947 research outputs found

    Multiseasonal variables in digital image enhancements for geological applications

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    Examples of enhanced multiseasonal orbital imagery illustrate the influence of multiseasonal changes in their spatial and spectral attributes, and consequently in their application to structural geology and lithological discrimination. Shadow effects associated with appropriate solar elevation and azimuth effects enhance the spatial attributes but not the spectral. In this case, variations in illumination conditions should be minimized by selecting images with high solar elevation and by the use of techniques that minimize illumination conditions. Multiseasonal imagery should be used in the identification of spectral contrast changes of rock-soil-vegetation associations which can provide evidences of related lithological units and structural features. The extraction of maximum geological information requires, at least, a fall/winter and a spring/summer scene from which spatial, spectral and multiseasonal attributes can be adequately explored

    Perubahan Pola Ruang Dalam Pada Home Industry Sarung Tenun Samarinda Di Kecamatan Samarinda Seberang

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    Sarung Tenun Asli Samarinda merupakan salah satu ikon kota Samarinda. Konsekuensi dari hal tersebut, maka di kota Samarinda banyak dijumpai USAha kerajinan Sarung Tenun Samarinda. Usaha-USAha tersebut berkembang pada rumah-rumah penduduk di Kecamatan Samarinda Seberang. Dengan adanya fungsi produktif yang masuk ke dalam fungsi domestik hunian, maka menyebabkan beberapa Perubahan pada pola ruang dalam home industry yang awalnya merupakan fungsi domestik(tempat tinggal dan aktivitas rumah tangga) berubah ke fungsi produktif(proses produksi sarung). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa pola/bentuk Perubahan yang terjadi pada ruang dalam home industry Sarung Tenun Samarinda di Kecamatan Samarinda Seberang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan penggambaran terhadap objek dan permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada 3 jenis Perubahan yang terjadi pada home industry Sarung Tenun Samarinda. Sejumlah 61% dari keseluruhan total objek mengalami Perubahan kecil, 24% mengalami Perubahan sedang dan sisanya yaitu 15% mengalami Perubahan besar

    Optimising froth stability of copper flotation tailings

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    Linking results from laboratory scale experiments to industrial flotation behaviour is challenging. Typically, such experiments involve batch tests in which the system does not operate at steady-state, making it difficult to infer the effects that operating conditions have on flotation performance. In order to overcome this limitation a 4-litre recirculating tank was previously developed at Imperial College London. This tank is capable of reaching, and operating at, steady-state by recycling overflowing concentrate back into the feed. As well as instruments to control operating conditions, it is fitted with a system of sensors that allow the surface of the froth to be dynamically monitored. From this information, it is possible to measure the air recovery a proxy for froth stability. Thus, this bench-scale tank can be used to understand the effect of differing operating conditions on flotation performance at steady state. However, so far, this cell has only been used to investigate idealised systems with only one or two species. Reprocessing of tailings dams is not only environmentally desirable but also increasingly economically feasible due to the declining head grades of primary deposits. There is also the added benefit of no further milling being required prior to flotation. However, the effects of fine and ultrafine particles on froth stability are not yet fully understood. In this work, the bench-scale continuous tank has been used for the first time to determine the flotation response of a complex feed, consisting of samples from a copper tailings dam, to changes in operating conditions. It was shown that the froth stability in the system is comparable to that of previous work and industrial tests, with a peak in air recovery being found at a superficial gas velocity of 1.13 cm/s. There is scope to optimise the froth stability of tailings flotation for enhanced metallurgical performance

    Dynamic froth stability of copper flotation tailings

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    In this work, dynamic froth stability is used for the first time to investigate the flotation behaviour of copper tailings. Reprocessing of material from tailings dams is not only environmentally desirable, but also increasingly economically feasible as head grades can be high compared to new deposits. Flotation tailings, however, usually contain a large proportion of fine (10–50 m) and ultra fine (< ) material and the effect of these particle sizes on froth stability is not yet fully understood. For this study, samples were obtained from the overflow and underflow streams of the primary hydrocyclone at a concentrator that reprocesses copper flotation tailings. These samples were combined in different ratios to assess the dynamic froth stabilities at a wide range of particle size distributions and superficial gas velocities. The findings have shown that the effect of particle size on dynamic froth stability can be more complex than previously thought, with a local maximum in dynamic froth stability found at each air rate. Moreover, batch tests suggest that a local maximum in stability can be linked to improvements in flotation performance. Thus this work demonstrates that the dynamic froth stability can be used to find an optimum particle size distribution required to enhance flotation. This also has important implications for the reprocessing of copper tailings as it could inform the selection of the cut size for the hydrocyclones

    Dynamic froth stability of copper flotation tailings

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    In this work, dynamic froth stability is used for the first time to investigate the flotation behaviour of copper tailings. Reprocessing of material from tailings dams is not only environmentally desirable, but also increasingly economically feasible as head grades can be high compared to new deposits. Flotation tailings, however, usually contain a large proportion of fine (10–50 μm) and ultra fine (<10μm) material and the effect of these particle sizes on froth stability is not yet fully understood. For this study, samples were obtained from the overflow and underflow streams of the primary hydrocyclone at a concentrator that reprocesses copper flotation tailings. These samples were combined in different ratios to assess the dynamic froth stabilities at a wide range of particle size distributions and superficial gas velocities. The findings have shown that the effect of particle size on dynamic froth stability can be more complex than previously thought, with a local maximum in dynamic froth stability found at each air rate. Moreover, batch tests suggest that a local maximum in stability can be linked to improvements in flotation performance. Thus this work demonstrates that the dynamic froth stability can be used to find an optimum particle size distribution required to enhance flotation. This also has important implications for the reprocessing of copper tailings as it could inform the selection of the cut size for the hydrocyclones

    All-trans retinol and retinol-binding protein from embryonic cerebrospinal £uid exhibit dynamic behaviour during early central nervous system development

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    Producción CientíficaEmbryonic cerebrospinal £uid (E-CSF) is involved in the regulation of survival, proliferation and neurogenesis of neuroectodermal progenitor cells, aswell as in the control ofmesencephalic gene expression in collaboration with the isthmic organizer. Recently, we showed the presence of retinol-binding protein (RBP) within the E-CSF proteome.RBP is an all-trans retinol carrier, amolecule that can be metabolized into retinoic acid, a morphogen involved in central nervous system (CNS) morphogenesis and patterning. Here we demonstrate the presence of all-trans retinol within the E-CSF and analyse the dynamics of RBP and all-trans retinolwithin this £uid, as well as the expression of retinoic acid-synthesizing enzymes during early CNS development. Our results suggest a relationship between the dynamics of these molecules and the early events of CNS patterning

    The computer treatment of remotely sensed data: An introduction to techniques which have geologic applications

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    Several aspects of computer-assisted analysis techniques for image enhancement and thematic classification by which LANDSAT MSS imagery may be treated quantitatively are explained. On geological applications, computer processing of digital data allows, possibly, the fullest use of LANDSAT data, by displaying enhanced and corrected data for visual analysis and by evaluating and assigning each spectral pixel information to a given class

    Spontaneous regression of solitary osteochondromas in children: An option to consider in clinical practice

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    Osteochondromas are neoplasm that belong to the family of cartilaginous histogenesis tumors and represent 90% of all forms of exostoses. As most osteochondromas are asymptomatic, underdiagnosis is frequent. Symptomatic forms usually manifest before the age of 20 years, and the most common symptoms are pain and the detection of a bony mass. Herein, we report four cases of spontaneous regression of solitary osteochondromas in the light of literature. We consider that orthopedic surgeons should take into account the possibility of spontaneous regression of these tumors, before recommending surgery. Symptoms are usually mild and we recommend following these patients with X-ray and physical examination annually