218 research outputs found

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    Ki írta a Vitéz Franciscót?

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    Hogyan válik a tanárképzés folyamata átláthatóvá?

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    A tanulmány a tanárképzés rendszerének tervezett átalakítását, az új jogszabályi környezet kialakítási folyamatát mutatja be az „átláthatóság” európai követelményének szempontjából, figyelembe véve az állami-, intézményi- és egyéni szintű megközelítésből adódó elvárásokat, feladatokat és felmerülő problémákat

    Hillside Fortification Remains in the Middle of a Vineyard (Efforts to Locate the Remains of Novi Zrin Stronghold)

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    Autori u članku nastoje odrediti lokaciju utvrde Novi Zrin koja je postojala od 1661. do 1664. godine. Na temelju izvora pronađenih u novije vrijeme oni su nadopunili i potvrdili ranije poznata razmišljanja o smještaju Novog Zrina s lijeve obale Mure kod sutoka potoka Kaniže i Mure.In this article, the authors have tried to pinpoint the actual fortification location of Novi Zrin stronghold, which existed in the period 1661 to 1664. Recent sources have confirmed and updated previous hypothesis that Novi Zrin stronghold had been built on the left bank of Mura river, nearby the confluence of Kanizsa and Mura tributary streams. On 10 August 1664, a special king’s envoy Simon Reninger accepted the peace treaty inside the Turkish military camp, its Chapter 6 defining the following: “Neither side in the conflict is allowed to rebuild the above said fortification, located opposite Kanizsa, nor provide supplies to its military crew, as this stronghold might encourage further rebellion”. This ended the war that had broken in 1663 for various reasons, one of them being the existence of Novi Zrin stronghold. The cause of war, casus belli, Novi Zrin had been built in 1661 on the left bank of Mura river, near the confluence of Kanizsa and Mura tributary streams, on the Turkish soil at the time. It was taken over by Turks on 30 June 1664, after a three-week siege and burnt to the ground on 7 July. It finally disappeared from the face of earth, even though further maps from early 18th century continued to mark it. There were numerous attempts later on to define the stronghold’s location and geographic position. However, those attempts were not accompanied with proper identification of certain recognition points on today’s location. This article will be such an attempt, using graphics and satellite maps, in field research of the site. We hope this will contribute to success of future excavations


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    Th e fi rst part of the newly launched series includes miscellaneous new records from fungi to vascular plants. New chorological records of 14 fungi taxa are provided here: two new (Hypoxylon ticinense and Amylostereum laevigatum) and one confi rmed (Sarcodontia crocea) for Hungary; one new for Kiskunság and Bükk Mts (Pholiota squarrosoides); fi ve new for Vértes Mts (Arrhenia rickenii, Dentipellis fr agilis, Entoloma zuccherellii var. pluteisimilis, Gomphidius roseus, Leucoagari cus ionidicolor) and partly Central Hungary; four new for Sopron Mts (Agaricus bohusii, Amanita vittadinii, Hericium erinaceus and Leccinum variicolor); and two new for Neusiedl Hills (Gomphidius roseus and Polyporus umbellatus). Records of one moss (Anacamptodon splachnoides) new for Cserhát and Cserehát Mts are provided here. New chorological records of two vascular plants are provided: one taxon (Crataegus rosaeformis subsp. curvisepala) new for Hernád Valley and NE Hungary; one (Epipactis leptochila subsp. neglecta) new for the Börzsöny Mts. Two new combinations in genus Chamaecytisus are proposed here (Chamaecytisus supinus subsp. aggregatus and subsp. pannonicus). The present paper includes also the revision of the occurrence of Calamag rostis villosa in Hungary and concludes that it has been extinct in the country