269 research outputs found

    The Tie between Action and Language Is in Our Imagination

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    In this thesis, the embodied cognition proposal that action words are directly and automatically mapped into the perceiver\u2019s sensorimotor system, and understood via motor simulation, has been put under the lenses of neuropsychology, psychophysics, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigation. The objective was to establish whether the tie between language understanding and motor simulation is necessary for the former to be effective, to the extent that a virtual identity can be recognized between action and language systems..

    The Origin of Word-related Motor Activity

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    Conceptual processing of verbs consistently recruits the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (lpMTG). The left precentral motor cortex also responds to verbs, with higher activity for action than nonaction verbs. The early timing of this effect has suggested that motor features of words' meaning are accessed directly, bypassing access to conceptual representations in lpMTG. An alternative hypothesis is that the retrieval of conceptual representations in lpMTG is necessary to drive more specific, motor-related representations in the precentral gyrus. To test these hypotheses, we first showed that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied to the verb-preferring lpMTG site selectively impoverished the semantic processing of verbs. In a second experiment, rTMS perturbation of lpMTG, relative to no stimulation (no-rTMS), eliminated the action–nonaction verb distinction in motor activity, as indexed by motor-evoked potentials induced in peripheral muscles with single-pulse TMS over the left primary motor cortex. rTMS pertubation of an occipital control site, relative to no-rTMS, did not affect the action–nonaction verb distinction in motor activity, but the verb contrast did not differ reliably from the lpMTG effect. The results show that lpMTG carries core semantic information necessary to drive the activation of specific (motor) features in the precentral gyrus

    Hubungan Antara Kepatuhan Minum Obat (MMAS-8) Dan Kualitas Hidup (WHOQOL-BREF) Penderita Tuberkulosis Di Puskesmas Di Kota Bandung

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    Backgroumd: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease which is until now has not been able to be threated, i.e., because of patient non-adherence in taking anti-tuberculosis drug (ATD) Objective: The objective of this research is  to study the relationship between patients adherence in taking ATD determined by MMAS-8 questionnaire with QoL of patient determined by WHOQOL questionnaire. Method: Tuberculosis patients who undergo treatment for at least 4 weeks are the subjects in this study. This study was conducted by a cross-sectional method using the MMAS-8 and WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire of tuberculosis patients at Ibrahim Adjiand Gumuruh primary health care during March - August 2018. Result: Based on MMAS-8 questionnaire filled out by 75 patients, there was 69% of high adherence, 15% moderate,  and 16% has low adherence in taking ATD. Of the 6 characteristic factors (i.e., age, sex, occupation, income, education and length of treatment), only gender (p0.01) and occupation (p0.03) factors that influence the patient adherence significantly. Based on MMAS-8 and WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire analyses, there is only psychological health aspect (domain two) that have a significant (p = 0.01) correlated with patient adherence. Conclusion: Based on the results,the psychological health of tuberculosis patients play an important role in patient adherence.

    Edukasi Penggunaan Obat Antidiabetes di Bulan Ramadhan pada Masyarakat Desa Buata Kecamatan Botupingge

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    Permasalahan utama pasien Diabetes Melitus (DM) adalah kepatuhan dalam minum obat dalam jangka Panjang. Pasien diabetes melitus yang mendapat terapi obat antidiabetes oral yang dapat menjalankan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan harus mengikuti aturan baru minum obat, sehingga perlu diberikan informasi mengenai aturan minum obat yang tepat. Pemberian informasi melalui penyebaran brosur merupakan salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk memperkenalkan aturan pemberian obat yang benar. Kegiatan tersebut berlokasi di Desa Buata, Kecamatan Botupingge, Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, penderita diabetes melitus lebih siap menghadapi Ramadhan dengan aturan baru minum obat anti diabetes

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Tepung Kulit Pepaya sebagai Bahan Dasar Nuget untuk Mencegah Stunting di Desa Huntu Selatan, Kabupaten Bone Bolango

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    Data stunting di Provinsi Gorontalo berturut-turut mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2018, 32,5% menjadi 29,0% pada tahun 2021, namun masalah stunting masih menjadi persoalan serius di Gorontalo. Desa Huntu Selatan yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Bone Bolango merupakan desa yang berdekatan dengan ibu kota provinsi, walaupun demikian pada tahun 2022 tercatat ada 6 orang balita yang menderita stunting. Pencegahan stunting dapat dilakukan dengan melengkapi nutrisi sejak bayi berada dalam kandungan ibunya, selama proses menyusui hingga masa MPASI pada bayi. Salah satu sumber makanan dengan kandungan gizi yang diperlukan terdapat pada kulit buah pepaya yang banyak ditanam sebagai komoditi lokal di Desa Huntu Selatan. Pemanfaatan buah pepaya menghasilkan limbah kulit pepaya yang terbuang sehingga perlunya suatu pelatihan dalam pengolahan limbah kulit pepaya tersebut. Limbah kulit pepaya dapat diolah menjadi tepung yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif tepung terigu. Tepung kulit papaya yang dihasilkan kemudian digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan nuget untuk meningkatkan cita rasa dan tekstur dari olahan nuget
