107 research outputs found

    The Fe65 Adaptor Protein Interacts through Its PID1 Domain with the Transcription Factor CP2/LSF/LBP1

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    The neural protein Fe65 possesses three putative protein-protein interaction domains: one WW domain and two phosphotyrosine interaction/phosphotyrosine binding domains (PID1 and PID2); the most C-terminal of these domains (PID2) interacts in vivo with the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein, whereas the WW domain binds to Mena, the mammalian homolog of Drosophila-enabled protein. By the interaction trap procedure, we isolated a cDNA clone encoding a possible ligand of the N-terminal PID/PTB domain of Fe65 (PID1). Sequence analysis of this clone revealed that this ligand corresponded to the previously identified transcription factor CP2/LSF/LBP1. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that the interaction between Fe65 and CP2/LSF/LBP1 also takes place in vivo between the native molecules. The localization of both proteins was studied using fractionated cellular extracts. These experiments demonstrated that the various isoforms of CP2/LSF/LBP1 are differently distributed among subcellular fractions. At least one isoform, derived from alternative splicing (LSF-ID), is present outside the nucleus; Fe65 was found in both fractions. Furthermore, transfection experiments with an HA-tagged CP2/LSF/LBP1 cDNA demonstrated that Fe65 interacts also with the nuclear form of CP2/LSF/LBP1. Considering that the analysis of Fe65 distribution in fractionated cell extracts demonstrated that this protein is present both in nuclear and non-nuclear fractions, we examined the expression of Fe65 deletion mutants in the two fractions. This analysis allowed us to observe that a small region N-terminal to the WW domain is phosphorylated and is necessary for the presence of Fe65 in the nuclear fraction

    The Multifaceted Interface Between Cytokines and microRNAs: An Ancient Mechanism to Regulate the Good and the Bad of Inflammation

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are evolutionary conserved small non-coding RNA molecules that affect gene expression by binding to target messenger RNAs and play a role in biological processes like cell growth, differentiation, and death. Different CD4+ T cell subsets such as Th1, Th2, Th17, and T regulatory cells, exert a distinct role in effector and regulatory-type immune responses. miRNAs have been shown to respond to dynamic micro-environmental cues and regulate multiple functions of T cell subsets including their development, survival and activation. Thus, miRNA functions contribute to immune homeostasis, on the one side, and to the control of immune tolerance, on the other. Among the most important proteins whose expression is targeted by miRNAs, there are the cytokines, that act as both key upstream signals and major functional outputs, and that, in turn, can affect miRNA level. Here, we analyze what is known about the regulatory circuit of miRNAs and cytokines in CD4+ T lymphocytes, and how this bidirectional system is dysregulated in conditions of pathological inflammation and autoimmunity. Furthermore, we describe how different T cell subsets release distinct fingerprints of miRNAs that modify the extracellular milieu and the inter-cellular communication between immune cells at the autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine level. In conclusion, a deeper knowledge of the interplay between miRNAs and cytokines in T cells may have pivotal implications for finding novel therapeutic strategies to target inflammation and autoimmune disorders

    Immunobiology of pregnancy: from basic science to translational medicine

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    : Embryo implantation failure and spontaneous abortions represent the main causes of infertility in developed countries. Unfortunately, incomplete knowledge of the multiple factors involved in implantation and fetal development keeps the success rate of medically assisted procreation techniques relatively low. According to recent literature, cellular and molecular mechanisms of 'immunogenic tolerance' towards the embryo are crucial to establish an 'anti-inflammatory' state permissive of a healthy pregnancy. In this review we dissect the role played by the immune system in the endometrial-embryo crosstalk, with a particular emphasis towards the fork-head-box-p3 (Foxp3+) CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells and discuss the most recent therapeutic advances in the context of early immune-mediated pregnancy loss

    Id-1 is not expressed in the luminal epithelial cells of mammary glands

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    BACKGROUND: The family of inhibitor of differentiation/DNA binding (Id) proteins is known to regulate development in several tissues. One member of this gene family, Id-1, has been implicated in mammary development and carcinogenesis. Mammary glands contain various cell types, among which the luminal epithelial cells are primarily targeted for proliferation, differentiation and carcinogenesis. Therefore, to assess the precise significance of Id-1 in mammary biology and carcinogenesis, we examined its cellular localization in vivo using immunohistochemistry. METHODS: Extracts of whole mammary glands from wild type and Id-1 null mutant mice, and tissue sections from paraffin-embedded mouse mammary glands from various developmental stages and normal human breast were subjected to immunoblot and immunohistochemical analyses, respectively. In both these procedures, an anti-Id-1 rabbit polyclonal antibody was used for detection of Id-1. RESULTS: In immunoblot analyses, using whole mammary gland extracts, Id-1 was detected. In immunohistochemical analyses, however, Id-1 was not detected in the luminal epithelial cells of mammary glands during any stage of development, but it was detected in vascular endothelial cells. CONCLUSION: Id-1 is not expressed in the luminal epithelial cells of mammary glands

    Interaction of the Phosphotyrosine Interaction/Phosphotyrosine Binding-related Domains of Fe65 with Wild-type and Mutant Alzheimer's β-Amyloid Precursor Proteins

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    The two tandem phosphotyrosine interaction/phosphotyrosine binding (PID/PTB) domains of the Fe65 protein interact with the intracellular region of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP). This interaction, previously demonstrated in vitro and in the yeast two hybrid system, also takes place in vivo in mammalian cells, as demonstrated here by anti-Fe65 co-immunoprecipitation experiments. This interaction differs from that occurring between other PID/PTB domain-containing proteins, such as Shc and insulin receptor substrate 1, and activated growth factor receptors as follows: (i) the Fe65-APP interaction is phosphorylation-independent; (ii) the region of the APP intracellular domain involved in the binding is larger than that of the growth factor receptor necessary for the formation of the complex with Shc; and (iii) despite a significant similarity the carboxyl-terminal regions of PID/PTB of Fe65 and of Shc are not functionally interchangeable in terms of binding cognate ligands. A role for Fe65 in the pathogenesis of familial Alzheimer's disease is suggested by the finding that mutant APP, responsible for some cases of familial Alzheimer's disease, shows an altered in vivo interaction with Fe65

    SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and Eisenmenger’s Syndrome: doubling the challenge

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    Eisenmenger’s syndrome (ES) is the most severe phenotype of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) secondary to congenital heart disease. In these cases, a significant systemic-to-pulmonary (left-to-right) shunting triggers the development of pulmonary vascular disease (PVD) and pulmonary hypertension. In cases of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in patients with ES, high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy should be considered as a first-line approach in order to avoid pulmonary complications and right ventricular overload related to positive pressure ventilation. Here, we report a case of HFNC use in a patient with COVID-19 infection and ES

    Abnormal proplatelet formation and emperipolesis in cultured human megakaryocytes from gray platelet syndrome patients

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    none10siThe Gray Platelet Syndrome (GPS) is a rare inherited bleeding disorder characterized by deficiency of platelet α-granules, macrothrombocytopenia and marrow fibrosis. The autosomal recessive form of GPS is linked to loss of function mutations in NBEAL2, which is predicted to regulate granule trafficking in megakaryocytes, the platelet progenitors. We report the first analysis of cultured megakaryocytes from GPS patients with NBEAL2 mutations. Megakaryocytes cultured from peripheral blood or bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells from four patients were used to investigate megakaryopoiesis, megakaryocyte morphology and platelet formation. In vitro differentiation of megakaryocytes was normal, whereas we observed deficiency of megakaryocyte α-granule proteins and emperipolesis. Importantly, we first demonstrated that platelet formation by GPS megakaryocytes was severely affected, a defect which might be the major cause of thrombocytopenia in patients. These results demonstrate that cultured megakaryocytes from GPS patients provide a valuable model to understand the pathogenesis of GPS in humans.openDi Buduo, Christian A.; Alberelli, Maria Adele; Glembostky, Ana C.; Podda, Gianmarco; Lev, Paola R.; Cattaneo, Marco; Landolfi, Raffaele; Heller, Paula G.; Balduini, Alessandra; De Candia, EricaDI BUDUO, CHRISTIAN ANDREA; Alberelli, Maria Adele; Glembostky, Ana C.; Podda, Gianmarco; Lev, Paola R.; Cattaneo, Marco; Landolfi, Raffaele; Heller, Paula G.; Balduini, Alessandra; De Candia, Eric

    Trazas de ADN y su implicancia en la obtención de perfiles genéticos. Revisión bibliográfica.

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    Introducción: El aumento en la sensibilidad de las técnicas empleadas ha permitido la obtención de perfiles genéticos a partir de trazas de ADN que se hayan depositado mediante contacto antes, durante o después de la comisión de los hechos investigados. Por otro lado, la contaminación accidental de los indicios biológicos, con la consecuente interpretación errónea de los resultados genéticos, tienen importantes consecuencias en el proceso judicial. Debido a ello, minimizar las contaminaciones que se pueden generar durante algunas de las fases de recolección o análisis genético, como así también la detección de estos eventos, es una prioridad para los laboratorios forenses. Objetivo: analizar las publicaciones más relevantes respecto a las trazas de ADN, los diferentes tipos de transferencia y contaminación que se pueden obtener en una evidencia. Metodología: se realizó la búsqueda en PubMed, del Instituto Nacional de Salud (NIH), y Google Académico usando las palabras clave en español e inglés: ADN de toque, Transferencia de ADN, Contaminación, Trazas, DNA-TTPR, Persistencia del ADN, Perfiles genéticos contaminados. Resultados: se encontraron más de 500 trabajos relacionados a la temática propuesta en esta revisión. El criterio de selección fue el número de citas, el enfoque y el impacto de estos. Se analizaron 71 artículos donde evaluaron la composición de las muestras de contacto y el origen del material genético que contienen. Además, de las metodologías de recolección, análisis de dichas muestras, la importancia que tiene la transferencia y contaminación del ADN en distintos escenarios posibles. Conclusión: existe riesgo de transferencia de ADN que puede conducir a resultados erróneos, por lo tanto, es importante asegurar la actualización de los procedimientos de la práctica y brindar la capacitación adecuada para garantizar que el personal policial y del que recolecta indicios sea consciente de los riesgos de contaminación y de los diferentes mecanismos de transferencia de material genético

    Trace DNA and its implication in obtaining genetic profiles. Bibliographic review

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    Introducción: El aumento en la sensibilidad de las técnicas empleadas ha permitido la obtención de perfiles genéticos a partir de trazas de ADN que se hayan depositado mediante contacto antes, durante o después de la comisión de los hechos investigados. Por otro lado, la contaminación accidental de los indicios biológicos, con la consecuente interpretación errónea de los resultados genéticos, tienen importantes consecuencias en el proceso judicial. Debido a ello, minimizar las contaminaciones que se pueden generar durante algunas de las fases de recolección o análisis genético, como así también la detección de estos eventos, es una prioridad para los laboratorios forenses. Objetivo: analizar las publicaciones más relevantes respecto a las trazas de ADN, los diferentes tipos de transferencia y contaminación que se pueden obtener en una evidencia. Metodología: se realizó la búsqueda en PubMed, del Instituto Nacional de Salud (NIH), y Google Académico usando las palabras clave en español e inglés: ADN de toque, Transferencia de ADN, Contaminación, Trazas, DNA-TTPR, Persistencia del ADN, Perfiles genéticos contaminados. Resultados: se encontraron más de 500 trabajos relacionados a la temática propuesta en esta revisión. El criterio de selección fue el número de citas, el enfoque y el impacto de estos. Se analizaron 71 artículos donde evaluaron la composición de las muestras de contacto y el origen del material genético que contienen. Además, de las metodologías de recolección, análisis de dichas muestras, la importancia que tiene la transferencia y contaminación del ADN en distintos escenarios posibles. Conclusión: existe riesgo de transferencia de ADN que puede conducir a resultados erróneos, por lo tanto es importante asegurar la actualización de los procedimientos de la práctica y brindar la capacitación adecuada para garantizar que el personal policial y del que recolecta indicios sea consciente de los riesgos de contaminación y de los diferentes mecanismos de transferencia de material genético.Introduction: The increase in the sensitivity of the techniques used has made it possible to obtain genetic profiles from DNA traces that have been deposited through contact before, during or after the commission of the investigated acts. On the other hand, accidental contamination of biological evidence, with the consequent misinterpretation of genetic results, has important consequences in the judicial process. Due to this, minimizing the contamination that can be generated during some of the phases of collection or genetic analysis, as well as the detection of these events, is a priority for forensic laboratories. Objective: analyze the available bibliography regarding DNA traces, the different types of transfer and contamination that can be obtained in evidence. Methodology: the search was carried out in PubMed, from the National Institute of Health (NIH), and Google Scholar using the keywords touch DNA, DNA transfer, Contamination, Traces, DNA-TTPR, DNA persistence, Contaminated genetic profiles. The search was carried out in both Spanish and English. Results: More than 500 papers related to the topic proposed in this review were found. The selection criteria were the number of citations, the approach and the impact of the papers. Seventy articles were analyzed in which the composition of the contact samples and the origin of the genetic material they contain were evaluated. In addition, the collection methodologies, analysis of these samples, the importance of DNA transfer and contamination in different possible scenarios. Conclusions: there is a risk of DNA transfer that can lead to erroneous results, therefore it is important to ensure that practice procedures are updated and adequate training is provided to ensure that police and evidence collectors are aware of the risks of contamination and the different mechanisms of transferring genetic material.Ministerio de Seguridad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Superintendencia de Policía Científica, Dirección Química Legal, Departamento de Genética ForenseFacultad de Ciencias Exacta