144 research outputs found

    Regulation of the marine steam turbine operation

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    Ovim radom je prikazan način rada parnih turbina. Navedene su općenite karakteristike te njihova podjela. Parno-turbinska porivna postrojenja na brodovima koriste paru za pogon. Za proizvodnju pare potrebno je imati generator pare. Generatoru pare potrebno je dovoditi vodu u količini odvedene pare. Za loženje generatora potrebno je dovoditi gorivo. Ovaj rad je podijeljen na pet poglavlja. Prvo poglavlje je uvodno poglavlje koje govori općenito i uvodi nas u temu završnog rada. Drugo poglavlje govori o toplinskom procesu unutar jedne parne turbine Treće opisuju parne turbine općenito i vrste parne turbine i konstrukciju parne turbine. Četvrto poglavlje govori o samoj temi rada, regulaciji rada brodskih parnih turbina. Zadnje poglavlje je zaključak.This work shows the operation of steam turbines. The general characteristics and their division are listed. Steam turbine propulsion systems on ships use steam for propulsion. For steam production, it is necessary to have a vapor generator. The steam generator needs to be supplied with water in the amount of steam supplied. To fuel the generator, fuel is required. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introductory chapter that speaks in general and introduces us to the topic of the final work. Second chapter is about thermal process in steam turbines. Third one describes steam turbines in general and their subtype and also their construction parts. Fourth chapters is about theme of this paper, the regulation of steam turbines.The last chapter is a conclusion

    Design for testability method at register transfer level

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    The testing of sequential circuit is more complex compared to combinational circuit because it needs a sequence of vectors to detect a fault. Its test cost increases with the complexity of the sequential circuit-under-test (CUT). Thus, design for testability (DFT) concept has been introduced to reduce testing complexity, as well as to improve testing effectiveness and efficiency. Scan technique is one of the mostly used DFT method. However, it has cost overhead in terms of area due to the number of added multiplexers for each flip-flop, and test application time due to shifting of test patterns. This research is motivated to introduce non-scan DFT method at register transfer level (RTL) in order to reduce test cost. DFT at RTL level is done based on functional information of the CUT and the connectivity of CUT registers. The process of chaining a register to another register is more effective in terms of area overhead and test application time. The first contribution of this work is the introduction of a non-scan DFT method at the RTL level that considers the information of controllability and observability of CUT that can be extracted from RTL description. It has been proven through simulation that the proposed method has higher fault coverage of around 90%, shorter test application time, shorter test generation time and 10% reduction in area overhead compared to other methods in literature for most benchmark circuits. The second contribution of this work is the introduction of built-in self-test (BIST) method at the RTL level which uses multiple input signature registers (MISRs) as BIST components instead of concurrent built-in logic block observers (CBILBOs). The selection of MISR as test register is based on extended minimum feedback vertex set algorithm. This new BIST method results in lower area overhead by about 32.9% and achieves similar higher fault coverage compared to concurrent BIST method. The introduction of non-scan DFT at the RTL level is done before logic synthesis process. Thus, the testability violations can be fixed without repeating the logic synthesis process during DFT insertion at the RTL level

    The hill-fort of Sutilija: new knowledge based on archaeological finds collected by non-invasive research

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    Gradinsko utvrđenje na brdu Sutilija koje sa sjeverozapadne strane nadvisuje trogirsko Malo polje, jedno je od najznačajnijih lokaliteta za poznavanje prapovijesti i protopovijesti trogirsko- kaštelanskog područja. To se najbolje ogleda u masivnosti osipine bedema, kompleksnosti vidljivih struktura i visokoj koncentraciji površinskih nalaza, uključujući i importirane keramike. Unatoč tome, ali i zbog devastacije koju je lokalitet doživio tijekom moderne eksploatacije tehničko-građevnog kamena, njegova je materijalna baština gotovo u potpunosti nepoznata. U radu se donosi pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja nedestruktivnim metodama na brdu Sutilija koje su za cilj imale dokumentiranje zatečenog stanja te proširivanje znanstvenih spoznaja o značajkama i značenju nalazišta. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na analizu različitih kategorija površinskih nalaza, od prapovijesne lokalne lončarije, amfora i ostalih keramičkih importa do drugih nalaza osobne, odnosno praktične uporabe. Prethodno nepoznati nalazi sugeriraju s jedne strane širu dinamiku antropogene aktivnosti na ovom lokalitetu, a s druge gospodarsko-kulturne promjene koje ovo nesumnjivo značajno željeznodobno središte doživljava u 4. st. pr. n. e. Rezultat je to sve aktivnije regionalne trgovine i multikulturalne interakcije, koja se odvijala u kontekstu protopovijesne preobrazbe srednjodalmatinskih željeznodobnih zajednica.The hill-fort on the Sutilija hill, towering over Trogir’s Malo polje from the north-west, is one of the most important sites for understanding the prehistory and protohistory of the Trogir-Kaštela area. This is best reflected in the huge volumes of collapsed ramparts, the complexity of visible structures and the high concentration of surface finds, including imported pottery. Despite this, but also due to the devastation of the site during the modern exploitation of technical-building stone, its material heritage is almost completely unknown. The paper provides an overview of previous research using non-destructive methods on the Sutilija hill, which aimed to document the present state and expand scientific knowledge about the properties and significance of the site. Particular emphasis is given to analysis of various categories of surface finds, from prehistoric local pottery, amphorae and other pottery imports to other finds for personal and/or practical use. Previously unknown finds suggest a broader dynamics of anthropogenic activity at this site, as well as economic and cultural changes that this undoubtedly significant Iron Age centre experienced in the fourth century BCE. It was the result of increasingly active regional trade and multicultural interaction, which took place in the context of protohistoric transformation of Central Dalmatian Iron Age communities

    On the “Hellenistic” burial find from Čiovo near Trogir

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    U radu se objavljuje slučajni nalaz iz „helenističkog/ih groba/ova” na otoku Čiovu kod Trogira, kao rijedak dokument pogrebnih praksi Tragurina i korištenja izvangradskog zemljišta u 2./1. st. pr. Kr.The paper presents a random find from “Hellenistic grave/s” on the island of Čiovo near Trogir, as a rare document of the funeral practices of Tragurians, and Čiovo land use in 2nd/1st century BC

    The hill-fort of Sutilija: new knowledge based on archaeological finds collected by non-invasive research

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    Gradinsko utvrđenje na brdu Sutilija koje sa sjeverozapadne strane nadvisuje trogirsko Malo polje, jedno je od najznačajnijih lokaliteta za poznavanje prapovijesti i protopovijesti trogirsko- kaštelanskog područja. To se najbolje ogleda u masivnosti osipine bedema, kompleksnosti vidljivih struktura i visokoj koncentraciji površinskih nalaza, uključujući i importirane keramike. Unatoč tome, ali i zbog devastacije koju je lokalitet doživio tijekom moderne eksploatacije tehničko-građevnog kamena, njegova je materijalna baština gotovo u potpunosti nepoznata. U radu se donosi pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja nedestruktivnim metodama na brdu Sutilija koje su za cilj imale dokumentiranje zatečenog stanja te proširivanje znanstvenih spoznaja o značajkama i značenju nalazišta. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na analizu različitih kategorija površinskih nalaza, od prapovijesne lokalne lončarije, amfora i ostalih keramičkih importa do drugih nalaza osobne, odnosno praktične uporabe. Prethodno nepoznati nalazi sugeriraju s jedne strane širu dinamiku antropogene aktivnosti na ovom lokalitetu, a s druge gospodarsko-kulturne promjene koje ovo nesumnjivo značajno željeznodobno središte doživljava u 4. st. pr. n. e. Rezultat je to sve aktivnije regionalne trgovine i multikulturalne interakcije, koja se odvijala u kontekstu protopovijesne preobrazbe srednjodalmatinskih željeznodobnih zajednica.The hill-fort on the Sutilija hill, towering over Trogir’s Malo polje from the north-west, is one of the most important sites for understanding the prehistory and protohistory of the Trogir-Kaštela area. This is best reflected in the huge volumes of collapsed ramparts, the complexity of visible structures and the high concentration of surface finds, including imported pottery. Despite this, but also due to the devastation of the site during the modern exploitation of technical-building stone, its material heritage is almost completely unknown. The paper provides an overview of previous research using non-destructive methods on the Sutilija hill, which aimed to document the present state and expand scientific knowledge about the properties and significance of the site. Particular emphasis is given to analysis of various categories of surface finds, from prehistoric local pottery, amphorae and other pottery imports to other finds for personal and/or practical use. Previously unknown finds suggest a broader dynamics of anthropogenic activity at this site, as well as economic and cultural changes that this undoubtedly significant Iron Age centre experienced in the fourth century BCE. It was the result of increasingly active regional trade and multicultural interaction, which took place in the context of protohistoric transformation of Central Dalmatian Iron Age communities

    Peer’s pressure effects : secondary school student’s dropout behaviour and young offenders

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    This study aims to identify the peer’s pressure effects on students especially among secondary school students who tend to lose focus in teaching and learning process in school and facing individual identity challenges, behaviour and disciplinary issues. This qualitative study was conducted by interviewing a total of 40 Indian dropout students from secondary schools who were selected as the study sample in Selangor State. Based on the results, it was found, student’s attitudes that very close to their peers without their parent’s knowledge in school and out of school environment and its negative effects influencing students to lose focus in teaching and learning process. Building on detailed information on negative influences through friendship networks, this study found evidences, peer’s pressure factor influencing students to left behind in their academics followed by a significant reduction in grade repetition and eventually lead them to dropout from school and involve in other social issues. Student’s involvement in school dropout issues and then in criminal activities as young offenders questioning their social bonds to the school system and social environmental effectiveness in increasing youth’s delinquency in society. Finally, the study implications were discussed and some appropriate recommendations were highlighted to reduce student’s negative influences through peer’s factor while improving teaching and learning style effectiveness in schools environment. Additionally, the study results can help the school management to inculcate good values and awareness among young teenagers to stay away from social issues or other crimes, so that they will become progressive individuals for their future well-being

    Field survey and documentation of hillfort sites in the greater Trogir area in 2019 as a starting point of the systematic study of the Hyllean peninsula

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    Tijekom listopada 2019. godine u sklopu međunarodnoga projekta „Trogir Through Time“ – znanstveno-istraživačkoga projekta u suradnji Muzeja grada Trogira, Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu i Austrijskoga arheološkog instituta Austrijske akademije za znanost u Beču, izvršen je terenski pregled te fotogrametrijsko i topografsko dokumentiranje devet prapovijesnih nalazišta na širem trogirskom području (naselja Seget Gornji i Bristivica općine Seget te Blizna Gornja i Vinišće općine Marina). Riječ je o području sjeverozapadno od gradine Sutilija te s kompleksom Sutilija povezanim utvrđenjem Velika gradina i Baturova gomila u Baradićima kao i većim gradinskim nalazištima: Čurkovac iznad Bristivice s utvrđenjima Ćudine i Domazeti u njezinom neposrednoj okruženju, Grad iznad Blizne Gonje i s njom povezana utvrđenja Brig i Gradina te Oriješćak kod Vinišća. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati postignuti istraživanjima, uz uvodni dio kojim je detaljno opisano prethodno stanje istraženosti.“Trogir Through Time”, an international scientific research project of the Trogir Town Museum, the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb, and the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, included a field survey and the photogrammetric and topographic documentation of nine prehistoric sites in the greater Trogir area (the settlements of Seget Gornji and Bristivica in the municipality of Seget, and Blizna Gornja and Vinišće in the municipality of Marina) in October 2019. It is the area northwest of the Sutilija hillfort and the related enclosures of Velika Gradina and Baturova Gomila in Baradići, and the large hillfort sites Čurkovac above Bristivica with the enclosures of Ćudine and Domazeti in its immediate vicinity, Grad above Blizna Gonja and its related enclosures Brig and Gradina, and Oriješćak near Vinišće. The paper presents the research results with an introduction part describing in detail the earlier state of research