1,106 research outputs found

    Il servizio alla verità nel processo matrimoniale

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    La verdad que se intenta servir en el proceso matrimonial canónico se puede entender en diferentes sentidos: como verdad de hecho, es decir, que corresponde a la real sucesión de hechos puestos a examen judicial; como verdad doctrinal que debe ser respetada en la decisión; como verdad del contenido jurídico, que enmarca la historia matrimonial en el contexto de la disciplina canónica; y, en último lugar, como verdad orientada a la salvación de las almas. El tema de la búsqueda de la verdad es una presencia constante en las alocuciones de los Papas a la Rota Romana, desde Pío XII a Francisco, y retorna en modo claro también en el mp Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: la búsqueda y el servicio a la verdad caracterizan también esta revisión normativa. Algunos institutos realizan la orientación del proceso hacia la verdad: la correcta comprensión del contradictorio; la superordinación del favor veritatis tanto al favor personae como al favor matrimonii; la centralidad de la certeza moral en el sistema procesal canónico; el reconocimiento del valor probatorio de las declaraciones de las partes, utilizadas en modo equilibrado y prudente.Truth in the canonical marriage process avails of different meanings: factual truth, the real course of the marriage events presented for judicial examination; the doctrinal truth to be respected in the decision; truth with a legal dimension, i.e. which contextualizes the marriage in terms of the canonical discipline; and finally, as truth oriented towards spiritual salvation. The pursuit of truth is a recurring theme papal addresses to the Roman Rota, from Pius XII to Francis, and it is set out again in the Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: pursuit and service to the truth are key features of this latest revision of the regulation. Some institutions set out to guide this process towards truth: the appropriate understanding of contradictory positions; the primacy of favor veritatis in relation to both favor personae and favor matrimonii; the fundamental importance of moral certainty in the canonical process system; the recognition of the proof-value of the statements made by the parties involved, deferred to in a prudent and balanced way

    Multicolor observations of the Hubble Deep Field South

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    We present a deep multicolor (UBVIJsHKs) catalog of galaxies in the HDF-S, based on observations obtained with the HST WFPC2 in 1998 and VLT-ISAAC in 1999. The photometric procedures were tuned to derive a catalog optimized for the estimation of photometric redshifts. In particular we adopted a ``conservative'' detection threshold which resulted in a list of 1611 objects. The behavior of the observed source counts is in general agreement with the result of Casertano et al. (2000) in the HDF-S and Williams et al. (1996) in the HDF-N, while the corresponding counts in the HDF-N provided by Fernandez-Soto et al. (1999) are systematically lower by a factor 1.5 beyond I_AB=26. After correcting for the incompleteness of the source counts, the object surface density at I_AB<27.5 is estimated to be 220 per square arcmin, providing an estimate of the Extragalactic Background Light in the I band consistent with the work of Madau & Pozzetti(2000). The comparison between the median V-I color in the HDF-North and South shows a significant difference around I_AB~26, possibly due to the presence of large scale structure at z~1 in the HDF-N. High-z galaxy candidates (90 U dropout and 17 B dropout) were selected by means of color diagrams, down to a magnitude I_AB=27, with a surface density of (21+-1) and (3.9+-0.9) per square arcmin, respectively. 11 EROs (with (I-K)_AB>2.7) were selected down to K_AB=24, plus 3 objects whose upper limit to the Ks flux is still compatible with the selection criterion. The corresponding surface density of EROs is (2.5+-0.8) per sq.arcmin ((3.2+-0.9) per sq.arcmin if we include the three Ks upper limits). They show a remarkably non-uniform spatial distribution and are classified with roughly equal fractions in the categories of elliptical and starburst galaxies.Comment: 36 pages Latex, with 12 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Gauge/Gravity Correspondence from Open/Closed String Duality

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    We compute the annulus diagram corresponding to the interaction of a fractional D3 brane with a gauge field on its world-volume and a stack of N fractional D3 branes on the orbifolds C^2 /Z_2 and C^3/Z_2 x Z_2. We show that its logarithmic divergence can be equivalently understood as due either to massless open string states circulating in the loop or to massless closed string states exchanged between two boundary states. This follows from the fact that, under open/closed string duality, massless states in the open and closed string channels are matched into each other without mixing with massive states. This explains why the perturbative properties of many gauge theories living on the worldvolume of less supersymmetric and nonconformal branes have been recently obtained from their corresponding supergravity solution.Comment: LaTeX, 28 page

    Regge behavior saves string theory from causality violations

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    Higher-derivative corrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action are present in bosonic string theory leading to the potential causality violations recently pointed out by Camanho et al. [1]. We analyze in detail this question by considering high-energy string-brane collisions at impact parameters b ≤ l s (the string-length parameter) with l s ≫ R p (the characteristic scale of the D p -brane geometry). If we keep only the contribution of the massless states causality is violated for a set of initial states whose polarization is suitably chosen with respect to the impact parameter vector. Such violations are instead neatly avoided when the full structure of string theory — and in particular its Regge behavior — is taken into account

    Instantons in N=2 magnetized D-brane worlds

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    In a toroidal orbifold of type IIB string theory we study instanton effects in N=2 super Yang-Mills theories engineered with systems of wrapped magnetized D9 branes and Euclidean D5 branes. We analyze the various open string sectors in this brane system and study the 1-loop amplitudes described by annulus diagrams with mixed boundary conditions, explaining their role in the stringy instanton calculus. We show in particular that the non-holomorphic terms in these annulus amplitudes precisely reconstruct the appropriate Kahler metric factors that are needed to write the instanton correlators in terms of purely holomorphic variables. We also explicitly derive the correct holomorphic structure of the instanton induced low energy effective action in the Coulomb branch.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures, JHEP class. Some footnotes added and typos corrected. Version published in JHE

    Instanton effects in N=1 brane models and the Kahler metric of twisted matter

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    We consider locally consistent systems of magnetized D9 branes on an orbifolded six-torus which support N=1 gauge theories. In such realizations, the matter multiplets arise from "twisted" strings connecting different stacks of branes. The introduction of Euclidean 5 branes (E5) wrapped on the six-dimensional compact space leads to instanton effects. For instance, if the system is engineered so as to yield SQCD, a single E5 brane may account for the ADS/TVY superpotential. We discuss the subtle interplay that exists between the annuli diagrams with an E5 boundary and the holomorphicity properties of the effective low-energy action of the N=1 theory. The consistency of this picture allows to obtain information on the Kahler metric of the chiral matter multiplets arising from twisted strings.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures. V2: improved discussion, clarifyng comments and references added. Version to be published in JHE

    Chemometric-assisted cocrystallization: Supervised pattern recognition for predicting the formation of new functional cocrystals

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    Owing to the antimicrobial and insecticide properties, the use of natural compounds like essential oils and their active components has proven to be an effective alternative to synthetic chemicals in different fields ranging from drug delivery to agriculture and from nutrition to food preservation. Their limited application due to the high volatility and scarce water solubility can be expanded by using crystal engineering approaches to tune some properties of the active molecule by combining it with a suitable partner molecule (coformer). However, the selection of coformers and the experimental effort required for discovering cocrystals are the bottleneck of cocrystal engineering. This study explores the use of chemometrics to aid the discovery of cocrystals of active ingredients suitable for various applications. Partial Least Squares–Discriminant Analysis is used to discern cocrystals from binary mixtures based on the molecular features of the coformers. For the first time, by including failed cocrystallization data and considering a variety of chemically diverse compounds, the proposed method resulted in a successful prediction rate of 85% for the test set in the model validation phase and of 74% for the external test set

    Microscopic unitary description of tidal excitations in high-energy string-brane collisions

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    The eikonal operator was originally introduced to describe the effect of tidal excitations on higher-genus elastic string amplitudes at high energy. In this paper we provide a precise interpretation for this operator through the explicit tree-level calculation of generic inelastic transitions between closed strings as they scatter off a stack of parallel Dp-branes. We perform this analysis both in the light-cone gauge, using the Green-Schwarz vertex, and in the covariant formalism, using the Reggeon vertex operator. We also present a detailed discussion of the high energy behaviour of the covariant string amplitudes, showing how to take into account the energy factors that enhance the contribution of the longitudinally polarized massive states in a simple way.Comment: 58 page

    Circular RNAs Could Encode Unique Proteins and Affect Cancer Pathways

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    CircRNAs constitute a novel class of RNA, generally considered as non-coding RNAs; nonetheless, their coding potential has been under scrutiny. In this work, we systematically explored the predicted proteins of more than 160,000 circRNAs detected by exome capture RNA-sequencing and collected in the MiOncoCirc pan-cancer compendium, including normal and cancer samples from different types of tissues. For the functional evaluation, we compared their primary structure and domain composition with those derived from the same linear mRNAs. Among the 4362 circRNAs potentially encoding proteins with a unique primary structure and 1179 encoding proteins with a novel domain composition, 183 were differentially expressed in cancer. In particular, eight were associated with prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia. The functional classification of the dysregulated circRNA-encoded polypeptides showed an enrichment in the heme and cancer signaling, DNA-binding, and phosphorylation processes, and disclosed the roles of some circRNA-based effectors in cancer