533 research outputs found

    Capillaroscopy in 2016 : new perspectives in systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology characterized by early impairment of the microvascular system. Nailfold microangiopathy and decreased peripheral blood perfusion are typical clinical aspects of SSc. The best method to evaluate vascular injury is nailfold videocapillaroscopy, which detects peripheral capillary morphology, and classifies and scores the abnormalities into different patterns of microangiopathy. Microangiopathy appears to be the best evaluable predictor of the disease development and has been observed to precede the other symptoms by many years. Peripheral blood perfusion is also impaired in SSc, and there are different methods to assess it: laser Doppler and laser speckle techniques, thermography and other emerging techniques

    An architecture for ultra-low-voltage ultra-low-power compressed sensing-based acquisition systems

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    Compressed Sensing (CS) has been addressed as a paradigm capable of lowering energy requirements in acquisition systems. Furthermore, the capability of simultaneously acquiring and compressing an input signal makes this paradigm perfectly suitable for low-power devices. However, the need for analog hardware blocks makes the adoption of most of standard solutions proposed so far in the literature problematic when an aggressive voltage and energy scaling is considered, as in the case of ultra-low-power IoT devices that need to be battery-powered or energy harvesting-powered. Here, we investigate a recently proposed architecture that, due to the lack of any analog block (except for the comparator required in the following A/D stage) is compatible with the aggressive voltage scaling required by IoT devices. Feasibility and expected performance of this architecture are investigated according to the most recent state-of-the-art literature

    Assessment of treatment effects on digital ulcer and blood perfusion by laser speckle contrast analysis in a patient affected by systemic sclerosis

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    Laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) is a good tool to evaluate the variation in peripheral blood perfu-sion during long-term follow-up andis able to safely monitor digital ulcer evolution inscleroderma patients. It evaluates blood perfusion in different areas within the skin lesions and surrounding them during standard treatment

    Evaluation of Common Bean Varieties for Yield and Yield Component in Segen Area Peoples Zone SNNPRS, Ethiopia

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    Studies on the evaluation of variety performance provide opportunities to increase productivity of common bean. Therefore, the current study evaluates the performance of varieties on yield and yield components of common bean during the main cropping season of 2015 and 2016 at four locations in Segen Zone,Konso woreda (Southwestern Ethiopia) with the objectives of  selecting high yielding common bean varieties those are adapted to the study area. Fifteen released common bean varieties and one local cultivar were planted in randomized complete block design with three replications. The analysis revealed that significant variation for all traits except maturity date. Highest yield obtained from Nasir(2136 kgha-1) and Hawassa dume (1948 kgha-1) followed by Sari (1751 kgha-1) were as at Addis Gebere, high grain yield was obtained from Sari (2227 kgha-1), Hawassa dume (2111 kgha-1) and Dimtu (2073 kgha-1). For average mean yield from overall location, high yield obtained from Hawassa dume (2129 kgha-1) and Nasir (2002 kgha-1) followed by Sari (1989 kgha-1). Results revealed that Hawassa dume, Nasir and Sari were best performed and better adapted varieties than the others respectively. Therefore, the above mentioned varieties are promising varieties for the production area and recommendable for area with similar agro-ecologies. Keywords: Phaseolus Vulagris L, Evaluation, Grain yield,Varieties

    Statistical estimation of fatigue design curves from datasets involving failures from defects

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    In the present paper, two methodologies for the estimation of the design curves of datasets with failures originating from defects are proposed. With the first methodology, the Likelihood Ratio Confidence Bound of a specific quantile P-S-N curve is considered. The second method is based on the bootstrap approach, with a large number of datasets simulated starting from the stress life and the defect size distributions estimated from the experimental data. The two approaches have been validated on literature datasets covering also the Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) life region, proving their effectiveness

    Statistical models for estimating the fatigue life, the stress–life relation, and the P-S–N curves of metallic materials in Very High Cycle Fatigue: A review

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    The research on the Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) response of materials is fundamental to guarantee a safe design of structural components. Researchers develop models for the fatigue life in VHCF, aiming at assessing the stress–life relation and, accordingly, the probabilistic S–N (P-S–N) curves. In the paper, the models for the stress–life relation in VHCF are comprehensively reviewed. The models are classified according to the approach followed for defining the stress–life dependency, that is, power law, probabilistic, fracture mechanics, or Paris law-based approach. The number of failure modes that can be modeled, the statistical distribution for the fatigue life, and the characteristics of the estimated P-S–N curves are also reviewed by analyzing the fitting capability of experimental datasets for each model. This review is supposed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the currently available models and guide the future research

    Management of childhood headache in the emergency department. Review of the literature

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    Headache is the third cause of visits to pediatric emergency departments (ED). According to a systematic review, headaches in children evaluated in the ED are primarily due to benign conditions that tend to be self-limiting or resolve with appropriate pharmacological treatment. The more frequent causes of non-traumatic headache in the ED include primitive headaches (21.8-66.3%) and benign secondary headaches (35.4-63.2%), whereas potentially life-threatening (LT) secondary headaches are less frequent (2-15.3%). Worrying conditions include brain tumors, central nervous system infections, dysfunction of ventriculo-peritoneal shunts, hydrocephalus, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and intracranial hemorrhage. In the emergency setting, the main goal is to intercept potentially LT conditions that require immediate medical attention. The initial assessment begins with an in-depth, appropriate history followed by a complete, oriented physical and neurological examination. The literature describes the following red flags requiring further investigation (for example neuroimaging) for recognition of LT conditions: abnormal neurological examination; atypical presentation of headaches: subjective vertigo, intractable vomiting or headaches that wake the child from sleep; recent and progressive severe headache (< 6 months); age of the child < 6 years; no family history for migraine or primary headache; occipital headache; change of headache; new headache in an immunocompromised child; first or worst headache; symptoms and signs of systemic disease; headaches associated with changes in mental status or focal neurological disorders. In evaluating a child or adolescent who is being treated for headache, physicians should consider using appropriate diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests are varied, and include routine laboratory analysis, cerebral spinal fluid examination, electroencephalography, and computerized tomography or magnetic resonance neuroimaging. The management of headache in the ED depends on the patient's general conditions and the presumable cause of the headache. There are few randomized, controlled trials on pharmacological treatment of headache in the pediatric population. Only ibuprofen and sumatriptan are significantly more effective than placebo in determining headache relief

    Effects of dietary supplementation with extruded linseed and oregano in autochthonous goat breeds on the fatty acid profile of milk and quality of Padraccio cheese

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effects of linseed and oregano supplementation to the diet of goats on fatty acid profile and sensory properties of Padraccio, a typical cheese produced during spring through summer in the Basilicata region (southern Italy). Extruded linseed and dried oregano inflorescences were integrated in the pelleted concentrate supplementation (500 g/head per day) in 21 grazing goats that were randomly assigned, 7 per group, to the following experimental treatments: concentrate, concentrate with addition of linseed, and concentrate with addition of linseed and oregano. Pooled milk from each group was used in cheesemaking. From a nutritional perspective, integration of extruded linseed in the goat diet improved the fatty acid profile of Padraccio cheese. Moreover, the cheese from this group evidenced the highest scoring on color, flavor, texture, and overall liking

    Working length transfer in the endodontic clinical practice: A comparative study

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    8The present paper evaluated the accuracy of two different methods for transferring working length (WL) between manual endodontic instruments and nickel–titanium (NiTi) shaping files. Thirty root canals of extracted permanent teeth were used. Root canals were divided according to canal length (CL) and canal curvature (CC). The reference cusp and the root end were flattened to provide reproducible and accurate measurements. During shaping, the WL measurements were obtained with manual k-files (KF) and transferred to WaveOne (W1) NiTi reciprocating files using the traditional method with the endodontic ruler (method I) and an alternative clinical procedure based on the comparison of the instruments side by side from tip to shank (method II). For each file and each tested method, two measures were taken by two examiners using Rhino (ver. 4.0, McNeel, Seattle, WA, USA) software for a total of 360 (30 × 3 × 2 × 2) measures. Analysis of variance was performed by taking the difference in length (Delta WL, DWL) between files used for the same canal. The difference between methods I and II for WL transfer was found to be statistically significant (df = 1; F = 71.52; p < 0.001). The DWL absolute values obtained with method II were found to be closer to 0 mm (i.e., same length as corresponding KF) than those obtained with method I. Both CL (df = 2; F = 1.27; p = 0.300) and CC (df = 1; F = 2.22; p = 0.149) did not significantly influence WL measurements. With respect to WL transfer, method II seemed to better preserve the correct WL transfer between instruments during the clinical endodontic procedures.openopenMario Alovisi; Mario Dioguardi; Massimo Carossa; Giuseppe Troiano; Maria Chiara Domini; Davide Salvatore Paolino; Giorgio Chiandussi; Elio BeruttiAlovisi, Mario; Dioguardi, Mario; Carossa, Massimo; Troiano, Giuseppe; Chiara Domini, Maria; Paolino, DAVIDE SALVATORE; Chiandussi, Giorgio; Berutti, Eli

    Microvascular damage evaluation in systemic sclerosis : the role of nailfold videocapillaroscopy and laser techniques

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    Microvascular damage and a decrease in peripheral blood perfusion are typical features of systemic sclerosis (SSc) with serious clinical implications, not only for a very early diagnosis, but also for disease progression. Nailfold videocapillaroscopy is a validated and safe imaging technique able to detect peripheral capillary morphology, as well as to classify and to score any nailfold abnormalities into different microangiopathy patterns. Capillaroscopic analysis is now included in the ACR/EULAR classification criteria for SSc. The decrease in peripheral blood perfusion is usually associated with microvascular damage in SSc, which may be studied by different methods. Several of these make use of safe laser technologies. This paper focuses on these new clinical aspects to assess SSc microvascular impairment
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