209 research outputs found

    Aboriginal girls circle: enhancing connectedness and promoting resilience for Aboriginal girls

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    This report presents an evaluation of the Aboriginal Girls’ Circle, an intervention targeted to increase social connection, participation and self-confidence amongst Aboriginal girls attending secondary schools. Overview The Aboriginal Girls’ Circle (AGC) is an intervention targeted to increase social connection, participation and self- confidence amongst Aboriginal girls attending secondary schools. Researchers from the University of Western Sydney (UWS)’s School of Education sought to evaluate the AGC pilot undertaken at Dubbo College and to provide recommendations for the program’s further development. The following specific aims were outlined for this pilot research. 1. To determine the effects of the AGC for participants’ resilience, connectedness, self-concept and cultural identity, 2. To investigate and track the development of culturally appropriate tools and methods for measuring these constructs, and 3. To evaluate the relative effectiveness of various components of the program and implementation processes. Ethical protocols for working with Aboriginal communities were an important aspect of the research design, which was approved by the UWS Human Research Ethics Committee and by the by the NSW Department of Education and Communities. The research was undertaken in two stages, beginning with a consultation process that sought the views of community Elders, the AGC program developers and key school-based personnel. The first stage of the research involved field observations of the AGC in action, together with a series of interviews and focus groups involving participants, group leaders, community Elders and school staff. The second stage used quantitative methods to measure the effects of the program on key variables relating to student connectedness, resilience, cultural identity and self-concept

    Evaluación de las condiciones ambientales en la UMA de Cosoltepec, Oaxaca, México: un posible corredor de conservación para carnívoros

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    Due to the impact of human activities on natural ecosystems, there is a massive loss of wild species, habitat fragmentation is one of the main threats to biodiversity. One of the most sensitive groups has been mammals, among them the species of the Order Carnivora, where we find species with different levels of tolerance to habitat fragmentation. Counteracting the effects of fragmentation does not imply large surface demands, but continuity and territorial coherence. One proposal to mitigate this problem is to establish biological corridors. Due to this, the vegetation and the mammal community were evaluated in the municipality of Cosoltepec located northeast of the state of Oaxaca, which borders the western part of the Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Biosphere Reserve (RBTC). The results shows that the municipality has 2,201 hectares (20% of the territory) of vegetation in a good conservation status, as well as a low percentage of fragmentation for the entire municipality. From photo-trapping study (February 2019 to February 2020), 15 species of wild mammals were recorded. The species with the highest Relative Abundance were: Urocyon cinereoargenteus and Procyon lotor followed by Canis latrans in the northern part and Mephitis macroura in the eastern part of the municipality. The first records of Spilogale angustifrons and Puma concolor were obtained for the municipality. The diversity obtained by the indices is similar to that reported in other municipalities within the RBTC. The periods of activity reported in this study for Urocyon cinereoargenteus and Lynx rufus behaved in accordance with what was expected for both species. Based on our results and the proximity between the municipality and the RBTC, a biological corridor between this municipality and the RBTC is viable, this would support the conservation actions undertaken by the inhabitants of the municipality of Cosoltepec.Debido al impacto de las actividades humanas sobre los ecosistemas naturales, existe una pérdida masiva de especies silvestres, la fragmentación del hábitat es una de las principales amenazas a la biodiversidad. Uno de los grupos más sensibles han sido los mamíferos, entre ellos las especies del Orden Carnivora donde encontramos especies con diferentes niveles de tolerancia a la fragmentación del hábitat. Contrarrestar los efectos de la fragmentación no implica grandes demandas de superficie, sino continuidad y coherencia territorial. Una propuesta para mitigar este problema es establecer corredores biológicos. Debido a ello se evaluó la vegetación y la comunidad de mamíferos en el municipio de Cosoltepec, ubicado al noreste del estado de Oaxaca, el cual colinda con la parte Oeste de la Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán - Cuicatlán (RBTC). Los resultados muestran que el municipio cuenta con 2,201 hectáreas (20% del territorio) de vegetación con alta cobertura arbórea, así como bajo porcentaje de fragmentación para todo el municipio. A partir del estudio de foto trampeo (febrero de 2019 a febrero de 2020), se registraron 15 especies de mamíferos silvestres. Las especies con mayor Abundancia Relativa fueron: Urocyon cinereoargenteus y Procyon lotor seguido de Canis latrans en la parte norte y Mephitis macroura en el oriente del municipio. Se obtuvieron los primeros registros para el municipio de Spilogale angustifrons y de Puma concolor. La diversidad obtenida por los índices es similar a la reportada en otros municipios dentro de la RBTC. Los periodos de actividad reportados en este estudio para Urocyon cinereoargenteus y Lynx rufus se comportan de acuerdo con lo esperado para ambas especies. A partir de nuestros resultados y la proximidad entre el municipio con la RBTC es viable un corredor biológico entre este municipio y la RBTC, esto apoyaría las acciones de conservación emprendidas por los habitantes del municipio de Cosoltepec

    Theory and research on bullying and racism from an Aboriginal Australian perspective

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    This paper offers a brief review of research on the impact of bullying and racism on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within Australia. The overarching emphasis was on the variety of physical, social, mental, and educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth, whilst also critiquing the prevailing literature with regard to its inclusion and sensitivity towards the importance of culture and connected values. Within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research setting, although a strong base of research on the impact of racism has emerged, research on the impact of bullying is more recent. In addition, while there may be considerable overlap as to the individual impact of bullying and racism, racism research has identified a wider cultural/identity-threat that bullying research (with a few exceptions) has largely ignored. As a result, there is a need to be sensitive to cultural differences with regard to both the types and effects of racism and bullying, and that efforts to understand and to lessen the prevalence of racism and bullying should be framed within the development of a culturally sensitive and secure framework (Coffin, 2008)

    Incidencia del contexto económico, financiero y jurídico en el volumen y casuística de la reclamación financiera en España.

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    Esta comunicación analiza a través de una metodología estadística el posible efecto que, sobre el nivel de reclamación financiera canalizada a través del Servicio de Reclamaciones del Banco de España, pueden tener distintos factores de naturaleza económica, financiera y jurídica determinantes del contexto en el que actualmente se desarrollan las relaciones bancarias. Con el horizonte temporal de una década, 1988-1997, se estudia la repercusión que sobre el volumen y casuística de la reclamación financiera en España ha originado la evolución de la inflación, la bajada significativa de tipos de interés y el intenso desarrollo normativo tutelar de los intereses de la clientela bancaria.This paper analyses, using a statistical methodology, the possible impact that different factors from the economic, financial and legal environment could have on the volume and casuistry of banking complaints, which Banco de España has transacted during the last decade, from 1988 to 1997. Following an introduction that makes stand out the customer’s increasing importance in banking negotiation, we study specifically the influence of the inflation, the low interest rates and the recent legislation about transparency in banking and customer’s protection

    Learning Ground in School (LGiS): Final Report of the 2020-2022 Implementation

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    This report presents the findings of a 3-year pilot of the Learning Ground in School (LGiS) program. The LGiS pilot was conceived and undertaken by Learning Ground, Mt Druitt, to assist schools in working more effectively and proactively with students at risk of school disengagement and failure. It is based on the successful behavioural support and reconnection program developed and delivered to young people at Learning Ground’s Mt Druitt centre over the last 18 years. In planning its piloting of the newly developed Learning Ground in School (LGiS) program, Chain Reaction Foundation commissioned Western Sydney University to undertake an independent research evaluation of the initiative. With the pilot now complete, this report presents the concluding findings of the 2020-2022 pilot evaluation of LGiS. The purpose of this final report is to provide an analysis of collected data and information from the pilot implementation of the Learning Ground in School Program over 2020-22. It follows on from the two previous interim reports, utilising data from all schools involved over the period of the project and emphasising student experience and outcomes, as well as implementation effectiveness for staff and schools

    Estudio comparativo de Pitiriasis versicolor en estudiantes de ambos sexos entre 10-16 años de edad de los Centros Educativos “Ingeniero Jose Victor Batarsé”(municipio y departamento de San Miguel) y “Profesor Dolores de Jesús Montoya”(municipio de Santiago de Maria departamento de Usulután) en relación con el clima de los municipios en el período comprendido de julio a septiembre de 2001

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    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo Comparar la incidencia de Pitiriasis versicolor en estudiantes de ambos sexos entre 10-16 años de edad de los centros educativos “Ingeniero José Víctor Batarsé”(municipio y departamento de San Miguel) y “Profesor Dolores de Jesús Montoya”(municipio de Santiago de María departamento de Usulután) en relación con el clima de ambos municipios. La investigación es de tipo prospectiva ya que la información tiene como base hechos que se investigaron durante el período comprendido de Julio a Septiembre de 2001. CONCLUSIONES: -La Pitiriasis versicolor es una afección micótica que resultó con mayor incidencia en la muestra de estudiantes del centro educativo “Ing. José Víctor Batarsé” municipio de San Miguel al compararla con una muestra de estudiantes del centro educativo “Prof. Dolores de Jesús Montoya” municipio de Santiago de María departamento de Usulután sin embargo estadísticamente no se observó variación significativa y por lo tanto se acepta la hipótesis nula. -El clima caluroso no es el factor principal que condiciona la incidencia de Pitiriasis versicolor en la población estudiada del centro escolar “Ing. José Víctor Batarsé” aunada a otros factores como son: La alimentación deficitaria que tiene la población, predisposición genética, hábitos inadecuados de higiene que practica la población, por último las infecciones crónicas a repetición. -Nuestro país por ser de clima sub-tropical favorece que la Pitiriasis versicolor sea una enfermedad de tipo endémico, aunque no es la única causa. -La Pitiriasis versicolor por ser desconocida por la población no es considerada dañina para la salud y por lo tanto no se le da la importancia que merece. -Se ha logrado dar el tratamiento a base de Miconazol para eliminar dicha enfermeda

    Multidisciplinary dental treatment of a complex patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate

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    La fisura labiopalatina es la malformación congénita más común entre las anomalías de cabeza y cuello. Impacta directamente en la calidad de vida del paciente y su familia por lo que el manejo multidisciplinario y oportuno de sus secuelas resulta fundamental para el crecimiento y desarrollo del paciente. El objetivo de este caso clínico fue mostrar el manejo odontológico integral de una paciente con fisura labiopalatina bilateral, sexo femenino, 14 años de edad, que acudió junto a su madre al Instituto de Malformaciones Craneofaciales de la Universidad de Chile porque deseaban una solución a su estética facial alterada y corrección de la malposición dentaria. Mediante el manejo multidisciplinario se buscó alcanzar un adecuado funcionamiento del sistema estomatognático y corregir la estética para lo cual fue sometida a un tratamiento ortodóncico, quirúrgico y rehabilitador. Tras ello se obtuvieron resultados positivos en relación a una oclusión funcional y una satisfactoria estética dental y facial. En conclusión, el manejo multidisciplinario plantea un desafío para el odontólogo desde el momento en que se desea obtener resultados favorables brindando un enfoque más amplio de las alternativas de tratamiento para los pacientes, lo cual no implica optar por el tratamiento ideal, sino más bien por la mejor alternativa tanto funcional como estética para que el paciente pueda escoger lo adecuado, según sus posibilidades y expectativas.The cleft lip and palate is the most common congenital malformation between head and neck anomalies. It has an impact on the quality of life of the patient and his family, therefore a multidisciplinary and timely management of its sequels is fundamental for his development. The purpose of this clinical case was to show the integral dental management of a patient diagnosed with bilateral cleft lip and palate, female, 14 years old, who went with her mother to the Institute of Craniofacial Malformations of the University of Chile because they wanted a solution for her altered facial aesthetics and correction of dental malposition. Through the multidisciplinary management it was expected to achieve an adequate functioning of the stomatognathic system and to correct the esthetics for which it was subjected to an orthodontic, surgical and rehabilitating treatment. After this, positive results were obtained in terms of a functional occlusion and a satisfactory dental and facial aesthetic. In conclusion, multidisciplinary management presents a challenge to a dentist from the moment in which he desires to obtain satisfactory results by offering a wider approach of the treatment alternatives for his patients. This does not imply to choose an ideal treatment but rather the best functional and aesthetic alternative; hence the patient can choose the right one, according to their means and expectations

    Implementation of social and emotional learning

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    While social and emotional learning (SEL) can have many benefits for psychosocial development and well-being, the extent to which the benefits of SEL are realised depends to a large extent on how well it is implemented. This chapter takes up the question of what is necessary for effective implementation of SEL initiatives and why it is important to attend to implementation factors when undertaking SEL in schools and other settings. Included in the discussion is a consideration of policy settings and curriculum frameworks that provide important context and support for SEL implementation in schools. Critical research-based factors for effective implementation of SEL programmes are identified and discussed. The chapter also provides a detailed examination of the benefits and components of systemic approaches to implementation using a whole school approach

    Análisis de las informaciones ambientales divulgadas por internet: un estudio comparativo de empresas del mercado bursátil brasileño, chileno y español

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    This article discusses the relation between the companies and the environment and the level of dissemination of environmental information. It also checks whether there is a trend towards harmonization of the information presented. The data for 2003 and 2004 were obtained in the sites of the companies and this research was carried out in April and May of 2005. All companies with the main indexes in the Brazilian, Chilean and Spanish stock exchange markets were selected. The intital universe consisted of 125 companies, and 37 of them were suppressed. Thus, the sample is made up of 88 companies: 33 from Brazil, 26 from Chile and 29 from Spain. The results show that there is no direct correlation between the existence of legal norms and the recognition of the need to disseminate information, since the Brazilian companies are in a better position than the Spanish companies, which have to comply with a specific norm. In Brazil and Chile there is not yet an effort to homogenize environmental information in terms of a recognition, valuation and dissemination of the data presented in the annual reports, but such an effort exists in Spain. Key words: social and environmental responsibility, environmental accounting, environmental management.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar la relación de las empresas con el medio ambiente, el grado de divulgación de las informaciones medioambientales, así como analizar si hay entre ellas alguna tendencia de armonización de la información presentada. Los datos fueron obtenidos en las páginas web de las empresas investigadas, respecto al año de 2003 y 2004, siendo realizado el estudio de campo en los meses de abril y mayo de 2005. Han sido seleccionadas todas las compañías de los principales índices de los mercados bursátiles brasileño, chileno y español. El universo inicial era de 125 empresas y de ellas fueron suprimidas 37. Así, la muestra posee 88 compañías, de las cuales 33 son empresas brasileñas, 26 chilenas y 29 españolas. Respecto a la divulgación, no encontramos una correlación directa la existencia de norma legal con el reconocimiento de la necesidad de divulgación de las informaciones, ya que las empresas brasileñas se encuentran en mejor posición que empresas las españolas que sí poseen normativa específica. El estudio destacó que en Brasil y Chile aun no existe un esfuerzo en homogenizar las informaciones medioambientales en términos de reconocimiento, valoración e información de los datos presentados en las cuentas anuales, como sí existe en España. Palabras clave: responsabilidad social y medioambiental, contabilidad medioambiental, gestión medioambiental