10 research outputs found

    Come gestire un tirocinio clinico in modalità e-learning: l’esperienza del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica di Torino

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has required to drammatically reorganize students’ education at all levels including the university level, with classroom education being replaced by distance learning. Bachelor of Nursing Science degrees had to restructure clinical learning experiences in addition to the theoretical education while guaranteeing educational objectives to be achieved. Methods: This paper presents two experiences of the Bachelor of Nursing Science degree of Turin to manage remote clinical learning experiences due to students’ impossibility to attend safely hospital wards. Results: Reported experiences show that remote clinical learning guarantees the development of decision making-related complex cognitive skills and the methodology of the ‘clinical case’ fits well e-learning education. Discussion: In the future, a blend of in-person and remote clinical learning experience may be introduced. Complex decision-making skills can be stimulated and promoted even remotely, however, the clinical learning experience at the patient’s bedside needs to be preserved to promote professional growth and team-working skills.Introduzione: La pandemia da COVID-19 ha richiesto una profonda riorganizzazione della didattica a tutti i livelli, incluso quello universitario, con la formazione in aula sostituita da quella a distanza. I Corsi di Laurea in Infermieristica si sono trovati a dover riprogettare oltre alla formazione teorica anche i tirocini clinici, cercando di garantire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi. Metodi: Questo lavoro presenta due esperienze del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica di Torino per la gestione del tirocinio clinico a distanza data l’impossibilità per gli studenti di frequentare i reparti di degenza in sicurezza. Risultati: Le esperienze presentate mettono in luce come il tirocinio clinico a distanza garantisca lo sviluppo di competenze cognitive complesse relative ai processi decisionali e come la metodologia del ‘caso clinico’ si adatti bene a una modalità didattica e-learning. Discussione: In futuro si potrebbe ipotizzare l’introduzione di tirocini in modalità blended. Le competenze decisionali complesse possono essere stimolate e promosse anche a distanza, ma l’esperienza formativa clinica al letto del malato deve essere preservata perché rappresenta un aspetto formativo imprescindibile per la crescita professionale e lo sviluppo dell’abilità di lavorare in gruppi multidisciplinari

    Bioinorganic Chemistry of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    The late complications of totally implantable central venous access ports: The results from an Italian multicenter prospective observation study

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    a b s t r a c t Purpose: The principal aim of this study is to analyze the incidence of late complications in oncologic patients with totally implanted central venous access ports. Methods: A prospective multicenter observational study was conducted in 26 Italian oncologic outpatient clinics. 1076 cancer patients with Totally Implanted Central Venous Access Ports (TIAP) were observed. 515 devices were observed in patients under treatment and 561 in patients who went to the outpatient clinic only for flushing. Results: Late complications observed in patients under treatment were: 3 pocket infections (0.09/1000 days of port observation), 1 cutaneous infection (0.03/1000 days of port observation), 8 occlusions (0.24/ 1000 days of port observation) and 12 others. In patients using the device only for flushing we observed 4 cases of device related bacteremia (0.04/ 1000 days of port observation), 1 pocket infection (0.01/1000 days of port observation), 1 cutaneous infection (0.01/1000 days of port observation), 3 occlusions (0.03/1000 days of port observation) and 7 other complications. Conclusions: The low incidence of complications suggests that TIAP is safe and reliable for long term intermittent venous access. Our results support the use of TIAP in the oncology patients