6 research outputs found

    Combined application of polyacrylate scaffold and lipoic acid treatment promotes neural tissue reparation after brain injury

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    [EN] Primary objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the reparative potential of a polymeric scaffold designed for brain tissue repair in combination with lipoic acid. Research design: Histological, cytological and structural analysis of a combined treatment after a brain cryo-injury model in rats. Methods and procedures: Adult Wistar rats were subjected to cryogenic brain injury. A channelled-porous scaffold of ethyl acrylate and hydroxyethylacrylate, p(EA-co-HEA) was grafted into cerebral penumbra alone or combined with intraperitoneal LA administration. Histological and cytological evaluation was performed after 15 and 60 days and structural magnetic resonance (MRI) assessment was performed at 2 and 6 months after the surgery. Main outcomes and results: The scaffold was suitable for the establishment of different cellular types. The results obtained suggest that this strategy promotes blood vessels formation, decreased microglial response and neuron migration, particularly when LA was administrated. Conclusions: These evidences demonstrated that the combination of a channelled polymer scaffold with LA administration may represent a potential treatment for neural tissue repair after brain injury.The authors report no conflicts of interest. JMSL acknowledges funding through Programa de Ayudas a la Investigación Científica Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (PRCEU-UCH 34/12), PRCEU-UCH 38/10 and programa ayudas a grupos consolidados 2014-15). CMR and MMP acknowledge financing through projects MAT2011-28791-C03-02 and ERA-NET NEURON project PRI-PIMNEU-2011-1372.Rocamonde, B.; Paradells, S.; Garcia Esparza, MA.; Sanchez Vives, M.; Sauro, S.; Martínez-Ramos, C.; Monleón Pradas, M.... (2016). Combined application of polyacrylate scaffold and lipoic acid treatment promotes neural tissue reparation after brain injury. 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    Lipoic acid treatment after brain injury : study of the glial reaction

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    After trauma brain injury, oxidative substances released to the medium provoke an enlargement of the initial lesion, increasing glial cell activation and, occasionally, an influx of immune cells into the central nervous system, developing the secondary damage. In response to these stimuli, microglia are activated to perform upregulation of intracellular enzymes and cell surface markers to propagate the immune response and phagocytosis of cellular debris. The phagocytosis of debris and dead cells is essential to limit the inflammatory reaction and potentially prevent extension of the damage to noninjured regions. Lipoic acid has been reported as a neuroprotectant by acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Furthermore, angiogenic effect promoted by lipoic acid has been recently shown by our group as a crucial process for neural regeneration after brain injury. In this work, we focus our attention on the lipoic acid effect on astroglial and microglial response after brain injur

    Lipoic Acid Treatment after Brain Injury: Study of the Glial Reaction

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    After trauma brain injury, oxidative substances released to the medium provoke an enlargement of the initial lesion, increasing glial cell activation and, occasionally, an influx of immune cells into the central nervous system, developing the secondary damage. In response to these stimuli, microglia are activated to perform upregulation of intracellular enzymes and cell surface markers to propagate the immune response and phagocytosis of cellular debris. The phagocytosis of debris and dead cells is essential to limit the inflammatory reaction and potentially prevent extension of the damage to noninjured regions. Lipoic acid has been reported as a neuroprotectant by acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Furthermore, angiogenic effect promoted by lipoic acid has been recently shown by our group as a crucial process for neural regeneration after brain injury. In this work, we focus our attention on the lipoic acid effect on astroglial and microglial response after brain injury

    Lipoic acid and bone marrow derived cells therapy induce angiogenesis and cell proliferation after focal brain injury

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    Introduction: Traumatic brain injury is a main cause of disability and death in developed countries, above all among children and adolescents. The intrinsic inability of the central nervous system to efficiently repair traumatic injuries renders transplantation of bone marrow-derived cells (BMDC) a promising approach towards repair of brain lesions. On the other hand, many studies have reported the beneficial effect of Lipoic acid (LA), a potent antioxidant promoting cell survival, angiogenesis and neuroregeneration. Methods: In this study, the cortex of adult mice was cryo-injured in order to mimic local traumatic brain injury. Vehicle or freshly prepared BMDC were grafted in the cerebral penumbra area 24 hours after unilateral local injury alone or combined with intra-peritoneal LA administration as a new regenerative strategy. Results: Differences were found in the process of cell proliferation, angiogenesis and glial scar formation after local injury depending of the applied treatment, either LA or BMDC alone or in combination. Conclusion: The data presented here suggest that transplantation of BMDC is a good alternative and valid strategy to treat a focal brain injury when LA could not be prescribed due to its non-desired secondary effectsPeer Reviewe