417 research outputs found

    FelĂĽlt LackĂł...

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    Normative Bestrebungen im Altungarischen im Spiegel der beigeordneten Konstruktionen

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    Von einer aus dem Geflecht der Mundarten durch deren Angleichung aneinander entstehenden und sich über sie erhebenden Sprachvariante kann in dieser Zeit im Ungarischen noch nicht gesprochen werden. Vorliegende Studie stellt aufgrund neuerarbeiteten Materials der  Kodexliteratur (Übersetzungsliteratur) aus dem Bereich der beigeordneten Konstruktionen – im Spiegel des Vergleichs mit den lateinischen Textvorlagen – innerhalb eines synchronen Segments die Anfangsschritte der Herausbildung und Entwicklung einer sprachlichen Norm dar. Sie versucht, im Sprachgebrauch der damaligen Zeit die historischen Bewegungen nachzuvollziehen, wobei auch auf die Gründe für die Veränderungen hingewiesen wird

    Találkozás a Vitkovics-kódex írójával

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    Az áldozathibáztatás pszichológiai magyarázatai

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    Mucosal and systemic immune responses induced by immunisation of cotton rats with recombinant adenoviruses

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    Replication-defective and replication-competent recombinant human adenovirus type 5 vectors efficiently expressed the glycoprotein D (gD) or the transmembrane anchor truncated gD (tgD) of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) in vitro. To facilitate the evaluation of the efficacy of immunisation with these recombinant adenoviruses in conferring protection against BHV-1 infection, a cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) model for intranasal BHV-1 challenge was developed. I used this model to assess the ability of different routes of immunisation with the recombinant adenoviruses to elicit gD-specific systemic and mucosal immunity and confer protection against BHV-1 challenge. Immunisation with gD-expressing vectors induced better immunity and protection than immunisation with tgD-expressing viruses. Mucosal immunisation with the replication-competent virus was more efficient than that with the replication-defective vector in inducing gD-specific antibody in the serum and the respiratory tract. In contrast, systemic immunisation with the two vectors stimulated similar gD-specific antibody levels. These results indicate that the route of immunisation was crucial when assessing the efficacy of recombinant adenoviruses as vaccine vectors. The importance of the route of administration was further demonstrated by the finding that intranasal immunisation with the replication-competent vector stimulated higher antigen-specific IgA levels and antibody-secreting cell numbers in the respiratory tract than intradermal, intraperitoneal or enteric immunisation. Protection correlated with gD-specific antibody levels such that intranasal immunisation, even 3 months following vaccination, conferred complete, while intradermal or enteric immunisation conferred partial protection of the lungs of cotton rats against intranasal BHV-1 challenge. Pre-existing active adenovirus-specific immunity significantly inhibited the development of gD-specific antibody responses and protection against BHV-1 challenge following immunisation with recombinant adenovirus, while only a slight inhibition was observed by passive transfer of adenovirus-specific antibody. Overall, the results demonstrated that mucosal and systemic immunisation with adenovirus vectors could induce antigen-specific immunity and protection against BHV-1 challenge. The level of gD-specific immune responses and protection from challenge were, however, dependent on the cellular localisation of the foreign gene expressed by the vectors, the replication-capability of the viruses, the route of immunisation and the presence or absence of pre-existing adenovirus-specific immunity in the cotton rat

    Investigation of effects of two environmental heavy metals in a combined exposure model on the nervous system in rats

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    In the present study, the interaction of inhalational and oral exposure to manganese and lead was investigated. Young adult male Wistar rats (2 x 10 per group) were treated orally with MnCl2 (15 and 60 mg/kg b.w.) or Pb acetate (80 and 320 mg/kg) for 3 or 6 weeks. Then, one half of the groups was further treated by intratracheal instillation of nanoparticulate MnO2 (2.63 mg/kg) or PbO (2 mg/kg) for an equal period of time. Body weight gain and signs of general toxicity were regularly checked. Finally, the rats’ motor behavior was tested in an open field box, and their spontaneous and evoked cortical electrical activity was recorded in urethane anesthesia. MnO2 nanoparticles caused disproportionately strong reduction of body weight gain but with Pb the weight effect was more dependent on dose. In the open field test, Mn caused hypomotility, more strongly after 6 weeks oral plus 6 weeks intratracheal than after 6 weeks oral treatment. Pb-treated rats showed increased ambulation but less rearing and somewhat longer local activity. Spontaneous cortical activity was shifted to higher frequencies after oral Mn application, but this change was not intensified by subsequent nanoparticle application. Oral Pb had an opposite effect. Cortical evoked potentials showed latency lengthening. In several cases, the effect of Mn and Pb was about as strong after 3 weeks oral plus 3 weeks intratracheal as after 6 weeks oral administration, although the summed dose was ca. two times lower in the former case. There can be a more-than-additive interaction between the amounts of heavy metals entering the organism in different routes and chemical forms

    Bacterial Infections in Cirrhosis.

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    A hepatocellularis carcinoma előfordulása és kezelésének tanulságai az északkelet-magyarországi régióban | Incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma and consequent lessons for its management in Northeastern Hungary

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A hepatocellularis carcinoma gyakori, nehezen kezelhető daganat. Célkitűzés: A szerzők áttekintették a májsejtrákkal kapcsolatos ismereteket és értékelték a kezelési eredményeket az északkelet-magyarországi régióban. Módszer: A szerzők intézményében 5 év alatt májsejtrák diagnózissal kezelt betegek adatait retrospektív módon elemezték. Eredmények: Ismert májcirrhosisa 187 beteg közül 71-nek (38%) volt, 52 betegnél (28%) a májcirrhosisra a daganat felismerésekor derült fény. Nem volt májzsugora 15 betegnek (8%), míg erre vonatkozóan 49 betegnél (26%) nem találtak adatot. Etiológiai faktorok az alkoholfogyasztás (52%), a vírushepatitis (41%) és a metabolikus szindróma (valószínűleg nem alkoholos zsírmáj) (44%) voltak. Cirrhosis nélkül kialakult májsejtrák hátterében leggyakrabban nem alkoholos zsírmáj állt. A daganat felismerése 83%-ban előrehaladott stádiumban történt. A túlélést a Barcelona stádium (A vs. B/C vs. D stádium: 829 vs. 387 vs. 137 nap, p<0,001) jelentősen befolyásolta, az etiológia nem (vírus 282, metabolikus szindróma 335 és alkohol 423 nap, p = 0,65). Következtetések: A hepatocellularis carcinoma rossz kimenetelének oka a késői felismerés. A májzsugoros betegek szűrése mellett a májcirrhosis korábbi felismerése szükséges. A metabolikus szindrómások ultrahangos szűrése megfontolandó. A krónikus májbetegség terápiája a túlélést lényegesen befolyásolja. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(45), 1793–1801. | Abstract Introduction: The increasing incidence and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma places huge burden on healthcare. Aim: After reviewing literature on epidemiological trends, risk factors, diagnosis and management options for hepatocellular carcinoma, the authors investigated results of treatment and survival data of patients in Northeastern Hungary. Method: In a retrospective study, the authors analyzed medical records of 187 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (etiology, presence of cirrhosis, stage of the tumor, treatment and disease outcome). Results: Seventy-one patients (38%) had known cirrhosis at the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, while in 52 patients (28%) the presence of cirrhosis was established at the time of the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Fifteen patients (8%) had no cirrhosis and in 49 patients (26%) no data were available regarding cirrhosis. Etiological factors were alcohol consumption (52%), viral hepatitis (41%) and metabolic syndrome (44%). In cases of metabolic syndrome, hepatocellular carcinoma frequently occurred without cirrhosis. In 83% of the cases, the tumor was discovered in an advanced stage. Median survival time was significantly associated with tumor stage (Barcelona A stage vs. B/C vs. D: 829 vs. 387 vs. 137 days, respectively p<0.001) but not with disease etiology (virus 282 days, metabolic syndrome 335 days and alcohol 423 days, p = 0.65). Conclusions: High mortality of hepatocellular carcinoma was mainly attributed to the delayed diagnosis of the disease. Screening of patients with cirrhosis could only result in a partial improvement since in a great proportion cirrhosis was diagnosed simultaneously with the tumor. Screening of diabetic and obese patients by ultrasonography should be considered. Management of baseline liver disease is of importance in the care of hepatocellular carcinoma. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(45), 1793–1801
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