93 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphene and its Characterisation

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    A green approach is reported for the production of few layered graphenes (FLGs) via electrochemical route utilising the benefits of anodic exfoliation process, wherein electrochemical intercalation of nitrate ions into pyrolytic graphite resulted in electrochemical exfoliation of nitrate ions-intercalated graphite electrode. The role of applied potential in intercalation and concentrations of nitric acid are well defining factors in controlling the number of layers in FLGs. The success of this approach was confirmed by FTIR, wherein smaller particles of intercalated graphite led to broader peaks due to increased interaction with light wave. The SEM images showed several layers of graphene stacked together and slightly twisted at edges. An increased exfoliation in intercalated graphite was revealed by XRD patterns. Desirable conductive properties of the FLGs synthesised makes it a viable option for utility as conductive ink

    Effect of internet on the psychosomatic health of adolescent school children in Rourkela - A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effect of internet use on the psychosomatic health of adolescent school children in Rourkela. Methods: The study involved a population of 484 school students of Rourkela in the age groups of 13-18 years. History taking and clinical examination were done to know any existing health problem. Young people’s internet usage questionnaire” was handed over to enquire internet use practices. The parents of these children were asked to fill in “pediatric symptom checklist” to know psychological problems. Each answered questionnaire was given a specific serial number. The data collected from these matched sets of questionnaires as per serial number were analyzed using Chi-square test and ANOVA (to compare average number of health problems among the groups). A p<0.05 is considered significant. Results: It was found that more frequent internet user suffered from sleeplessness (p=0.048), increased interest in sexual activity (p<0.001), and conduct problems (p=0.013). Getting cyberbullied had statistically significant association with increased interest in sex (p=0.012), low mood (p=0.001), lack of concentration (p<0.001), anxiety (p=0.002), aggression (p=0.003), backache (p=0.001), headache (p=0.001), eye pain (p<0.001), and attention problems (p=0.017). Visiting porn sites were associated with interest in sex (p<0.001), low mood (p<0.001), lack of concentration (p=0.020), and unexplained anxiety (p<0.001). Conclusions: Frequency of internet use, cyberbullying, and visiting pornographic sites had a significant association with some physical and psychological health problems. For the victims of cyberbullying, average number inexplicable diseases/problems are significantly more than that of nonvictims (p<0.001)

    Pengaruh Tarif Premi, Kualitas Pelayanan, Daya Tarik Iklan, dan Citra Merek terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah

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    This research's purposed is to examine the effect of premium rates, quality of service, the attractiveness of advertising and brand image on customer loyalty at PT. Prudential Life Assurance. The number of samples taken were 144 respondents. Sampling technique used were purposive sampling method. Data were collected through questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this research shows that the premium rates, quality of service, the attractiveness of advertising, and brand image and significant positive effect on customer loyalty at PT. Prudential Life Assuranc

    Pengaruh Insentif, Motivasi, dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT Prudential Life Assurance Dp3 Denpasar

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    Permasalahan mengenai kinerja karyawan di  PT Prudential Life Assurance Dp3 Denpasar menjadi perhatian dalam penelitian ini. Kinerja pegawai sangat penting dalam rangka mendukung dan mewujudkan kemajuan korporasi, sehingga dalam penelitian ini faktor inesentif, motivasi dan disiplin kerja diteliti sebagai faktor yang diduga dapat menentukan kinerja pegawai pada di PT Prudential Life Assurance Dp3 Denpasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh insentif, motivasi, dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT Prudential Life Assurance Dp3 Denpasar. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analisis regresi linier berganda. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 179 orang, pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode random sampling dan jumlah sampel 50 responden Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial (uji t) variabel bebas Insentif dan Motivasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, dan untuk Disiplin Kerja tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dan secara simultan (uji F) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel Insentif , Motivasi , dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT Prudential Life Assurance Dp3 Denpasar. Pengaruh ini bersifat simultan maupun parsial


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    ABSTRAK Sepak bola adalah salah satu bentuk budaya populer yang dinikmati oleh masyarakat luas. Liga sepak bola tertentu sangat populer sehingga penggemarnya membeli barang dagangan tertentu untuk menunjukkan dukungan mereka. Penelitian ini fokus pada klub sepak bola asal semarang bernama PSIS. Dengan menggunakan sepuluh karakteristik budaya populer yang dikemukakan oleh Dukut (2020) dan jenis strategi manajemen sepakbola yang dikemukakan oleh Andre & Suryawan (2016), penelitian ini menjawab dua pertanyaan: 1) karakteristik apa yang dipenuhi klub PSIS untuk dianggap sebagai produk budaya populer? budaya, dan 2) strategi apa yang dilakukan manajemen PSIS untuk mendukung popularitas tim sepak bola PSIS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan wawancara sebagai instrumennya. Menganalisis dan menafsirkan data yang diperoleh dari 1 orang staf manajemen, dan 3 orang suporter sepak bola yang juga merupakan fans PSIS, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat delapan dari sepuluh ciri budaya populer yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan upaya popularitas PSIS, yaitu. kepuasan, mudah diperoleh, sifat manipulatif, murah dan terjangkau, gaya hidup global, cerminan kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari, sifat praktis, dan mendatangkan keuntungan. Terkait strategi manajemen dalam mempopulerkan PSIS, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa manajemen menyediakan 1) fasilitas sepak bola yang memadai: Stadion, lapangan dan perlengkapan latihan, mess pemain, media dan ruang audio visual untuk konferensi pers, administrasi dan ruang fisioterapi; 2) barang resmi: botol minum, bantal, slayer, jaket, kaos oblong; dan 3) media sosial PSIS: IG, FB, YouTube, dan X (Twitter); dan 4) mendatangkan pemain dan pelatih berkualitas. Kata Kunci : PSIS Semarang, sepak bola, supporter, budaya popule


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    The tourism development is being promoted by many partis such as goverment, private institution and community which are integrated each other for some regions in Indonesia rely on this sector to increase the income of Regional Goverment Budget that is tax and others, and to stimulate creative economics for people living around the tourism object. The Central Java Province is one of the provinces which h as many tourism destinations. One of most favorite tourism destination is the Borobudur Temple. The aim of the riset is to analyze the influence of Price Perception, Destination Image, and Service Quality concerning to Revisit Intention by means of Visitors’ Satisfaction as Variable Intervening. Sampling technique is carried out with purposive samping. The total of the samples including 150 respondens that is the domestic touris of Borobudur Tample who have visited it more than once. The device of analysis made use of the riset is Stucture Equation Modelling (SEM) with Amos 24.0 program. The result of the riset indicates that Price Perseption has positif influence on the visitors’ Satisfaction, the Destination Image has positif influence on the Visitors’ Satisfaction, the Service Quality has Influnce on the Visitors’ Satisfaction, and than Visitors’ Satisfaction has positif influence on the Revisit Intention


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    This study aims to determine the effect of K3 based on health protocols, organizational culture and work environment on employee productivity at Desa Pramana Swan. This study uses all employees from Pramana Swan Village as a sample, which is 145 employees with saturated sampling technique. Methods of collecting data using interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis used descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and the coefficient of determination test. The results showed that K3 based on health protocols, organizational culture and work environment partially had a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity at Desa Pramana Swan. The researcher concludes that if the health protocol-based K3 is implemented properly, the organizational culture and work environment are also good, the work productivity of employees at Desa Pramana Swan will increase. The suggestion from this research is to be able to optimize K3 based on health protocols by providing health support facilities. Organizational culture is best done by creating a positive atmosphere both as individuals and in teams so that employees feel able to work well to achieve more optimal goals, while the quality of the work environment provided to employees should be improved so that company goals can be achieved

    Numerical Analysis on MHD mixed convection flow of Al_2O_3/H_2O (Aluminum-Water) Nanofluids in a Vertical Square Duct

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    In this work, we have considered steady laminar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) mixed convection flow of an electrically conducting fluid in presence of nanoparticles while water as the base fluid in a vertical square duct. The walls of the duct are thermally insulated. In the energy equation, the effect of viscous dissipation and Joule heat is also considered. In this case, the walls of the duct are kept at a constant temperature. By using dimensionless quantities the governing equations of momentum, induction, and energy are first transformed into dimensionless equations. The velocity, temperature, and induced magnetic field profiles are plotted to analyze the effect of different flow parameters. It is found that the nanofluid motion expedite with the increase of the value of the parameters magnetic Reynolds number and Prandtl number. There are some important industrial applications and cooling shows in the industry of the current research. This study observed its importance with the view to increasing the heat transfer efficiency practical application relevant to industry and engineering issues. The issues discussed in this study have not been included in the earlier investigation for steady nanofluid flow due to a square duct. Numerical results are matched with an earlier published work and an excellent agreement between two are observed.

    Formulation of Business Strategy And It’s Implications On Marketing Strategy At Dynasty Resort Post Pandemic

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    Tourism activities in the hospitality sector are paralyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic. This phenomenon resulted in a decrease in profits that impacted Menjangan Dynasty Resort. So, a marketing strategy is needed to increase profits sustainably. This research was conducted to identify internal and external variables, determine business position with IFAS-EFAS matrix and marketing strategy implications. Data were collected through interviews with eight managers and direct observation of the object of research. The data analysis technique used SWOT analysis and IFAS-EFAS matrix. The results of this study show that internal variables are identified based on strengths and weaknesses, and external variables based on opportunities and threats that largely affect the sustainability of the company. The current business position in quadrant V (Hold & Maintain) and the future in quadrant II (Grow & Build) are both at a moderate level. The implication on marketing strategy leads to the activation of relationship marketing