347 research outputs found

    On cyclic branched coverings of prime knots

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    We prove that a prime knot K is not determined by its p-fold cyclic branched cover for at most two odd primes p. Moreover, we show that for a given odd prime p, the p-fold cyclic branched cover of a prime knot K is the p-fold cyclic branched cover of at most one more knot K' non equivalent to K. To prove the main theorem, a result concerning the symmetries of knots is also obtained. This latter result can be interpreted as a characterisation of the trivial knot.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    High loss mode behaviour of PSB C04 RF cavities

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    RF amplitude normalizer (PS/RF-HC 3189)

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    Run-and-tumble particles in speckle fields

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    The random energy landscapes developed by speckle fields can be used to confine and manipulate a large number of micro-particles with a single laser beam. By means of molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the static and dynamic properties of an active suspension of swimming bacteria embedded into speckle patterns. Looking at the correlation of the density fluctuations and the equilibrium density profiles, we observe a crossover phenomenon when the forces exerted by the speckles are equal to the bacteria's propulsion

    Design and Performance of a 500 V Pulse Amplifier for the Chopper of the CERN Superonducting H−^- LINAC (SPL)

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    The Superconducting H- Linac under study at CERN requires a high performance 3 MeV chopper. The pulse amplifier driving the chopper structure has to provide 500 V on 50 W, with rise and fall times below 2 ns at a repetition rate as high as 45 MHz. After analysis of the limiting parameters, potential solutions are described. The detailed design of the selected solution is presented, together with the actual performance of the prototype

    Effective run-and-tumble dynamics of bacteria baths

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    {\it E. coli} bacteria swim in straight runs interrupted by sudden reorientation events called tumbles. The resulting random walks give rise to density fluctuations that can be derived analytically in the limit of non interacting particles or equivalently of very low concentrations. However, in situations of practical interest, the concentration of bacteria is always large enough to make interactions an important factor. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the dynamic structure factor of a model bacterial bath for increasing values of densities. We show that it is possible to reproduce the dynamics of density fluctuations in the system using a free run-and-tumble model with effective fitting parameters. We discuss the dependence of these parameters, e.g., the tumbling rate, tumbling time and self-propulsion velocity, on the density of the bath

    First-passage time of run-and-tumble particles

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    We solve the problem of first-passage time for run-and-tumble particles in one dimension. Exact expression is derived for the mean first-passage time in the general case, considering external force-fields and chemotactic-fields, giving rise to space dependent swim-speed and tumble rate. Agreement between theoretical formulae and numerical simulations is obtained in the analyzed case studies -- constant and sinusoidal force fields, constant gradient chemotactic field. Reported findings can be useful to get insights into very different phenomena involving active particles, such as bacterial motion in external fields, intracellular transport, cell migration, animal foraging

    3 KW, 0.1-35 MHz Pulsed Amplifier PS-RF/HC3289

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