43 (2), pp. 67-74. , agoSilva, R.F., Pereira, S.D.R., Mendes, S.D.S., Marinho, D.E.A., Daruge Jr., E., Radiografias odontológicas: Fonte de informação para a identificação humana (2006) Odontologia Clín Científ, 5 (3), pp. 239-242Silva, R.F., Prado, M.M., Barbieri, A.A., Daruge Jr., E., Utilização de registros odontológicos para identificação humana (2009) RSBO, 6 (1), pp. 95-9

    Correlation Between Maxillary Central Incisor Crown Morphology And Mandibular Dental Arch Form In Normal Occlusion Subjects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the morphology of the mandibular dental arch and the maxillary central incisor crown. Cast models from 51 Caucasian individuals, older than 15 years, with optimal occlusion, no previous orthodontic treatment, featuring 4 of the 6 keys to normal occlusion by Andrews (the first being mandatory) were observed. The models were digitalized using a 3D scanner, and images of the maxillary central incisor and mandibular dental arch were obtained. These were printed and placed in an album below pre-set models of arches and dental crowns, and distributed to 12 dental surgeons, who were asked to choose which shape was most in accordance with the models and crown presented. The Kappa test was performed to evaluate the concordance among evaluators while the chi-square test was used to verify the association between the dental arch and central incisor morphology, at a 5% significance level. The Kappa test showed moderate agreement among evaluators for both variables of this study, and the chi-square test showed no significant association between tooth shape and mandibular dental arch morphology. It may be concluded that the use of arch morphology as a diagnostic method to determine the shape of the maxillary central incisor is not appropriate. Further research is necessary to assess tooth shape using a stricter scientific basis.232149153Basciftci, F.A., Uysal, T., Buyukerkmen, A., Demir, A., The influence of extraction treatment on Holdaway soft-tissue measurements (2004) Angle Orthod, 2, pp. 167-173Paranhos, L.R., Jóias, R.P., Velasco, L., Bérzin, F., Daruge Júnior, E., Prevalence of the different maxilary central incisor in individuals with natural normal occlusion (2010) Braz J Oral Sci, 2, pp. 104-107Mossey, P.A., The heritability of malocclusion: Part 1-Genetics, principles and terminology (1999) Br J Orthod, 2, pp. 103-113Mossey, P.A., The heritability of malocclusion: Part 2-The influence of genetics in malocclusion (1999) Br J Orthod, 3, pp. 195-203Williams, J.L., A new classification of human tooth forms, with special reference to a new system of artificial teeth (1914) Dental Cosmos, 5, pp. 627-628Engelmeier, R.L., Complete-denture esthetics (1996) Dent Clin North Am, 1, pp. 71-84Landis, J.R., Koch, G.G., The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data (1977) Biometrics, 1, pp. 159-174Guldag, M.U., Buyukkaplan, E.U.A., Sentut, F., Ceylan, G., Relationship between pterygomaxillary notches and maxillary anterior teeth (2010) J Prosthodont, 19, pp. 231-234Mahshid, M., Khoshvaghti, A., Varshosaz, M., Vallaei, N., Evaluation of "golden proportion" in individuals with an esthetic smile (2004) J Esthet Restor Dent, 3, pp. 185-192. , discussion 93Petricević, N., Katunarić, M., Mehulić, K., Simeon, P., Rener-Sitar, K., Celebić, A., Selection of appropriate artificial frontal teeth size using dimensions of hard palate (2006) Coll Antropol, 30, pp. 573-577Burris, B.G., Harris, E.F., Maxillary arch size and shape in American blacks and whites (2000) Angle Orthod, 4, pp. 297-302Collins, B.P., Harris, E.F., Arch form in American blacks and whites with malocclusions (1998) J Tenn Dent Assoc, 1, pp. 15-18Sellen, P.N., Jagger, D.C., Harrison, A., Computer-generated study of the correlation between tooth, face, arch forms, and palatal contour (1998) J Prosthet Dent, 2, pp. 163-168Anderson, K.M., Behrents, R.G., McKinney, T., Buschang, P.H., Tooth shape preferences in an esthetic smile (2005) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 4, pp. 458-465Al-Khatib, A.R., Rajion, Z.A., Masudi, S.M., Hassan, R., Anderson, P.J., Townsend, G.C., Tooth size and dental arch dimensions: A stereophotogrammetric study in Southeast Asian Malays (2011) Orthod Craniofac Res, 14, pp. 243-253Jon, L.Y.T.C., Morante, D.R.H., Bernabé, E., Vich, M.O.L., Cotrina, L.A.D., Esthetic perception towards different combinations of facial contours and upper incisor shape (2009) Braz J Oral Sci, 4, pp. 193-196Izard, G., New method for the determination of the normal artch by the function of the face (1927) Int J Orthod, 13, pp. 582-595Kageyama, T., Dominguez-Rodríguez, G.C., Vigorito, J.W., Deguchi, T., A morphological study of the relationship between arch dimensions and craniofacial structures in adolescents with Class II Division 1 malocclusions and various facial types (2006) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 3, pp. 368-375Ricketts, R., Provocations and perceptions in cranio-facial orthopedics, dental science and facial art (1989) Denver: Rocky Mountain OrthodonticsLee, S.J., Lee, S., Lim, J., Parque, H.J., Wheeler, T.T., Method to classify dental arch forms (2011) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 140, pp. 87-96Ferrario, V.F., Sforza, C., Colombo, A., Carvajal, R., Duncan, V., Palomino, H., Dental arch size in healthy human permanent dentitions: Ethnic differences as assessed by discriminant analysis (1999) Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg, 2, pp. 153-162Nojima, K., McLaughlin, R.P., Isshiki, Y., Sinclair, P.M., A comparative study of Caucasian and Japanese mandibular clinical arch forms (2001) Angle Orthod, 3, pp. 195-200Berksun, S., Hasanreisoglu, U., Gokdeniz, B., Computer-based evaluation of gender identification and morphologic classification of tooth face and arch forms (2002) J Prosthet Dent, 6, pp. 578-584House, M., Loop, J.L., (1937) Form and color harmony in the dental arch [monograph], , Whittier: CaliforniaSears, V.H., Selection of anterior teeth for artificial denture (1941) J Am Dent Assoc, 28, pp. 929-93

    Profile Evaluation Of Orthodontic Professionals As For Their Legal Actions

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    Objective: Evaluate the legal actions and behavior in the doctor/patient relationship, used by dental surgeons practicing orthodontics. Methods: The population sample of the present study consisted of dental surgeons, active in the field of orthodontics, and registered with Dental Press Publishing Company - Maringá/PR, Brazil, with a total sample size of 525 professionals. The research was conducted using a 17-question survey forwarded to these professionals. Results and Conclusions: The majority of participants in our study are specialized in orthodontics; 75% of professionals use some sort of contract at the office/clinic; 73.7% of professionals periodically request maintenance X-rays; a large percentage of professionals (58.9%) keep patient records on file for life. The interviewed professionals demonstrate good knowledge of the Brazilian Code of Ethics in Dentistry, especially of Chapter XIV - on Communication.165127134Código de Defesa do Consumidor (1991) Diário Oficial Da União, , Brasil, Lei no 8.078/90, 11 marSilva, M., (1997) Compêndio De Odontologia Legal, , Rio de Janeiro: MedsiSoares, E.S., Carvalho, A.S., Barbosa, J.A., Relação comercial do ortodontista brasileiro com o seu paciente, natureza obrigacional dos serviços prestados e riscos do tratamento ortodôntico (2007) Rev Dental Press Ortod Ortop Facial, 12 (1), pp. 94-101Paranhos, L.R., Salazar, M., Ramos, A.L., Siqueira, D.F., Orientações legais aos cirurgiões-dentistas (2007) Odonto, 15 (30), pp. 55-62Acquaviva, M.C., (2008) Dicionário Básico De Direito Acquaviva, , São Paulo: RideelMelani, R.F.H., Silva, R.D., A r elação profissional-paciente. O entendimento e implicações legais que se estabelecem durante o tratamento ortodôntico (2006) Rev Dental Press Ortod Ortop Facial, 11 (6), pp. 104-113Koubik, R., Feres, M.A.L., Aspectos legais da Ortodontia (1995) Ortodontia, 28 (2), pp. 64-70Rodrigues, C.K., Shintcousk, R.L., Tanaka, O., França, B.H.S., Hebling, E., Responsabilidade civil do ortodontista (2006) Rev Dental Press Ortod Ortop Facial, 11 (2), pp. 120-127Garbin, C.A.S., Garbin, A.J.I., Lelis, R.T., Verificação das atitudes de cirurgiões-dentistas quanto à documentação de seus pacientes (2006) Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent, 60 (6), pp. 442-445Kliemann, A., Calvielli, I.T.P., Os contratos de prestação de serviços odontológicos à luz da atual teoria dos contratos (2007) Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent, 61 (2), pp. 111-114França, B.H.S., Ribas, M.O., Lima, A.A.S., Orientações legais aos ortodontistas (2002) Rev Dental Press Ortod Ortop Facial, 2 (2), pp. 25-31Barros, O.B., (1998) Como O Cirurgião-dentista Deve Organizar-se Para Evitar Processos, , São Paulo: RaízesFrança, B.S., Aspectos legais na Ortodontia (2002) Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press, 1 (2), pp. 5-8(2006) Código De Ética Odontológica, , http://www.cfo.org.br, Conselho Federal de Odontologia (BR), Rio de Janeiro, Citado 2007 maio 7, Disponível emAntunes, F.C.M., Daruge, E., Duz, S., Reabsorções radiculares internas. Relato de um caso. Aspectos ortodônticos, clínicos e ético-legais (1998) JBO: J Bras Ortodon Ortop Maxilar, 3 (13), pp. 48-59(2002), Brasil. Novo Código Civil: Lei no 10.406/2002. Diário Oficial da União, 10 jan(1973), Brasil. Lei n° 869 de 11 de janeiro de 1973. Institui o Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro. Brasília (DF)(2005) Consolidação Das Normas Para Procedimentos Nos Conselhos De Odontologia, , http://www.cfo.org.br, Conselho Federal de Odontologia (BR), Rio de Janeiro, Citado 2007 maio 7, Disponível emRosa, F.B., Dentista x paciente ortodôntico: Levantamento de problemas jurídicos nas últimas três décadas (1998) JBO: J Bras Ortodon Ortop Maxilar, 3 (13), pp. 60-76Junqueira, C.L., Ramos, D.L.P., Rode, S.M., Considerações sobre o mercado de trabalho em Odontologia (2005) Rev Paul Odontol, 26 (4), pp. 24-2

    Relação entre o genótipo e o temperamento de novilhos em pastejo e seu efeito na qualidade da carne Relation between genotype and temperament of grazing steers on meat quality

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    Avaliaram-se a interação grupo genético ' temperamento e seu efeito sobre a carne de bovinos de corte. Foram utilizados 40 novilhos machos castrados de dois grupos genéticos (Aberdeen Angus - AA e 50% Aberdeen Angus e 50% Nelore - NA), com dois anos de idade e peso inicial de 336,4 ± 29,39 kg, distribuídos em delineamento completamente casualizado. O temperamento foi avaliado por meio da atribuição de escores comportamentais (EC) e mensuração do tempo de saída (TS). Os novilhos NA apresentaram os maiores EC. Os TS dos animais AA foram maiores que os dos NA nas avaliações 1 e 4 (2,1 x 1,3 e 4,7 x 2,3 segundos, respectivamente). O ganho médio de peso foi negativamente correlacionado ao ECm e positivamente ao TSm. No grupo genético NA, os animais mais reativos apresentaram menor ganho de peso e aqueles com EC mais altos, menores valores de pH1 (6,47; 6,28; e 6,09 para EC 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente). Os pH1 mais baixos foram verificados em animais com TS (6,10; 6,43; e 6,43 para TS 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente). Os animais NA apresentaram pH1 menor que os AA, com 6,17 e 6,57, respectivamente. A carne de novilhos NA com maiores TS foi superior em 23% para a cor a* (P=0,0394) e em 9% para a cor b* (P=0,0808). A cor L* se correlacionou negativamente com EC3 e pH24 (r=-0,54 e -0,39, respectivamente) e a cor b*, com pH3 e pH7 (r =-0,39 e -0,45, respectivamente). Novilhos azebuados e mais agitados apresentam ganho de peso inferior e menores alterações quanto ao pH inicial e à cor da carne.<br>The effect of two genetic groups, Aberdeen angus (AA) and 50% Nellore x 50% Aberdeen angus (NA), on temperament and meat quality of 40 steers averaging 2 years of age and 336.4 ± 29.39 kg of body weight was evaluated in this trial. Animals were assigned to treatments according to a completely randomized design. Temperament was evaluated through measurements of composite behavior score (BS) and flight time (FT). NA steers had higher BS than AA steers in this trial. Conversely, AA steers had greater FT values than NA steers on evaluations 1 and 4: 2.1 vs. 1.3 e 4.7 vs. 2.3 seconds, respectively. Mean daily weight gain was negatively related with overall BS (r = -0.47, P=0.0075, n=30) while the opposite was observed with overall FT (r = 0.39, P=0.0336, n=30). Within the NA group, more reactive animals gained less weight. Steers with higher BS showed lower pH1 values: 6.47, 6.28 and 6.09, respectively, for BS of 1, 2 and 3. Steers with smaller FT showed lower pH1: 6.1, 6.43, and 6.43, respectively, for TF of 1, 2 and 3. Meat of NA steers showed pH1 lower than that of AA steers: 6.17 vs. 6.57. It was observed 23% more color a* (P=0.0394) and 9% more color b* (P=0.0808) on meat from NA steers with larger FT values. Color L* was negatively related with BS3 and pH24 (r= -0.54 and -0.39, respectively) whereas color b* was negatively related with pH3 and pH7 (r= -0.39 and r= -0.45, respectively). Crossbred and more nervous steers had lower weight gain and poorer meat quality