31 research outputs found

    Potencial de abuso y farmacología humana de la mefedrona (4-MMC, 4-metilmetcatinona)

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    La mefedrona (4-MMC, 4-metilmetcatinona) es un análogo sintético de la catinona, la sustancia psicoestimulante contenida en el khat. Químicamente es un derivado de la feniletilamina que comparte la misma estructura que la 3,4-metilenodioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) y otros derivados anfetamínicos. A partir de 2008, el desabastecimiento de 3,4-metilenodioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) convirtió a la mefedrona en una de las nuevas sustancias psicoactivas (NSP) más populares y la alternativa legal al éxtasis, por sus propiedades euforizantes y entactógenos. La aparición de efectos indeseables, intoxicaciones e incluso casos de muertes asociados a su consumo propició en algunos países su fiscalización en 2010. Hasta la fecha de redacción de esta memoria, no se han publicado resultados experimentales de sus efectos farmacológicos ni de su farmacocinética en humanos, solo se dispone de datos experimentales en modelos animales de experimentación. Objetivos. El objetivo de esta Tesis doctoral fue evaluar los efectos farmacológicos agudos de la mefedrona en humanos y conocer su potencial de abuso relativo, determinar los parámetros farmacocinéticos básicos de la mefedrona en humanos así como comparar los efectos farmacológicos y la farmacocinética de la mefedrona con los de la MDMA. Métodos. Se diseño un ensayo clínico unicéntrico, aleatorizado, doble ciego, cruzado y controlado con placebo (comparador neutro) y MDMA (comparador activo). Las tres condiciones de tratamiento consistieron en la administración oral de 200 mg de mefedrona, 100 mg de MDMA y placebo. Esta dosis de mefedrona se seleccionó a partir de los resultados del estudio piloto en el que se evaluaron dosis de 50, 100, 150 y 200 mg de mefedrona. Se seleccionó la de 200 mg por su similitud a la dosis de 100 mg de MDMA. Sujetos. Participaron un total de 25 voluntarios sanos consumidores recreativos de psicoestimulantes (12 de ellos participaron en el estudio definitivo). Variables. Se evaluaron parámetros farmacodinámicos mediante la medición de variables fisiológicas, subjetivas y emocionales y rendimiento psicomotor. Además se obtuvieron muestras de sangre para la determinación de concentraciones plasmáticas de mefedrona, MDMA y sus metabolitos. Se calcularon sus parámetros farmacocinéticos básicos. Resultados. La administración de mefedrona provocó un aumento de la presión arterial, la frecuencia cardíaca y el diámetro pupilar además de inducir sensaciones de euforia, bienestar, placer, estimulación y cambios leves en las percepciones. Estos efectos se iniciaron a los 30-45 minutos y se prolongaron hasta 2-3 horas. La administración de mefedrona presentó una buena tolerabilidad y no se registraron efectos indeseables graves. Las concentraciones plasmáticas máximas de mefedrona fueron de 134,64 ng/ml (51,75-218,30) y se alcanzaron a las 1,25 horas post-administración. La semivida de eliminación de la mefedrona fue de 2,15 horas. La administración de MDMA provocó los efectos psicoestimulantes prototípicos tanto a nivel fisiológico como de efectos subjetivos (inicio 0,45 minutos-1 hora y duración 4 horas) y las concentraciones plasmáticas máximas fueron consistentes con las determinadas en estudios previos. La semivida de eliminación de la MDMA fue de 7,89 horas. Los efectos farmacológicos de la mefedrona fueron similares a los producidos por la MDMA aunque con un inicio más rápido y una menor duración. La menor duración de acción podría explicarse por una eliminación más rápida. Estas diferencias podrían justificar, en condiciones reales, un patrón de consumo más compulsivo con el fin de prolongar la duración de los efectos deseados y en consecuencia un riesgo aumentado de toxicidad. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que la mefedrona podría tener un potencial de abuso elevado como el de otras anfetaminas y la MDMA, pero su corta duración de acción podría condicionar mayor compulsión de abuso.Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone, 4-MMC) is an analogue of cathinone the active natural psychostimulant present in khat leaves. Chemically it is a phenylethylamine similar to 3,4-metylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and others amphethamine derivatives. From 2008, the shortage of MDMA became mephedrone in one of the most popular novel psychoactive substances (NPS), and the legal alternative to ecstasy because its pleasurable and entactogen effects. The notification of clinical adverse events, severe intoxications and unexplained deaths related to mephedrone consumption contribute to its ban in most countries in 2010. At present, there is no human research available on its pharmacological effects in humans under controlled and experimental administration. Objectives. The objectives of this Thesis/Dissertation were to evaluate the clinical pharmacology of mephedrone and its relative abuse liability, determine basic pharmacokinetics of mephedrone and to compare the mephedrone pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics to those of the MDMA. Methods. Design was unicentric, randomized, double-blind, crossover, and placebo (neutral comparator) and MDMA (active comparator) controlled clinical trial. The three treatment conditions consisted in the oral administration of 200 mg of mephedrone, 100 mg of MDMA and placebo. This dose of mephedrone was selected based on the results from a pilot study which evaluated increasing doses of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg of mephedrone. It was selected the dose of 200 mg for its similitude to the dose of 100 mg of MDMA. Subjects. A total of 25 healthy male volunteers recreational users of psychostimulants participated (12 of them participated in the final study). Variables. Pharmacodymanics parameters including the measurement of physiological, subjective and emotional effects and psychomotor performance were evaluated. Blood samples were obtained to determine for mephedrone, MDMA and its metabolites. Essential pharmacokinetics parameters were calculated for both mephedrone and MDMA. Results. The administration of mephedrone produced an increase in arterial blood pressure, heart rate and pupil diameter. It induced subjective feelings of euphoria, wellbeing, pleasure, stimulant-like effects and mild change in perceptions. These effects started at 30-45 minutes and persisted during 2-3 hours. Mephedrone administration was well tolerated and no serious adverse events were presented. Maximal plasma concentrations values for mephedrone were 134.64 ng/ml (51.75-218.30) and peaked at 1.25 hours post-administration. The elimination half-life for mephedrone was 2.15 hours. The administration of MDMA produced its prototypical psychostimulant effects, physiological and subjective (started 45 minutes-1 hour and total duration 4 hours) and maximal plasma concentration values were consisted with those determinated in previous studies. The elimination half-life for MDMA was 7.89 hours. Pharmacological effects of mephedrone were similar to those produced by MDMA although with a more rapid onset and a shorter duration of effects. The shorter action duration is probably related to its short elimination half-life. These differences could explain, in real live conditions, a more compulsive pattern of use in order to prolong the duration of the desired effects and consequently an increased risk of toxicity. Conclusions. The results suggest that mephedrone could exhibit a high abuse liability as other amphetamines and MDMA but its shorter duration could explain a more compulsive pattern of use

    Potencial de abuso y farmacología humana de la mefedrona (4-MMC, 4-metilmetcatinona)

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    La mefedrona (4-MMC, 4-metilmetcatinona) es un análogo sintético de la catinona, la sustancia psicoestimulante contenida en el khat. Químicamente es un derivado de la feniletilamina que comparte la misma estructura que la 3,4-metilenodioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) y otros derivados anfetamínicos. A partir de 2008, el desabastecimiento de 3,4-metilenodioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) convirtió a la mefedrona en una de las nuevas sustancias psicoactivas (NSP) más populares y la alternativa legal al éxtasis, por sus propiedades euforizantes y entactógenos. La aparición de efectos indeseables, intoxicaciones e incluso casos de muertes asociados a su consumo propició en algunos países su fiscalización en 2010. Hasta la fecha de redacción de esta memoria, no se han publicado resultados experimentales de sus efectos farmacológicos ni de su farmacocinética en humanos, solo se dispone de datos experimentales en modelos animales de experimentación. Objetivos. El objetivo de esta Tesis doctoral fue evaluar los efectos farmacológicos agudos de la mefedrona en humanos y conocer su potencial de abuso relativo, determinar los parámetros farmacocinéticos básicos de la mefedrona en humanos así como comparar los efectos farmacológicos y la farmacocinética de la mefedrona con los de la MDMA. Métodos. Se diseño un ensayo clínico unicéntrico, aleatorizado, doble ciego, cruzado y controlado con placebo (comparador neutro) y MDMA (comparador activo). Las tres condiciones de tratamiento consistieron en la administración oral de 200 mg de mefedrona, 100 mg de MDMA y placebo. Esta dosis de mefedrona se seleccionó a partir de los resultados del estudio piloto en el que se evaluaron dosis de 50, 100, 150 y 200 mg de mefedrona. Se seleccionó la de 200 mg por su similitud a la dosis de 100 mg de MDMA. Sujetos. Participaron un total de 25 voluntarios sanos consumidores recreativos de psicoestimulantes (12 de ellos participaron en el estudio definitivo). Variables. Se evaluaron parámetros farmacodinámicos mediante la medición de variables fisiológicas, subjetivas y emocionales y rendimiento psicomotor. Además se obtuvieron muestras de sangre para la determinación de concentraciones plasmáticas de mefedrona, MDMA y sus metabolitos. Se calcularon sus parámetros farmacocinéticos básicos. Resultados. La administración de mefedrona provocó un aumento de la presión arterial, la frecuencia cardíaca y el diámetro pupilar además de inducir sensaciones de euforia, bienestar, placer, estimulación y cambios leves en las percepciones. Estos efectos se iniciaron a los 30-45 minutos y se prolongaron hasta 2-3 horas. La administración de mefedrona presentó una buena tolerabilidad y no se registraron efectos indeseables graves. Las concentraciones plasmáticas máximas de mefedrona fueron de 134,64 ng/ml (51,75-218,30) y se alcanzaron a las 1,25 horas post-administración. La semivida de eliminación de la mefedrona fue de 2,15 horas. La administración de MDMA provocó los efectos psicoestimulantes prototípicos tanto a nivel fisiológico como de efectos subjetivos (inicio 0,45 minutos-1 hora y duración 4 horas) y las concentraciones plasmáticas máximas fueron consistentes con las determinadas en estudios previos. La semivida de eliminación de la MDMA fue de 7,89 horas. Los efectos farmacológicos de la mefedrona fueron similares a los producidos por la MDMA aunque con un inicio más rápido y una menor duración. La menor duración de acción podría explicarse por una eliminación más rápida. Estas diferencias podrían justificar, en condiciones reales, un patrón de consumo más compulsivo con el fin de prolongar la duración de los efectos deseados y en consecuencia un riesgo aumentado de toxicidad. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que la mefedrona podría tener un potencial de abuso elevado como el de otras anfetaminas y la MDMA, pero su corta duración de acción podría condicionar mayor compulsión de abuso.Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone, 4-MMC) is an analogue of cathinone the active natural psychostimulant present in khat leaves. Chemically it is a phenylethylamine similar to 3,4-metylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and others amphethamine derivatives. From 2008, the shortage of MDMA became mephedrone in one of the most popular novel psychoactive substances (NPS), and the legal alternative to ecstasy because its pleasurable and entactogen effects. The notification of clinical adverse events, severe intoxications and unexplained deaths related to mephedrone consumption contribute to its ban in most countries in 2010. At present, there is no human research available on its pharmacological effects in humans under controlled and experimental administration. Objectives. The objectives of this Thesis/Dissertation were to evaluate the clinical pharmacology of mephedrone and its relative abuse liability, determine basic pharmacokinetics of mephedrone and to compare the mephedrone pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics to those of the MDMA. Methods. Design was unicentric, randomized, double-blind, crossover, and placebo (neutral comparator) and MDMA (active comparator) controlled clinical trial. The three treatment conditions consisted in the oral administration of 200 mg of mephedrone, 100 mg of MDMA and placebo. This dose of mephedrone was selected based on the results from a pilot study which evaluated increasing doses of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg of mephedrone. It was selected the dose of 200 mg for its similitude to the dose of 100 mg of MDMA. Subjects. A total of 25 healthy male volunteers recreational users of psychostimulants participated (12 of them participated in the final study). Variables. Pharmacodymanics parameters including the measurement of physiological, subjective and emotional effects and psychomotor performance were evaluated. Blood samples were obtained to determine for mephedrone, MDMA and its metabolites. Essential pharmacokinetics parameters were calculated for both mephedrone and MDMA. Results. The administration of mephedrone produced an increase in arterial blood pressure, heart rate and pupil diameter. It induced subjective feelings of euphoria, wellbeing, pleasure, stimulant-like effects and mild change in perceptions. These effects started at 30-45 minutes and persisted during 2-3 hours. Mephedrone administration was well tolerated and no serious adverse events were presented. Maximal plasma concentrations values for mephedrone were 134.64 ng/ml (51.75-218.30) and peaked at 1.25 hours post-administration. The elimination half-life for mephedrone was 2.15 hours. The administration of MDMA produced its prototypical psychostimulant effects, physiological and subjective (started 45 minutes-1 hour and total duration 4 hours) and maximal plasma concentration values were consisted with those determinated in previous studies. The elimination half-life for MDMA was 7.89 hours. Pharmacological effects of mephedrone were similar to those produced by MDMA although with a more rapid onset and a shorter duration of effects. The shorter action duration is probably related to its short elimination half-life. These differences could explain, in real live conditions, a more compulsive pattern of use in order to prolong the duration of the desired effects and consequently an increased risk of toxicity. Conclusions. The results suggest that mephedrone could exhibit a high abuse liability as other amphetamines and MDMA but its shorter duration could explain a more compulsive pattern of use

    Assessment of efficacy and tolerability of medicinal cannabinoids in patients with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    IMPORTANCE: Cannabinoids have antispastic and analgesic effects; however, their role in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms is not well defined. OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the efficacy and tolerability of medicinal cannabinoids compared with placebo in the symptomatic treatment of patients with MS. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library Plus up to July 26, 2016. No restrictions were applied. The search was completed with information from ClinicalTrials.gov. STUDY SELECTION: Randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trials evaluating the effect of medicinal cannabinoids by oral or oromucosal route of administration on the symptoms of spasticity, pain, or bladder dysfunction in adult patients with MS. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) reporting guidelines were followed. Effect sizes were calculated as standardized mean difference (SMD) for efficacy, and rate ratio (RR) for tolerability. Within each study, those SMDs evaluating the same outcome were combined before the meta-analysis to obtain a single value per outcome and study. Pooling of the studies was performed on an intention-to-treat basis by means of random-effect meta-analysis. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Spasticity (on the Ashworth and Modified Ashworth scales and subjective), pain, bladder dysfunction, adverse events, and withdrawals due to adverse events. RESULTS: Seventeen selected trials including 3161 patients were analyzed. Significant findings for the efficacy of cannabinoids vs placebo were SMD = -0.25 SD (95% CI, -0.38 to -0.13 SD) for spasticity (subjective patient assessment data), -0.17 SD (95% CI, -0.31 to -0.03 SD) for pain, and -0.11 SD (95% CI, -0.22 to -0.0008 SD) for bladder dysfunction. Results favored cannabinoids. Findings for tolerability were RR = 1.72 patient-years (95% CI, 1.46-2.02 patient-years) in the total adverse events analysis and 2.95 patient-years (95% CI, 2.14-4.07 patient-years) in withdrawals due to adverse events. Results described a higher risk for cannabinoids. The serious adverse events meta-analysis showed no statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: The results suggest a limited efficacy of cannabinoids for the treatment of spasticity, pain, and bladder dysfunction in patients with MS. Therapy using these drugs can be considered as safe

    Determination of recent growth hormone abuse using a single dried blood spot

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is being increasingly applied, blood collection for drug testing in sport presents some logistic issues that complicate full applicability on a large scale. The use of dried blood spots (DBS) could benefit compliant blood testing considerably owing to its simplicity, minimal invasiveness, analyte stability, and reduced costs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of DBS to the methodology approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for detection of doping by recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in serum. METHODS: A protocol for a single DBS analysis using the hGH isoforms differential immunoassays (kit 1 and kit 2) was developed and validated. A clinical study with healthy volunteers injected for 3 consecutive days with a low subcutaneous dose (0.027 mg · kg(-1) · day(-1) · person(-1)) of rhGH was conducted. Finger prick DBS and paired-time serum samples from arm venipuncture were compared. RESULTS: The analysis of the DBS-based protocol indicated that with only a single blood spot it was possible to detect positivity for growth hormone abuse. In spite of the low rhGH dose administered and independently of the kit used, the window of detection for DBS was confirmed in all analyzed samples up to 8 h after rhGH administration and extended up to 12 h in 50% of the cases. Serum positivity was detected in all studied samples for 12 h after administration. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the usefulness of DBS as a biological matrix for testing recent growth hormone abuse.Funding: Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (DEP2012-32048), International Olympic Committee (IOC)-2014 IOC Anti-Doping Research Fund, and Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanit

    Detection and characterization of prednisolone metabolites in human urine by LC-MS/MS.

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    Glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in sports when used by systemic administrations (e.g. oral), whereas they are allowed using other administration ways. Strategies to discriminate between administrations routes have to be developed by doping control laboratories. For this reason, the metabolism of prednisolone (PRED) was studied using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. A single oral (10 mg) dose of PRED was administered to two healthy male volunteers. Urine samples were collected up to 6 days after administration. Samples were hydrolyzed with β-glucuronidase and subjected to liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate in alkaline conditions. The extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Precursor ion scan methods (m/z 77, 91, 105, 121, 147 and 171) in positive ionization and neutral loss scan methods (76 and 94 Da) in negative ionization modes were applied for the open detection of PRED metabolites. Using these methods, PRED parent compound plus 20 metabolites were detected. PRED and 11 metabolites were characterized by comparison with standards of the compounds (PRED, prednisone, 20β-dihydro-PRED and 20α-dihydro-PRED, 20β-dihydro-prednisone and 20α-dihydro-prednisone, 6β-hydroxy-PRED and 6α-hydroxy-PRED, 20β isomers and 20α isomers of 6β,11β,17α,20,21-pentahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3-one, 6α,11β,17α,20β,21-pentahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3-one and Δ(6) -PRED). Using mass spectrometric data, feasible structures were proposed for seven of the remaining nine detected metabolites, including several 6-hydroxy-metabolites. Eleven of the characterized metabolites have not been previously described. Maximum excretion rates for PRED metabolites were achieved in first 24 h; however, most of the metabolites were still detectable in the last collected samples (day 6).Grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) (DEP2009-11454), Generalitat de Catalunya (Consell Català de l’Esport and DIUE 2014 SGR 692) and support by ISCIII contrato de formación en investigación Río Hortega (CM12/00085

    Detection and characterization of prednisolone metabolites in human urine by LC-MS/MS.

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    Glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in sports when used by systemic administrations (e.g. oral), whereas they are allowed using other administration ways. Strategies to discriminate between administrations routes have to be developed by doping control laboratories. For this reason, the metabolism of prednisolone (PRED) was studied using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. A single oral (10 mg) dose of PRED was administered to two healthy male volunteers. Urine samples were collected up to 6 days after administration. Samples were hydrolyzed with β-glucuronidase and subjected to liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate in alkaline conditions. The extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Precursor ion scan methods (m/z 77, 91, 105, 121, 147 and 171) in positive ionization and neutral loss scan methods (76 and 94 Da) in negative ionization modes were applied for the open detection of PRED metabolites. Using these methods, PRED parent compound plus 20 metabolites were detected. PRED and 11 metabolites were characterized by comparison with standards of the compounds (PRED, prednisone, 20β-dihydro-PRED and 20α-dihydro-PRED, 20β-dihydro-prednisone and 20α-dihydro-prednisone, 6β-hydroxy-PRED and 6α-hydroxy-PRED, 20β isomers and 20α isomers of 6β,11β,17α,20,21-pentahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3-one, 6α,11β,17α,20β,21-pentahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3-one and Δ(6) -PRED). Using mass spectrometric data, feasible structures were proposed for seven of the remaining nine detected metabolites, including several 6-hydroxy-metabolites. Eleven of the characterized metabolites have not been previously described. Maximum excretion rates for PRED metabolites were achieved in first 24 h; however, most of the metabolites were still detectable in the last collected samples (day 6).Grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) (DEP2009-11454), Generalitat de Catalunya (Consell Català de l’Esport and DIUE 2014 SGR 692) and support by ISCIII contrato de formación en investigación Río Hortega (CM12/00085

    Determination of recent growth hormone abuse using a single dried blood spot

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is being increasingly applied, blood collection for drug testing in sport presents some logistic issues that complicate full applicability on a large scale. The use of dried blood spots (DBS) could benefit compliant blood testing considerably owing to its simplicity, minimal invasiveness, analyte stability, and reduced costs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of DBS to the methodology approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for detection of doping by recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in serum. METHODS: A protocol for a single DBS analysis using the hGH isoforms differential immunoassays (kit 1 and kit 2) was developed and validated. A clinical study with healthy volunteers injected for 3 consecutive days with a low subcutaneous dose (0.027 mg · kg(-1) · day(-1) · person(-1)) of rhGH was conducted. Finger prick DBS and paired-time serum samples from arm venipuncture were compared. RESULTS: The analysis of the DBS-based protocol indicated that with only a single blood spot it was possible to detect positivity for growth hormone abuse. In spite of the low rhGH dose administered and independently of the kit used, the window of detection for DBS was confirmed in all analyzed samples up to 8 h after rhGH administration and extended up to 12 h in 50% of the cases. Serum positivity was detected in all studied samples for 12 h after administration. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the usefulness of DBS as a biological matrix for testing recent growth hormone abuse.Funding: Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (DEP2012-32048), International Olympic Committee (IOC)-2014 IOC Anti-Doping Research Fund, and Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanit

    Acute pharmacological effects of 2C-B in humans: An observational study

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    2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromophenethylamine (2C-B) is a psychedelic phenylethylamine derivative, structurally similar to mescaline. It is a serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine-2A (5-HT2A), 5-hydroxytryptamine-2B (5-HT2B), and 5-hydroxytryptamine-2C (5-HT2C) receptor partial agonist used recreationally as a new psychoactive substance. It has been reported that 2C-B induces mild psychedelic effects, although its acute pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics have not yet been fully studied in humans. An observational study was conducted to assess the acute subjective and physiological effects, as well as pharmacokinetics of 2C-B. Sixteen healthy, experienced drug users self-administered an oral dose of 2C-B (10, 15, or 20 mg). Vital signs (blood pressure and heart rate) were measured at baseline 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 hours (h). Each participant completed subjective effects using three rating scales: the visual analog scale (VAS), the Addiction Research Centre Inventory (ARCI), and the Evaluation of the Subjective Effects of Substances with Abuse Potential (VESSPA-SSE) at baseline, 2-3 and 6 h after self-administration (maximum effects along 6 h), and the Hallucinogenic Rating Scale (maximum effects along 6 h). Oral fluid (saliva) was collected to assess 2C-B and cortisol concentrations during 24 h. Acute administration of 2C-B increased blood pressure and heart rate. Scores of scales related to euphoria increased (high, liking, and stimulated), and changes in perceptions (distances, colors, shapes, and lights) and different body feelings/surrounding were produced. Mild hallucinating effects were described in five subjects. Maximum concentrations of 2C-B and cortisol were reached at 1 and 3 h after self-administration, respectively. Oral 2C-B at recreational doses induces a constellation of psychedelic/psychostimulant-like effects similar to those associated with serotonin-acting drugs

    Cannabinoids: from pot to lab

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    Cannabis is becoming increasingly present in our society. In recent years, the line between the natural (cannabis) and the synthetic (synthetic cannabinoids), the recreational (cannabis) and the medical (pharmaceutical cannabinoids and medical cannabis) has been crossed. In this paper we review some of the novel aspects of cannabis and cannabinoids in relation to their legal situation, changes in their composition and forms of cannabis use, the concept of medical cannabis, and synthetic cannabinoids as new psychoactive substances (NPS). We have also analyzed serious adverse reactions and intoxications associated with the use of synthetic cannabinoids, as well as the latest developments in the research of pharmaceutical cannabinoids