61 research outputs found

    Neuronal post-developmentally acting SAX-7S/L1CAM can function as cleaved fragments to maintain neuronal architecture in C. elegans [preprint]

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    Whereas remarkable advances have uncovered mechanisms that drive nervous system assembly, the processes responsible for the lifelong maintenance of nervous system architecture remain poorly understood. Subsequent to its establishment during embryogenesis, neuronal architecture is maintained throughout life in the face of the animal’s growth, maturation processes, the addition of new neurons, body movements, and aging. The C. elegans protein SAX-7, homologous to the vertebrate L1 protein family, is required for maintaining the organization of neuronal ganglia and fascicles after their successful initial embryonic development. To dissect the function of sax-7 in neuronal maintenance, we generated a null allele and sax-7S-isoform-specific alleles. We find that the null sax-7(qv30) is, in some contexts, more severe than previously described mutant alleles, and that the loss of sax-7S largely phenocopies the null, consistent with sax-7S being the key isoform in neuronal maintenance. Using a sfGFP::SAX-7S knock-in, we observe sax-7S to be predominantly expressed across the nervous system, from embryogenesis to adulthood. Yet, its role in maintaining neuronal organization is ensured by post-developmentally acting SAX-7S, as larval transgenic sax-7S(+) expression alone is sufficient to profoundly rescue the null mutants’ neuronal maintenance defects. Moreover, the majority of the protein SAX-7 appears to be cleaved, and we show that these cleaved SAX-7S fragments together, not individually, can fully support neuronal maintenance. These findings contribute to our understanding of the role of the conserved protein SAX-7/L1CAM in long-term neuronal maintenance, and may help decipher processes that go awry in some neurodegenerative conditions

    Functional Requirements for Heparan Sulfate Biosynthesis in Morphogenesis and Nervous System Development in C. elegans

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    The regulation of cell migration is essential to animal development and physiology. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans shape the interactions of morphogens and guidance cues with their respective receptors to elicit appropriate cellular responses. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans consist of a protein core with attached heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan chains, which are synthesized by glycosyltransferases of the exostosin (EXT) family. Abnormal HS chain synthesis results in pleiotropic consequences, including abnormal development and tumor formation. In humans, mutations in either of the exostosin genes EXT1 and EXT2 lead to osteosarcomas or multiple exostoses. Complete loss of any of the exostosin glycosyltransferases in mouse, fish, flies and worms leads to drastic morphogenetic defects and embryonic lethality. Here we identify and study previously unavailable viable hypomorphic mutations in the two C. elegans exostosin glycosyltransferases genes, rib-1 and rib-2. These partial loss-of-function mutations lead to a severe reduction of HS levels and result in profound but specific developmental defects, including abnormal cell and axonal migrations. We find that the expression pattern of the HS copolymerase is dynamic during embryonic and larval morphogenesis, and is sustained throughout life in specific cell types, consistent with HSPGs playing both developmental and post-developmental roles. Cell-type specific expression of the HS copolymerase shows that HS elongation is required in both the migrating neuron and neighboring cells to coordinate migration guidance. Our findings provide insights into general principles underlying HSPG function in development

    Production and characterization of functional recombinant hybrid heteropolymers of camel hepcidin and human ferritin H and L chains

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Protein Engineering design and Selection Published by Oxford University Press.Hepcidin is a liver-synthesized hormone that plays a central role in the regulation of systemic iron homeostasis. To produce a new tool for its functional properties the cDNA coding for camel hepcidin-25 was cloned at the 5’end of human FTH sequence into the pASK-IBA43plus vector for expression in Escherichia coli. The recombinant fusion hepcidin–ferritin-H subunit was isolated as an insoluble iron-containing protein. When alone it did not refold in a 24-mer ferritin molecule, but it did when renatured together with H- or L-ferritin chains. We obtained stable ferritin shells exposing about 4 hepcidin peptides per 24-mer shell. The molecules were then reduced and re-oxidized in a controlled manner to allow the formation of the proper hepcidin disulfide bridges. The functionality of the exposed hepcidin was confirmed by its ability to specifically bind the mouse macrophage cell line J774 that express ferroportin and to promote ferroportin degradation. This chimeric protein may be useful for studying the hepcidin–ferroportin interaction in cells and also as drug-delivery agent.This work is partially financed by the Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Bioactive Molecules (LIP-MB) and the Doctoral School of the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT-Tunis) – University of Carthage

    A Renaissance for Oncolytic Adenoviruses?

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    In the 1990s, adenovirus became one of the first virus types to be genetically engineered to selectively destroy cancer cells. In the intervening years, the field of “oncolytic viruses” has slowly progressed and culminated in 2015 with the FDA approval of Talimogene laherparepvec, a genetically engineered herpesvirus, for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Despite the slower progress in translating oncolytic adenovirus to the clinic, interest in the virus remains strong. Among all the clinical trials currently using viral oncolytic agents, the largest proportion of these are using recombinant adenovirus. Many trials are currently underway to use oncolytic virus in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), and early results using oncolytic adenovirus in this manner are starting to show promise. Many of the existing strategies to engineer adenoviruses were designed to enhance selective tumor cell replication without much regard to interactions with the immune system. Adenovirus possesses a wide range of viral factors to attenuate both innate anti-viral pathways and immune cell killing. In this review, we summarize the strategies of oncolytic adenoviruses currently in clinical trials, and speculate how the mutational backgrounds of these viruses may impact upon the efficacy of these agents in oncolytic and immunotherapy. Despite decades of research on human adenoviruses, the interactions that these viruses have with the immune system remains one of the most understudied aspects of the virus and needs to be improved to rationally design the next generation of engineered viruses

    A Renaissance for Oncolytic Adenoviruses?

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    In the 1990s, adenovirus became one of the first virus types to be genetically engineered to selectively destroy cancer cells. In the intervening years, the field of “oncolytic viruses” has slowly progressed and culminated in 2015 with the FDA approval of Talimogene laherparepvec, a genetically engineered herpesvirus, for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Despite the slower progress in translating oncolytic adenovirus to the clinic, interest in the virus remains strong. Among all the clinical trials currently using viral oncolytic agents, the largest proportion of these are using recombinant adenovirus. Many trials are currently underway to use oncolytic virus in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), and early results using oncolytic adenovirus in this manner are starting to show promise. Many of the existing strategies to engineer adenoviruses were designed to enhance selective tumor cell replication without much regard to interactions with the immune system. Adenovirus possesses a wide range of viral factors to attenuate both innate anti-viral pathways and immune cell killing. In this review, we summarize the strategies of oncolytic adenoviruses currently in clinical trials, and speculate how the mutational backgrounds of these viruses may impact upon the efficacy of these agents in oncolytic and immunotherapy. Despite decades of research on human adenoviruses, the interactions that these viruses have with the immune system remains one of the most understudied aspects of the virus and needs to be improved to rationally design the next generation of engineered viruses

    A Proteomic Approach To Identify Candidate Substrates of Human Adenovirus E4orf6-E1B55K and Other Viral Cullin-Based E3 Ubiquitin Ligases ▿

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    It has been known for some time that the human adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) E4orf6 and E1B55K proteins work in concert to degrade p53 and to regulate selective export of late viral mRNAs during productive infection. Both of these functions rely on the formation by the Ad5 E4orf6 protein of a cullin 5-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complex containing elongins B and C. E1B55K is believed to function as the substrate recognition module for the complex and, in addition to p53, Mre11 and DNA ligase IV have also been identified as substrates. To discover additional substrates we have taken a proteomic approach by using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis to detect cellular proteins that decrease significantly in amount in p53-null H1299 human lung carcinoma cells after expression of E1B55K and E4orf6 using adenovirus vectors. Several species were detected and identified by mass spectroscopy, and for one of these, integrin α3, we went on in a parallel study to confirm it as a bone fide substrate of the complex (F. Dallaire et al., J. Virol. 83:5329-5338, 2009). Although the system has some limitations, it may still be of some general use in identifying candidate substrates of any viral cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, and we suggest a series of criteria for substrate validation

    Glypican Is a Modulator of Netrin-Mediated Axon Guidance.

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    Netrin is a key axon guidance cue that orients axon growth during neural circuit formation. However, the mechanisms regulating netrin and its receptors in the extracellular milieu are largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that in Caenorhabditis elegans, LON-2/glypican, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, modulates UNC-6/netrin signaling and may do this through interactions with the UNC-40/DCC receptor. We show that developing axons misorient in the absence of LON-2/glypican when the SLT-1/slit guidance pathway is compromised and that LON-2/glypican functions in both the attractive and repulsive UNC-6/netrin pathways. We find that the core LON-2/glypican protein, lacking its heparan sulfate chains, and secreted forms of LON-2/glypican are functional in axon guidance. We also find that LON-2/glypican functions from the epidermal substrate cells to guide axons, and we provide evidence that LON-2/glypican associates with UNC-40/DCC receptor-expressing cells. We propose that LON-2/glypican acts as a modulator of UNC-40/DCC-mediated guidance to fine-tune axonal responses to UNC-6/netrin signals during migration

    Identification of Integrin α3 as a New Substrate of the Adenovirus E4orf6/E1B 55-Kilodalton E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Complex▿

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    The human adenovirus E4orf6 and E1B55K proteins promote viral replication by targeting several cellular proteins for degradation. The E4orf6 product has been shown by our group and others to form an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that contains elongins B and C and cullin family member Cul5. E1B55K associates with this complex, where it is believed to function primarily to introduce bound substrates for degradation via proteasomes. In addition to p53, its first known substrate, the E4orf6/E1B 55-kDa complex (E4orf6/E1B55K) was shown to promote the degradation of Mre11 and DNA ligase IV; however, additional substrates are believed to exist. This notion is strengthened by the fact that none of these substrates seems likely to be associated with additional functions shown to be mediated by the E4orf6-associated E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, including export of late viral mRNAs and blockage of export of the bulk cellular mRNAs from the nucleus. In an attempt to identify new E4orf6/E1B55K substrates, we undertook a proteomic screen using human p53-null, non-small-cell lung carcinoma H1299 cells expressing either E4orf6 protein alone or in combination with E1B55K through infection by appropriate adenovirus vectors. One cellular protein that appeared to be degraded by E1B55K in combination with the E4orf6 protein was a species of molecular mass ∌130 kDa that was identified as the integrin α3 subunit (i.e., very late activation antigen 3 alpha subunit). Preliminary analyses suggested that degradation of α3 may play a role in promoting release and spread of progeny virions
