8 research outputs found

    Gospodarcze i społeczne relacje współczesnego świata

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationGospodarcze i społeczne relacje współczesnego świata to przede wszystkim dynamiczny rozwój handlu międzynarodowego, turystyki międzynarodowej, internacjonalizacja działalności gospodarczej, postępujący proces integracji gospodarczej w różnych regionach świata, a także proces globalizacji przedsiębiorstw i instytucji. W trakcie obrad VII Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej w Krakowie zorganizowanej przez Krakowską Szkołę Wyższą im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w dniach 27-29 maja 2007 roku w sekcji „Handel międzynarodowy i gospodarka światowa” przedstawiono kilkadziesiąt referatów, posterów i głosów w dyskusji. W niniejszej publikacji zamieszczono szesnaście tekstów dopuszczonych do druku przez Radę Naukową Konferencji i recenzenta prof. dr hab. Stanisława Wydymusa z Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, które można podzielić na trzy grupy zagadnień: podstawowe parametry ekonomiczne determinujące handel międzynarodowy; znaczenie i rodzaje zagranicznych inwestycji bezpośrednich; społeczne i kulturowe problemy integracji gospodarczej i handlu

    The problem of untranslatability of the saudade concept, based on the examples of musial works from the selected lusophone countries

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza portugalskiej koncepcji saudade, powszechnie uważanej przez rodzimych użytkowników języka portugalskiego za nieprzetłumaczalną. Oprócz analizy definicji pojęcia saudade istotnym elementem pracy jest przegląd literatury teoretycznej dotyczącej kwestii nieprzetłumaczalności kulturowej oraz lingwistycznej. Część ta zawiera także zestawienie badań i artykułów dotyczących definicji oraz postrzegania saudade przez mieszkańców regionów luzofońskich, tj. Portugalii, Brazylii oraz Republiki Zielonego Przylądka, czego celem jest analiza podobieństw oraz różnic w interpretacji i przeżywaniu omawianego zjawiska saudade. W części analitycznej pracy zajęłam się analizą tekstów piosenek portugalskojęzycznych, w których pojawia się saudade, a następnie zestawienie tłumaczeń danych utworów muzycznych z ich tłumaczeniami na wybrane języki obce, aby następnie porównanie definicji saudade oraz terminów, które pojawiły się jako jego odpowiedniki. Wspomniana analiza miała na celu ustalenie, czy w rzeczywistości koncepcja saudade jest nieprzetłumaczalna, czy też jest możliwa do przetłumaczenia. Część analityczna pracy została podzielona zgodnie z regionami geograficznymi pochodzenia poszczególnych utworów.The aim of the present thesis is the analysis of the Portuguese concept of saudade, commonly considered as untranslatable by native Portuguese speakers. Except of analysis of the saudade definition, an important element of the paper is a review of the research related to cultural and lexical untranslatability. This chapter includes also the comparison of research and articles dedicated to the perception and definition of saudade and its vision in the perspective of the Potruguese speakers and the habitants of Portuguese-speaking countries, i.e. Portugal, Brasil and Cape Verde. The aim of the analyses is to distinguish the existing diferences and similarities between interpretation and understanding of the saudade phenomenon. In the analytical part the lyrics of the songs originally written in Portuguese are further discussed and compared with their translations into foreign languages. The whole analysis helped to determine if the saudade concept is in fact untranslatable or whether it is possible to be translated.O objetivo da presente tese de mestrado é a análise do conceito da saudade, considerada pelos portugueses um termo intraduzível. Além da análise da definição da saudade, uma parte importante do estudo é a revisão bibliográfica relacionada à questão da intraduzibilidade cultural e linguística. Esta parte também consiste em descrição e comparação das pesquisas e artigos dedicados à definição e a perceção da saudade por habitantes dos países lusófonos, quer dizer Portugal, Brasil e Cabo Verde. O objetivo da revisão é a análise das semelhanças e diferenças na interpretação do fenómeno da saudade. Na parte analítica da tese fiz a análise das letras de canções em português onde parece saudade, e comparação as traduções que aparecem como equivalentes da saudade. A mencionada análise teve como objetivo decidir se o termo saudade efetivamente é intraduzível, ou se é possível de ser traduzido

    A concise historical and cultural overview of fado music based on examples of selected fado singers

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie historii muzyki fado w zarysie, z wyróżnieniem kilku portugalskich pieśniarek z XIX oraz XX wieku. Praca podzielona jest na dwa rozdziały. Część pierwsza, o charakterze teoretycznym, to zwięzła prezentacja najistotniejszych elementów historyczno-kulturowych związanych z fado, pozwalających w syntetyczny sposób przedstawić jego rozwój od początkowych dekad XIX stulecia. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na konteksty, w których swoją działalność artystyczną rozwinęły dwie postacie kobiece o kluczowym znaczeniu dla dziejów fado, Maria Severa (1820-1846) i Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999). Drugi rozdział pracy obejmuje zwięzłe analizy kilku pieśni fado powstałych w XIX i XX wieku, powiązanych głównie ze wspomnianymi artystkami. Interpretacje wzbogacono o szereg informacji umożliwiających zarówno pełniejszą prezentację sylwetek oraz twórczości obu pieśniarek, nakreślonych w rozdziale pierwszym, jak i ukazanie charakterystycznych motywów tematycznych, a także innych elementów typowych dla fado, ewoluującego znacząco na przestrzeni blisko stu lat, jakie dzieliły obie wielkie artystki, Marię Severę i Amálię Rodrigues.The aim of the thesis is a presentation of concise history of fado with emphasis on selected Portuguese feminine fado singers of 19th and 20th century. The thesis is divided into two chapters: the first, theoretical part is a brief presentation of the most important historical and cultural components related to the fado music, which depict synthetic development of fado starting from the beginning of the first decades of 19th century. The contexts in which appear the two most significant feminine singers ˗ Maria Severa (1820-1846) and Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999) ˗ is a very important aspect of the thesis. The second chapter includes concise analyses of selected fado songs dated from 19th and 20th century which are related to the mentioned fado singers. The interpretations has been enriched by a set of information which complete the presented images of both singers mentioned in the first chapter. Moreover, they reflect some themes and other elements typical for fado which evolved significantly throughout a whole century which separates the times in which the artists lived and created.O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar um compêndio histórico do fado, destacando umas fadistas dos séculos XIX e XX. O trabalho está estruturado em duas partes. O primeiro capítulo tem um carácter teórico e consiste em esboçar alguns dos elementos históricos e culturais mais relevantes relativos ao fado, que permitem mostrar de um modo sintético o seu desenvolvimento a partir das décadas iniciais do século XIX. Concentrámos a nossa atenção em especial nos contextos, nos quais atuaram duas figuras femininas, cuja importância foi crucial para a história do fado, Maria Severa (1820-1846) e Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999). O segundo capítulo abrange umas breves análises dalgumas canções do fado oitocentista e novecentista, nomeadamente as relacionadas com as fadistas em questão. As interpretações foram enriquecidas com uma série de informações que complementam as imagens de ambas as cantoras, traçadas no primeiro capítulo. Para além disso, refletem alguns dos mais característicos motivos temáticos e outros elementos típicos do fado, que evoluiu significativamente ao longo de quase cem anos, que separaram a vida e a atividade artística das duas grandes fadistas, Maria Severa e Amália Rodrigues

    Unfavorable effect of calcitriol and its low-calcemic analogs on metastasis of 4T1 mouse mammary gland cancer

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    This study was supported by the National Science Center granted on the basis of the decision number DEC‑2013/11/B/NZ5/00162. This study was also supported by Wroclaw Center of Biotechnology within a program - The Leading National Research Center (KNOW) for years 2014‑2018Low vitamin D status is considered as a risk factor for breast cancer and has prognostic significance. Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency increases after adjuvant cancer therapy, which alters bone metabolism increasing the risk of osteoporosis. It is now postulated that vitamin D supplementation in breast cancer treatment delays the recurrence of cancer thereby extending survival. We evaluated the impact of calcitriol and its low-calcemic analogs, PRI2191 and PRI2205, on the tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis of 4T1 mouse mammary gland cancer. Gene expression analysis related to cancer invasion/metastasis, realtime PCR, ELISA, western blotting, and histochemical studies were performed. In vitro studies were conducted to compare the effects of calcitriol and its analogs on 4T1 and 67NR cell proliferation and expression of selected proteins. Calcitriol and its analogs increased lung metastasis without influencing the growth of primary tumor. The levels of plasma 17beta-estradiol and transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) were found to be elevated after treatment. Moreover, the results showed that tumor blood perfusion improved and osteopontin (OPN) levels increased, whereas vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and TGFbeta levels decreased in tumors from treated mice. All the studied treatments resulted in increased collagen content in the tumor tissue in the early step of tumor progression, and calcitriol caused an increase in collagen content in lung tissue. In addition, in vitro proliferation of 4T1 tumor cells was not found to be affected by calcitriol or its analogs in contrast to non-metastatic 67NR cells. Calcitriol and its analogs enhanced the metastatic potential of 4T1 mouse mammary gland cancer by inducing the secretion of OPN probably via host cells. In addition, OPN tumor overexpression prevailed over the decreasing tumor TGFbeta level and blood vessel normalization via tumor VEGF deprivation induced by calcitriol and its analogs. Moreover, the increased plasma TGFbeta and 17beta-estradiol levels contributed to the facilitation of metastatic proces

    Structure-Based Discovery of High-Affinity Small Molecule Ligands and Development of Tool Probes to Study the Role of Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1

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    Chitinase-3-like-1 (CHI3L1), also known as YKL-40, is a glycoprotein linked to inflammation, fibrosis, and cancer. This study explored CHI3L1’s interactions with various oligosaccharides using microscale thermophoresis (MST) and AlphaScreen (AS). These investigations guided the development of high-throughput screening assays to assess interference of small molecules in binding between CHI3L1 and biotinylated small molecules or heparan sulfate-based probes. Small molecule binders of YKL-40 were identified in our chitotriosidase inhibitors library with MST and confirmed through X-ray crystallography. Based on cocrystal structures of potent hit compounds with CHI3L1, small molecule probes 19 and 20 were designed for an AS assay. Structure-based optimization led to compounds 30 and 31 with nanomolar activities and drug-like properties. Additionally, an orthogonal AS assay using biotinylated heparan sulfate as a probe was developed. The compounds’ affinity showed a significant correlation in both assays. These screening tools and compounds offer novel avenues for investigating the role of CHI3L1

    Structure-Based Discovery of High-Affinity Small Molecule Ligands and Development of Tool Probes to Study the Role of Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1

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    Chitinase-3-like-1 (CHI3L1), also known as YKL-40, is a glycoprotein linked to inflammation, fibrosis, and cancer. This study explored CHI3L1’s interactions with various oligosaccharides using microscale thermophoresis (MST) and AlphaScreen (AS). These investigations guided the development of high-throughput screening assays to assess interference of small molecules in binding between CHI3L1 and biotinylated small molecules or heparan sulfate-based probes. Small molecule binders of YKL-40 were identified in our chitotriosidase inhibitors library with MST and confirmed through X-ray crystallography. Based on cocrystal structures of potent hit compounds with CHI3L1, small molecule probes 19 and 20 were designed for an AS assay. Structure-based optimization led to compounds 30 and 31 with nanomolar activities and drug-like properties. Additionally, an orthogonal AS assay using biotinylated heparan sulfate as a probe was developed. The compounds’ affinity showed a significant correlation in both assays. These screening tools and compounds offer novel avenues for investigating the role of CHI3L1