167 research outputs found

    Quantum scars as embeddings of weakly broken Lie algebra representations

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    Recently, much effort has focused on understanding weak ergodicity breaking in many-body quantum systems that could lead to wavefunction revivals in their dynamics far from equilibrium. An example of such nonthermalizing behavior is the phenomenon of quantum many-body scars, which has been experimentally observed in Rydberg-atom quantum simulators. Here, the authors show that many-body scars can generally be viewed as forming approximate subspaces of “broken” Lie algebra representations. Furthermore, they use an iterative process to identify perturbations which “correct” the broken Lie algebra, resulting in improved quantum revivals from special initial states. The description of embedded Lie algebra representations unifies several theoretical models, which feature exact many-body scars, with experimentally realized models, such as the constrained Rydberg-atom system, where scars only form an approximate Lie algebra representation. We present an interpretation of scar states and quantum revivals as weakly “broken” representations of Lie algebras spanned by a subset of eigenstates of a many-body quantum system. We show that the PXP model, describing strongly interacting Rydberg atoms, supports a “loose” embedding of multiple su(2) Lie algebras corresponding to distinct families of scarred eigenstates. Moreover, we demonstrate that these embeddings can be made progressively more accurate via an iterative process which results in optimal perturbations that stabilize revivals from arbitrary charge density wave product states, |Zn〉, including ones that show no revivals in the unperturbed PXP model. We discuss the relation between the loose embeddings of Lie algebras present in the PXP model and recent exact constructions of scarred states in related models

    Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Genes in Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis from Humans and Retail Red Meat

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    The emergence of antimicrobial-resistant and virulent enterococci is a major public health concern. While enterococci are commonly found in food of animal origin, the knowledge on their zoonotic potential is limited. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence traits of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolates from human clinical specimens and retail red meat in Slovenia. A total of 242 isolates were investigated: 101 from humans (71 E. faecalis, 30 E. faecium) and 141 from fresh beef and pork (120 E. faecalis, 21 E. faecium). The susceptibility to 12 antimicrobials was tested using a broth microdilution method, and the presence of seven common virulence genes was investigated using PCR. In both species, the distribution of several resistance phenotypes and virulence genes was disparate for isolates of different origin. All isolates were susceptible to daptomycin, linezolid, teicoplanin, and vancomycin. In both species, the susceptibility to antimicrobials was strongly associated with a food origin and the multidrug resistance, observed in 29.6% of E. faecalis and 73.3% E. faecium clinical isolates, with a clinical origin (Fisher's exact test). Among meat isolates, in total 66.0% of E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobials tested and 32.6% were resistant to either one or two antimicrobials. In E. faecalis, several virulence genes were significantly associated with a clinical origin; the most common (31.0%) gene pattern included all the tested genes except hyl. In meat isolates, the virulence genes were detected in E. faecalis only and the most common pattern included ace, efaA, and gelE (32.5%), of which gelE showed a statistically significant association with a clinical origin. These results emphasize the importance of E. faecalis in red meat as a reservoir of virulence genes involved in its persistence and human infections with reported severe outcomes

    Effect of torso morphology on maximum hydrodynamic resistance in front crawl swimming

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of torso morphology on maximum instantaneous hydrodynamic resistance in front crawl swimming. Outlines of the torso in the frontal and anteroposterior planes were calculated from photographic images to determine continuous form gradients (m/m) for the anterior, posterior and lateral aspects of the torso. Torso cross-sectional areas at each vertical sample (0.001 m) were used to calculate maximal rate of change in cross-sectional area (m2/m) in the chest-waist and waist-hip segments. During the non-propulsive hand phase in middle-long distance front crawl, kicking propulsion is negligible and therefore the net force is equal to the drag. Drag coefficients were calculated at the instant of maximum horizontal deceleration of centre of mass during the non-propulsive hand phase of 400 m pace front crawl. Maximal rate of change in cross-sectional area (r = 0.44, p = 0.014) and posterior form gradient (r = 0.50, p = 0.006) of the waist-hip torso segment had moderate positive correlations with the maximal drag coefficient. A regression model including these variables explained 41% of the variance (p = 0.001). Indentation at the waist and curvature of the buttocks may result in greater drag force and influence swimming performance

    Quantum Hall Effects in Graphene-Based Two-Dimensional Electron Systems

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    In this article we review the quantum Hall physics of graphene based two-dimensional electron systems, with a special focus on recent experimental and theoretical developments. We explain why graphene and bilayer graphene can be viewed respectively as J=1 and J=2 chiral two-dimensional electron gases (C2DEGs), and why this property frames their quantum Hall physics. The current status of experimental and theoretical work on the role of electron-electron interactions is reviewed at length with an emphasis on unresolved issues in the field, including assessing the role of disorder in current experimental results. Special attention is given to the interesting low magnetic field limit and to the relationship between quantum Hall effects and the spontaneous anomalous Hall effects that might occur in bilayer graphene systems in the absence of a magnetic field

    Stoichiometric model of a fully closed bioregenerative life support system for autonomous long-duration space missions

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    Bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) are vital for long-duration and remote space missions to increase mission sustainability. These systems break down human waste materials into nutrients and CO2 for plants and other edible organisms, which in turn provide food, fresh water, and oxygen for astronauts. The central idea is to create a materially closed loop, which can significantly reduce mission mass and volume by cutting down or even eliminating disposable waste. In most BLSS studies only a fraction of the resources, such as food, are provided by the system itself, with the rest taken on board at departure or provided through resupply missions. However, for autonomous long-duration space missions without any possibility of resupply, a BLSS that generates all resources with minimal or no material loss, is essential. The goal of this study is to develop a stoichiometric model of a conceptually fully closed BLSS that provides all the metabolic needs of the crew and organisms. The MELiSSA concept of the European Space Agency is used as reference system, consisting of five interconnected compartments, each inhabited by different types of organisms. A detailed review of publicly available MELiSSA literature from 1989 to 2022 revealed that no existing stoichiometric model met the study’s requirements. Therefore, a new stoichiometric model was developed to describe the cycling of the elements C, H, O, and N through all five MELiSSA compartments and one auxiliary compartment. A compact set of chemical equations with fixed coefficients was established for this purpose. A spreadsheet model simulates the flow of all relevant compounds for a crew of six. By balancing the dimensions of the different compartments, a high degree of closure is attained at steady state, with 12 out of 14 compounds exhibiting zero loss, and oxygen and CO2 displaying only minor losses between iterations. This is the first stoichiometric model of a MELiSSA-inspired BLSS that describes a continuous provision of 100% of the food and oxygen needs of the crew. The stoichiometry serves as the foundation of an agent-based model of the MELiSSA loop, as part of the Evolving Asteroid Starships (E|A|S) research project

    Benchmarking and Validation of Cascading Failure Analysis Tools

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    Cascading failure in electric power systems is a complicated problem for which a variety of models, software tools, and analytical tools have been proposed but are difficult to verify. Benchmarking and validation are necessary to understand how closely a particular modeling method corresponds to reality, what engineering conclusions may be drawn from a particular tool, and what improvements need to be made to the tool in order to reach valid conclusions. The community needs to develop the test cases tailored to cascading that are central to practical benchmarking and validation. In this paper, the IEEE PES working group on cascading failure reviews and synthesizes how benchmarking and validation can be done for cascading failure analysis, summarizes and reviews the cascading test cases that are available to the international community, and makes recommendations for improving the state of the art

    Unconventional Sequence of Fractional Quantum Hall States in Suspended Graphene

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    Interactions among electrons can give rise to striking collective phenomena when the kinetic energy of charge carriers is suppressed. One example is the fractional quantum Hall effect, in which correlations between electrons moving in two dimensions under the influence of a strong magnetic field generate excitations with fractional charge. Graphene provides a platform to study unique many-body effects due to its massless chiral charge carriers and the fourfold degeneracy that arises from their spin and valley degrees of freedom. Here we report local electronic compressibility measurements of a suspended graphene flake performed using a scanning single-electron transistor. Between Landau level filling v = 0 and 1, we observe incompressible fractional quantum Hall states that follow the standard composite fermion sequence v = p/(2p \pm 1) for all integer p \leq 4. In contrast, incompressible behavior occurs only at v = 4/3, 8/5, 10/7 and 14/9 between v = 1 and 2. These fractions correspond to a subset of the standard composite fermion sequence involving only even numerators, suggesting a robust underlying symmetry. We extract the energy gaps associated with each fractional quantum Hall state as a function of magnetic field. The states at v = 1/3, 2/3, 4/3 and 8/5 are the strongest at low field, and persist below 1.5 T. The unusual sequence of incompressible states provides insight into the interplay between electronic correlations and SU(4) symmetry in graphene

    Understanding the Effects of Training on Underwater Undulatory Swimming Performance and Kinematics

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    In swimming, the underwater phase after the start and turn comprises gliding and dolphin kicking, with the latter also known as underwater undulatory swimming (UUS). Swimming performance is highly dependent on the underwater phase; therefore, understanding the training effects in UUS and underwater gliding can be critical for swimmers and coaches. Further, the development of technique in young swimmers can lead to exponential benefits in an athlete’s career. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a training protocol on UUS and underwater gliding performance and kinematics in young swimmers. Seventeen age group swimmers (boys = 10, girls = 7) performed maximal UUS and underwater gliding efforts before and after a seven-week training protocol. Time to reach 10 m; intra-cyclic mean, peak, and minimum velocities; and gliding performance improved significantly after the training protocol. The UUS performance improvement was mostly produced by an improvement of the upbeat execution, together with a likely reduction of swimmers’ hydrodynamic drag. Despite the changes in UUS and gliding, performance was also likely influenced by growth. The findings from this study highlight kinematic variables that can be used to understand and quantify changes in UUS and gliding performance

    Spin and valley quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene

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    In a graphene Landau level (LL), strong Coulomb interactions and the fourfold spin/valley degeneracy lead to an approximate SU(4) isospin symmetry. At partial filling, exchange interactions can spontaneously break this symmetry, manifesting as additional integer quantum Hall plateaus outside the normal sequence. Here we report the observation of a large number of these quantum Hall isospin ferromagnetic (QHIFM) states, which we classify according to their real spin structure using temperature-dependent tilted field magnetotransport. The large measured activation gaps confirm the Coulomb origin of the broken symmetry states, but the order is strongly dependent on LL index. In the high energy LLs, the Zeeman effect is the dominant aligning field, leading to real spin ferromagnets with Skyrmionic excitations at half filling, whereas in the `relativistic' zero energy LL, lattice scale anisotropies drive the system to a spin unpolarized state, likely a charge- or spin-density wave.Comment: Supplementary information available at http://pico.phys.columbia.ed