9,635 research outputs found

    Supporting group maintenance through prognostics-enhanced dynamic dependability prediction

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    Condition-based maintenance strategies adapt maintenance planning through the integration of online condition monitoring of assets. The accuracy and cost-effectiveness of these strategies can be improved by integrating prognostics predictions and grouping maintenance actions respectively. In complex industrial systems, however, effective condition-based maintenance is intricate. Such systems are comprised of repairable assets which can fail in different ways, with various effects, and typically governed by dynamics which include time-dependent and conditional events. In this context, system reliability prediction is complex and effective maintenance planning is virtually impossible prior to system deployment and hard even in the case of condition-based maintenance. Addressing these issues, this paper presents an online system maintenance method that takes into account the system dynamics. The method employs an online predictive diagnosis algorithm to distinguish between critical and non-critical assets. A prognostics-updated method for predicting the system health is then employed to yield well-informed, more accurate, condition-based suggestions for the maintenance of critical assets and for the group-based reactive repair of non-critical assets. The cost-effectiveness of the approach is discussed in a case study from the power industry

    Waves and instabilities in an anisotropic universe

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    The excitation of low frequency plasma waves in an expanding anisotropic cosmological model which contains a magnetic field frozen into the matter and pointing in the longitudinal direction is discussed. Using the exact equations governing finite-amplitude wave propagation in hydromagnetic media within the framework of general theory of relativity, we show that a spectrum of magnetized sound waves will be excited and form large scale ``\textit{damped oscillations}'' on the expanding universe. The characteristic frequency of the excited waves is slightly shifted away from the sound frequency and the shift depends on the strength of the primordial magnetic field. This magnetic field dependent shift may have an effect on the acoustic peaks of the CM

    The holonomy of IIB supercovariant connection

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    We show that the holonomy of the supercovariant connection of IIB supergravity is contained in SL(32, \bR). We also find that the holonomy reduces to a subgroup of SL(32-N)\st (\oplus^N \bR^{32-N}) for IIB supergravity backgrounds with NN Killing spinors. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for a IIB background to admit NN Killing spinors. A IIB supersymmetric probe configuration can involve up to 31 linearly independent planar branes and preserves one supersymmetry.Comment: 8 pages, latex. v2: Minor correction

    Low, Milky-Way like, Molecular Gas Excitation of Massive Disk Galaxies at z~1.5

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    We present evidence for Milky-Way-like, low-excitation molecular gas reservoirs in near-IR selected massive galaxies at z~1.5, based on IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer CO[3-2] and NRAO Very Large Array CO[1-0] line observations for two galaxies that had been previously detected in CO[2-1] emission. The CO[3-2] flux of BzK-21000 at z=1.522 is comparable within the errors to its CO[2-1] flux, implying that the CO[3-2] transition is significantly sub-thermally excited. The combined CO[1-0] observations of the two sources result in a detection at the 3 sigma level that is consistent with a higher CO[1-0] luminosity than that of CO[2-1]. Contrary to what is observed in submillimeter galaxies and QSOs, in which the CO transitions are thermally excited up to J>=3, these galaxies have low-excitation molecular gas, similar to that in the Milky Way and local spirals. This is the first time that such conditions have been observed at high redshift. A Large Velocity Gradient analysis suggests that molecular clouds with density and kinetic temperature comparable to local spirals can reproduce our observations. The similarity in the CO excitation properties suggests that a high, Milky-Way-like, CO to H_2 conversion factor could be appropriate for these systems. If such low-excitation properties are representative of ordinary galaxies at high redshift, centimeter telescopes such as the Expanded Very Large Array and the longest wavelength Atacama Large Millimeter Array bands will be the best tools for studying the molecular gas content in these systems through the observations of CO emission lines.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. ApJ Letters in pres

    Hidden geometric correlations in real multiplex networks

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    Real networks often form interacting parts of larger and more complex systems. Examples can be found in different domains, ranging from the Internet to structural and functional brain networks. Here, we show that these multiplex systems are not random combinations of single network layers. Instead, they are organized in specific ways dictated by hidden geometric correlations between the individual layers. We find that these correlations are strong in different real multiplexes, and form a key framework for answering many important questions. Specifically, we show that these geometric correlations facilitate: (i) the definition and detection of multidimensional communities, which are sets of nodes that are simultaneously similar in multiple layers; (ii) accurate trans-layer link prediction, where connections in one layer can be predicted by observing the hidden geometric space of another layer; and (iii) efficient targeted navigation in the multilayer system using only local knowledge, which outperforms navigation in the single layers only if the geometric correlations are sufficiently strong. Our findings uncover fundamental organizing principles behind real multiplexes and can have important applications in diverse domains.Comment: Supplementary Materials available at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v12/n11/extref/nphys3812-s1.pd

    On the Hagedorn Behaviour of Singular Scale-Invariant Plane Waves

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    As a step towards understanding the properties of string theory in time-dependent and singular spacetimes, we study the divergence of density operators for string ensembles in singular scale-invariant plane waves, i.e. those plane waves that arise as the Penrose limits of generic power-law spacetime singularities. We show that the scale invariance implies that the Hagedorn behaviour of bosonic and supersymmetric strings in these backgrounds, even with the inclusion of RR or NS fields, is the same as that of strings in flat space. This is in marked contrast to the behaviour of strings in the BFHP plane wave which exhibit quantitatively and qualitatively different thermodynamic properties.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX2e, v2: JHEP3.cls, one reference adde

    Anisotropic Null String Cosmologies

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    We study string propagation in an anisotropic, cosmological background. We solve the equations of motion and the constraints by performing a perturbative expansion of the string coordinates in powers of c^2, the world-sheet speed of light. To zeroth order the string is approximated by a tensionless string (since c is proportional to the string tension T). We obtain exact, analytical expressions for the zeroth and the first order solutions and we discuss some cosmological implications.Comment: 9 pages, plain Te

    Supporting group maintenance through prognostics-enhanced dynamic dependability prediction

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    Condition-based maintenance strategies adapt maintenance planning through the integration of online condition monitoring of assets. The accuracy and cost-effectiveness of these strategies can be improved by integrating prognostics predictions and grouping maintenance actions respectively. In complex industrial systems, however, effective condition-based maintenance is intricate. Such systems are comprised of repairable assets which can fail in different ways, with various effects, and typically governed by dynamics which include time-dependent and conditional events. In this context, system reliability prediction is complex and effective maintenance planning is virtually impossible prior to system deployment and hard even in the case of condition-based maintenance. Addressing these issues, this paper presents an online system maintenance method that takes into account the system dynamics. The method employs an online predictive diagnosis algorithm to distinguish between critical and non-critical assets. A prognostics-updated method for predicting the system health is then employed to yield well-informed, more accurate, condition-based suggestions for the maintenance of critical assets and for the group-based reactive repair of non-critical assets. The cost-effectiveness of the approach is discussed in a case study from the power industry

    The spinorial geometry of supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds

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    We determine the geometry of supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds for which all parallel spinors with respect to the connection ^\hat\nabla with torsion HH, the NS\otimesNS three-form field strength, are Killing. We find that there are two classes of such backgrounds, the null and the timelike. The Killing spinors of the null backgrounds have stability subgroups K\ltimes\bR^8 in Spin(9,1)Spin(9,1), for K=Spin(7)K=Spin(7), SU(4), Sp(2)Sp(2), SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2)\times SU(2) and {1}\{1\}, and the Killing spinors of the timelike backgrounds have stability subgroups G2G_2, SU(3), SU(2) and {1}\{1\}. The former admit a single null ^\hat\nabla-parallel vector field while the latter admit a timelike and two, three, five and nine spacelike ^\hat\nabla-parallel vector fields, respectively. The spacetime of the null backgrounds is a Lorentzian two-parameter family of Riemannian manifolds BB with skew-symmetric torsion. If the rotation of the null vector field vanishes, the holonomy of the connection with torsion of BB is contained in KK. The spacetime of time-like backgrounds is a principal bundle PP with fibre a Lorentzian Lie group and base space a suitable Riemannian manifold with skew-symmetric torsion. The principal bundle is equipped with a connection λ\lambda which determines the non-horizontal part of the spacetime metric and of HH. The curvature of λ\lambda takes values in an appropriate Lie algebra constructed from that of KK. In addition dHdH has only horizontal components and contains the Pontrjagin class of PP. We have computed in all cases the Killing spinor bilinears, expressed the fluxes in terms of the geometry and determine the field equations that are implied by the Killing spinor equations.Comment: 73pp. v2: minor change

    The use of dolomite as foaming agent and its effect on the microstructure of aluminium metal foams—Comparison to titanium hydride

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    Proceedings of: 8th EUFOAM Conference. Borovets, Bulgaria, 14-16 July 2010.In this paper dolomite MgCa(CO₃)₂ a naturally occurring mineral was demonstrated to be an effective foaming and stabilizing agent for aluminium with several notable advantages relative to the currently used titanium hydride foaming agent. Characteristic cell structures and microstructural features of foams produced with a dolomite foaming agent are examined and the properties of dolomite based foams produced in a one step process are compared with those produced using titanium hydride based process. The most notable structural feature of dolomite based foams is a smaller cell size and thinner cell faces. Foaming with MgCa(CO₃)₂ also gives rise to a marked increase in the stability of molten foams with a large range of foaming temperatures possible, and an almost complete absence of melt drainage even with extended foaming times. Many of these properties are attributed to the cell surfaces being covered by a thin oxide film formed during the foaming process.Publicad