25 research outputs found

    Activity of the astrocytes' adenosine signaling system components in model of traumatic brain injury in vivo and in vitro

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    Glavno obeležje traumatske povrede mozga (TPM) je reaktivna astroglioza koja, između ostalog, uzrokuje i promene u signalizaciji purinima. Posebno važan aspekt purinske signalizacije u patoloÅ”kim procesima centralnog nervnog sistema predstavlja dinamika promena vanćelijskih koncentracija neuroprotektora adenozina. Stoga je cilj ove doktorske teze bio ispitivanje ekspresije i funkcije komponenti adenozinskog signalnog sistema astrocita u in vivo i in vitro modelu moždane povrede, sa posebnim osvrtom na ulogu ekvilibriÅ”ućih nukleozidnih transportera (ENT). U in vivo studiji, izvedenoj na modelu ubodne lezije kore prednjeg mozga pacova, je pokazano da povreda dovodi do dinamičnih promena u ekspresiji ENT, ektonukleotidaza i adenozinskog A1 receptora. Sem toga, povreda uzrokuje i ćelijsku re-distribuciju ENT1/2 i ushodnu regulaciju transportera na reaktivnim astrocitima, Å”to je posebno izraženo sedmog dana nakon ozlede. Uloga astrocita u orkestraciji adenozinskog signalnog sistema nakon povrede je detaljnije ispitana in vitro, nakon skarifikacije astrocitnog jednosloja. Rezultati su pokazali da skarifikacija povećava ekspresiju ENT1 i ENT2 tek u kasnijim vremenima. Bifazna promena u ekspresiji ekto-5`-nukleotidaze (e-5NT) je iskazana prvobitnim smanjenjem i potom povećanjem ekspresije u kasnijim vremenima nakon skarifikacije. Pored toga, skarifikacija astrocitnog jednosloja vodi promenama u koncentracijama adenozina i njegovih metabolita u ćelijskom medijumu. Naime, porast koncentracija adenozina u ranim vremenima nakon povrede, bio je praćen padom u kasnijim vremenima. Blokiranje ENT dipiridamolom (DPM) je dovelo do promena u koncentracijama adenozina nakon skarifikacije, ukazavÅ”i na ulogu ENT1/2 u kontroli vanćelijskih koncentracija ovog nukleozida...Reactive astrogliosis is a hallmark of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which, among the others alterations, causes changes in purinergic signaling. Due to its neuroprotective features, fluctuations of adenosine extracellular concentration are particularly important aspect of purinergic signaling in brain pathology. Hence, herein given thesis aimed to investigate expression and function of astrocytesā€™ adenosine signaling system components after brain injury in vitro and in vivo, with special regard to the role of equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENT). In vivo study, performed on a model of cortical stub injury of rat forebrain, showed that injury caused dynamic changes in expression of ENTs, ectonucleotidases, and adenosine A1 receptor. Moreover, injury induced cell redistribution of ENT1/2 and upregulation of transporters on reactive astrocytes, which is especially pronounced seven day after the impact. The role of astrocytes in orchestration of adenosine signaling system after the injury was examined in more details in vitro, after scratch wound injury of astrocytic monolayer. Results have shown that scarification induced upregulation of ENT1 and ENT2 in later time points. Biphasic alteration in expression of e-5NT was shown in early downregulation followed by upregulation of the enzyme in later time points after the induction of scratch wound. Beside, scarification of astrocytic monolayer caused changes in concentration of adenosine and its metabolites in extracellular medium. The rise of adenosine concentration was noted early after the injury, which was followed by drop of the concentration in later time points examined. Blocking of ENT with dipyridamole (DPM) resulted in changes of observed adenosine concentration after the scarification, pointing out that ENT1/2 have significant role in controlling extracellular concentration of this nucleoside..

    Real-time PCR and immunocytochemical study of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans after scratch wounding in cultured astrocytes

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    Background: Various in vivo and in vitro models have been described in order to elucidate the pathobiology underlying the traumatic brain injury (TBI) and test potentially suitable treatments. Since TBI is a complex disease, models differ in regard to the aspect of TBI that is being investigated. One of the used in vitro models is the scratch wound assay, first established as a reproducible, low-cost assay for the analysis of cell migration in vitro. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the relevancy of this model as a counterĀ­part of in vivo TBI models. Methods: We have examined the astrocytic response to a mechanical injury in terms of expression of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) - phosphacan, neurocan and brevican, using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. Results: Our results indicate that in vitro scratch wounding alters the expression profile of examined CSPGs. Four hours after the scratch injury of the astrocytic monolayer, real-time PCR analysis revealed upregulation of mRNA levels for phosphacan (3-fold) and neurocan (2-fold), whereas brevican mRNA was downregulated (2-fold). Immunofluorescent signal for phosphacan and neurocan was more intense in astrocytes close to the injury site, while brevican was scarcely present in cultured astrocytes. Conclusions: Obtained results indicate that CSPGs are differentially expressed by astrocytes after scratch wounding, demonstrating that the scratch wound model might be suitable for investigation of astrocyte-derived response to injury.Uvod: Brojni in vivo i in vitro modeli opisani su sa ciljem da se rasvetle patobioloÅ”ki procesi koji su osnova traumatske povrede mozga (TPM) i testiraju potencijalni tretmani. Imajući u vidu da je TPM kompleksno oboljenje, ovi modeli se međusobno razlikuju shodno aspektu TPM koji se ispituje. Jedan od in vitro modela je i povreda ćelijskog jednosloja grebanjem (engl. 'scratch wound' assay), isprva ustanovljen kao ponovljiv, jeftin test za analizu celijske migracije in vitro. Cilj ove studije je da se bliže ispita relevantnost ovog modela u odnosu na in vivo modele TPM. Metode: Da bi se istražio odgovor astrocita na mehaničku povredu, praćena je ekspresija odabranih hondroitin-sulfatnih proteoglikana (CSPG) - fosfakana, neurokana i brevikana, koriŔćenjem PCR u realnom vremenu i imunocitohemije. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da in vitro povreda astrocitnog jednosloja menja profile ekspresije ispitivanih CSPG. Četiri sata nakon povrede, primena PCR u realnom vremenu analize pokazala je povećanje nivoa iRNK za fosfakan (trostruko) i neurokan (dvostruko), dok je iRNK za brevikan bila smanjena na polovinu kontrolne vrednosti. Imunofluorescentni signal poreklom od fosfakana i neurokana je bio intenzivniji u astrocitima bližim mestu povrede, dok je signal za brevikan bio slab kako u kontrolnoj, tako i u ozleđenoj grupi. Zaključak: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da povreda izazvana grebanjem različito utiče na ekspresiju ispitivanih CSPG u astrocitima, sto ukazuju da ovaj model može biti pogodan za ispitivanje odgovora astrocita na povredu.Projekat ministarstva br. III 4101

    Brain cortical injury induces changes in peripheral lymphocyte ectonucleotidase activities

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    Injury and other pathological conditions induce a massive release of ATP and ADP that initiate an immune response. Extracellular nucleotides are degraded by ectonucleotidases: enzymes from E-NTPDase and E-NPP families sequentially hydrolyze ATP and ADP to AMP, which is further hydrolyzed by ecto-5'-nucleotidase to adenosine that exerts suppressive effects on immune cells. We investigated the ectonucleotidase activities of peripheral lymphocytes at different post-injury times after an unilateral brain injury in the rat. Significant and dynamic changes in the lymphocytic ectonucleotidase activities were obtained. ATP- and ADP-hydrolysis changes, together with their calculated ratios, indicate the major contribution of E-NTPDase 1 and its comparable upregulation between sham operation and injury. AMP hydrolysis changes were more brain-injury specific, with a longer-lasting lymphocytic response induced by cortical stab injury (CSI). In summary, CSI and sham operation induce the upregulation of the whole enzyme chain for adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in lymphocytes, suggesting an important roles of ectonucleotidases in the course of recovery after brain injury.Projekat ministarstva br. III4101

    Real-time PCR and immunocytochemical study of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans after scratch wounding in cultured astrocytes

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    Background: Various in vivo and in vitro models have been described in order to elucidate the pathobiology underlying the traumatic brain injury (TBI) and test potentially suitable treatments. Since TBI is a complex disease, models differ in regard to the aspect of TBI that is being investigated. One of the used in vitro models is the scratch wound assay, first established as a reproducible, low-cost assay for the analysis of cell migration in vitro. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the relevancy of this model as a counterĀ­part of in vivo TBI models. Methods: We have examined the astrocytic response to a mechanical injury in terms of expression of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) - phosphacan, neurocan and brevican, using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. Results: Our results indicate that in vitro scratch wounding alters the expression profile of examined CSPGs. Four hours after the scratch injury of the astrocytic monolayer, real-time PCR analysis revealed upregulation of mRNA levels for phosphacan (3-fold) and neurocan (2-fold), whereas brevican mRNA was downregulated (2-fold). Immunofluorescent signal for phosphacan and neurocan was more intense in astrocytes close to the injury site, while brevican was scarcely present in cultured astrocytes. Conclusions: Obtained results indicate that CSPGs are differentially expressed by astrocytes after scratch wounding, demonstrating that the scratch wound model might be suitable for investigation of astrocyte-derived response to injury.Uvod: Brojni in vivo i in vitro modeli opisani su sa ciljem da se rasvetle patobioloÅ”ki procesi koji su osnova traumatske povrede mozga (TPM) i testiraju potencijalni tretmani. Imajući u vidu da je TPM kompleksno oboljenje, ovi modeli se međusobno razlikuju shodno aspektu TPM koji se ispituje. Jedan od in vitro modela je i povreda ćelijskog jednosloja grebanjem (engl. 'scratch wound' assay), isprva ustanovljen kao ponovljiv, jeftin test za analizu celijske migracije in vitro. Cilj ove studije je da se bliže ispita relevantnost ovog modela u odnosu na in vivo modele TPM. Metode: Da bi se istražio odgovor astrocita na mehaničku povredu, praćena je ekspresija odabranih hondroitin-sulfatnih proteoglikana (CSPG) - fosfakana, neurokana i brevikana, koriŔćenjem PCR u realnom vremenu i imunocitohemije. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da in vitro povreda astrocitnog jednosloja menja profile ekspresije ispitivanih CSPG. Četiri sata nakon povrede, primena PCR u realnom vremenu analize pokazala je povećanje nivoa iRNK za fosfakan (trostruko) i neurokan (dvostruko), dok je iRNK za brevikan bila smanjena na polovinu kontrolne vrednosti. Imunofluorescentni signal poreklom od fosfakana i neurokana je bio intenzivniji u astrocitima bližim mestu povrede, dok je signal za brevikan bio slab kako u kontrolnoj, tako i u ozleđenoj grupi. Zaključak: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da povreda izazvana grebanjem različito utiče na ekspresiju ispitivanih CSPG u astrocitima, sto ukazuju da ovaj model može biti pogodan za ispitivanje odgovora astrocita na povredu.Projekat ministarstva br. III 4101

    Sensitization and Interoception as Key Neurological Concepts in Osteopathy and Other Manual Medicines

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    Historically, approaches used in manual medicine to explain patient reported symptoms have been focused on the so-called exteroceptive paradigm. Arguably, this mindset lacks an appropriate "reading system" able to interpret musculoskeletal disorders from a different perspective, where the properties of the nervous system are embraced into a more holistic and functional-related context. Interestingly, if the underpinning mechanisms of a given treatment scenario/effect are taking into account, the majority of research outcomes focuses on a proprioceptive/exteroceptive explanation, leaving ting aside the additional or even central role of interoception. Currently, to date, the application of theoretical knowledge acquired on the relatively recent neuroscientific concepts and evidence concerning of interoception, sensitization, touch, autonomic functions, inflammation, and pain into a clinical/research manual medicine scenario is lacking, even if theoretically, the impact on the possible etiological mechanisms and treatment effects seems to be important. Here, we propose the conceptual foundations for a new way of interpreting and reading patients' clinical reported outcomes scenario based on interoception and sensitization. We argue that this will provide a foundation to create the ground for future research focusing on the hypotheses that manual therapies, specifically osteopathy, can intercede with sensitization states, at all levels, using interoceptive pathways

    Volume Conduction Coupling of Whisker-Evoked Cortical LFP in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb

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    Summary: Local field potentials (LFPs) are an important measure of brain activity and have been used to address various mechanistic and behavioral questions. We revealed a prominent whisker-evoked LFP signal in the olfactory bulb and investigated its physiology. This signal, dependent on barrel cortex activation and highly correlated with its local activity, represented a pure volume conduction signal that was sourced back to the activity in the ventro-lateral orbitofrontal cortex, located a few millimeters away. Thus, we suggest that special care should be taken when acquiring and interpreting LFP data. : Local field potential (LFP) recordings are an important yet still obscure tool in neuroscience. In this issue, Parabucki and Lampl show volume conduction of LFP signals from cortex to olfactory bulb in mice, emphasizing that LFP can be misleading under certain circumstances. Keywords: LFP, local field potential, volume conduction, olfactory bulb, barrel cortex, current source densit

    Brain cortical injury induces changes in peripheral lymphocyte ectonucleotidase activities

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    Injury and other pathological conditions induce a massive release of ATP and ADP that initiate an immune response. Extracellular nucleotides are degraded by ectonucleotidases: enzymes from E-NTPDase and E-NPP families sequentially hydrolyze ATP and ADP to AMP, which is further hydrolyzed by ecto-5ā€™-nucleotidase to adenosine that exerts suppressive effects on immune cells. We investigated the ectonucleotidase activities of peripheral lymphocytes at different post-injury times after an unilateral brain injury in the rat. Significant and dynamic changes in the lymphocytic ectonucleotidase activities were obtained. ATP- and ADP-hydrolysis changes, together with their calculated ratios, indicate the major contribution of E-NTPDase 1 and its comparable upregulation between sham operation and injury. AMP hydrolysis changes were more brain-injury specific, with a longer-lasting lymphocytic response induced by cortical stab injury (CSI). In summary, CSI and sham operation induce the upregulation of the whole enzyme chain for adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in lymphocytes, suggesting an important roles of ectonucleotidases in the course of recovery after brain injury. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III41014

    Effect of stab injury in the rat cerebral cortex on temporal pattern of expression of neuronal cytoskeletal proteins: An immunohistochemical study

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    Compelling evidence now points to the critical role of the cytoskeleton in neurodegeneration. In the present study, using an immunohistochemical approach, we have shown that cortical stab injury (CSI) in adult Wistar rats significantly affects temporal pattern of expression of neurofilament proteins (NFs). a major cytoskeleton components of neurons, and microtubule-associated proteins (MAP2). At 3 days post-injury (dpi) most of the NFs immunoreactivity was found in pyknotic neurons and in fragmentized axonal processes in the perilesioned cortex. These cytoskeletal alterations became more pronounced by 10 dpi. At the subcellular level CSI also showed significant impact on NFs and MAP-2 expression. Thus, at 3 dpi most of the dendrites disappeared, while large neuronal somata appeared like open circles pointing to membrane disintegration. Conversely, at 10 dpi neuronal perikarya and a few new apical dendrites were strongly labeled. Since aberrant NF phosphorylation is a pathological hallmark of many human neurodegenerative disorders, as well as is found after stressor stimuli, the present results shed light into the expression of neurofilaments after the stab brain injury. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia {[}III41014