1,509 research outputs found

    Variations of the spectral index of dust emissivity from Hi-GAL observations of the Galactic plane

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern ObservatoryContext. Variations in the dust emissivity are critical for gas mass determinations derived from far-infrared observations, but also for separating dust foreground emission from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Hi-GAL observations allow us for the first time to study the dust emissivity variations in the inner regions of the Galactic plane at resolution below 1°. Aims. We present maps of the emissivity spectral index derived from the combined Herschel PACS 160 μm, SPIRE 250 μm, 350 μm, and 500 μm data, and the IRIS 100 μm data, and we analyze the spatial variations of the spectral index as a function of dust temperature and wavelength in the two science demonstration phase Hi-GAL fields, centered at l = 30° and l = 59°. Methods. Applying two different methods, we determine both dust temperature and emissivity spectral index between 100 and 500 μm, at an angular resolution (θ) of 4'. Results. Combining both fields, the results show variations of the emissivity spectral index in the range 1.8–2.6 for temperatures between 14 and 23 K. The median values of the spectral index are similar in both fields, i.e. 2.3 in the range 100–500 μm, while the median dust temperatures are equal to 19.1 K and 16.0 K in the l = 30° and l = 59° field, respectively. Statistically, we do not see any significant deviations in the spectra from a power law emissivity between 100 and 500 μm. We confirm the existence of an inverse correlation between the emissivity spectral index and dust temperature, found in previous analyses.Peer reviewe

    Detection and characterization of a 500 μm dust emissivity excess in the Galactic plane using Herschel/Hi-GAL observations

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    Context. Past and recent observations have revealed unexpected variations in the far-infrared – millimeter (FIR-mm) dust emissivity in the interstellar medium. In the Herschel spectral range, those are often referred to as a 500 μm emission excess. Several dust emission models have been developed to interpret astrophysical data in the FIR-mm domain. However, these are commonly unable to fully reconcile theoretical predictions with observations. In contrast, the recently revised two level system (TLS) model, based on the disordered internal structure of amorphous dust grains, seems to provide a promising way of interpreting existing data. Aims. The newly available Herschel infrared GALactic (Hi-GAL) data, which covers most of the inner Milky Way, offers a unique opportunity to investigate possible variations in the dust emission properties both with wavelength and environment. The goal of our analysis is to constrain the internal structure of the largest dust grains on Galactic scales, in the framework of the TLS model. Methods. By combining the IRIS (Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey) 100 μm with the Hi-GAL 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm data, we model the dust emission spectra in each pixel of the Hi-GAL maps, using both the TLS model and, for comparison, a single modified black-body fit. The effect of temperature mixing along the line of sight is investigated to test the robustness of our results. Results. We find a slight decrease in the dust temperature with distance from the Galactic center, confirming previous results. We also report the detection of a significant 500 μm emissivity excess in the peripheral regions of the plane (35° < |l| < 70°) of about 13–15% of the emissivity, which can reach up to 20% in some HII regions. We present the spatial distributions of the best-fit values for the two main parameters of the TLS model, i.e. the charge correlation length, lc, used to characterize the disordered charge distribution (DCD) part of the model, and the amplitude A of the TLS processes with respect to the DCD effect. These distributions illustrate the variations in the dust properties with environment, in particular the plausible existence of an overall gradient with distance to the Galactic center. A comparison with previous findings in the solar neighborhood shows that the local value of the excess is less than expected from the Galactic gradient observed here


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    In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the PPARgamma (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma) activator rosiglitazone improves vascular structure and function in aged hyperhomocysteinaemic MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase) gene heterozygous knockout (mthfr+/-) mice fed a HCD (high-cholesterol diet), a model of high cardiovascular risk. One-year-old mthfr+/- mice were fed or not HCD (6 mg x kg-1 of body weight x day-1) and treated or not with rosiglitazone (20 mg x kg-1 of body weight x day-1) for 90 days and compared with wild-type mice. Endothelium-dependent relaxation of carotid arteries was significantly impaired (-40%) only in rosiglitazone-treated HCD-fed mthfr+/- mice. Carotid M/L (media-to-lumen ratio) and CSA (cross-sectional area) were increased (2-fold) in mthfr+/- mice fed or not HCD compared with wild-type mice (P<0.05). Rosiglitazone reduced M/L and CSA only in mthfr+/- mice fed a normal diet. Superoxide production was increased in mthfr+/- mice fed HCD treated or not with rosiglitazone, whereas plasma nitrite was decreased by rosiglitazone in mice fed or not HCD. PRMT-1 (protein arginine methyltransferase-1), involved in synthesis of the NO (nitric oxide) synthase inhibitor ADMA (asymmetric omega-NG,NG-dimethylarginine), and ADMA were increased only in rosiglitazone-treated HCD-fed mthfr+/- mice. Rosiglitazone had both beneficial and deleterious vascular effects in this animal model of high cardiovascular risk: it prevented carotid remodelling, but impaired endothelial function in part through enhanced oxidative stress and increased ADMA production in mice at high cardiovascular risk

    Submillimeter to centimeter excess emission from the Magellanic Clouds. II. On the nature of the excess

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    Dust emission at submm to cm wavelengths is often simply the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of dust particles at thermal equilibrium and is used as a cold mass tracer in various environments including nearby galaxies. However, well-sampled spectral energy distributions of the nearby, star-forming Magellanic Clouds have a pronounced (sub-)millimeter excess (Israel et al., 2010). This study attempts to confirm the existence of such a millimeter excess above expected dust, free-free and synchrotron emission and to explore different possibilities for its origin. We model NIR to radio spectral energy distributions of the Magellanic Clouds with dust, free-free and synchrotron emission. A millimeter excess emission is confirmed above these components and its spectral shape and intensity are analysed in light of different scenarios: very cold dust, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) fluctuations, a change of the dust spectral index and spinning dust emission. We show that very cold dust or CMB fluctuations are very unlikely explanations for the observed excess in these two galaxies. The excess in the LMC can be satisfactorily explained either by a change of the spectral index due to intrinsic properties of amorphous grains, or by spinning dust emission. In the SMC however, due to the importance of the excess, the dust grain model including TLS/DCD effects cannot reproduce the observed emission in a simple way. A possible solution was achieved with spinning dust emission, but many assumptions on the physical state of the interstellar medium had to be made. Further studies, using higher resolution data from Planck and Herschel, are needed to probe the origin of this observed submm-cm excess more definitely. Our study shows that the different possible origins will be best distinguished where the excess is the highest, as is the case in the SMC.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; accepted in A&

    Persistence of Covalent Bonding in Liquid Silicon Probed by Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    Metallic liquid silicon at 1787K is investigated using x-ray Compton scattering. An excellent agreement is found between the measurements and the corresponding Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show persistence of covalent bonding in liquid silicon and provide support for the occurrence of theoretically predicted liquid-liquid phase transition in supercooled liquid states. The population of covalent bond pairs in liquid silicon is estimated to be 17% via a maximally-localized Wannier function analysis. Compton scattering is shown to be a sensitive probe of bonding effects in the liquid state.Comment: 5pages, 3 postscript figure

    Vocabulary and grammar development in young learners of English as an additional language

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    Internationally, an increasing number of children learn English as an additional language (EAL). Children with EAL grow up in an environment where English is the majority language but are exposed to a different, minority language at home. Despite the increase in the number of EAL learners around the world, comparatively little is known about the development of their vocabulary and grammar at preschool age. Furthermore, the use of different methods in EAL studies can make research evidence difficult to summarize. The aim of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive review of EAL learners’ vocabulary and grammar development at preschool, drawing from studies that have used standardized tests, experimental tasks, or both. This review indicates that few studies have focused on preschool children with EAL. These suggest that, at the earliest stages of language learning, EAL learners generally know fewer words and acquire grammatical constructions at a slower pace than their English monolingual peers. These differences often persist throughout development, risking a negative impact on EAL learners’ academic attainment in an English-only school environment. Thus, this chapter also includes some suggestions for practice that could help children with EAL develop their vocabulary and grammar knowledge during and after preschool

    Identification of C-C Chemokine Receptor 1 (CCR1) as the Monocyte Hemofiltrate C-C Chemokine (HCC)-1 Receptor

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    Hemofiltrate C-C chemokine (HCC)-1 is a recently cloned C-C chemokine that is structurally similar to macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. Unlike most chemokines, it is constitutively secreted by tissues and is present at high concentrations in normal human plasma. Also atypical for chemokines, HCC-1 is reported not to be chemotactic for leukocytes. In this paper, we have investigated the chemokine receptor usage and downstream signaling pathways of HCC-1. Cross-desensitization experiments using THP-1 cells suggested that HCC-1 and MIP-1α activated the same receptor. Experiments using a panel of cloned chemokine receptors revealed that HCC-1 specifically activated C-C chemokine receptor (CCR)1, but not closely related receptors, including CCR5. HCC-1 competed with MIP-1α for binding to CCR1-transfected cells, but with a markedly reduced affinity (IC50 = 93 nM versus 1.3 nM for MIP-1α). Similarly, HCC-1 was less potent than MIP-1α in inducing inhibition of adenylyl cyclase in CCR1-transfected cells. HCC-1 induced chemotaxis of freshly isolated human monocytes, THP-1 cells, and CCR1-transfected cells, and the optimal concentration for cell migration (100 nM) was ∼100-fold lower than that of MIP-1α (1 nM). These data demonstrate that HCC-1 is a chemoattractant and identify CCR1 as a functional HCC-1 receptor on human monocytes

    Sub-millimeter to centimeter excess emission from the Magellanic Clouds. I. Global spectral energy distribution

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    In order to reconstruct the global SEDs of the Magellanic Clouds over eight decades in spectral range, we combined literature flux densities representing the entire LMC and SMC respectively, and complemented these with maps extracted from the WMAP and COBE databases covering the missing the 23--90 GHz (13--3.2 mm) and the poorly sampled 1.25--250 THz (240--1.25 micron). We have discovered a pronounced excess of emission from both Magellanic Clouds, but especially the SMC, at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths. We also determined accurate thermal radio fluxes and very low global extinctions for both LMC and SMC. Possible explanations are briefly considered but as long as the nature of the excess emission is unknown, the total dust masses and gas-to-dust ratios of the Magellanic Clouds cannot reliably be determined.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&
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